Telegram Бот Через Которого Можно Пробить Человека В Telegram

Telegram Бот Через Которого Можно Пробить Человека В Telegram

Telegram Бот Через Которого Можно Пробить Человека В Telegram
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Title: telegram-bot-stun-gun: Creating a Telegram Bot to Deliver Electric Shocks

Please note that this article is for educational purposes only. Creating a bot to harm or intimidate others is against Telegram's terms of service and applicable laws. This article will demonstrate how to create a Telegram bot that sends harmless electric shock messages to users, simulating the sensation of receiving an electric shock through Telegram.

Telegram bots are becoming increasingly popular as they offer various functionalities to enhance user experience. In this tutorial, we will create a simple and unique Telegram bot named telegram-bot-stun-gun. This bot will send users a harmless electric shock message, simulating the sensation of receiving an electric shock via Telegram.

Before we get started, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

1. A Telegram account and a phone number to register a new bot.
2. A basic understanding of Python programming language.
3. Install Telegram Bot API Python library using pip: `pip install python-telegram-bot`.

Now, let's create the telegram-bot-stun-gun:

Step 1: Create a new bot on Telegram

1. Open Telegram and search for the BotFather.
2. Start a chat with BotFather and follow the instructions to create a new bot.
3. Give your bot a name (e.g., telegram_bot_stun_gun), a description, and a username (must end with "_bot").
4. Save the API token provided by BotFather.

Step 2: Write the Python code

Create a new file called `` and paste the following code:

import logging
import random
import telegram

# Replace <YOUR_BOT_TOKEN> with the token provided by BotFather.
token = "<YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>"

# Set up logging
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Initialize the bot
bot = telegram.Bot(token=token)

def send_electric_shock(chat_id):
shock_messages = [
"🔋 Battery short-circuited! 🔋",
"💡 Idea just shocked me! 💡",
"💻 Computer went nuts! 💻",
"💡 Lightbulb moment! 💡",
"💡 Idea struck me like a lightning! 💡"

random_shock_message = random.choice(shock_messages)
bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=random_shock_message)

if __name__ == '__main__':
# Replace <CHAT_ID> with the target user's Telegram ID.
chat_id = "<CHAT_ID>"

Replace `<YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>` with your bot's API token, and replace `<CHAT_ID>` with the target user's Telegram ID.

Step 3: Run the bot

To run the bot, execute the following command in your terminal or command prompt:


The bot will send a random electric shock message to the target user when the script is run.

Keep in mind that this is just a harmless prank, and you should not use it to harm or intimidate others. Always use technology responsibly and respect privacy and consent.

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