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Published: 16:57 BST, 9 April 2016 | Updated: 10:01 BST, 10 April 2016
An Australian model who was born with a penis and vagina has kickstarted a modelling career despite being bullied mercilessly at school.
Sophia Young, born in Nowra on the south coast of NSW, was only eight-years-old when she started feeling pain in her pelvic area, and doctors soon discovered her ovaries were positioned abnormally, with one being much higher than the other.
As she got older, both reproductive organs developed, but her penis became so large that her parents stopped raising her as a girl, and changed her name to Harrison.
An Australian model who was born with a penis and vagina has kickstarted a modelling career despite being bullied mercilessly at school
'I want to get rid of all the male parts so I can have a sense of normality'
'I have a vagina, uterus and ovaries, but my clitoris is so oversized it looked like a penis. You can't tell what it is, but it has no function and I can't have kids,' she told Daily Mail Australia.
'I want to get rid of all the male parts so I can have a sense of normality.' 
Now 22, Ms Young hopes to earn enough money as a model to fund her genital correction surgery and is in the process of changing her legal name from Harrison to Sophia.
Before she entered the modelling industry, Ms Young, who was initially raised as a girl in the regional NSW city of Wagga Wagga, was constantly bullied, suspended 11 times and kicked out of various schools, before dropping out in Year 11.
Sophia Young, born in Nowra on the south coast of NSW, was only eight-years-old when she started feeling pain in her pelvic area
Doctors soon discovered her ovaries were positioned abnormally, with one being much higher than the other
'I got suspended a lot at school and bullied lots, it was really bad.'
Ms Young had Asperger's syndrome and didn't start walking or talking until the age of five or six.
'I was a slow developer, I didn't get on well, I got bullied and teased so much that I used to isolate myself so much from kids in the playground that I became a loner and the other kids viewed me as strange,' she told Daily Mail Australia.
'I punched a kid in the face, broke school property, twisted school laptops because I was bottling up my pain, I was always really angry.' 
As she got older, both reproductive organs developed, but her penis became so large that her parents stopped raising her as a girl, and changed her name to Harrison
From 2003 to 2011, Ms Young attended various preparatory and public schools in NSW before eventually dropping out after falling behind on assessments, despite wanting to finish the HSC.
'My mum originally wanted me to go to special education school but I refused because all the kids copped a lot of flack, and I didn't want to be treated just like the way they were. I want to get the same privileges as everyone else.' 
Ms Young told Daily Mail Australia that the relentless bullying she endured resulted in six suicide attempts. 
'I tried to shoot myself but the gun didn't work and tried to overdose on Ritalin,' she said. 
'I have a vagina, uterus and ovaries, but my clitoris is so oversized it looked like a penis. You can't tell what it is, but it has no function and I can't have kids,' she told Daily Mail Australia
In 2014, Ms Young moved to Sydney and was only 21 when she was thrown into the modelling world.
'One of my friends told me I looked pretty interesting and that I should start to model but I didn't think much of it as I was very rough on the outside and have a big, blunt personality unlike most models.'
Despite being signed to various modelling agencies, Ms Young told Daily Mail Australia that it has been difficult finding gigs.
'Every company or client is looking for either a male or female, but if you're both they don't want it,' she said.
'Inter-sex and androgynous models are still considered taboo in the industry.' 
Now 22, Ms Young hopes to earn enough money as a model to fund her genital correction surgery and is in the process of changing her legal name from Harrison to Sophia
Ms Young said the only reason she started modelling in the first place was to fund her genital correction surgery, which costs up to $60,000 in Australia.
The lack of modelling jobs available prompted her to start a Go Fund Me page to raise money for the corrective procedure, where she received almost $500 in donations.
On Saturday night, however, Ms Young removed the page and refunded everyone.
'I didn't want to feel like I was sponging off other people. I took it down because I feel guilty for taking money from people that work hard for it, I want to try get the money through modelling,' she told Daily Mail Australia.
But Ms Young said she doesn't want to be a model forever, and eventually wants find a 'real' job. 
