Ten Reasons Why Physical Therapy Is Beneficial

Ten Reasons Why Physical Therapy Is Beneficial

People of all ages can benefit from physical therapy if they suffer from any medical condition or injuries that affect their ability to move and function normally.

A custom-designed program of physical therapy can help patients return to their original levels of performance and help them make lifestyle modifications that assist in preventing injury from occurring as well as improve overall health and wellbeing. Primary care doctors often refer patients to physical therapy when they first notice the onset of an issue, as it is considered a conservative approach to managing problems. Why is physical therapy so important for you?

In celebration of Physical Therapy month in October, here are 10 ways that it can help you:

Reduce or eliminate the pain

Manual therapy and therapeutic exercises techniques like joint and soft tissue mobilization, or treatments like taping, ultrasound or electrical stimulation can ease discomfort and improve joint and muscle function to reduce pain. These therapies can help prevent discomfort from returning.

Avoid Surgeries

Surgery may not be necessary If hot stone massage therapy aids in reducing pain or healing from injuries. Even if surgery is required, you may benefit from pre-surgery therapy. In most cases you'll be able to recover faster if go into surgery with a more robust and fit condition. Avoiding surgery can also reduce the costs of your health insurance.

Increase mobility

Physical therapy is a great alternative for those who have difficulty standing, walking, or even moving. Exercises for stretching and strengthening help restore the ability of your body to move. A physical therapist can fit those who use crutches, canes, or any other aids and may also prescribe orthotics. Individually-designed care plans can be tailored to meet the needs of any activity and ensure maximum safety and performance.

Recovery from stroke

After a stroke it is common to experience some loss of movement and function. Physical therapy aids in strengthening weak areas of the body, and help improve balance and gait. Physical therapists can also improve stroke patients' capacity to transfer and move around in bed , so they can be more independent within their homes, and reduce their burden of taking care of bathing, toileting, dressing and other activities associated with daily living.

Injuries from sports can be avoided or treated.

Physical therapists are knowledgeable about the risks of injury that various sports can cause, such as stress fractures that runners suffer from. To ensure that you're safe to return to your sport, they can aid you in planning the appropriate rehabilitation or preventive exercises.

Balance and prevention of falls

You will be screened for the risk of falling at the time you begin neck pain. Therapists will use exercises that safely and with care challenge your balance in real life situations. You can also get help by therapists who can help you with aidive devices and coordination exercises which will allow you to move more comfortably. If balance problems result from dysfunction in the vestibular system, physical therapists can help with specific exercises to restore normal vestibular function and reduce or eliminate vertigo, dizziness, and other symptoms.

Control blood sugar and other vascular disorders

Exercise can be part of a diabetes management plan. Additionally, people with diabetes may experience issues with sensation in their feet and legs. Physical therapists are able to help and guide patients in proper foot care to prevent any further issues down the line.

Control age-related problems

As individuals age, they might develop osteoporosis or arthritis or need the replacement of a joint. Physical therapists can assist patients who need joint replacements and keep osteoporotic and arthritis-related conditions in check.

Control lung and heart disease

Patients may undergo cardiac rehabilitation following an operation or heart attack. However, physical therapy is also available when you are not able to perform as you normally. For pulmonary problems, manual therapy can improve quality of life through the strengthening, conditioning, and breathing exercises, and assist patients with the elimination of fluids in the lung.

Manage Women's Health and other conditions

Women are prone to health issues that are specific to them, such as with pregnancy and post-partum care. Physical therapists are able to offer specialized treatment for women's health issues. Additionally, PT can provide specialized treatment for Bowel incontinence and constipation, breast cancer lymphedema, fibromyalgia pelvic health, pelvic pain, and urinary incontinence.

If you are unsure about how physical therapy may assist you or someone else you care about, please do not hesitate to contact your physician or your local PT for further information.

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