32 good Telegram Bots

32 good Telegram Bots


[This is the 🇺🇸English version! Click to read in 🇩🇪German]


Finding new good Bots in Telegram is actually pretty hard. Telegram doesn't have an overview over all existing bots nor a page where you can see featured bots (e.g. like sticker section).

This article should help you getting introduced to the world of bots. Bots are the future of messaging and communication. They are third-party applications that run inside Telegram. Users can interact with bots by sending messages, commands and inline requests. With powerful bots, Telegram isn't just a normal messenger anymore but starts a new era of messaging.

🤖Why would you need Bots?

Here's an example: several "torch light apps" on Google Playstore or Apple Appstore require you to accept certain permissions, such as access to your Camera, your microphone, your contacts, your phone-ID, your location,...

This is not only the case for torch light apps - games are another example too.
Why do they do this? Because they need to earn something since the app is free to use. They earn money by putting advertising in their apps an/or selling the shared data to other companies.
That's why it's pretty handy to use Bots as often as possible - Telegram Bots only see your Telegram name and your Telegram-ID (NOT your phone number) in order to save game scores etc..


🔮QR-Code reader / Barcode reader - @qr_codebot

 ├• Create QRCodes (also in different colors!)
├• Read QRCodes
 └• Supports >17 languages!

Reminder & To-do-list - @skeddybot

With Skeddy you can create and manage your reminders, which are sent to you via Telegram.
 ├• Create simple reminders (in 20 min, at 6:30 pm,...) 
 ├• or complex reminders (every sunday at 9:45 am)
 ├• or notes (for To-do-lists)
└• Manage all your reminders and notes by optionally using the Bot-Web-Interface.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Ask questions in groups ("Doodle") - @GroupAgreeBot

Create different kinds of polls and share them with your friends in groups and channels.📊
 ├• Personal or anonymous polls
 ├• vote (one option)
 ├• doodle (multiple options)
 ├• limited doodle (multiple options & choose for how many options each user can vote)
 └• board (custom message)
This bot has even more functions than Doodle!🎉

📲 Powerful RSS-Feeder - @thefeedreaderbot

└• monitor websites & blogs using RSS feeds
└• monitor Facebook pages, YouTube channels, Instagram&Twitter Accounts,...
└• monitor website changes (premium version)

📩 E-Mail address (e.g. for newsletters, spam,...) - @Telegram Email

Create your own E-Mail address and read it in Telegram instantly.
├• E-Mail for newsletters, sign ups,...
└• Read it in Telegram or in a neat preview in your browser
An update will arrive soon which allows you to reply easier.

⏳⏰ Messages with countdown - @CountdownMeBot

This bot lets you create messages with a cool countdown. ⏳⏰
├• ⚠️ It only works in inline-mode!
 ├• The countdown updates automatically
 └• Write your message in this format:
"@countdownmebot Some text %%dd-hh-mm%% and more text"

💱Voice to Text - @voicybot

└• Send a voice message to the bot and it will send you the text.

💱Translator - @interpretbot

├• Select the input and output language once
└• Use the Bot inline to quickly translate messages

🌤Weather - @weatherman_bot

├• Enter your city and get weather predictions instantly for today, tomorrow, or 5 days.
└• Supports lots of languages, Notifications can be set up

💱Make short URL - @shorturl_googl_bot

├• Just send a link to shorten it
└• Supports "is.gd", "bit.ly", "tinyurl.com", "goo.gl"

Music and Movie:

🎵Music recognition ("Shazam") - @AudioRobot

Recognize a song using AudioRobot!
├• Get the title, artist, and album
 ├• Get an mp3 link where you can listen and download right away
└•  Recognizes >40 mio tracks

🎬 Youtube song downloader - @YTAudioBot

Download YouTube videos as audio files to take them wherever you go! 🎵
 ├• Forward a video link to this bot
├• Search inline using @vid
├• Select the one with best rating
├• Supports >17 languages!
└• ⚠️ for iOS users it's: @YTAudio_Bot

🎵 Fetch lyrics of a song - @iLyricsBot

This bot fetches lyrics from various sources. 🎵
 ├• Get lyrics of the song you like
 ├• It provides links for: Youtube, Soundcloud, Spotify, MP3 download
 └• Try this bot inline (e.g. in saved messages) 

🎬 Film information - @movieS4Bot

This bot will provide you information about films directly from IMDB.🎥🎬
 ├• use it inline in any chat 🔎 ("@movies4bot [+movie title])
 └• get information like: title, year, rated, runtime, actors, plot, rating, awards,...

🎥 Movie suggestion - @movie_adviser_bot

This bot will suggest movies for you to watch based on your settings/filters.🎥🎬
 ├• Get a suggestion with all relevant info including plot, rating, year, poster,...
 ├• Set filters: e.g. genres, years, IMDB rating, countries,...
 ├• Top-lists (e.g. top 10 thriller movies,...)
 ├• Subscription (daily/weekly/random)
 └• Watchlist: save a movie to watch later


📊 A or B? Vote for your decision - @swell_bot

Vote for cool stuff and help other people with their daily decisions. 📊
├• A swell contains:
 │ 1 question and 2 options.
 └• A or B? This or That? High Heels or Sneakers? Hot or Not?
This bot is fun to play with when you are bored.💁🏼‍♂️

📸  Create your own sticker - @StickyAIBot

This bot lets you easily create stickers of yourself. 📸 
├• Send a picture, e.g. a selfie
 └• Bot sends you the sticker

🗞News - @breakingnewsbot

└• Never miss any breaking news from CNN

Inline Bots:

🤖What are Inline Bots?
They work as normal Bots but you don't need to separately open a chat with the bot. Simply type the inline bots name in ANY chat and get things done right away.

🎉@gif (animated pictures)

└• Type @gif [+ a word] in any chat

🎥@vid (YouTube videos)

└• Type @vid [+ a word] in any chat

📸@bing (Bing Images)

└• Type @bing[+ a word] in any chat

🎤@iLyricsBot (Lyrics and links to the song)

└• Type @iLyricsBot [+ a song title] in any chat

🗺Map of a selected area - @openmap_bot

├• Type @openmap_bot [+ a city] in any chat
└• Before sending, choose from several maps to find the best one

💱Text to Voice - @txt2speechbot

├• Type @txt2speechbot [+ a message] in any chat
└• Choose your language and send the voice message right away.

Bots for advanced users

(more complicated to set up, but still cool & worth mentioning them):

@posttobot - send a message from your PC to Telegram

@ifttt - connect Telegram to more than 360 different services

7 🇩🇪German Bots (in German only):

http://telegra.ph/Telegram-Bots---TipsfortelegramDE-12-18 (they are at the bottom)

2 🇫🇷French Bots:


└• Voir chaque jour le Dicton Du Jour.

@TextbasedGameBot (also in English)

└• Bot créé pour jouer de vieux jeux de texte de style comme Zork.

Any ideas / recommendations for Bots? Message me
A special thank goes to @JeanBaptistePlagouille for several Bot suggestions.
Updated: 24.02.2018

ℹ️ @tipsfortelegram Rate me, please!

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