Tempest Erotic Stories

Tempest Erotic Stories


Tempest Erotic Stories
Incest Sex Story: A remote island becomes an erotic revelation to a shipwrecked mother and son.
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa 
It was just a vague idea, really. But there was something magic about this island, and standing on it's highest point, still only a hundred yards from the beach, the far off thunderclouds
crackled and flashed as she watched. All the storms did that, approach from the west, then veer off northward. The same phenomenon that had carried their liferaft here three months ago.
An observor would not have thought of Prospero. Nor Ariel. Her black hair was almost to her waist, framing a face more seductive than mystical. Her deep suntan set off large, heavily lashed eyes, a pert nose, and fleshy lips that always appeared pouted. She was completely nude, with breasts that seemed impossibly high for their size. Her narrow waist flared slightly to hips that framed a large triangle of thickly curly pubic hair, and finished in long legs whose thighs didn't quite meet at her groin. She stood straight, her arms comfortably loose at her sides, at ease with her nudity.
Only close to her could the tiny wrinkles around her eyes, and at her neck, betray a woman closer to forty than thirty. She was very fit, trim and muscular as she stood on the flat rock
that was the island's peak, enjoying the warm wind as it blew harder than usual, flicking tendrils of hair around on her back. She was focused out to sea.
As she scanned for a ship, or possibly floating deterius from the storm, Gina Thorne shook her head slightly. She had been worrying about her idyllic perversion, feeling the ripples of excitement even as she pondered its morality. But thinking back to that horrible night she and her son arrived here, battered within an inch of their lives, her husband washed away in the fierce ocean's roaring wildness, wedged in the small wooden boat, then awakening in this paradise, she reminded herself of their luck.
Her husband Jack had been a bastard, playing around casually, yet raising hell every time she flirted a little. But he had been hell in bed, and he kept her sexually satisfied except during his affairs. She had walked out several times in the last couple of years, and this cruise had been a sort of last gasp for their marriage. Even on the small ship, he had led her into the same old arguments.
"Christ, you were practically drooling over that guy. It looked to me like you were ready to rape him right on the dance floor." His words had been quietly bitter as they tried to not wake Danny. She retorted, less concerned with hiding their argument, "Why you rotten bastard. After that stroll on deck with little miss secretary hump, where do you get off with this shit. Really, Jack. You know I was just trying to have some fun, while you were probably playing kissyface with that blonde." They were always blondes.
"Shaking your tits at him that way. At least I try to be circumspect. You looked like a whore." He was always making cracks about her breasts. He had her get them augmented after Danny was born, even as he philandered with that first one. At least the first one she knew about.
"The tits were your idea, remember stud? But I'm not giving them back. At least I know when you're gone, I won't be lonely. And we'll see just how popular you are when I take half your goddamn money, including the partnership."
That always got him pissed, and he usually walked out, looking like otherwise he might hit her. That wouldn't have been smart, since she was almost as tall as he was, and worked out regularly. Their occasional wrestling matches early in their marriage had made him wary of getting physical with her. She remembered the despair she felt, just before the alarms started to ring. He'd been brave during the chaos, getting them to a boat, helping the crew get it over the side, and then ruined it, just as a huge wave ripped him overboard, yelling at her, "Shit, cover up, will ya." Her last memory of him was that look of contempt as he was swept away.
She had tried to stay civilized, she really had. She mended their garments, and for a couple of days they stayed dressed. But the heat, the humidity, and the need to stay active collecting food, building shelter, and exploring, quickly chafed most of the areas that were covered. Only by staying nude could their skin avoid the painful itching and rash. Fortunately, they both had mediterranean skin that tanned nicely.
Almost immediately she noticed Danny ogling her. She wasn't sure he had been sexually active with hometown girls, though his tall good looks and well developed body had kept him popular. But she knew he masturbated a lot. She had heard teen age boys were constantly horny, and his almost constant erection seemed to affirm it.
It only took a few days for her to realize how much she, too, missed sex. Walking around with her pussy feeling the air, feeling her boobs jiggle, particularly when Danny would be sneaking lustful looks at her, a sense of being in heat became almost constant. She would wait until he was asleep, then sneak down to the surf and masturbate with the water washing sensually over her. She found that after the first few days, once wasn't enough.
