Test For Sexuality

Test For Sexuality


Test For Sexuality

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15 Questions - Developed by: - - Developed on: 2021-12-13 - 1,003 taken - 5 people like it
Are you more attracted to guys or girls?
Do you have crushes in the past or now if so who is it mostly?
Have you ever gone on a date with a girl?
How do you feel about the lgbtq+ community?
If a girl walked up to you and asked you out how would you feel?

Out for dinner at our favorite restaurant

Under a fort at night with snacks and just hanging out

No bring out all of the contestants

No gender doesn’t matter but I don’t like anyone

So what’s your favorite color?
(if not listed pick one you like the most)

I don’t have a partner how will I have kids

Lastly, what do you think you are?
sorry these are most popular can't fit too many

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This test is for girls that want to know who they are (REMEMBER YOU DO NOT NEED TO LABEL YOURSELF) it’s okay to be confused but only you know what and who you are
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Here is a good place to learn more about your sexual inclinations without being overloaded with all of the buzzwords and complex concepts from other sites.

If you’re curious about your romantic and sexual preferences, you’ll have no trouble at all with finding millions of sex or gender quizzes and other resources online that will presume to establish your sexual identity.

Many sexuality-related topics online can be presented in an overly complicated manner. These may confuse or mislead you into incorrectly identifying your sexual inclinations.

Our quiz is intended as an easy and accessible 15-item review of your romantic and sexual attractions, your likes or dislikes, your preferred gender for building long-lasting relationships, and other relevant aspects of your identity.

The results of this quiz are not meant to be definitive; in the end, remember that only you are able to determine your orientation with regards to sex and romance. Such a choice can play a key role in your mental health and other areas of your wellbeing, so it is important that you decide knowledgeably and responsibly.

Take our free sexual orientation test now and gain deeper insight into your sexuality.

Do you feel any attraction to people of the same sex?

Your closest friend groups are composed mostly of…

You are interested in being in a relationship with…

Your most recent relationship was with…

With whom do you dream of creating a life-long romantic relationship?

You desire to have sexual intercourse with…

Have you wanted to be naked with a member of the same sex?

Do you consider yourself monosexual, or only sexually attracted to one gender?

Would you date a member of the same sex if they were attractive?

Have you ever visited establishments for same-sex people (i.e. gay bars)?

What do you personally identify as?

Do you feel any attraction towards transgender people?