Before she entered the modelling industry, Ms Young, who was initially raised as a girl in the regional NSW city of Wagga Wagga, was constantly bullied, suspended 11 times and kicked out of various schools, before dropping out in Year 11
Ms Young (left) told Daily Mail Australia that the relentless bullying she endured resulted in six suicide attempts
'I tried to shoot myself but the gun didn't work and tried to overdose on Ritalin,' she said
In 2014, Ms Young moved to Sydney and was only 21 when she was thrown into the modelling world
Despite being signed to various modelling agencies, Ms Young told Daily Mail Australia that it has been difficult finding gigs
Ms Young said the only reason she started modelling in the first place was to fund her genital correction surgery, which can cost up to $60,000 in Australia
The lack of modelling jobs available prompted her to start a Go Fund Me page to raise money for the corrective procedure, where she received almost $500 in donations
On Saturday night, however, Ms Young removed the page and refunded everyone
But Ms Young said she doesn't want to be a model forever, and eventually wants find a 'real' job
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Medically Reviewed by Renee A. Alli, MD on February 11, 2021
© 2021 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved. View privacy policy and trust info
Puberty's changes start when the brain triggers the production of sex hormones. Although physical changes follow a predictable pattern, every child develops at their own pace. Puberty usually begins for girls before boys. For most girls, puberty begins around age 11. For boys, puberty starts from 10 to 14. The average age is 12.
Breast growth is usually the first sign of puberty girls will notice. First, small lumps form behind the nipples. They can be sore, but the pain goes away as breasts grow and change shape over the next few years. As they grow, it’s not unusual for one breast to develop more slowly than the other, but they will even out in time. Boys also may have some swelling on their chest but it tends to go away within a year or two.
The first sign of puberty in boys is subtle -- an increase in testicle size. About a year later, the penis and scrotum start to grow. Semen can be released during an erection when they are awake or when they are asleep.
After breasts and testicles start growing, body hair will start to grow in and become thicker. For both boys and girls, new hair will start growing in the armpits and pubic area around the genitals. Arm and leg hair gets thicker. Boys also may start developing chest and facial hair.
Mild acne may be normal in early puberty. Puberty's high hormone levels can trigger acne outbreaks. During puberty, the oil glands are more active and your child will probably sweat more. Keeping the face and body clean can help, but if acne is a concern, talk to a doctor. Medications may help.
About a year after puberty begins, girls have a growth spurt. A girl will get taller and start to get wider hips and fuller breasts. Some curve-related fat will appear on their stomach, buttocks, and legs. Girls usually reach adult height by their mid- to late teens.
The peak growth spurt for boys happens later than it does for girls. It occurs around six months after pubic hair development. When it does, your son's shoulders will become fuller and broader, and they'll grow taller, too. Their face shape will look less round and more adult-like. Depending on when puberty starts, they may not reach their adult height until their late teens or even early 20s.
A girl usually gets their first period between 10 and 16 years old (about 2 to 2 1/2 years after they start puberty.) Menstruation is a sign that they're physically an adult and able to get pregnant. You may want to talk to your doctor if your daughter doesn’t get their first period by the time they're 16.
Toward the end of puberty, your son's voice may start cracking. This is normal, and will stop after a few months. When it does, their voice will sound deeper. Voice changes are caused by testosterone, a hormone released in boys during puberty. It causes the vocal cords to get thicker and longer and their larynx to grow bigger. This is their "Adam’s apple."
Some kids become sexually mature at a very early age. Early or precocious puberty is when a child reaches a physical or hormonal milestone -- breast, testes, or pubic hair growth -- before age 6 to 8 in girls or 9 in boys. Early puberty is linked with obesity in girls. Early puberty rarely is due to hormone exposure or a problem with the thyroid, ovaries, or brain. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned.
Keep track of your child's bodily changes in a way that respects their desire for privacy. Call the doctor if:
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American Academy of Pediatrics: "Puberty: Information for Boys."
Family Doctor, American Academy of Family Physicians: "Puberty: What to Expect When Your Child Goes Through Puberty."
Healthy Children, American Academy of Pediatrics: "Physical Development of School Age Children, "Stages of Puberty," "When Puberty Starts Early," "What's Happening to My Body?"
KidsHealth: "Everything You Wanted to Know About Puberty," "Your Child’s Changing Voice," "Causes of Precocious Puberty," "All About Menstruation," "Breasts and Bras," "When Does Height Happen?"
4Parents, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: "Physical Changes During Puberty For Girls," "Physical Changes During Puberty For Boys."
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Alex is a lifestyle blogger who writes about men's grooming, style, and health.
If you hardly shave your love tackle, then you're really missing out on one of life's little pleasures.
