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Slim Player & Female NPC Texture packs

Thread starter

Start date
Apr 3, 2015

Considered Things (v1.11.x)
Banners of modified Sprites

Planned -> Working on -> Finished
Player Sprite : 10/10
Mannequin 2.0 : 2/2
"Heavy" Armor : 45/45 ( 1 New )
"Light" Armor : 32/32 ( 2 New )
Vanity Clothing : 82/82 ( 18 New )
Dev Clothing : 18/18 ( 4 New )
Accessories : 40/40
Guardian : 1/1 (she's been included as she is the Stardust Armor's set-bonus)
Files: 625

> Re-Logic fixed the last of the issues with the Robe and Dress costumes!
Townies : 26/26 ( 2 New )
NPC's : 115/115 ( 5 New )
Bosses : 5/5 ( 2 New )
Summons : 11/11
Tiles : 4/4 ( 2 New )
Speech Bobble Emotes : 1/1
No Pirate "Poop" : 1/1
Files: 534

> I see Skeletons have had their bone color changed to be more white
The only Skeletons that will stay are the female once, once re-done (did you notice any? )
I may add Bleached bones as an Add-on later, if requested.

> Seems Re-Logic gave slimes Transparency since i added Transparent slimes
I'll remove mine but the unique: "Devil slime"
Dryad Deer: 1/1
Centaur mounts: 4/4 ( 3 New )
Female Townies: 21/21 ( 1 New ) - 168 files
Vanity & "Light" Armor: 103/103
Townies: 20/20
NPC: 21/21
Player Sprite: 9/9

Was Meant to be 1.10.3 but then saw 1.4.1 was announced
right as i was getting ready to pack it, which threw a few Wrenches into well, everything...
Mod/Texturepack Issues :
Dryad-Deer , have some issues wearing party hats.... (At least she isn't having issues with chairs)

Game issues : (present in unmodded Terraria 1.4.1.x)
X Sitting legs, have an natural shape and somewhat makes it look like you wear clown shoes...
X Directional Back Arm is used for Petting pets and Eating is in front of the Base torso but behind any shirt/armor/dress
(clearly shows with Mermaid as male character)
X Some Townies sit slightly of on chairs (Sits a ½pixel off...)

If you encounter any other Mod Issues please report them to me
In the thread, or by PM (Conversation) and please provide a Screen-shot of the issue.
If it's the Player Character
Also, please include what items and visual Vanity accessories you have equipped if they cause an issue
sooooooo its a perverted pack? definatly using this!

sooooooo its a perverted pack? definatly using this!

I wouldn't call it perverted. Trust me, I know perverted.

Anyway, nice work. I don't think it's something I'd personally want to use in its entirety, but I might pick out a few enemies to replace or something. Variety is always nice. It would also make a great resource for a mod that adds female alternates of mobs to the game. (Assuming you would allow it, of course.)

I wouldn't call it perverted. Trust me, I know perverted.

Anyway, nice work. I don't think it's something I'd personally want to use in its entirety, but I might pick out a few enemies to replace or something. Variety is always nice. It would also make a great resource for a mod that adds female alternates of mobs to the game. (Assuming you would allow it, of course.)

I meant if the sprites were a variant instead of a replacement. Meaning you could encounter both male and female Twiggy Zombies, for instance. To me that would be more desirable.

I meant if the sprites were a variant instead of a replacement. Meaning you could encounter both male and female Twiggy Zombies, for instance. To me that would be more desirable.

it's pretty nice but it's not my type but I really like the sprites of they dryad-deer

Wow! This looks really good! Their heads look a little big though

Wow! This looks really good! Their heads look a little big though

hello i really like your textures and not because they are a bit adult. *shrugs* never mattered to me one bit in a game like this. and i wanted to say thank you for keeping us updated on your progress. ^_^ keep up the good work!

Bloody *ell, hate to be right, when I don't want to be right...
oh well, at least I won't have to update my pre 1.3 Armor or Clothing textures for 1.3.

