Terms of service

Terms of service

  1. Welcome to Our Magical Realm

Welcome to Booster App ("we," "us," or "our"). We invite you to embark on a remarkable journey through our mobile application, where creativity knows no bounds. By using our App, you agree to dance to the rhythm of these Terms of Use.

  1. The Pact of User Conduct

As you traverse our enchanting realm, you agree to:

  • Use the App responsibly, like a guardian of ancient scrolls.
  • Uphold the laws of the digital realm and respect the rights of others.
  • Avoid conjuring dark spells such as hacking, scraping, or unleashing malware upon our sacred grounds.
  • Behave with the grace and decorum of a royal ball in all interactions within the App.
  1. The Elixir of Registration

To unlock the full magic of our App, you may be required to create an account. When you do:

  • Share truthful information and guard your credentials like the keys to a hidden treasure.
  • Inform us promptly of any unauthorized access to your account; we'll stand by you like a loyal squire.
  1. The Chronicles of Content

You may encounter various forms of content within our App, including user-generated and our own enchanted creations. While you're here:

  • Respect intellectual property as you would the rarest spellbook; don't use content without permission.
  • We, the creators of this realm, retain the rights to our own content.
  1. The Quest for Privacy

Your privacy is a treasure we hold dear. Our Privacy Policy (link) unveils the secrets of how we collect, use, and protect your information. By continuing your journey, you agree to the terms of this mystical document.

  1. The Labyrinth of Third-Party Links

The App may hold portals to other realms via third-party links. Beware, for these realms are beyond our control. We are not responsible for their enchantments or any consequences of your travels there.

  1. The Sword of Termination

Should you wish to end your journey in our realm, you may do so at any time by uninstalling the App. We, too, reserve the right to part ways if you breach these Terms or disrupt the harmony of our realm.

  1. The Chronicles of Updates

Our realm is ever-evolving. We may add new enchantments or revise existing ones. By continuing your journey, you agree to be bound by these ever-changing rules and enchantments.

  1. The Parchment of Dispute Resolution

Should a dispute arise, we encourage open dialogue and peaceful resolution. If that fails, you agree to engage in binding arbitration, forgoing the battlefields of the legal realm.

  1. The Pledge of Feedback

Your feedback is a valuable gem in our treasure trove. Share your insights, suggestions, and concerns. We'll listen like wise old wizards, always seeking to improve.

  1. The Guardians of Contact

If you need to communicate with us, send your carrier pigeon to:


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