Then one night, as she snuck back into their makeshift lean to, she realized Danny was doing the same thing. He was spurting just as she got back. He lay there staring at her as gob after gob lobbed into the air to land on his stomach. Her mind was a welter of confusing signals. He shouldn't be doing that. Ridiculous, she had just been doing the same thing. They had to talk about this. What was there to say? God, what a neat prick her little boy had. "Oh, Danny."
"Mom, Mom, geez, I'm so horny. Ooooh." Another spurt as she stood there gaping. But his hand kept moving on his cock. "Danny, isn't that enough? Come on, honey." There was a tear in his eye as he gasped "That was only my second time, Mom. I have to do it at least three times before I can get to sleep." She had thrown herself on her bamboo mat with her back to him as she listened to the soft, rhythmic sound of his wet hand, and finally a grunt of completion, and a long sigh. They both had troubled, fitful nights.
The next morning, as they bathed in the wonderful clean, cool lake after breakfast, he started to go back into the jungle within minutes of wading into the water. She called out "Danny, where are you going? What's the matter?" He stopped, his strong back to her, then deliberately turned to show her his stiff tool. He wrapped his fist around it. "I have to go do it, Mom. I just can't take watching you." She stood waist deep, watching his eyes flick from her face to her tits, and her clitty popped out. Just like that. No touching, nothing but the stimulation of his staring at her, his admiration, his desire.
"Wait Danny." Her mind was spinning, but she tried to think logically. They both were so wound up that the tension would grow and grow. And it had only been a week. Conventional rules against incest had not evolved on a remote desert island. There seemed little possibility of a quick rescue. She started wading out. "Danny, I'm horny too. You know that, don't you?" He was staring at her pussy as it cleared the surface, as she watched his cock spasm. God knows what damage to his psyche screwing her would do, but it seemed inevitable at that moment.
As Gina waded slowly toward her son, she let the natural resistance both separate her thighs and swing her hips, giving him a tantalizing show. She could feel the lips of her cunt shifting slightly under the wet black fur, and let her titties bounce. She wanted to turn him on now, knowing the inevitability of their incest, starting to heat up with the nasty pleasure just the thought gave her. She watched his cock twitch, and saw a little smile on his handsome young face. The sounds of the insects singing made her preen her body, knowing how sexy the droplets of water on her deeply suntanned skin must be to him. She had very little bikini outline left after a week of total nudity.
She walked right up to him, and reached down to take his member into her own hand, as Danny gaped at her. She pecked him lightly on the mouth, then squeezed his twitching tool. "We're going to have to do it, darling. It's all wrong, but we both want it, don't we? Go ahead dear, put your hand on Mommy's pussy." She felt his palm cover her pubic hair, and his finger rise into her cleft, pushing at the still exposed clit. Thrills radiated upward from his touch, and her last conscious thought before passion swept away rationality was that he seemed to know what he was doing.
Gina pressed her mouth to his, beginning to soar with the freedom she felt, the release of her frustration, the lovely sensation of their lips together, and the flicking of their tongues. Her stiff nipples tingled as they rubbed against his chest. She grunted and started rubbing the head of his cock against her stomach. His hips began humping it. She felt his sharp intake of breath as they became almost frantic to touch, to feel, to strain their bodies together.
Pulling her head away, she held his eyes, seeing the excitement, feeling his pulsing dick. "Oh shit, Mom, oh geez, oh geez." Their evil, lascivious crossing of this forbidden barrier had made them both wild. She dropped to her back on the matted leaves of the bank and spread her legs, opening her cunt's inner lips to expose the wet pink flesh. "Come down and eat Mommy's pussy, darling. And I'll suck that lovely big cock. We can't go on masturbating, Danny. Not in this beautiful place, with someone to love. That's it,dear. No, no gentler, use your tongue. Feel that? That's my clitoris, you have to concentrate on that. Ohhhhhh, yesss."
