Telegram Battle / FAQ

Telegram Battle / FAQ

by Not Pixel

1. Can we choose the template after starting the tournament, or should it be selected before the start of the tournament?

If you selected template before round started, you won’t be able to change it once round begins.

2. Can we change the template during the tournament rounds? 

Switching from one template to another during rounds is not allowed. Templates can only be switched between rounds.

3. As a creator of the template, if I lose in the 1st round, will I be able to join with a new template or select other people's templates and participate?

As owner, you can’t choose your own template for painting. You will always have to work on someone else’s template. 

4. What determines the top participants who receive rewards, and how many will be rewarded?

The top templates are ranked based on the number of correct repaintings. Rankings are calculated per round. Within each template, participants are ranked based on the number of correct and incorrect repaintings they make.

5. Will regular rewards for repainting still apply during the tournament, or will rewards only be given at the end of each round?

During the tournament, participants will earn $PX for correct repaintings, while incorrect repaintings will result in $PX deductions. Both correct and incorrect repaitings also add or subtract tournament points, which influence the rankings of templates and players. Tournament rewards are distributed at the end of each round.

6. Can I use items during the tournament, and will they count in the stats?

Yes, you can use items. However, item usage does not grant tournament points, though it may assist your progress.

7. How is template scoring calculated? Do stats reset each round or carry over?

Correct repaintings earn 1 tournament point for both the player and the template. Incorrect repaintings deduct 1 point from both. Repainting outside your template earns o $PX and 0 tournament points. Rankings are calculated per round and for the entire tournament.

8. Will the canvas be reset before or during the tournament?

The canvas will only be reset before the tournament begins.

9. How do i know if my template has been selected?

The selected template will appear in the overall leaderboard and under the "My Results" tab.

10. Can I sabotage other templates during the tournament?

Yes, you can. Sabotaging other templates does not earn tournament points but may help you gain a strategic advantage.

11. How long will rounds and breaks last?

Rounds will last a minimum of 12 hours, with varying durations.

12. Is participation in the tournament mandatory, or can I continue with regular templates?

You are free to do either, but $PX rewards are only granted within the tournament rules.

13. Will item purchases affect tournament rankings? Will players without purchases have a chance to get a "golden" pixel?

All tournament participants have the same opportunities.

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