Ten Albuquerque Birth Injury Attorney That Will Help You Live Better

Ten Albuquerque Birth Injury Attorney That Will Help You Live Better

An Albuquerque Birth Injury Attorney Can Help Families Pursue Compensation

Families with children with birth injuries might require compensation to cover the cost of therapies, assistive devices, and rehabilitation expenses. A skilled albuquerque birth injury lawyer can assist them in pursuing an appropriate amount of compensation for their child's lifetime needs.

Medical negligence during pregnancy and labor can cause birth injuries that range from minor to severe. In some cases the injuries may be permanent and life-altering.

Obstetricians and Gynecologists

There may be the most traumatic event for families than when their baby is injured within the first few hours or days after birth. Fortunately, in most cases these injuries can be avoided. However, if nurses, doctors and other medical professionals fail to exercise reasonable care, injuries could result in devastating consequences for the mother and her child.

A qualified birth injury attorney knows that the elements of a successful malpractice claim include an alleged breach of duty, causation and damages. A plaintiff must demonstrate that a doctor has violated the established standards of their profession to prove a breach of duty. Expert witnesses are crucial to establishing the breach of duty component of a lawsuit.

Obstetricians (pronounced ahb-steh TRIH-shun guhh-NEK) and Gynecologists are experts in women's health before, during and after pregnancy. They are able to perform surgery and other procedures such as hysterectomies and uterine fibroids removal, cysts and tumors removal, and uterine fibroid removal. They may also conduct prenatal screenings and counseling for pregnant women.

Ob/GYNs typically work in hospitals, clinics and private medical offices. A lot of them own their own practices and may be members of group practices. They are employed by government or private health insurance companies and are generally regarded as primary physicians for women.


Nurses may also be held accountable for their actions during labor, pregnancy, or delivery. As with all medical malpractice claims the claimant has to show that the defendant's conduct or lack of actions were not in line with the standard of treatment that is expected in the medical profession. It can be difficult to prove this without the assistance of a medical professional.

Medical experts can provide valuable insights into a situation and offer professional opinions on whether the doctor's actions are in fact not up to standards. A lawyer with experience will know how to find the best medical experts.

A successful claim can allow a family to recover compensation for both economic and non-economic damages. This includes direct financial losses, such as medical costs loss of income, as well as future care costs. This may also include noneconomic damage, such as discomfort and pain, and loss of enjoyment.

A sum of money cannot ever make up the harm done to a child and his family members due to an injury to their birth, but it can help to pay for medical treatments as well as therapies, assistive devices and other costs. An experienced lawyer who is familiar with birth injury cases will fight hard to ensure that at-fault medical professionals and facilities are held accountable for their mistakes. They are also able to deal with large hospital defense and physician firms.


Many families with children who have suffered birth injuries could benefit from seeking compensation to cover medical treatments and therapies, assistive devices and other expenses associated with the child's injury. In certain cases, a birth injury lawyer could also assist parents to obtain compensation for non-economic losses, like pain and suffering. These damages are granted along with economic damages that are meant to pay victims directly for their financial losses.

perinatal injury lawyer , as well as other medical professionals, may be held accountable for birth injuries if they fail monitor the mother and child properly prior to, during and after labor. This can include failing to detect signs of fetal distress, and not following medical instructions. Additionally, hospitals could be held vicariously liable for the carelessness of their staff.

The lawyers at Miller Weisbrod Olesky are experienced in recognizing and litigating birth injury claims against hospitals and healthcare professionals. We are ready to fight to hold everyone accountable for the birth injury of an individual. We know that money cannot reverse the effects of a birth trauma however, we would like to ensure that children and parents are able to cope with their injuries. Depending on the severity the injury suffered by your child we might be able to recover compensation for:


Anesthesiologists are highly skilled medical professionals who administer and monitor general local, regional, or regional anesthesia or sedation before and after surgical procedures. They work with surgeons, nurse-anesthetists and other physicians at urban and rural clinics, hospitals and private offices.

Anesthesiologists who specialize in anesthesiology typically begin their careers with a bachelor's degree, taking courses in biology, chemistry mathematics, physics, and math which prepare them for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). After being accepted into medical school, the doctor of medicine (MD), or doctor of osteopathy (DO) is awarded.

Anesthesiologists are responsible for ensuring that patients feel at ease during surgery. They must also be ready to respond rapidly to an emergency. They need to be agile and skilled using their hands as they have to insert IVs, arterial cannulas and breathing tubes, and utilize ultrasounds to guide needle placement spinal/epidural injections and nerve blocks.

Because of the complexities of their jobs anesthesiologists generally work in close collaboration with medical specialists. They must be able to communicate effectively with their colleagues and remain alert throughout the procedure. If an anesthesiologist commits a mistake, it could result in serious injuries, such as birth injuries. This is why it's important for medical professionals to prove that a physician's actions fell below the standard of care for their area.

Medical Equipment Manufacturers

Medical equipment and devices are used for essential tasks, like blood tests, x-rays, and imaging. It is essential that this equipment is reliable and produced by reputable companies. There are many medical device manufacturers in the United States, and each one has strengths and weaknesses of its own.

A medical equipment manufacturer who specializes in injection molding, for example can make products such as syringes or catheters. Certain of these devices require complex manufacturing and precise calibration. Medical injection molding suppliers are well-versed in medical grade materials and operate in a clean, sterile environment. They offer services, production solutions, and technologies.

Another manufacturer of medical equipment is teleflex, which offers medical devices and catheters to the critical care, cardiovascular, and surgical markets. The company also manufactures respiratory and gastro-intestinal devices. Its products are utilized worldwide by hospitals, health care providers and patients.

Birth injuries resulting from medical negligence can be devastating for families. These injuries can lead to ongoing medical expenses for life and huge financial burdens. A successful birth injury claim can help recover the compensation needed to cover these costs.

A qualified Albuquerque birth injury attorney from Dominguez Law can conduct a thorough examination of your family's circumstances to determine the parties that could be held liable. This includes physicians, nurse practitioners and healthcare facilities. We can also speak with medical professionals, life-care planners and economists to determine an accurate estimate of the future needs of your child and the amount of damages you should receive in settlement.

Other Medical Professionals

There are other types of medical professionals who can be involved in birth injuries, such as physicians assistants and nurse practitioners. These professionals can help with labor and delivery by executing certain tests or administering certain medications. If these individuals do not perform their duties or are negligent, they could be held responsible for a child's injury.

In many cases of birth injuries, there are multiple defendants such as doctors and hospital. They may attempt to contest the claim by arguing that the injury was caused by other causes such as genetic conditions or matern complications. In such cases it is crucial to hire a qualified attorney to fight for an equitable amount of compensation.

A skilled Albuquerque attorney who is specialized in birth injuries can assist you to file a lawsuit and seek compensation for the injuries suffered by your client. Compensation damages could include lost income, medical expenses and pain and discomfort. Punitive damages may also be awarded if the actions of the at-fault parties were deliberate or grossly negligent.

Parents of children suffering from birth injuries can join support groups in New Mexico that offer coping strategies and guidance on how to make the most of healthcare resources. These groups can be found in a variety places including community centers, schools libraries, libraries, nonprofit organizations, as well as online platforms. Support groups often focus on specific conditions or circumstances, like spinal cord injury.

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