Test E Deca Eq Dbol Cycle

Test E Deca Eq Dbol Cycle

Treble Sacra


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#1 Any one with experience in this stack? Or thoughts on it? Considering this stavk for my next cycle. W Wiseguy Registered User Board Rep Joined Nov 21, 2013 Messages 5,115 Reaction score 6,393 Aug 26, 2022 #2 Never been much of a deca fan. Test, Eq and primo would be my preference for 14-16 weeks Pumpitup13 Registered Joined Aug 25, 2022 MessagesWeek 1-12 TEST E or Cyp @ 500mg/week split dose. Week 1-4 Dbol @ 50mg/day (Days 1-3 @25mg/day and increase to 50) AI of your choice Arimidix or aromisin (adex . 25mg EOD--ar 12. 5mg) Start PCT 15 days after last shot of test. Clomid 100/100/50/50. Nova 40/40/20/20. Very simple cycle. 210 body fat: way too high maybe around 15-18% if i had to guess… First cycle: test sus 500 eq 600 masteron 400 pct: clomid/nolva/hcg Second Cycle (About to start) Test E 500 1-12 Deca 400 1-12 Dbol 30mg ed 1-5 Basically my questions are: Are my dosages ok? What is recommended as far as running blockers with this cycle w/ dosages? (Arimidex?Test E, Deca, Dbol 13 week cycle ad STATS, DESCRIPTION, GOALS Getting ready to start a 13 week cycle. here are the details I am 6'3, 255 pounds, 36 years old and 17%bf. Measurements were done on via DEXA testing. #1 25 yrs old, 5'8 205lbs ~12% bf Have ran a few cycles over the past few years and would consider myself reasonably experienced and very knowledgeable. (i do a lot of research) Wanted some feedback/opinions on the following cycle: Test E at 500mg/wk Nandrolone blend (300mg:100 NPP/100 Decanoate/100 undecanoate) at 600mg/wk EQ at 500mg/wkMar 26, 2020 #2 There's really no point in running Deca & EQ. Most people switched from Deca to EQ because of all the negative sides from deca. But, it depends on how much you're willing to spend and what kind of results you're looking for. The standard dose for EQ is 400mg a week and test e works great at 500mg a week. All gear is from pharmacom. This is my cycle plan. Wk 1-4 dbol 30mg ed will increase if needed Wk 1-18 test e 300mg twice a week wk 1-16 eq 300mg twice a week Wk 5-18 hcg 250 iu twice a week Adex . 25 daily, standard Clomid and nolva pct 18 days after last pin. This is my 3rd cycle and first with eq. Stats: weight 198lbs, 5'7, 14 % bf and 29 . Test E, Deca, and Dbol cycle; Results 1 to 9 of 9 Thread: Test E, Deca, and Dbol cycle. LinkBack. LinkBack URL; . EQ. . Frontloading, worth it? If so. Posted By tbjake34 (20 replies) 09-02-2023, 08:15 PM in ANABOLIC STEROIDS - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS. First time Cycle and now pain in. 2. test prop 500mg a week for 10 weeks. Tbol at 50 for first 6. Gave the classic another shot but also side effects everywhere. Essentially a repeat of the first. 3. test at 250mg and deca at 600mg with tbol at 60mg for first 6 and npp kicker. Best cycle I've had yet. What you have Outlined is a Mass Cycle with Lots of Water Weight Gain ~ Test/Deca/Dbol. Vs. ~ a Lean Mass Cycle with minimal Water Weight Gain ~ Test/EQ/Tbol. If you choose the Lean Mass you can put on some Quality Weight without the Bloat. Tbol is known as Dbol's little brother ~ same Strength without the Bloat. Started my cycle today (kinda yesterday but only gonna count today as legit start) Doing 20mg dbol every day first 6 weeks. And 600mg test a week and 400mg deca. Likely will increase deca to 500 if no big sides are noticed. Also considering ramping up to 40mg Ed of dbol. Cycle will be 12 weeks total with option to extend to 16 weeks if I feel I . Testosterone Deca NPP EQ Masteron Primobolan Proviron Winny (ONLY if going into competition) No Trenbolone, halo, testosterone suspension, Anadrol, Dianabol, or Sustanon (it's not a steady release and too much water retention) - amongst numerous other harsher compounds that I don't use. cycle before was test E Deca EQ. cycle before was test E and EQ. cycle before was Test E and Deca. other first cycle was just Test E. Test E always been 500mg. EQ has always been 550. Deca has been 400 to 500. Mast has been 350 to 400. thist will be first time using Dbol and hcg. When it comes to bulking and cutting, Deca has better bulking properties due to its slower release. EQ is, however, much faster acting than Deca which means it's more suitable for cutting since you can quickly see the results by losing water weight and getting ripped fast. Dosages: Similarly, many bodybuilders think they will have to use . 03-10-2005, 04:26 PM #1 FuTuReOFtheSPORT New Member Join Date Mar 2005 Posts 38 Adding EQ to test/deca/dbol cycle I'm taking test e- 600mg wk for 12 wks deca - 400mg wk for 11 wks d-bol-30aday for first 4 and nolva pct and as needed I was wondering if adding Equipoise to help with appetite would be wise, and if so how much. Thanks 4 the input bros. The Test-Deca-Dbol stack is a well-known and widely utilized steroid regimen that involves the combination of three powerful compounds: testosterone, nandrolone (Deca Durabolin), and dianabol (Dbol). This cycle is popular among bodybuilders and athletes who seek to maximize their gains in muscle mass, strength, and performance. Boosts Protein Synthesis By speeding up the process of repairing muscle tissue damage at a faster and greater rate, Deca helps you pack on the gains. Deca acts as a powerful hormone to stimulate and regulate protein synthesis which is not only critical for muscle growth, but also to stop the breakdown and loss of muscle. The recommended cycle duration for testosterone is approximately 12-14 weeks. Deca Durabolin Deca Durabolin is a nandrolone based steroid (nandrolone decanoate) that has been widely used since the 60's because of its mild side effects and a much lower rate of aromatization when compared to testosterone.

