Tempered Skins For Females

Tempered Skins For Females


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This is a beta of [FNV|FO3|FO4|FO4VR|TES5|SSE|TES5VR|ENDERAL|ENDERALSE]LODGen/Edit with terrain LOD meshes and textures generation.
This is for experienced mod authors and users that know how to use xEdit, xLODGen or DynDOLOD already.
Installation and Setup
xLODGen beta 83 - based on 4.1.3g
Unzip into a dedicated folder outside of any game and Steam folders or special Windows folders like Program Files.
(Pro users can merge with existing xEdit installation. Make sure to overwrite older LODGen.exe/LODGenx64.exe TexConv.exe/TexConvx64.exe in Edit Scripts. All other files with the same filenames are the same as the latest version of xEdit.)
Rename xLODGen.exe to [game mode]LODGen.exe (TES5LODGen.exe for example) or start with command line parameter -fnv, -fo3, -fo4, -fo4vr, -tes5, tes5vr, -sse, -enderal, -enderalse
Use -o:"c:\OutputPath\" command line parameter to change where files are generated to, default is the game folder.
Do not generate into any game or any mod manager folders.
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 - Required by LODGen.exe/LODGenx64.exe and Texconv.exe/Texconvx64.exe. Get matching platform x86/x64 depending on which xLODGen.exe (x86) or xLODGenx64.exe (x64) is used.
RTFM and Share Results
See the included Skyrim-Occlusion-Readme.txt for a brief explanation of the Skyrim TVDT Occlusion data generation. Read the hints that are shown when the mouse pointer rests on a setting. Ask specific questions or give feedback in the dedicated Skyrim TVDT - Occlusion Data thread.
See the included Terrain-LOD-Readme.txt for a brief explanation of the settings for terrain LOD generation. Read the hints that are shown when the mouse pointer rests on a setting. Ask specific questions about terrain LOD in this thread for a more in-depth explanation if required and share feedback (with screenshots) about results or problems.
These tools generate LOD meshes and textures "exactly" like CK, but not like the meshes and textures which are shipping with the games (they are often manually edited).
However, these tools provide more options and higher resolutions (use the x64 version if there are memory errors because you believe you require 4k or higher) and can be updated to add more useful features and options.
I did some testing in the different games, but finding the best combinations of options and settings requires lots of testing and are a matter of personal opinion and which game is used, the load order, mods, even different worldspaces probably.
That means, I am only able to give generic guidelines and hints to send you off to find and test for yourself and share your results. My main interested is that generations works correctly and without problems for now.
Check out the thread xLODGen Terrain Settings Compare. Also refer to any modding guide which has a list of relevant mods close to your load order.
The object and tree LOD generation is the same as the current versions of xEdit / xLODGen. Refer to their respective descriptions and explanations.
Obviously, users of Skryim/Enderal/Skyrim SE/Skyrim VR/EnderalSE continue to use the easier and more comprehensive DynDOLOD for drastically improved object and tree LOD generation and only use xLODGen for terrain LOD (and maybe Occlusion) generation.
First Time
Here are suggestion to start without going crazy and that should be quick enough to generate:
Set quality of meshes for LOD4 to 5 and then +5 for each next level. Or just set levels 8/16/32 to 10.
Check protect cell borders (yes it fixes the ugly terrain drops at outer cell borders that still exist in Fallout 4).
Use the max vertices setting only if you want to hard limit max file size.
In Skyrim Special Edition or Skyrim VR, if you notice terrain briefly flickering when new areas are loading in, set [Display] bEnableLandFade=0 in Skyrim.INI
Set Optimize Unseen to off for LOD4 for first generation. Start experimenting with a value of 550 with a quality setting of 10 or lower for LOD32 (used for map) and compare coastlines and file size to other settings.
To quickly generate terrain LOD meshes just for the map, check only terrain LOD Meshes, check the Specific Chunk checkbox and set drop down to 32. Leave SW fields empty for complete map or set SW cell coordinates to same values as a *.btr filename to test a specific area with lots of water, river etc.
Set texture sizes to 512 for a start. Larger sizes and large world spaces will take a considerable time (like 15 to 30 minutes or more easily). Each higher resolution means quadruple the work.
Use DXT1 for diffuse and 565 (DXT1 if on Windows 7) for normal maps. If generating for Skyrim Special Edition use BC7. Uncheck mipmaps, raise steepness and Bake normal maps.
