Teso Penetration

Teso Penetration


Teso Penetration

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The Elder Scrolls Online >
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What would make me stronger overall, 6487 Physical Penetration together with 400 more Weapon Damage or 10,300 Physical Penetration without any additional Weapon Damage? 6487 Penetration + 400 Weapon Damage VS 10,300 Penetration = ???

Answer is it depends. Depends on if pve/pvp, depends on where you are (trials etc.) Penetration flat out reduces resistance. The thing is that after you reduce it to 0 you don't get benefit from the overpen. SO idealy what you want is getting enough penetration for the gamemode you're in and then get damage. For info, mobs in pve have 9K resist, while they have 18K in dungeons. 18K is also about what light armor users have in pvp. So the more resist the enemy has, the more you want.

That depends on the person youre attacking. High damage penetration makes you practically deal "full damage" against low and medium armored opponents. Heavy armor people can still withstand that, because they have high resistance both physical and magicka attacks. The 400 weapon damage + 6487 penetration would be best against lowly armored targets. Youd do more damage at them already, so 400 weapon damage would just increase that. high penetration would deal more damage to highly armored opponents, more comparable to them wearing medium armor. But you would do a bit less damage against lightly armored people. Its a trade off, i usually go with heavy armor myself with high physical resistance and spell resistance, so penetration damage isnt THAT good against me. Against my nightblade though it would do serious damage.

My way is 10k penetration on trash and normal PvE, and Sharpened staff (normally i use Defending) on Bosses.

If you want exact numbers you'll need to google the damage formula and apply your values (skill tooltips etc) to get the result for your particular numbers, otherwise we just can give general advices because it's not just a flat addition, there are a lot of other parameters in the equation.

Isn't 10k penetration way too much tho? I've heard that above a certain amount of penetration it becomes useless.

The Elder Scrolls Online >
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Datum zveřejnění: 27. dub. 2017 v 7.20
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[ARCHIVED] ESO PvE DPS Penetration Optimization

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This guide is now archived as it is now out of date.
This guide covers how to optimize your penetration as a damage dealer in PvE in The Elder Scrolls Online. Making sure your character has the proper amount of penetration is crucial to make sure you’re pumping out the maximum amount of damage you can be by bypassing your enemies’ defense (aka resistance). If your penetration is too low, you’ll be dealing less damage than your teammates. But, if you have too much, you’ll be wasting stats, and therefore again be dealing less damage than your teammates. The bullet points below shows how to optimize your penetration for PvE content based on common augmentations you’ll get from your own gear as well as your raid/dungeon party. Certain classes like Necromancer have additional penetration bonuses from their passives, so keep that in mind if you play that class as that may change some numbers!
NOTE: Enemies in PvE content in ESO have 18.2k resistance.
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ESO Mundus Stones - Location & Info - Powerful

ESO Mundus Stones - Location & Info - Powerful

ESO Mundus Stones - Location & Info - Powerful

Below you can find a list of all Mundus Stones in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). In addition to the normal value of the Mundus Stones, you can also find their value with 7 divine trait pieces active. Click on the image to increase the map size. Click on the name of the Mundus stone to get directed to a separate page with more detailed information.

What are Mundus Stones in ESO?
Mundus Stones are standing stones dedicated to the Constellations in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). They provide you with a permanent powerful buff to your character.

How do I get a Mundus Stone in ESO?
First you have to find a Mundus Stone. Please check out the location of each Mundus Stone in the Mundus Stone list above. Once you have found your desired Mundus Stone, stand close to it and interact with the Mundus Stone. 

How do you activate a Mundus Stone in ESO?
Stand close to the Mundus Stone and interact with it. Your character will start hoovering slightly above ground, wait till the animation is over and your character lands on the ground. Now you should find the Mundus Stone effect in your characters stat sheet. 

Where are Mundus Stones located in ESO?
Mundus Stones can be found in many zones in ESO. The Mundus Stones are located in the base game zones and Cyrodiil. Please check out the Mundus Stone location list for more details.

What do all the Mundus Stones do in ESO?
The Mundus Stones in ESO have special effects that are very powerful. The effects depending on the stone can be: Increased spell damage, magicka recovery, resistances, health, penetration, magicka, healing, stamina recovery, critical damage, health recovery, critical rating, stamina and weapon damage. For detailed numbers please check out the full Mundus Stone stats list .

How many Mundus Stones exist in ESO?
There are currently a total of 13 different Mundus Stones in ESO. Each of the stones has a very unique effect that boosts the overall power of your character.

How do I change my Mundus Stone in ESO?
You can change your Mundus Stone by simply going to another stone and activate it. This is the only way to change your Mundus Stone. 

Do I need ESO Plus to get a Mundus Stone?
No, you don't require ESO Plus to get a Mundus Stone. Mundus Stones are all located in the base game and are threfore available to everyone.

Where can I find all the Mundus Stones in ESO?
The Mundus Stones in ESO are all located throughout different zones in the base game. Please visit the Mundus stone location list for further details about where the stones are located in each zone.

Which Mundus Stone should I use in ESO?
The Mundus Stones in ESO all have different effects, therefore it is important to know whether your character is a damage dealer, healer or tank. Because all these specifications use different Mundus Stones. It is recommended to check out specific builds to know which Mundus Stone is currently best in slot for that specification.

Are there any other Mundus Stones in ESO?
There are 13 Mundus Stones in ESO since the launch of the game. The Craglorn zone has three demolished Mundus Stones, The Lord, The Lady and The Steed. You can't interact with them because they are destroyed. 