At least your honest, polite and took the time to post, i can appreciate that ^^
I'm not sure when i will update the Dryad-deer. either after or doing the core pack
it all depends on how the core pack is coming along.

hello i really like your textures and not because they are a bit adult. *shrugs* never mattered to me one bit in a game like this. and i wanted to say thank you for keeping us updated on your progress. ^_^ keep up the good work!

Eahh I saw files it is must be to do it. Some files are renamed like Skin_body and Skin_legs, but it don't must be sad because now you can make differnt skin and legs to females.
I don't if it is true what you said, you should make this:

Armor_Legs_117 (male legs/pants for dryad costume)
Armor_Legs_118 (male pants for Gi armorcurrently bugger and is shown for females)
Armor_Legs_119 (male pants for Kimono vanity item, currently bugger and is shown for females)

Look better then before, you sure make bigger progres. Keep up a good work. I might help you if you want.

Eahh I saw files it is must be to do it. Some files are renamed like Skin_body and Skin_legs, but it don't must be sad because now you can make differnt skin and legs to females.
I don't if it is true what you said, you should make this:

Armor_Legs_117 (male legs/pants for dryad costume)
Armor_Legs_118 (male pants for Gi armorcurrently bugger and is shown for females)
Armor_Legs_119 (male pants for Kimono vanity item, currently bugger and is shown for females)
Look better then before, you sure make bigger progres. Keep up a good work. I might help you if you want.

Looks great! I'll try the female NPCs when it's completed, though
I really like this texture pack, especially because before I felt like the size of the arm sprites were a little bit too big. It made it seem like everyone in the world of Terraria was super muscly and it looked weird. Now, the player/town NPC sprites are less derpy looking and, like you said in the original post, as a side-effect it also makes the armor look a lot thicker-- as plate armor should be, honestly.

I also like how you made a lot of female versions of the vanilla enemies for more variety. I wouldn't necessarily want to use all of them at once, but that's the glorious nature of modding: I don't actually have to. I spent around an hour looking through the pack, cross-referencing the .png version with the .xnb version picking and choosing which NPCs I wanted to replace and then grabbing their corresponding gore textures. I replaced the female variants already in the game with your versions because I thought they were way better, the goblin tinkerer with your female town NPC variant, and a few other select creatures and variants like the werewolf and standard zombie/Eyezor.

I have a question, though: When you're sure you're finished and satisfied with the default player sprite variants could you release that part separately? It's a pretty important part of the process of updating the texture pack to 1.3 and you don't necessarily have to wait until you finish more to be able release it for us. Just a thought, it isn't super important. We can wait.
Please change head size it us disturbing to have skinny players with big heads P.S gastropod sprite looks amazing!
Holy toxic , I see you are almost done (according to the "W.I.P. - Progress)

I really like this texture pack, especially because before I felt like the size of the arm sprites were a little bit too big. It made it seem like everyone in the world of Terraria was super muscly and it looked weird. Now, the player/town NPC sprites are less derpy looking and, like you said in the original post, as a side-effect it also makes the armor look a lot thicker-- as plate armor should be, honestly.

I also like how you made a lot of female versions of the vanilla enemies for more variety. I wouldn't necessarily want to use all of them at once, but that's the glorious nature of modding: I don't actually have to. I spent around an hour looking through the pack, cross-referencing the .png version with the .xnb version picking and choosing which NPCs I wanted to replace and then grabbing their corresponding gore textures. I replaced the female variants already in the game with your versions because I thought they were way better, the goblin tinkerer with your female town NPC variant, and a few other select creatures and variants like the werewolf and standard zombie/Eyezor.

I have a question, though: When you're sure you're finished and satisfied with the default player sprite variants could you release that part separately? It's a pretty important part of the process of updating the texture pack to 1.3 and you don't necessarily have to wait until you finish more to be able release it for us. Just a thought, it isn't super important. We can wait.

Please change head size it is disturbing to have skinny players with big heads P.S gastropod sprite looks amazing!

Holy toxic , I see you are almost done (according to the "W.I.P. - Progress)

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