Ter Reviews Los Angeles

Ter Reviews Los Angeles


Ter Reviews Los Angeles

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Back on December 21st, I posted a message on this board regarding certain provider’s reviews being removed. I had first contacted TER through customer feedback, trying to find out why her reviews were removed. I knew that this provider didn’t request her reviews to be removed, so something else must have caused it. TER initial response to me was that she had been writing her own reviews. Well, that struck me as odd. For one, her reviews were all written by hobbyists with extensive history of legitimate reviews. Secondly, this provider’s English skill is nowhere near the level of writing displayed in the reviews. So I then ask TER how did they come upon this information. Did they found this out by themself or perhaps someone else, oh, I don’t know, say maybe her former agency falsely reported her in an effort to sabotage her business since she just split from them. Which, is not totally out of the question given the facts of the matter. Well, the next response I got from TER was a pretentious “I can’t give you any detail, but can tell you we don’t ban based on ‘word of mouth.’” Right! Of course not, you also need a check made out to TER in order to have a provider banned. I then posted a message on the L. A. board regarding this matter, trying to see if other hobbyist felt the same as I did. Of course, it was removed in less than one day because why? What’s the number one rule about the fight club? Yeah, exactly! However, the message was on the board long enough where I did get some private emails from hobbyists living in other cities telling me the same thing. Providers with seemingly good history of legitimate reviews just vanished into the thin air. No, they didn’t retire or request their reviews to be removed. They just got banished by TER for reasons TER can’t “divulged” since it’s “too private.” Of course any messages hobbyists posted in their respective city’s message board regarding the provider in question were quickly removed as well. The word is, from the private correspondences I’ve been getting, that the person who run this whole charade has been engaging in some unethical practices such as extorting money from popular providers in order to keep their reviews up or accepting payola from an agency by taking down their competition’s reviews. It’s a claim that’s been made by both hobbyists and providers on other cities’ message board. I am sure most of you are going to say, “Who the hell is this kenshi douche bag to make such an accusation without any solid proof?” Well, you are right, I don’t have any hard evidence. All I have to go by is the information I got from other members in this site, my own inquiry and a little deductive reasoning skill. When I gather up all these information and I see similar patterns emerging across the board, it’s not that hard to arrive at such conclusion. Think about it, what are providers going to do if they are being extorted by TER? Call the cops? It is very easy for TER to do this, given the legal issue of this hobby. Finally, the reason I chose to speak out is because I want everyone to see TER for what it really is; a total sham. It’s a quasi message board run by unethical TER administrator and controlled by dirty, petty agencies. It makes a mockery of the VIP membership that we paid for the privilege of these so called “inside information” on providers. Others choose not to speak out because their fear of retaliation from TER by way of membership revocation, which, is fine by me. However, the way I see it, what purpose does TER serve when they filter what we get to see as a member base by taking payola? Lastly, a message to a certain agency operator (cough,Bebe cough). I know you come and read on this message board. All I have to say to you is this; for every girl that you stab in the back, that’s one more enemy you just made. You might have been stomping on little worms, but one of these days, you are going to step on a rattlesnake. When that happens, I’ll be very glad to be there to see that smirk disappear from your face. Just remember, K-town is a small community. It’s a even small social circle among Korean providers. What goes around comes around. You will get what’s coming to you one of these days, hopefully, sooner rather than later.

Sounds very "Roger Clemmissish". No real evidence. "It’s a quasi message board run by unethical TER administrator and controlled by dirty, petty agencies." Is ther a shred of evidence of this? Not. After 10 years looking at this site, there are very few good providers in LA that are not listed here, imho. Just my 2 cents.
Real Evidence? You mean like the one offered up by TER staff when I made my inquiry regarding why this provider was banned? Nah, I don't have that kind of "real evidence." By the way, I am not the one under the microscope here, so save your "Clemens" pun later when a more appropriate occasion arise. If anything, you might accuse me of trying to be the Jose Canseco of TER. -- Modified on 1/7/2008 4:19:51 PM
Given everything that has happened the last couple of weeks on the boards, including the relisting program, details of how some providers and hobbyists have been busted for simply using the same computer, the fact that if you're smart you can get quality information and service out of this site (I'm noting your 16 reviews), and that I have had to deal with less than ethical people on websites I have personally built in my professional life, I'm inclined to give TER the benefit of the doubt and continue to enjoy their services for the foreseeable future. Nothing I have seen or heard has ever indicated any malicious intent on their part and any hint of this "fuck me or else" on the basis of the owner of TER has always been quickly dismissed as sour grapes. That being said, you are entitled to your own version of events, but until then, that's all it is, and certainly not relevant to my use of TER.
Something definitely fishy about that lady's reviews being pulled. Doubt it was justified. Tough break for her and guys that choose not to visit based on no TER reviews. But...it's not going to stop me from using and getting useful info from TER. Not that I believe everything I read.
If your that concerned for the lady in question. You can always post a link in your post and see what happens. I have heard different things about TER and both about staff and providers. Personally I have never had any incident that would cause me to question either. But we do have a 1st amendment that allows you state your opinion and would fight for your right to say it. I hope TER leaves your post up!
