Telegram Trade Bot | Tradoge (inactive)

Telegram Trade Bot | Tradoge (inactive)


Tradoge is a Binance trading bot that instantly buys and sells DOGE cryptocurrency on Binance when Elon Musk tweets about it.

Registration in the bot

Registration in the bot can be of two types:

  1. Free 📢
  2. By invitation code 🔡
If registration is available by invitation code, you can request the code from me in Telegram

Registration on Binance

After registering in the bot, you will need to add the API keys from the Binance. So if you do not have an account on the Binance exchange, then you need to register.

Instructions for registration are also available in the bot

Binance API keys

If you have a binance account, you need to add API keys for the bot to make transactions.

  1. Go to Binance Api Managment
  2. Create a new API Keys with the parameter Enable Spot & Margin Trading
  • Please note that the "Enable spot and margin trading" feature will be automatically disabled after 90 days unless you configure the server to "Restrict access to trusted IPs only" (recommended).
Permission Expiried
  • You can request an IP address from me in Telegram. The bot will also warn you if you have lost your spot trading rights (the check happens every night at 01:00)

3. Paste these keys in Tradog bot

The key will be valid for 90 days
Adding keys

Onboarding in Tradedoge bot

  1. Which trading pair do you want to use? DOGE/
This implies the currency for which dogecoin will be bought, 4 pairs are available.

2. How do you want to buy?

It means buy either a certain number of DOGE coins or spend a certain amount of money (trade pair: USDT | BUSD | BTC | EUR)

3. Depending on the answer to the second question, you will need to enter the desired number of coins or the purchase amount

Validation is present in the bot and in case of errors, the bot will notify you

5. After how many minutes do you want to sell?

  • this is the approximate time after which the bot sells the currency when Elon Musk mentions dogecoin in a tweet.

Tradoge Menu

  1. Bot Stats 🚀
  • last 10 transactions made by the bot

2. Check bot status 🔍

  • checks the status of your binance api keys

3. Start bot ▶️ \ Stop bot ⏹

  • enable or disable the ability to trade when Elon Musk writes about DOGE coin

4. Change configuration ⚙️

  • allows you to update the configuration that was created during the onboarding stage

5. Change API keys ⚙️

  • allows you to update the Binance API Keys

Buying and Selling

  • the purchase of DOGE coin occurs when Elon Musk mentions this coin in his twitter, namely in a new tweet
  • the sale occurs after the time specified during registration
  1. Adding a test tweet to demonstrate the functionality

2. Twint checks for new tweets every minute

3. Purchase after 5 minutes


Trade History

Order History
Residual difference

Purchase history can be viewed on Binance

Another purchase history

Examples of similar bots (Tradoge — Python)

Report Page