Terminator Resistance Sex Scene

Terminator Resistance Sex Scene


Terminator Resistance Sex Scene

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The new Terminator game has more sex and Frogger than we expected


Charlie Hall @Charlie_L_Hall

Nov 21, 2019, 11:30am EST

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The new Terminator game has more sex and Frogger than we expected

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Perfunctory gameplay and tension you could cut with a spoon
Terminator: Dark Fate bombed in theaters last month, leading at least one critic to wonder out loud if the franchise is even worth saving . Meanwhile, developer Teyon quietly released a first-person shooter called Terminator: Resistance , only to have it rocket up the sales charts and score “very positive” user reviews on Steam.
I spent some time with the PC game earlier this week, and after a few hours in I didn’t really understand what all the hype was about. The game is a throwback, and I don’t mean that in a good way. While technically competent, Terminator: Resistance looks and plays something like a PlayStation 3 game with higher resolution textures and better lighting. The storyline is a nest of time-traveling cliches and entirely lacking in tension. Then I stumbled into the first of its bizarre point-of-view sex scenes .
Resistance began by putting me in the role of a male resistance fighter on the West coast. Judgment Day has come and gone, and I’m part of the ragtag group of guerrillas trying to keep humanity alive in the face of overwhelming opposition. Unfortunately, Skynet’s minions just aren’t all that threatening. They have trouble with simple pathfinding, and the game’s over-powered stealth system lets me practically reach out and touch them before they notice I’m even there.
To the developer’s credit, levels consist of well-lit, open-world playgrounds. Even though I had the run of the place, quests involved winding my way through mostly linear, maze-like industrial structures that didn’t make much logical sense. I found myself getting lost several times amid the repeating assets. But again, to Teyon’s credit, the frame rates stayed reasonably high and there were virtually no bugs to speak of.
Combat is likewise uninspired. Pistols, Uzis, M-16s, and even plasma weapons all sort of feel the same. Since enemies aren’t all that smart, I was able to use cover to break line of sight and end combat in nearly every situation. Set-piece battles were particularly disappointing. I was able to stall, or entirely stop the action just by hunkering down behind a piece of terrain. There’s no need for a pause button at all, really. Even standing next to an enemy AI, I’m able to walk away for long periods of time with absolute certainty that nothing will bother me.
The low point for me came when I finally unlocked the hacking minigame. While lockpicking is ripped straight from The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion , hacking ... hacking is Frogger . You just play Frogger , and if you fail to get your little pip from the left side of the screen to the right you lose a bit of health. Then you can try again. One early level consists entirely of stopping time during a gunfight to play one of the oldest coin-op arcade games of all time, just with simpler graphics and sound effects.
In between missions there’s a base to explore and characters to interact with. There’s rarely reason to spend more than a few minutes there, grinding through dialogue choices. The dialogue system is a bit like Fallout 3 mixed with Telltale’s The Walking Dead , although some of the jokes fall flat in translation. Characters remember your choices, and there’s the promise of multiple endings. The crafting system is functional, but not all that necessary since the game showers you with pick-ups.
Of course, there are also those POV sex scenes. One is cold and transactional, while the other borders on intimate (and evokes the original Terminator movie’s sex scene with Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor). They’re less graphic than Far Cry 3 , but they go on for a lot longer. Given the stilted animations and wooden faces, they’re definitely on the creepy side. If you have access to the internet and find yourself in need of some pornography, there are certainly better options. And I promise you won’t have to win at Frogger to see them.
Terminator: Resistance is available on Windows PC via Steam for $39.99. If you get it on PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, expect to pay $59.99 when it arrives on Dec. 3 in North America.
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Teyon, the video game development company behind the recently released Terminator: Resistance, recently stated that a pair of sexually explicit cutscenes featured in the game were censored at the direct request of Sony and Microsoft.
Throughout the course of gameplay in Terminator: Resistance, players in the role of Resistance Fighter Jacob Rivers are presented with the opportunity to engage in a love story with one of two characters, Jessica Baron and Jennifer.
Depending on a player’s choices, players may be presented with a cutscene wherein Rivers engages in sexual intercourse with the selected romantic interest:
These scenes are presented from Rivers’ point-of-view and unfold as a montage of the characters engaged in various erotic positions
However, on the Steam forums for Terminator: Resistance, users digging through the games resource files discovered that each love interest had two versions of their romantic cutscene: a regular version, and a ‘censored’ version seen within the game:
The difference between the two versions is that, in the uncensored versions of the cutscenes, both Jessica and Jennifer’s bare chests can be seen.
Upon this discovery, some fans took to Twitter to ask Teyon why an M-rated game had censored content that was ostensibly no worse than an R-rated movie. In a now deleted tweet, Teyon stated that the game was ordered to be censored by Sony and Microsoft. ( Archive link: http://archive.is/HWEOF )
Since deleting their tweet, Teyon has not further commented on the alleged censorship ordered by Sony and Microsoft.
As of writing, neither accused company has publicly commented on Teyon’s claim.
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Spencer is the Editor for Bounding Into Comics. A life-long anime fan, comic book reader, and video game player, Spencer believes in supporting every claim with evidence and that Ben Reilly is the best version of Spider-Man. He can be found on Twitter @kabutoridermav.
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https://i.imgur.com/7WfeMok.jpg GET ON IT MODDERS. Apparently, Jennifer's is much longer.

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its not gonna happen with this game

You know there is a thing called ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that exists just to let you know

I think the love scenes should be unce
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