You are straight. In the simplest sense, being heterosexual means you are attracted romantically and sexually to people of the opposite sex. While it is normal to feel some platonic attraction to people of the same sex, such as with best friends, you are mainly interested in pursuing romantic and sexual relationships with opposite-sex partners.
You are homosexual. You prefer being intimate with same-sex partners, and are mainly interested in establishing long-lasting romantic relationships with people sharing your sex. You might need to consider your feelings if you have been in denial about being or not being gay. Being “gay” can be a derogatory term, but note that you remain a good person and you are capable of doing good things.
You are bisexual. You can be attracted romantically and sexually to both males and females. Furthermore, you are equally interested in the prospect of building romantic and sexual relationships with persons from either sex. It is normal for this orientation to select the same or opposite sex as their preferred partner.
About our Sexual Orientation Personality Quiz
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Your sexual orientation refers to the kinds of people to whom you are mainly attracted. It concerns both romantic and sexual attraction. The subject is part of a much larger field on sex and gender, which views gender as binary (male and female) and non-binary terms (other genders).
Plenty of articles and other sources online tend to bombard its readers with complicated terms regarding these subjects, which run the risk of leading readers into mischaracterizing their true sexual and romantic preferences.
We have intended this sexual orientation personality quiz to be a clear, straightforward and simple beginner’s test to identify the general type of one’s sexual inclinations.
The questions and results can be interpreted as rough guides for one to more deeply think and explore the nature of their preferences – these guides reflect common areas of concern, such as how one views partners and long-term relationships, monosexuality and monogamy, intimacy, platonic attraction, and many more.
Among the various categories of sexual orientations, asexuality stands out in a different way – it refers to people who purportedly do not have any sexual attraction towards anyone at all.
Note that asexual people may remain biologically capable of sexual attraction and arousal, although they typically do not reach such states. An asexual person is still capable of viewing others as physically attractive. They might even be interested in romantic relationships outside of the sexual aspect.
Also consider that it is normal for anyone to feel disinterested in sex for a period of time during their lives – such as in the case of being occupied with work, school, or other urgent matters. Asexuality, in this case, refers to people who consider this lack of sexual interest as an inherent facet of their identities.
In the modern world, the color pink is almost invariably associated with girls, being the counterpart of the color blue for men. Due to this association, males who wear pink clothing, own pink accessories or items, or generally use the color pink in their daily lives might be considered feminine or gay by their peers, even when they are not.
Early in the 20th century, pink was actually seen as the more masculine hue due to its affiliation with the virility and strength of red. It stood out among other colors. However, later decades saw pink items increasingly being marketed to girls instead – and the trend stuck ever since.
Bisexuals have the potential to feel attraction to people of male or female gender in both the romantic and sexual sense. Many bisexuals commit to a relationship with only one person from either gender – as with many other relationships.
Sometimes, bisexual people are not attracted equally to both genders; some of them can exhibit a stronger romantic or sexual feeling towards one gender for a time.
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I've never had a crush on anyone, and am unsure where I lie on the spectrum of sexuality
Either would be fine, as long as we get along
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex as yourself?
Yes, but I was drunk / it was a dare
When considering only the body , which is more objectively attractive in your opinion?
Neither are particularly eye-catching
Do you like the idea of kissing someone, male or female?
I feel completely neutral on the subject
Have you ever experienced sexual attraction?
How do you feel when you see actors / actresses kissing on screen?
If it's a straight couple, it's fine. But it makes me uncomfortable to see gay couples kissing.
If it's a gay couple, it's fine. But it makes me uncomfortable to see straight couples kissing.
It makes me uncomfortable to see anyone kissing
Imagine someone very attractive of the same sex as yourself leaning in and kissing you. How do you feel?
Imagine someone very attractive of the opposite sex as yourself leaning in and kissing you. How do you feel?
How do you differentiate very close friends from potential partners?
I'm sexually attracted to potential partners
There's a romantic spark with potential partners
Which of the following would make you most happy?
Having sex with the person I love most
Cuddling with the person I love most
Just being next to the person I love most
Hanging out with friends / being alone
How would you feel if your best friend came out as gay?
I'd feel nothing; it wouldn't matter to me
When you see attractive couples in pictures or in real life, who do you notice first?
How much does sex in a relationship matter for you?
I think it's necessary to truly be together
Do both genders seem sexually attractive to you?
What is your ideal frequency of sex?
Upper-Right Corner: You are like the majority of the population. You are attracted to the opposite sex, and experience sexual attraction. The further upwards you are located, the closer you are to experiencing the standard "sexual attraction" that most others do.
Upper-Left Corner: You are attracted to those of the same sex as yourself, and experience sexual attraction. The further upwards you are located, the closer you are to experiencing the standard "sexual attraction" that most others do.
Lower-Left Corner: You are attracted to those of the same sex as yourself, but not quite in the way an allosexual does. The further downwards you are located, the less you experience sexual attraction, and may be even repulsed by the idea. A purely romantic relationship far more appealing than a sexual one.
Lower-Right Corner: You are attracted to those of the opposite sex as youself, but not quite in the way an allosexual does. The further downwards you are located, the less you experience sexual attraction, and may be even repulsed by the idea. A purely romantic relationship far more appealing than a sexual one to you.
Middle-Left Side: You are attracted to those of the same sex as yourself. However, the appeal of sex and the extent to which you experience sexual attraction isn't quite as similar to an allosexual. Your thoughts lean more towards the neutral side of things, feeling neither excited nor repulsed by the idea.
Middle-Right Side: You are attracted to those of the opposite sex to yourself. However, the appeal of sex and the extent to which you experience sexual attraction isn't quite as similar to an allosexual. Your thoughts lean more towards the neutral side of things, feeling neither excited nor repulsed by the idea.
Middle-Upper Side: You feel sexual attraction, but have no preference as to the gender of your partner. If you wished to find a better label for your orientation, pansexual or bisexual would be the most accurate. The closer to the center, the less sexual attraction you feel.
Middle-Lower Side: You feel little sexual attraction, and lean more towards purely romantic or platonic relationships than anything else. Gender does not matter to you, with the label most likely to appeal to you being panromantic or biromantic.
Middle: You have no strong feelings for or against sex, and could exist in a relationship with or without sex. You also have no preference for gender. You may just be not interested in relationships altogether, or perhaps are merely more flexible than most.
Your Sexual Orientation Test Result:
Sexuality isn't as rigid as we may be taught to believe. Sexuality is incredibly complicated, which is why this test focuses on placing you on a spectrum to make things easier. It still may not be 100% accurate, but it's better than trying to be placed into single categories. Give it a go!
With this test, you can find out where you lie on the spectrum of heterosexual, homosexual, allosexual, and asexual. If you're confused, or otherwise just curious - why not try it out?
No sexual orientation test online is 100% reliable and accurate in all situations. However, we have talked to many users from our gay and lesbian-related tests and we're sure that our results have some reference value.
Sexuality orientation isn't just for fun or for being cool/different to your classmates or on social media. It's a very serious topic, and understanding it is a step in the right direction in making the world a more welcoming place.
Note: If you haven't finished the test yet, please read the following instructions after taking the test.
The quadrant your result is located in explains your current sexual orientation. The details are below:
To see how other people scored on this test, please follow our Facebook Page .
Homosexual means the person is sexually/romantically attracted to the same gender.
Heterosexual means the person is sexually/romantically attracted to the opposite gender.
Allosexual means the person enjoys sex and feels sexual attraction.
Asexual means the person is not interested in sex and doesn't feel sexual attraction.