  1. https://www.podcasts.com/allegro/episode/proviron-mesterolona-precio

  2. https://groups.google.com/g/43beefer15/c/5YlpgpAAmJg

  3. https://groups.google.com/g/powerpulsecrew/c/antaz6XRzCo

  4. https://groups.google.com/g/aasguide/c/btMGVJzfJMg

  5. https://blog.libero.it/wp/nikitagusevhi/wp-content/uploads/sites/88235/2024/01/Nick-Walker-Steroid-Cycle.pdf

Test/deca/dbol classic cycle bulk. | MESO-Rx Forum
Cycle: Bulking Cycle: Test E, Sust, Deca, Dbol - eroid s
experiences with deca/dbol vs eq/tbol - Evolutionary. org
Cycle: Dbol,EQ,TEST,Mast,Deca - eroid s
Test, Deca, EQ, Dbol cycle opinions | Underground Body Building Forum
Adding EQ to test/deca/dbol cycle - Steroid . com
Testosterone, Deca Durabolin and Dianabol Cycle
Test e , deca ,EQ cycle amounts - AnabolicMinds. com
Cycle: Test deca eq tbol - eroid s
Test E/Deca/EQ stack? | Anabolic Steroid Forums
Optimizing Your Test Deca Dbol Cycle: A Comprehensive Guide
Old School Steroid Cycles for Badass Results! - John Doe Bodybuilding
Deca vs EQ: Which is Better? - Max Health Living
Cycle: Test E, Deca, Dbol 13 week cycle - eroid s
test e, eq, and dbol cycle | MESO-Rx Forum
Test E, Deca, Dbol Cycle Guidance w/ Proper Liv Support, Anti E, PCT
Test E, Deca, and Dbol cycle - Steroid . com
Deca-Durabolin Cycle (Deca Cycle Guide) | Steroid Cycles

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