Текст про банк на английском с переводом

Текст про банк на английском с переводом

Текст про банк на английском с переводом

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The Ukrainian banking system is small. The total capital of all commercial banks was about 3 per cent in , Compared to about 40 per cent in Central and Eastern European countries, and over 80 per cent in the advanced economies IMF The National Bank of Ukraine NBU is the central bank. At the beginning of , there were commercial banks in Ukraine, of which 81 percent were actually in operation. Some 21 of these banks were in various rehabilitation programs and 44 were marked for liquidation by the NBU World Bank Foreign banks are banks with percent foreign capital. The system banks are: The bank system is generally slower than the new commercial banks to adopt new types of banking activities in order to meet the requirements of a market economy. Nevertheless, it gives its superior financial resources. They have been able to acquire, albeit selectively, new methods of operation, new activities, and more qualified management. These banks continue to work with state organizations and enterprises and serve social needs. They are serious competitors for the new commercial banks: Many of them are too small to be stable in early , about 75 banks had less than 1 million of dollars in statutory capital National Bank of Ukraine There are also large banks that can offer true banking services: Banks of the second wave are growing rapidly and expanding their activities, though constrained by a shortage of capital. Their main clients are collectively owned enterprises, including small businesses. At the beginning of there were 7 banks consisted of foreign capital: CS First Boston Ukraine Switzerland - USA , Society General Ukraine France , Credit Lyonnaisse France , Incombank Ukraine Russia , Bank Kredytowo-Depozitowy Poland , Kreditanstalt Reiffeisen Bank Austria , and 1NG Barring Ukraine Netherlands. Foreign capital also enters into the Ukrainian banking system as partial ownership. In August , there were 13 banks with partial foreign participation; by February there were Although foreign banks usually restrict the range of their clients to joint ventures and foreign firms operating in future.

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