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Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. Zu der Siedlung auf Java siehe Tempeh (Lumajang) .
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Tempeh ist ein traditionelles Fermentationsprodukt aus Indonesien , das durch die Beimpfung gekochter Sojabohnen mit verschiedenen Rhizopus -Arten, also mit Hilfe niederer Schimmelpilze aus der Abteilung der Jochpilze und der Klasse der Zygomyceten entsteht.
Verwendung finden dabei Rhizopus stolonifer ( Brotschimmelpilz ), Rh. oryzae , Rh. oligosporus oder Rh. arrhizus . Üblich ist vor allem die Verwendung von Rh. oligosporus . Tempeh gelangte durch die niederländische Kolonialmacht nach Europa. [1]

Nach gründlichem Waschen zur Entfernung der äußeren Schmutzteile werden die Sojabohnen 24 Stunden in kaltem Wasser bei Zimmertemperatur eingeweicht. Nach 5- bis 10-minütigem Kochen wird das Kochwasser abgegossen und die Bohnen nochmals 24 Stunden in kaltem Wasser eingeweicht. Anschließend werden die Schalen entfernt. Nun erfolgt ein 30-minütiges Sterilisieren im Dampfkochtopf . Andere Speisebohnen werden nur 12 Stunden vorgequollen.

Zum Beimpfen werden Sporen einer Rhizopus-Kultur in abgekochtem Wasser aufgeschwemmt und mit den Bohnen gut gemischt. Die beimpften Sojabohnen werden fest in dichtschließende Behälter gegeben und bei 30 °C zirka zwei Tage lang bebrütet. Als Reaktionsgefäß werden in neuerer Zeit Plastiksäcke verwendet. In modernen Feststoff-Bioreaktoren können hingegen die Reaktionsbedingungen besser kontrolliert und begleitende ungewünschte krankheitserregende Kulturen unterdrückt werden.

Rohes Tempeh ist aufgrund des hohen Wassergehaltes leicht verderblich, lässt sich aber gut einfrieren. Üblicherweise wird es in würziger Soße oder Salzwasser mariniert und in heißem Öl gebacken oder frittiert. Tempeh hat einen angenehm milden, nussigen und pilzartigen Geschmack, der mit praktisch jeder Würze harmoniert; die Struktur sorgt für einen festen, aber zarten Biss und ermöglicht dem zubereiteten Produkt, Gewürze gut aufzunehmen. In den ländlichen Gebieten Indonesiens steht der Bevölkerung mit Tempeh eine wertvolle und preiswerte Eiweißquelle zur Verfügung; in Städten bieten Garküchen frittiertes Tempeh in einer Vielzahl von Variationen als leichten, aber sättigenden Snack an.
In Indonesien gehören Tempeh, Tofu und Oncom (Ontjom) in bestimmten Gebieten zu den Grundnahrungsmitteln.

Tempeh ist ernährungsphysiologisch sehr wertvoll, da der Pilz die Proteine der Bohne aufschließt und Oligosaccharide verringert, welche Blähungen verursachen. Es ist durch einen hohen Gehalt an Eiweiß und Ballaststoffen gekennzeichnet, welche für die menschliche Ernährung sehr wichtig sind. 100 g Tempeh enthalten je nach Hersteller 0,1 bis 12 g Kohlenhydrate , 19,0 bis 20,2 g Eiweiß und 5 bis 12,1 g Fett . Der Brennwert liegt pro 100 g bei 637 bis 802 kJ (152 bis 190 kcal), der Ballaststoffgehalt bei ungefähr 6,5 g pro 100 g. [2]

Rhizopus oligosporus produziert ein natürliches Antibiotikum, das grampositive Bakterien wie Staphylococcus aureus (potentiell gefährlich) und Bacillus subtilis (ungefährlich, nutzbringend) an ihrer Ausbreitung hindert. [3]

Weitere positive Effekte sind die Reduzierung der Lipidoxidation und die Senkung von Bluthochdruck . [4]

Reference #18.8589ef50.1666665849.1c36afd3

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Soy product from Indonesia, used as protein source
Tempeh-making process using tempeh bag of sealed polyethylene pouch, soybeans prior to fermentation, after fermentation, and result

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Yuasa , artisan town of historic soy sauce distilleries
Kikkoman Soy Sauce Museum
William Shurtleff and Akiko Aoyagi

Cap tikus

Tempeh or tempe ( / ˈ t ɛ m p eɪ / ; Javanese : ꦠꦺꦩ꧀ꦥꦺ , romanized: témpé , pronounced [tempe] ) is a traditional Indonesian food made from fermented soybeans. [1] It is made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybeans into a cake form. [2] A fungus, Rhizopus oligosporus or Rhizopus oryzae , is used in the fermentation process and is also known as tempeh starter.