Her whole lower body was tingling as he knelt there between her legs. He was looking up at her as he sucked and licked, waiting for more directions. But he had the idea now, and she was nearing a cum. Her hips were hunching up into his mouth and she heard him gulp as her fluid began to flow down his throat. She began edging around toward him, breathing "That's lovely, darling. Mommy's going to cum soon. Let me have your prick so I can get you off with me."
Her son didn't realize what she wanted, but by tugging on his thigh and wriggling toward his groin, she got his cock near enough to her mouth to get her lips around the head, flicking at the tip to taste the little drop of fluid oozing out. She felt the vibration as he groaned and humped his hips down, driving the thick meat into her throat. She sucked at the rigid shaft, pulling back slightly. A spasm shot through him, she felt the rod pulse, and heard a muffled cry. Then she felt the stream of spunk as he came.
The shock of his climax dulled her slightly, even though he kept trying to eat her wet cunt. He wasn't getting her clit each time, only sporadically, as she swallowed wildly, getting only a hint of the taste of his gunk. She waited until his prick stopped its fucking of her mouth, then released it and breathed "Fuck me, Danny. Fuck Mommy."
He almost jumped to his knees, his thick cock jumping, still hard. Edging quickly around, he pressed the hot head of his manhood to her seething, saliva coated pussylips. He stared down at her black, tangled bush for a moment, then lifted his eyes to hers. She leered and reached for him, and his mouth sank to hers with a groan of desire, while the first inch entered her. Their lips seared, as their tongues dueled madly, hot flashes of sensation overwhelming her whole being.
He was supporting himself on his elbows, holding her eyes, sinking slowly into her. It felt so good she almost came before he had penetrated her fully, and she was gasping open mouthed at the pleasure of his filling her. He was even a little bigger than Jack, and they both sighed as he got to the point of completed insertion. After just a few strokes she was already cresting, and began to babble as he thrust repeatedly in and out. "O fuck me, darling. Fuck Mommy. I'm going, I'm going oh there, there, Aaaaaaagh."
She was not surprised to feel her orgasm approaching fast, but his excitement amazed her. He had popped into her mouth five minutes before, and now was nearing another nut. God he must have been horny, she thought. In spite of all that jacking off. Gina humped her hips up to his thrusts, the thrills radiating, swelling, taking her into a neverland of pleasure.
Her cuntal spasms began taking her out of herself as she seemed to watch from somewhere outside, the gorgeous pair of bodies in this island paradise climaxing wildly. He froze deep inside her, and warmth radiated from the center of her groin as his spunk filled her. Then he pulled out and humped again, and she felt more heat. Her own orgasm rippled like huge waves throughout her body. They feverishly mashed their groins together, the soaring feeling taking both to a high plane of ecstacy. So strong, so wonderful, she thought as her hands pulled and scratched at his back.
When she opened her eyes, she found him staring at her. "Did you get off, Mom? Just like me?" She grinned up at him, and nodded "Yes darling, a nice big cum. Don't your little teeny boppers get off?" "None I ever fucked, Mom. They just lay there. Geez, I felt you squeezing my prick. It was neat. I always thought you'd be hot." She pulled his head down and kissed his open mouth, then licked at the sweat on his upper lip. As she did, she realized he was still hard, still inside her. "Christ, Danny, you've still got it up. Can you go again, that quick?"
He was staring down at her tits, one hand cupping, pinching, and kneading. "Sometimes I beat off four times, one after the other, Mom. Are you ready for more? I am." She clenched her cunt around him, and felt the little jump it caused. "You're a woman's wet dream, darling. Can't you feel how wet I am? Go ahead, umm good, just like that, ohhh fuck Mommy."
It had been so wonderful, that second time. He started with frantic spasms, but she wrapped her legs around his thighs, and cooed "Slower, darling. Slower. Here, let me guide you." Her hands pulled him away until only the head still nestled in her dripping cunt, then pulled him smoothly back to her depths. "Like that, smooth, yes, uh huh, oh Danny." She got off half way through, then came again just after he spurted into her fifteen minutes later. The orgasms reminded her of when she and Jack were first married, strong, vibrating, all encompassing completions. He softened after that third time, and they both giggled when he finally popped out of her hole and liquid poured out. Suddenly a look of panic went across his face. Her heart sank until he asked "Hey Mom, can I make you pregnant? I never thought about that."