For now, leave the Brightness, Contrast and Gamma at 0 and 1.0 respectively. It seems that only Skyrim CK and Skyrim SE CK are manipulating the intensity of the textures to adjust for the noise.dds and the god awful "improved" snow shader of Skyrim SE (just turn that thing off, really). If textures seem too dark in the game, brighten the noise.dds instead or vice versa. That way you can get perfectly matching LOD textures that look just like the textures in the loaded cells. For Skyrim a good average color of the noise texture seems to be around #C0. See below for a couple noise texture downloads.
If you want to test larger texture sizes, use the chunk option to limit the number of textures that need to be generated. For example, check [x] Specific chunk, leave the drop down empty and set WS to the lower left cell coordinate of an 32x32 area, like 0, 0. It will then generate all textures up to 31,31. Not all worldspaces have their origin at 0,0 so you will have to check already generated meshes/texture filenames for their lower left coordinates.
Questions and Feedback
Obliviously anything related to terrain LOD should be posted in this thread.
Posts related to Occlusion should be made here.
Recommended Optionals
TES5-Terrain-Tamriel.esm, SSE-Terrain-Tamriel.esm
TES5-Terrain-Tamriel-Extend.esm, SSE-Terrain-Tamriel-Extend.esm - These extend the sea of ghost further to the north (see screenshots)
SSE-Terrain-Tamriel-Full-Extend.esm - Entire map from -96,-96 to 95,96 with northern ocean extension. Useful for mod authors.
Put in game data folder obviously. Adds back terrain for Skyrim (Tamriel worldspace) at the outer edges so there is no missing terrain meshes/textures when generating terrain LOD for Skyrim.
Load as early with lowest priority as possible, so that any other plugins overwriting or adding land records or cells with the same coordinates take precedence.
Only required to be loaded when generating terrain LOD. No harm done when loaded in-game but typically the player can not get close to these areas. There are no effects outside the far away added cells.
Single color flat noise, Adjusted vanilla noise, HD Terrain Noise Texture SE
Examples for Skyrim. Install to game folder like any other texture mod. The noise texture is applied in-game on top of terrain LOD textures, so no effect for LOD generation.
Only the red channel is used in case the textures is not a grey channel format. MipMaps are ignored. The textures is tiled 3x3 per LOD quad, e.g. for LOD level 4, the noise texture is repeated 3 times to cover 4 cells, for LOD level 8, the noise texture is repeated 3 times to cover 8 cells and so on.
For testing terrain LOD distances. Plain color terrain LOD textures for Tamriel with coordinates for every LOD quad. Green for LOD 4, yellow for LOD8, blue for LOD 16 and red for LOD 32.

Just finished STEP 3 and cleaned the masters. Thought everything was going smooth but when it came time to open the overwrite folder in MO to replace data files, there was nothing in overwrite. I'm assuming I need to put something back into the data file, but I'm not sure what to do now or where I went wrong. I'm very new to all this and apologize in advance for my naivety.

I will keep this post brief. Make use of the Help buttons and hover over settings. Do not hesitate to ask questions and provide feedback.
This is early ALPHA to test things and iron out bugs. Certain things may be incomplete, not work as expected or change considerably between versions. In case of error messages, click "Help for this message" if available. Ask questions or report any problems or issue in this thread.
If making posts or reporting errors, upload/paste these files (if they exist) to a file or text sharing service:
..\DynDOLOD\Logs\[DynDOLOD|TexGen]_[TES5|ENDERAL|SSE|TES5VR|ENDERALSE]_log.txt (truncate large log files to last meaningful generation)
If issue involves LODGen upload/paste
DynDOLOD Standalone 3.00 Alpha-35 (Mega) DynDOLOD Resources 3.00 Alpha-10 (Mega) for Skyrim/Enderal or DynDOLOD Resources SE 3.00 Alpha-10 (Mega) for Skyrim SE/Skyrim VR/Enderal SE Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 For dynamic LOD: SKSE, SKSE64, SKSEVR and PapyrusUtil, PapyrusUtil SE, PapyrusUtil VR  or DynDOLOD DLL For grass LOD: A warm precache from No Grass In Objects. See next post for details. For Majestic Mountains: Majestic Mountains LOD Pack for DynDOLOD 3 
Install the requirements as usual. Install the Core Files from either DynDOLOD Resources or DynDOLOD Resources SE depending on the used game version. Typically overwrite any files or refer to Load/Overwrite Orders. Install other options as desired. Unpack the DynDOLOD Standalone archive into a new 'DynDOLOD' directory that is outside of special OS folders like 'Programs Files' or 'Program Files (x86)', User, Documents, Desktop, Download and also not in SteamApps, game or any mod manager folders. If the tools are started without setting a Game Mode with a command line argument (-tes5 for Skyrim, -sse for Skyrim Special Edition etc.), a message window will prompt for the desired Game Mode. 