Most men are not accustomed to manscaping and may be nervous about taking a razor to such a sensitive area of the body; it's a lot easier than you think, and the risk of cutting yourself is minimal if you just follow the rules.
This is the most comprehensive and procedural guide you'll find on this subject, based on years of research, experience, trial, and error.
Here are some of the underwhelming effects:
However, much of this can be prevented, and I'll show you how to avoid these problems.
There are two ways you can safely shave your penis and scrotum. You can use a:
Regardless of your choice, this tutorial is going to cover both approaches.
"Better" is relative to the type of results you expect and the amount of effort you want to put into shaving your pubic area. With the razor, you can achieve a very smooth, close shave with some time and effort, while the body groomer is easier but perhaps less smooth.
. . . the cleanest, closest, and smoothest shave possible; this method requires a little more effort but is the best way for guys who like it all bare.
The manual razor shown is the Schick Quattro Titanium; it's by far the best manual razor to use if you're going to shave your privates, and I'll explain why in a moment.
. . . to just trim the area or do a quick and simple shave.
This method is great if you want to leave some hair or quickly shave your groin without all the fuss.
The electric body groomer shown is the Philips Norelco Body Groom Pro, which I recommend highly.
Here are the required shaving supplies you will need, based on the method you prefer: manual or electric.
If you choose a manual razor, you will need:
If you use an electric body groomer, you will need:
After years of crotch shaving, there is a reason why I specifically chose these products–they are highly effective and help minimize and avoid negative side effects. Some of these products are not the cheapest but trust me, you don't want to sell your body out to the lowest bidder.
Under no circumstances should you ever take a cheap razor to your jewels. If you do, you are asking to get cut. Those cheap, single and dual-blade razors are no good: you need to get the real deal.
The obvious choices are Gillette, Schick, or King of Shaves, but I don't recommend Gillette or King of Shaves because their razors are, quite frankly, too good. The shave is so close that the hair regrowth is going to look like a Herpes outbreak (not good on date night).
The best choice is the Schick Quattro. Why? Because Schick wraps its blades around a wireframing that prevents you from shaving too close–perfect for shaving sensitive skin.
As a result, using the Schick dramatically minimizes irritation. Now, I'm not saying you won't see some irritation, I'm just saying that it will be minimal compared to the other options. Not only that, you'll be less likely to nick yourself because of the wire-wrapped blades.
In my book, the Schick Quattro is the official razor for manscaping. You can purchase a pack of 8 Schick Quattro blades for about $11 on Amazon.
Wahl Micro Groomsman Personal Trimmer
For those using a regular razor and shaving for the first time, you'll need to get a small trimmer to trim the hair so you don't have issues using your razor; otherwise, your razor is going to get clogged with every stroke.
The Wahl Personal Trimmer is a great tool for this task; Remington makes a good one too. I've used both, and both work very well. You can easily whisk and maneuver these across your backside, and they'll shorten the hair in seconds.
However, the hair on your backside is generally coarse and thick, so I'll be honest, these little units won't last forever–eventually, the motor wears down. If you shave regularly, one of these units may last you about 6 to 9 months.
If by chance you think you will want to purchase a full-size body groomer, you may want to opt for a groomer that has a trimmer built-in.
You can pick up this personal trimmer on Amazon for about $8.
An electric body groomer is great for guys who want speed, efficiency, and an easy clean-up. There are a number of groomers on the market, some better than others.
The Philips Norelco Bodygroom Pro is one of the best body groomers you can buy; it features a sleek design and is very easy to maneuver. In addition, it offers a dual-end design, meaning it's got shavers on both ends of the unit.
The best feature of the Bodygroom Pro is that it's designed to minimize skin irritation. The blades and combs are gently rounded to prevent scratching of the skin and the 3-D pivoting head allows for close shaves with less irritation. The foil is also hypoallergenic.
You can purchase the Philips Bodygroom Pro for about $70 on Amazon.
Desert Essence 100% Pure Jojoba Oil
A pre-shave oil is not required, but is nice to have if you're using a manual razor. If you apply a little pre-shave oil to your skin before you apply the shaving cream, you will get a much smoother shave.
Pre-shave oil helps minimize razor friction and irritation; it's also very nourishing for the skin.
You can buy pre-shave oil from many of the shaving companies at a premium. However, one of the best, most econ
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