She laughed and reminded him about having her tubes tied ten years ago. "I didn't want another baby with your dad, Danny. You were enough for me. Looks like you still are. Lets cool off." They rolled over three times, together, until the cool water engulfed them.
As she stood and stared out at the storm already starting to move away, she realized her hand was caressing her slit, remembering that first day. Four more times he had taken her, twice as the late evening cooled their hut off, after she taught him how to eat her pussy. As the days passed into weeks, she taught him every position she knew, and they experimented freely. Never less than three times a day, and she usually had to suck him off when they went to sleep. She had never experienced anal sex, but the first night she had been menstruating, he beat off into her anus, then used the jism to lubricate her. She was amazed at how good it ended up feeling.
Her body adjusted to the constant nudity, and she enjoyed long walks in the lush jungle, the tickle of the leaves adding to her sense of continuous erotic pleasure. Her mind settled into nearly constant anticipation of their next love making, playing out fantasies she then tried to realize. Even as the tiny voice in her mind wondered at the rightness of it, they lost themselves in the frenetic coupling that was their principal amusement.
As she continued watching the storm recede, she began thinking about heading back and letting him do her asshole again. There was a smile on her face as the little doubts faded, when she noticed the tiny speck on the horizon. Two weeks before, a carton of wine had washed up, and they were still enjoying it. This was bigger, she could tell from it's position probably eight miles away, but everything ended up on their beach. She started picking her way down, excited about what this latest find would be.
Danny was putting the final touches on an extension of their shelter when she got back to the little clearing just off the beach. When he heard her, he turned, sank to his knees, leaned back, and humped his hips forward, making his cock jut out toward her. She leered at him, which was just what he wanted. Her admiration of his tool, even from afar, made it start to stiffen as she watched.
As she dropped to her hands and knees and began crawling toward him, she felt the wonder of how randy they had become. "I'm glad you're back, Mommy cunt. How 'bout a blow job." As her eyes focused on his twitching dong, she murmured "Oh you're so nasty, darling. So naughty. And your thing is soooo big. I don't know if I can get it in my mouth." She got close enough to blow on it's head, grinning as she swung her boobs beneath her chest, and it raised to fully erect as her hot breath played on the pulsing flesh. "But I'll try, baby."
Gina took her son's cockhead in her mouth, just the pearshaped tip, and sucked it in a pulsating way as her tongue played lightly across the slit oozing already. He was developing good self control, and she looked up to see his eyes closed, a smile playing on his lips. His stomach muscles rippled in his strained position, as his hands played in her hair. She still wanted it in her ass, and when he got off quick, he could stay hard. She opened her lips, and sank his tube slowly back into her throat. Then she closed her lips around its base, her tongue playing on the underside, and swallowed several times.
"Oh god, Mom. You know I can't take too much of that. Watch out, watch out." She felt spasms in the thick member, almost feeling the thick jism starting to rise from his balls. She pulled up, to the end, then again sank it to its full length, swallowing frantically. She felt two quick spasms, then heard him groan as a gush of liquid shot down her throat. She pulled back, and began accumulating the thick cream in her mouth.
His constant cums had made his ability to make spunk increase, and he filled her mouth completely even before he finished. She pulled her head away, and let the white goo ooze into her cupped hand. Quickly, she reached back and began massaging it into the wrinkled ring of her anus, two fingers opening the tight doorway as she again mouthed his cock. By the time she had stuffed two full loads inside her bowel, he had gotten the idea, and a look of bright excitement had taken over his face. "Christ, you're a sexy whore, Mom. You want it in the ass, don't you?"
She nodded several times, as her lips opened to show him the residue of gunk in her mouth. Her hand was still working his prick, and as she had guessed, it stayed stiff. "Yes darling, hard and nasty. Try to make it hurt. Fuck Mommy's ass." The evil lewdness of her words already had a tiny rivulet of her juice dripping down her thigh from her slit. Danny scrambled around and positioned his hard rod at her back end. He leaned onto her back, one hand sliding into her pussy, and whispered "Beg for it, slut. Beg me to hump your butt."
She twisted her head around so their eyes met, as she smiled and grunted "Do it, darling.
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