LOD Generation
Use TexGen to generate object LOD textures and tree/grass LOD billboards into a dedicated output folder and then install as a mod. Use DynDOLOD to generate object LOD (includes grass LOD if enabled), tree and optional dynamic LOD into a dedicated output folder and then install as a mod. 
Major Feature Changes
Generate high quality tree/grass LOD billboards with TexGen. No need to install any billboards. Ultra tree LOD is now a checkbox - remember to update the tree mesh rule as desired. Billboard Grass LOD in object LOD Level 4. See next post for details. Generate some pre-rendered object LOD textures, including all cities. Generate an underside terrain mesh to block sun rays. Automatic texture replacements for stitched object LOD textures. 
Changelog 3.00 Alpha 35
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not updating Mesh Mask/Reference list view
DynDOLOD.exe - improved reporting and ignoring of some missing textures
3.00 Alpha 34
TexGen.exe/DynDOLOD.exe - added game mode selection window if started without game mode command line argument
DynDOLOD.exe - improved automatic texture replacements for stitched object LOD textures
DynDOLOD.exe - do not warn about missing textures if they are being replaced
DynDOLOD.exe - automatically create stitched object LOD texture for replaced textures if required
DynDOLOD.exe - automatically create non alpha texture of full texture if required
DynDOLOD.exe - improved mini atlas export data
DynDOLOD.exe - improved worldspace bounds warning/error settings
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed and improved mesh rules loading order
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes ignoring Reference Enable mesh rule setting
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a case of wrongly setting LOD Levels to None
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not updating reference rules internally
DynDOLOD.exe - improved detection of childworld copies
DynDOLOD.exe - never list child worldspaces that use parent worldspace for LOD even if they have a lodsettings file
TexGen.exe - added/updated rendered object LOD textures
TexGen.exe - fixed wrong output path for rendered billboards found in data folder
TexGen.exe - do not try to render textures for DLC if DLC is missing
TexGen.exe - improved config file reading for records in ESL flagged plugins
TexGen.exe - added CreateMod INI setting to generate textures to include in a mod that won't prompt to uninstall old TexGen output
LODGen.exe - fixed an issue with sometimes not combining crown and trunk when generating hybrids
LODGen.exe - fixed a random grass LOD exception
LODGen.exe - fixed grass LOD not being generated for grasses added by ESL flagged plugins
LODGen.exe - default threadsplit to number of physical cores
DynDOLOD Resources - updated meshes and textures for better compatibility
DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated meshes and textures for better compatibility
3.00 Alpha 33
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed an issue with adding grass LOD billboards to object LOD atlas
3.00 Alpha 32
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed wrong INI settings
3.00 Alpha 31
DynDOLOD.exe - added Enderal SE Steam support, start with -enderalse command line argument
DynDOLOD.exe - added INI settings CrownBrightness, TrunkBrightness, FlatTrunkBrightness vertex color multipliers to control brightness of 3D tree models in object LOD
DynDOLOD.exe - never ignore neverfades in child worlds for upgrading to static or dynamic LOD
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed accidentally adding material shader to glow LOD
DynDOLOD.exe - do not use empty list item from lists in INI
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not always disabling some dynamic LOD correctly in scanned childworlds that also have their own LOD (e.g. Markarth)
TexGen.exe - added rendered object LOD textures - most notably Solitude, Markarth, Riften, Windhelm and College of Winterhold
LODGen.exe - CrownBrightness*=, TrunkBrightness*=, FlatTrunkBrightness*= added
DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated meshes and texture for better compatibility
3.00 Alpha 30
TexGen.exe - fixed sometimes wrongly applying specular 3.00 Alpha 29
TexGen.exe - improved loading of cubemap textures
3.00 Alpha 28
TexGen.exe/DynDOLOD.exe - added Enderal SE support, uses its own config files in anticipation of Steam version
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed accidentally generating tree LOD instead of object LOD for child world copies
DynDOLOD.exe - add full-model-CRC32 matching for object/dynamic LOD models for automatic support of "dumb" mesh replacer mods
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not adding center cell data for first dynamic LOD activation