It is especially popular on the island of Java , where it is a staple source of protein. Like tofu , tempeh is made from soybeans, but it is a whole soybean product with different nutritional characteristics and textural qualities. Tempeh's fermentation process and its retention of the whole bean give it a higher content of protein , dietary fiber , and vitamins . It has a firm texture and an earthy flavor , which becomes more pronounced as it ages. [3] [4]

The term tempe is thought to be derived from the Old Javanese tumpi , a whitish food made of fried batter made from sago or rice flour which resembles rempeyek . [5] The historian Denys Lombard also suggests that it could be linked to a later term tape or tapai which means ' fermentation '. [6]

In the western world, tempeh is the most common spelling. This is done to prevent readers from incorrectly pronouncing the word as "temp". The first known usage of this spelling is in an 1896 German article. Other spellings, such as témpé , were also used, but tempeh has become the standard spelling in English since the 1960s. [7]

Tempeh originated in Indonesia, almost certainly in central or east Java [1] with an estimated discovery between a few centuries ago to a thousand years or more. [8] : 145

The invention of tempeh cannot be separated from the origin of the fungus, which is the important part of the fermentation. This fungus consists of a mycelium that grows on teakwood and sea hibiscus leaves, which native Javanese people often used (and still do) as food wrappings. In fact, in traditional tempeh making, an usar (a mycelium-filled leaf) is used, instead of store-bought ragi . [9]

The type of soybean first used to make tempeh was the black soybean, which was a native plant. [10] This later changed with the importation of white/yellow soybeans and the rise of the tofu industry on the island. [11]

Murdijati Gardjito, a food historian at Gadjah Mada University , argued that tempeh was made by native Javanese people, and that its preparation predates the introduction of Chinese-style tofu products. [12] Some ancient texts mention tempe dhele , old Javanese for 'native soybean tempeh'; dhele was used to refer to the native soybean variety. White soybeans that are used to make most tempe dhele today used to be called dhele putih ('white soybeans'), and were only available in Java centuries later. Mary Astuti, a food historian at Gadjah Mada University specializing in tempeh, argued that the native variety of soybean had been grown before the Chinese arrived in the region. [6]

Sri Tandjung noted that Javanese had been eating cooked (native black) soybeans since the 12th century. By the 16th or the 19th century, depending on which period of time the writer of Serat Centhini referred to, Javanese people had mastered the art of cooking with tempeh, where it was not only eaten as is, but converted into different types of dishes, showing a full understanding and mastery of the food product. [12]

Gardjito noted that Javanese noble families rarely wrote about tempeh in ancient texts because it had never been a part of royal cuisine, but rather a staple meal of the lower classes. [12]

Chinese Indonesian historian Ong Hok Ham suggests that tempeh might have been produced as a byproduct of tahu , the Indonesian word for tofu. He argued that the two food products are made of the same ingredient and that genetically speaking, soybeans are from China, though the specific variety was never mentioned. Food journalist Andreas Maryoto supported this idea, saying that tempeh might have been accidentally produced as the by-product of the tofu industry in Java in the 17th century, as discarded soybeans caught the spores of a whitish fungus that was found to be edible. [6]

However, tahu was (and is still) made of white soybeans ( Glycine max , native to Japan and China), as opposed to the earliest version of tempe dhele that was made of native black soybeans ( Glycine soja ). [10] [6]

Tahu (tofu) made its way to Kediri in the 13th century and was consumed by Mongolians who arrived in Java. Later, it was popular only among the rich (the complex production process and imported white soybeans led to its high price). Around the 17th or 19th century, tahu became available to everyone. [11]

Tempeh later began to be made with white soybeans, leading to th
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