I've seen the lady in question a number of times, but not sure she is interesested in the drama. Sounds like Kenshi might be more in the know. Since he didn't name her, I won't. -- Modified on 1/8/2008 6:29:30 AM
the last thing i want to see is your stinky shit all over the board. BTW: Just because you do not see the review does not mean it was never submitted! What makes you think TER would approve a fake review??? DOH,... ================================ PS. My apologies to board members and the respectful moderator for the glitch in my language!
I have read about these alleged activities in other boards and have heard (2nd & 3rd hand) this from providers who had been "delisted". Seems to corroborate.
1- What are you and others who spread these rumors around looking for? What is the shiny prize for which you are willing to question a man's integrity? Simply; what the hell is the purpose of these Bullshits if not envy or stupidity! 2- Do you have any integrity? Do you know anything about shame? If you want to denigrate a man be human enough to walk out of his place first. No body sent you any invitation, and if you don't know the exit I can show it to you, just watch your ass on the way out! ======================================== "Never tell evil of a man, if you do not know it for certainty, and if you know it for a certainty, then ask yourself, 'Why should I tell it?' " --- Johann K. Lavater ======================================= "Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do. " --- Dale Carnegie
1. Everyone has a right to express their opinion and personal experiences. You can choose to believe them or not. You don't have to read it either. If you note what I wrote is to acknowledge what I have experienced (using the word "alleged") and cited external sources that anyone can access which support this viewpoint. The original poster nor did I mention any names. 2. Who are you to question someone's integrity. Are you the moderator? 3. Hypocrite. Look at your last quote by Mr. Carnegie. 4. Notice that my original post has been censored, as my external citations have been removed. -- Modified on 1/8/2008 6:29:29 AM
You got emails from other disgruntled hobbyists and providers and read complaints on another board? That's definite proof right there! Oh and while we're at it, I have evidence that leprechauns exist because I went to a Leprechaun Believer website and there were dozens of messages from people saying that they had heard of someone who saw a leprechaun... Do some providers unfairly get banned? Probably. Does this mean the only providers listed here are those being extorted by unethical TER administrators? Extremely doubtful. Bottom line is everyone has a choice whether or not to use this site. If you don't want to, show a little class and leave without all the bad-mouthing. I know that TER has saved my ass from going to see a bad provider several times. It's funny that you've used TER for over three years and all of a sudden you are claiming that this site is a total sham.
This is yesterday's news. So what? I personally know two providers that had been "removed" from TER for some of the reasons you're giving. End of the world? Far from that. Good providers will always find ways to get to their customers. As far as "real" TER, don't mean to defend them, but think about it - CNN, FOX, and other MSM... Real? They all spin, lie, cheat, mislead. In the ocean of such "masters" that have a patent on the word "truthful", TER is a small fish in the big ethical pond. Just fugghedaboutit and go hump your fav babe...
Look I've been in the hobby a long time (since I was 15 ok) and seen all sorts of things. This hobby is no different than anything else. People will be people. This website is no different than any other one like it either. Except being that it's better or currently the best one and has been for a long time. Certain things can and will happen in any company or in any group of people. Girls can claim stuff that did or didn't happen, guys can do stuff that maybe isn't fair, or other guys can think something fishy must be going on because their favorite girl disappeared. It doesn't matter. This hobby and industry is supposed to be low key and discrete anyway so it's pretty wild a site like this exists at all. My advice is to just be thankful this place exists and you can use it as much as you do. If I ran this site I would probably take advantage of my position a bit here and there, and to be honest, all guys would. It's not so bad -- I've done far worse. TER is a huge boost to a girls career in this field and if she wants the pay then she should be willing to play. And if she thinks she can do just fine without TER then go ahead and see how that goes. I've heard of dozens of girls who have left or asked to be delisted after some self induced drama and then returned begging and pleading saying they ran out of business. TER is great for these girls and for us guys. The owner is actually a very nice and smart guy who came up with a brilliant concept and executed it very well. I admire the heck out of him. I've talk to many girls who have told me they were faced with the question and I've told them all to go ahead and do it and just consider it the price of admission to this vip club or be relegated to the bs of scrapping by for rent on sites like CL. It's a small price to pay for steady business and no one gets hurt. Girls give steady customers freebees occasionally (at least I get them) so what's the big deal with one more when it can mean so much to your business? So guys, don't worry about stuff that isn't your business. Stop fooling yourself that you're friends with these girls too. They are not your friends and you don't need to defend them. If they are your friend then you would be out having beers with them at a club and you wouldn't be paying to poke them. Don't make waves. Just be cool and smart and enjoy the ride.
