Тест а2 английский

Тест а2 английский

Тест а2 английский


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Choose the correct option 1. Where did you have dinner last night? Where have you had dinner last night? Where do you have dinner last night? Do you mind if I open the window? No, not at all Answer: Are you going party on Friday? Are you going partying on Friday? Are you going to the party on Friday? Did you rather go to a different movie? Would you rather go to a different movie? Choose the right question. We use cookies to offer an improved online experience. By navigating this website, without changing your settings, you are giving your consent to receive cookies. LEVEL TEST PRE INTERMEDIATE A2. Choose the correct option. No, not at all. I should stop smoking. I should to stop smoking. I must to stop smoking. I really should to talk to her. I really need to talk to her. I really must to talk to her. It will be very hot this summer. It will is very hot this summer. It was been very nice this evening. It has been very nice this evening. It will been very nice this evening.

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