Are there Mundus Stones in DLC and Chapter zones in ESO?
 There are no Mundus Stones in DLC and Chapter zones. Base Game Mundus Stones: All Cyrodiil: All except “The Lord” Imperial City: None DLC & Chapter: None

Can I change the value of the Mundus Stone effects in ESO?
 The Mundus Stone values are fixed, therefore they will never change. There is one exception and that is the trait “ Divine ”, traits are perks that are attached to item pieces. The “Divine” trait increases your Mundus Stone effect by a certain %. You can learn more about the value of trait in the Traits list . The “Divine” trait can be applied to your armor, therefore you can have a maximum of 7 Divine traits active. Each Mundus Stone in the list above will also show the value of the Mundus Stone effect with 7 Divine traits active next to the normal value. 

Do Mundus Stone effects stack in ESO?
 Mundus Stone effects don’t stack. There is only one exception where you can have two Mundus Stones active with a set called Twice-Born Star . 

How do Mundus Stones work in ESO?
 You can activate any Mundus Stone in the world. Once activated you will gain a special buff that is visible in the “Active Buffs” section of your character stat sheet The buff is permanent and will remain there until you pick up another new Mundus Stone. Only one Mundus Stone can be active at a time. The only exception to this is when you are wearing the Twice-Born Star set which allows you to have two Mundus Stones active. 

What is the best Mundus Stone for DPS Damage Dealer in ESO?
The best Mundus Stone for DPS Damage Dealer changes depending on your specification. It is recommended to go check out the build section to find your specification to figure out the best Mundus Stone for your role. The preferred Mundus Stone is listed on each builds page.

What is the best Mundus Stone for healing (Healer) in ESO?
The best Mundus Stone for healing as a Healer changes depending on your specification. It is recommended to go check out the build section to find your specification to figure out the best Mundus Stone for your role. The preferred Mundus Stone is listed on each builds page. 

What is the best Mundus Stone for Tanking (Tank) in ESO?
The best Mundus Stone for tanking as a Tank changes depending on your specification. It is recommended to go check out the build section to find your specification to figure out the best Mundus Stone for your role. The preferred Mundus Stone is listed on each builds page. 

What is the best Mundus Stone for PVP in ESO?
It is recommended to check out the PVP Builds list to find your specification to figure out the best in slot Mundus Stone. 

Where can I buy Mundus Stones in ESO?
Mundus Stones are purchased via the ingame Housing Crown Store . You will have to visit your house and then get into the housing editor to find the housing Crown Store.

How can I buy Mundus Stones in ESO?
Mundus Stones can only be purchased via the ingame housing Crown Store. To visit the housing Crown Store you will have to visit your house and activate the housing editor . 

Are Mundus Stones on sale in ESO?
There are rare occasions where the Mundus Stones can be picked up for a discounted price in the housing Crown Store in ESO. 

Can I use Mundus Stones in my house in ESO?
Yes, Mundus Stones can be placed and activated in your house. You will have to purchase the Mundus Stones through the ingame housing Crown Store. To do that you will have to be in your house and get into the housing editor . 

Which Mundus Stone gives spell damage?
The Apprentice Mundus Stone increases your spell damage. The Apprentice Mundus Stone can be found in Reaper's March, The Rift, Bangkorai and Cyrodiil. More info on all Mundus Stones can be found on the Mundus Stone Overview Page .

Which Mundus Stone gives magicka recovery?
The Atronach Mundus Stone increases your magicka recovery. The Atronach Mundus Stone can be found in Greenshade, Shadowfen, Rivenspire and Cyrodiil. More info on all Mundus Stones can be found on the Mundus Stone Overview Page .

Which Mundus Stone gives resistances?
The Lady Mundus Stone increases your physical and spell resistance. The Lady Mundus Stone can be found in Auridon, Stonefalls, Glenumbra and Cyrodiil. More info on all Mundus Stones can be found on the Mundus Stone Overview Page .

Which Mundus Stone gives health?
The Lord Mundus Stone increases your maximum health. The Lord Mundus Stone can be found in Grahtwood, Deshaan and Stormhaven. The Lord is the only Mundus Stone not available in Cyrodiil. More info on all Mundus Stones can be found on the Mundus Stone Overview Page .

Which Mundus Stone gives penetration?
The Lover Mundus Stone increases your spell and physical penetration. The Lover Mundus Stone can be found in Auridon, Stonefalls, Glenumbra and Cyrodiil. More info on all Mundus Stones can be found on the Mundus Stone Overview Page .

Which Mundus Stone gives magicka?
The Mage Mundus Stone increases your maximum magicka. The Mage Mundus Stone can be found in Grahtwood, Deshaan, Stormhaven and Cyrodiil. More info on all Mundus Stones can be found on the Mundus Stone Overview Page .

Which Mundus Stone increases healing?
The Ritual Mundus Stone increases your healing power. The Ritual Mundus Stone can be found in Malabal Tor, Eastmarch, Alik'r Desert and Cyrodiil. More info on all Mundus Stones can be found on the Mundus Stone Overview Page .

Which Mundus Stone gives stamina recovery?
The Serpent Mundus Stone increases your stamina recovery. The Serpent Mundus Stone can be found in Greenshade, Shadowfen, Rivenspire and Cyrodiil. More info on all Mundus Stones can be found on the Mundus Stone Overview Page .

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