Teens With Large Labia

Teens With Large Labia


Teens With Large Labia

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This lesbian wants you to know having a ‘large vulva’ is nothing to be ashamed of




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Jess Greenash has a "large vulva" (Instagram/@thecrudevegan)
Jess Greenash has a “large vulva” and says her labia is “a lot longer than anybody else’s that I’ve seen”.
She struggles to fit into size 10 jeans because, she says: “My flaps are too big.”
“I never wear jeans due to the huge discomfort my flaps experience,” the 24-year-old explains.
“There’s never enough space and it feels like my lips are going to fall off.”
Growing up, she struggled to accept the shape of her vulva, especially as she began to compare herself to women in porn who have “very tight, neat, tucked-in vaginas”.
Greenash believes the idea of having a ‘designer vagina’ puts people under pressure and gives them a complex about what their bodies are meant to look like.
She noticed from a very young age that her body was not like everybody else’s and online pornography added to the shame she felt.
“I have bigger labia – she’s more meaty,” Jess explains.
She now shares her experiences of having a “large vulva” as a YouTuber, The Crude Vegan, to help others accept their body.
Encouraging people to talk more openly about discharge, periods and different body types, Jess hopes to break down stigma through body positivity .
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Greenash was very conscious about her vulva but realising she was a lesbian and dating other women was a turning point that helped her embrace her body.
“Prior to ever having sex I was very conscious about it,” she tells PinkNews .
“But I found that when I started to be with women, I started to feel a lot more confident and comfortable with myself.
“I got to experience other vulvas and they told me that everything was perfect.”
Since dating women, Jess’ relationship with her vulva is “a lot stronger”.
She is now in a long-term relationship with her partner and wants to break the taboo around vulvas as “it’s never spoken about”.
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very long labia minora in a 13year teen

My daughter has within a year developed very long labia minora, what can possibly be the cause? I have shown them to a urologist and told a gynea and they both say they have never seen anything like this in their life and I should just ignore it and she can decide one day for herself if she wants it removed. I am still not comfertable, what caused it?? She did have a bladder problem and they stretched her uretra, but the urologist said this procedure and other bladder tests had nothing to do with it.



I agree with your doctors. People develop differently. In the same way that some people have short stubby toes and others long thin toes, there is a wide variation in labia. The worst thing you can do is to make a fuss of this and make your daughter self-conscious. Best wishes

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*First Published: Jul 24, 2015, 10:05 pm CDT
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Posted on Jul 24, 2015   Updated on May 28, 2021, 7:13 am CDT
Following rigorous competition and more than 130,000 voters, the World’s Most Beautiful Vagina Contest anointed a champion this week. It was a strange, difficult-to-gauge event—but that’s why organizers turned to scientists to tell us what it all means.
U.K. resident Nell, 27, won first place and $5,000 in the pageant with a vulva beauty ranking of 7.7 out of 10. Jenny, 23, of Bavaria, Germany, took second place with a 7.3; and Anita, 20, from Hungary, came in third. They each earned $2,500 and $1,250, respectively.
The contest was sponsored by Brian Sloan, who is also the manufacturer of the Autoblow 2 . It’s known as “the first truly realistic alternative to traditional pleasure products for men,” according to the its website .
These winners will also be flown out to Los Angeles, where their vulvas will be 3D-scanned to later be reproduced for the Autoblow device.
Sloan contracted a group of data scientists to analyze the contest’s findings for their scientific implications. The data was then compiled in “ The Vulva Paper .”
If you’re a visual learner, you can view photo examples of each class here . 
The Vulva Paper’s website says scientists “used the contest data to assess the diversity in vulval morphology and voters’ preference for different morphologies.” A total of 182 women participated in the contest; 110 entries were examined for the study (if measurements could not be taken from the photo, the entry was not considered).
The scientists viewed each entry on a 15-inch computer screen, zooming in “until the genitalia were easily measured using a screen ruler,” read the paper .
They measured labia majora length, labia minora length, and clitoral hood length. 
Finally, the scientists rated the complexity of the labia minora; they used the three categories of rugosity (smooth, moderate, marked) to do so. To prevent vaginal bias, the same person also conducted all of these measurements. The scientists later used this research to classify the contest’s entries into six different categories of “vulval morphology.”
A chart detailing the six classes is included below:
As far as methodology is concerned, a random assortment of entries was sent to each voter, who was then asked to rate the vulva pictured on a scale from 1 to 10. These voters were only able to rank one photo at a time, but could also vote on an unlimited number of entries. The scientists compiled 2,766,671 ratings from 134,707 contest voters.
“To reduce individual biases, we centered each voter’s ratings using their mean and standard deviation. This allowed us to reflect the preferences of voters on the same scale,” read the study .
According to the paper , each voter rated 21 photos, on average. Each vulva also received 15,285 votes, on average.
The study also found that “roughly 51% of voters preferred the first two classes of non-protruding, simple labia. The other 49% favored the four more complex vulva classes.” 
“As expected from the rankings that we saw at the country and local levels, Class 1 vulvas are preferred over the others more often. But the combined percentages of voters who preferred more complex classes of vulvas far outweighed those who preferred the simplest style.”
The winners’ photos, however, were not included in the study—having been among the participants whose photos were not able to be considered. Moreover, the “doggy style” posture featured in these entries made it difficult for the scientists to complete the necessary measurements.
“Indeed, pictures depicting contest entrants in a doggy style position obtained ratings 2 points higher on average (p <0.001) than others. Other features, like piercings in the clitoral hood, didn’t affect the ratings,” read the study .
So basically, the “doggy style” photos generated “influential excitement” among the contest’s voters—an important competitive advantage for all future entrants to consider.
Photo via mislav-marohnic /Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0)
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*First Published: Jul 24, 2015, 10:05 pm CDT
More stories to check out before you go

Posted on Jul 24, 2015   Updated on May 28, 2021, 7:13 am CDT
Following rigorous competition and more than 130,000 voters, the World’s Most Beautiful Vagina Contest anointed a champion this week. It was a strange, difficult-to-gauge event—but that’s why organizers turned to scientists to tell us what it all means.
U.K. resident Nell, 27, won first place and $5,000 in the pageant with a vulva beauty ranking of 7.7 out of 10. Jenny, 23, of Bavaria, Germany, took second place with a 7.3; and Anita, 20, from Hungary, came in third. They each earned $2,500 and $1,250, respectively.
The contest was sponsored by Brian Sloan, who is also the manufacturer of the Autoblow 2 . It’s known as “the first truly realistic alternative to traditional pleasure products for men,” according to the its website .
These winners will also be flown out to Los Angeles, where their vulvas will be 3D-scanned to later be reproduced for the Autoblow device.
Sloan contracted a group of data scientists to analyze the contest’s findings for their scientific implications. The data was then compiled in “ The Vulva Paper .”
If you’re a visual learner, you can view photo examples of each class here . 
The Vulva Paper’s website says scientists “used the contest data to assess the diversity in vulval morphology and voters’ preference for different morphologies.” A total of 
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