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26 Questions - Developed by: Cassidy - Developed on: 2020-12-28 - 9,037 taken - User Rating: 4.2 of 5 - 9 votes - 18 people like it
Have you ever been in a relationship with a woman?

I’m in a relationship ship with a woman right now!

Have you ever been in a relationship with a man?

Yes, I liked it but I have also dated / would like to date a woman

No and I wouldn’t like to / Yes but I didn’t enjoy it and wouldn’t like to do it again

Yes, I liked it and would only date boys

No and I absolutely don’t want to! / Yes but I hated it or wouldn’t like to do it again

No but I would like to / it could happen!

I have kissed both a girl and a boy or I would like to kiss both genders

Yes and I liked it and would only kiss this gender

Have you ever looked up on the internet or on other apps photos or videos of two girls kissing/making out?

Yes, I often do that... ( that’s perfectly fine by the way!:)

I wished I was one of the two girls/ it really turned me on

Nothing special, I was just curious!

When you imagine yourself doing sexual things, which gender is it with? ( sorry if this is too intrusive )
Which gender do you fantasize more in your dreams? ( Sorry if it’s too intrusive again:(

Girls only or most of the time and I enjoy it:)

Both but the when it’s with a woman it makes me uncomfortable...

In general, do you feel sexually attracted to women?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It depends of the girl

Yes but more when I think of doing it with a woman than when I’am actually with women

How far would you go with a girl ( that you like )? ( based of what YOU want, not what other would think )

All the way without any hesitation ;)

I’d give it a try, kiss her if I feel like it!

In your daily life have you ever caught yourself checking out other females?

Yes but with everybody actually! I pay the equal attention to both men and women

I never realized it before you asked me this question but I often check out women, especially their body and shapes...

Well, yes actually I do this all the time

When a girl ( other than your family or your platonic friends) touch you, what do you feel?

I get butterflies in my stomach and I can’t stop thinking about it and actually I want to be even more close to her and I-...

I feel attracted to her but it also happened when guys touch me

I kind of feel something but I’m unsure what it is and I can’t explain it..( it’s okay cutie! )

When you go out which gender do you more often notice?

Girls...I mean look at them they are WAY more attractive:)

I notice both gender and I can’t decide who to pay more attention to!

Girls but it’s more like a style thing or something like that

Have you ever crushed on a girl? ( When you see her you get butterflies, you can’t stop thinking about her, you want to be closer to her,....:)

No, I have never felt this way for girls ( but for guys yes! )

Who do you feel emotionally closer to? ( Or who do you have more emotional attraction for )
How many of these tests have you already taken? ( it means nothing special don’t worry! )

Too many to count... ( questioning is perfectly fine don’t worry:)! )

Have you ever desired to be naked with another woman?
Recently have you wanted to touch a woman intimately?
If a really pretty girl asked you out right now, how would you react?

I would totally say yes without any doubt! I’m so ready, I can’t wait!

I would say no but a part of me would regret it or a part of me is still curious

I’m not sure of what I would say, maybe yes? Would I like it? I’m not sure...

What if a really nice and pretty boy asked you out at the same time?

Yeah I think I would prefer that even tho the girl seems great too! I’m going for the guy!

I choose him! The woman doesn’t attract me anyway

No thanks, the girl seems better even tho he seems great, so I’m going for the girl!

Have someone already questioned your sexuality?

Yes, more than once! They see me as gay or they think I’m attracted to women

No they haven’t, they KNOW I’m straight

No they haven’t, they think I’m straight

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