Well, it is also used to try to extort cheaper services but I think that either the ladies are afraid to speak out or it is getting better. There are websites about this subject. I was asked to go "party" with friends of the alleged owner of this site. I was tols that I would get good reviews and that if I didn't my reviews would disappear. The woman who owned an agency in South Florida who was also working was crying one day because she said all of her reviews disappeared and she had to date the "owner" to get them back online. I saw thing same thing in Texas. I wasn't there and was only an observer to the drama so I don't really know what happened. I only know that TER has been used to try to bully me personally from hobbyists. The problem is that the women are vulnerable to the police and the men are not as much-period. The women are going to be exploited as long as we are oppressed. The attitude will be that we deserve whatever we have coming -and of,course - such and so is expected. I have found most hobbyists to be honest and caring. I rejected anyone who approached me from TER for years. I assumed that all hobbyists were like the 25% to who knows-it varies by location-. I have been treated much worse at the other site that is not free and AS..net is really bad in some areas. This is old news. Everyone knows what is going on. I keep thinking I'm too good for this. And then I try to remember how much MORE unhappy I was in the civvie world. This is the lesser of evils. At least once in a while I get to laugh and be happy. It is a lonely world out there. It sucks to be beautiful and have know one to appreciate it before it is GONE-forever. I cannot deal with the stress of the civvie world .The sexual harassment,the back stabbing rat race, all those fucking conference calls!! This is just the lesser of evils. I would just quit and go back to the bars if I had to give freebies to be in this business. I made money without TER for a long time and I will probably get kicked off for this. I have a lot less drama being in this business. When I was a civvie they all called me a whore since I was 14. Now no one says shit to me about what I do. This is a bit of a rant now but EVERYONE knows shady stuff is going on and well, it is what it is.
I totally agree with you JD! Very nice way of putting things in perspective. These type of things go on in the real world all the time so it is no different if it happens here. Heck, if I'm the owner, I'd certainly take advantage of it if some girls are willing to pay for special considerations. Hopefully, other people will understand your thinking and not take it so seriously. This hobby is suppose to be fun so forget the drama. Hobby on!
What you and a couple of guys are saying here is pure self-serving BS. The original poster is at least directionally correct. I have heard often about a specific individual who identifies himself as the owner of TER and takes advantage of women and then if they don't cooperate and provide sexual services, he pulls their reviews. I sent a copy of the original post to a provider who is a "friend" of mine and she just wrote me back. "Yeah, this RAT BASTARD Raped me in my home while my little boy at the time was sleeping in the other room and I had friggen bandages on my nose from a surgery that I had the previous morning!". This is only one example. I have personal knowledge of three other providers who have been contacted by this individual. His description and his modus operandi is always the same. This is not some concocted story by some disgruntled provider. I call direct testimony evidence, for the dumb sh_t who asked where the evidence was. I have talked to other VIP members who informed me that the guy in question is not the owner, just a corrupt employee who has a history of this. Intimidation on those he can. I like the services of TER and the whole concept but I don't like people who take advantage of others. Maybe I am a boy scout but I will step up to the plate if I can. If you want to sit around and not rock the boat as many of you posters have said. Well I feel sorry for you. If you want to be happy with corrupt individuals move to Mexico. I think the owners of TER want to know about someone who uses his power over other for his own benefit. If it was actually the owner then it will be just a matter of time till the rattlesnake is destroyed. My history of violence understands this. This would hurt us all. However, I think it is a bad apple who may already be gone. I don't know. The fact that this discussion is still up is a very good sign. -- Modified on 1/12/2008 6:24:51 PM
Be careful with the accusations. It's slander and you wouldn't want the same said about you. 1. If the girl is in the sex business then she knows or learns quickly that she has to be careful of all types of situations. It turns out girls are a lot more intelligent then they want you to know about. 2. Unless you're her pimp, it's really non of your business. 3. If she has a stranger/john over to her house where her son is sleeping then what kind of an idiot is she? I understand a single mom having a qualified baby sitter watch her kid while she goes and does something she's screened as best she can to insure will be reasonably safe. But having a stranger who claims to be the owner of ter and her having no proof he is and just takes his word for it and has him over for sex while her son sleeps in another room and she's still got surgery bandages on her nose? That's a girl that needs to have her child removed to protective services. You don't put your child at risk like that. 4. If she got rapped as she claims then call the police. That's a violent crime the police want to help her with. They don't care if she's an escort, a violent crime is a whole other category and they will help her with it. She can then sue the guy in civil court for ever dime he owns. 5. This is the real world. Shit happens. You hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Never have a stranger in your home. Never let anyone associated with business know where you live. Unless you're a jackass which I'm already convinced she is for all the reasons you said. 6. TER is a great place where we can help each other with advice and advisories. Girls; don't fall for guys claiming to be the owner of ter coming over for freebees. We warn each other of scams here. Like that asian guy who was giving girls envelopes of cash and they were all singles, not twenties, etc. But this is all such basic info I feel like a jackass for even writing this but I'm already too deep to erase it. If the guy claims to be ter and can help your biz and you agree that's a good trade then see him in a safe place and ask to see his ID/DL and write you from ter to prove it. If you somehow then decide you don't want to have sex and he rapes you then call the police immediately after. What else? Oh yeah, always floss, save at least ten percent of your income for retirement, eat your vegitables.... You know, common sense stuff. And Rodent, stop being a boyscout to a girl that
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