Telegram Minimalist: Full Guide

Telegram Minimalist: Full Guide

Chetneet Chouhan
“It's surprising how much free time and productivity you gain when you lose the busyness in your mind.”
― Brittany Burgunder

If you are a user of telegram and thinking what is one improvement that you can do to make this year better. Become telegram minimalist.

After seeing a spike in my newsletter and after digging it out the reason, it looked like you guys loved how I use telegram and its minimalist approach. you guys/gals shared this like there is no tomorrow to your groups. And I appreciate it. Thank you.

This is a detailed version of that post.


I have been using telegram from ending of 2016 year. And I have used telegram like how would I use browser. Yes, from erotic comics to reading notes of other people to joining pointless writer's community where nobody writes actually.

This is consuming my time too.

But I have also built a great relationship with some very few people that I can't lose. And this is why I can't delete my account. (But I did delete my Instagram account).

And developed some principles that I have been following without consciously being aware of them.

This guide deals with it.

Telegram Minimalist steps.

1. Unistall telegram

2. Get a pen and paper.

3. Download telegram

4. Exit.

5. Get numbers.

Chaliye suru karte hai! (Lets get started).

“Less is more. Progress is made through precise, persistent, and purposeful pushes.”
― Scott Perry

1. Uninstall Telegram. 

Assuming your case is too that you are hyper addicted to the telegram, then delete Telegram for few minutes, don't worry, you can download it again.

Else you will be seeing telegram again and again without solitude from it.

Take out page and write why you want to use the Telegram service? Using it for storage? Using it to keep up college/class/work updates? Write them all down.

The reason why I am telling you to do it on paper is that you become more intentional about your life. And really think with greater clarity about your relationship with Telegram.

2. Get pen and paper

Paper makes time slow because of no distraction on paper, this friction-less state allows you to be conscious of your decision.

And why you want to use telegram a tall? Peer pressure.

If you are using it for stupid reasons, then you will know it after writing everything down on paper.

The reason why am I on telegram is because of the following reasons, I am in just 1 telegram channel that's related to my exams. And a notes channel. I have not joined any groups. And I have some close friends that I talk to regularly (weekly).

But I have everyone's close to me phone numbers, that's why if there is an urgent thing that they want to say, they will either call me or text me. 

I download telegram whenever I have to check any updates (usually just once a week, not once per hour!)

Whenever I am done with checking updates, I just uninstall. This friction helps me really not keep checking telegram each hour.

3. Download telegram again.

4. Exiting.

“Craving less takes more courage!”
― Mark Dawson, When It Sucks It Blows

Now, this phase is tricky,

It's extremely easy to join a channel but hard to exit.

Because when you want to exit, your primitive brain will kick in and say something along the line,

What if this channel posts something that I would need?
or I can keep this channel, this is providing me enough value.

So the reason why this happens is that we used to live in the jungle (and we were monkeys, and used to think the earth was flat), so any information is extremely valuable for us, information that can make difference between the survival of another generation or die.

That's why access to information is what our brain still craves. Because for the brain, this plasma screen and smartphone is brand new, it does not understand not all information is now valuable for you.

The most valuable thing today is your attention and time. You can't get them both if once spent.

So it's important to be not just simply conscious, but be EXTREMELY DISCIPLINED (TK) by what you consume on the internet.

So before you go and do this, I just want to say to you, if you decided to exit my telegram channel too, then do it. I will have 2 tears. :)

Or if you are one of few who wants to keep in connection with me, (so sweet of you), then I have a newsletter, join it, and the best part, if you reply to one of my main, then you will get a reply from non-robot Chetneet, isn't that crazy? haha.

5. Get phone numbers.

You don't need a ton of people in life. For people that I want in my life, I keep their phone numbers. If there is something most important I learned since I started this channel is this, less is more.

Having a deep conversation with those few you love outperforms superficial conversations with 10 other friends. Always.

So get those people's phone numbers and delete those people's chat with who you-don't-really-wana-talk-but-they-are-free-and-you-are-free-so-they-and-you-keep-sending-messages to each other.

This last step may sound harsh but it's important to save your time and attention. You don't want to spend a large chunk of your life on telegram.

This is how you have a healthy relationship with Telegram.

If you have come this far then I have been successful in holding your attention. I have created a YouTube channel too, so if you check it out, it will mean a lot to me. But don't watch more than 2 videos of mine. Ultimately, I want you to bring change to you, not to hook you on other things.

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