DynDOLOD.exe - added/updated rules for better compatibility
TexGen.exe - properly ignore trees without models or deleted base records
TexGen.exe - added environment/cubemap shader
TexGen.exe - added rendered object LOD textures - most notably vanilla Whiterun and Dwemer Ruins, DynDOLOD Dawnguard castle and more
LODGen.exe - improved parsing of txt files
Texconv.exe - updated to latest version
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated explanations information for Enderal
DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated meshes and texture for better compatibility
3.00 Alpha 27
DynDOLOD.exe - added INI setting TerrainUndersideIgnoreWorlds=
LODGen.exe - optimize underside terrain by removing triangles for default terrain height
DynDOLOD-Resources-SE - added patch to enable grass for Whiterun exterior

3.00 Alpha 26
DynDOLOD.exe - add terrain underside references to ESP so they work in all worldspaces
3.00 Alpha 25
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a problem with thread control
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed patches sometimes being confused about the destination plugin
DynDOLOD.exe - improved enabling/disabling of underside mesh
Papyrus Script - updated objectenabler script
3.00 Alpha 24
DynDOLOD.exe - enable/disable terrain underside meshes in child worldspaces
DynDOLOD.exe - only generate terrain underside meshes for worldspaces that have LOD level 32
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed ignoring skinned meshes for dynamic LOD
Papyrus Script - new objectenabler script for terrain underside meshes
LODGen.exe - do not fail if optional billboard txt file is not present
LODGen.exe - fixed sometimes not automatically setting passthru for glow shader
LODGen.exe - fixed sometimes not applying replacement textures
3.00 Alpha 23
DynDOLOD.exe/TexGen.exe - fixed not using SSE config files for TES5VR
DynDOLOD.exe - added INI settings TerrainUnderside, TerrainUndersideQuality and TerrainUndersideHeigth to automatically generate and place a terrain NIF that aids in blocking sun rays
3.00 Alpha 22
DynDOLOD.exe - added INI settings DoubleSidedTextureMask and DoubleSidedMeshMask to force double sided flag for specfic meshes or textures
LODGen.exe - DoubleSidedTextureMask= and DoubleSidedMeshMask= added
3.00 Alpha 21
DynDOLOD.exe - ignore billboards without txt files so LODGen does not fail later
LODGen.exe - added GrassDensity= to allow for lower density of grass LOD billboards in object LOD
LODGen.exe - added ThreadSplit= to control ratio of main to sub threads for object LOD generation
3.00 Alpha 20
LODGen.exe - fixed looking up wrong path in BSA for billboard txt
3.00 Alpha 19
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed skipping over some references using LIGH
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed ignoring overwrites from patches
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not always copying XEMI record from child world to existing parent LOD representations
DynDOLOD.exe - ignore references with only a notice that have been moved out of their original worldspace
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed ignoring XESP parent configuration not working as intended
TexGen.exe - do not leave orphaned billboard files in case they are filtered out
3.00 Alpha 18
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed wrong tree LOD atlas coordinates
3.00 Alpha 17
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed index out of bounds while generating tree LOD texture atlas
3.00 Alpha 16
DynDOLOD.exe - ignore duplicate patches
3.00 Alpha 15
DynDOLOD.exe - default to -memory instead of -speed
DynDOLOD.exe - added duplicate texture removal to object LOD atlas generation
DynDOLOD.exe - added thread limit settings for some Occlusion operations
LODGen.exe - fixed an indexing error
LODGen.exe - added Threads= to limit number of concurrent LOD generation threads, defaults to number of cores
3.00 Alpha 14
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not ignoring player enable parent for tree LOD
TexGen.exe - fixed a case of not ignoring case
3.00 Alpha 13
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes leaving ITM records
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed removing alpha channel from texture if NiAlphaProperty threshold is 0
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes setting unresolved material links
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not overwriting earlier rules
TexGen.exe - maximize and trim billboard texture based on render instead of vertex bounding box
TexGen.exe - do not generate billboard if textures are missi
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