Telegram X: June Update

Telegram X: June Update


Brief overview of some of new features available on Telegram X for Android.

Chat Folders

For many years Telegram X had Chat Filter, which served as an alternative for Chat Folders: you could swipe down the Chats tab, and select specific filter to display only certain chats.

Starting today, Chat Folders become available in Telegram X for all users, introducing up to 6 new variations of the main app screen, customized based on your preferences.

Chat Filter doesn't go anywhere: it's still there, with some upgrades. And if you prefer to keep the classic folderless look of the app, while using folders on another device, there's an option for that: Telegram X allows hiding folders without deleting them.

Here's the list what's new, enjoy!

  • Chat Folders: create customized subset of your primary chat list.
One of 7 possible looks of the main screen.
  • Folders Appearance: modify tabs style and position on screen.
You can make tabs appear on top or bottom of the screen, as well as select the style: label with icon, just label or icon, or label with icon on active folder.
  • Folder Icons: choose one of available icons to easily distinguish your folders. Synced with server.
  • Chat Filter inside a folder: swipe the folder tab down (when tabs are at the top) or up (when tabs are at the bottom) to filter chats by type
Chat Filter on the screenshot above applies only to the specific tab.
  • Global Chat Filter for all tabs: when tabs are displayed at the bottom, tab on the app header to apply one of the filters
Global Chat Filter applies to all tabs at once. Available only when you unselect "Display folders at the top".
  • Choose Folder when sharing anything inside the app
  • Share Folders with others
  • Add Shared Folders created by others via links
  • Confirm which chats do you want to leave when deleting added Shared Folder
  • Folder visibility: hide some of the folders locally without deleting them. For example, you can hide Work folder while on vacation, and turn it back on later.
You can hide all the folders to achieve the old folderless layout in Telegram X, and keep using them on another device.
  • Option to display Archive as Folder
  • New look of tabs in Saved Messages, Profiles and Manage Group/Channel screens. Enable Reduce Motion option to reduce horizontal animation.
  • And more.

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