Teens Photo Lolitas

Teens Photo Lolitas


These vibrant 1960s photos show Russian teens partying with the proletariat
In the summer of 1967, American college students were thronging in California. Those hippies—in search of love, freedom, and rock ‘n’ roll—were the high water mark of a movement catalyzed by its complete rejection of midcentury America’s status quo. But if the Summer of Love’s lasting legacy would prove less than earth shattering, its ethos was echoing further abroad than many may have realized at the time. That very summer, many Russian teenagers were coming together in a similarly hedonistic fashion. And the first generation of Soviet youth to grow up after WWII had much to celebrate. Demographically they were in charge—over fifty percent of Russians were younger than 27 at the time. But more importantly they represented separation from trauma. If their parents had survived Stalin’s purges, famine, and the horrors of war, this was the “Sputnik Generation.” The privileges of advanced education, the promise of a new world order, The Beatles—all a mere 50 years after the Soviet Union got started. At least, that’s the picture Life Magazine presented to its American readers in November of 1967: a thriving, youthful, west-leaning country conceivably on the verge of reverting to its preordained, naturally capitalist order.
Life photographer Bill Eppridge’s pictures show university students cutting loose on Black Sea beaches and frug dancing in nightclubs. “The girls want to hike up their skirts, so let them,” the accompanying article quotes a “youth leader” at a St. Petersburg party saying. Later we see young men and women performing their patriotic duty as summer laborers building houses in a rural corner of the country. The article goes on to posit the deference these youngsters hold toward Soviet leadership as tempered by their own ambitions. Backbreaking labor in the Siberian wilderness is easier to swallow when you’re getting paid. “Don’t think we’re not interested in the money,” qualifies one work team member.
For the Soviets, this was a chance to display the strength and vigor of their young people in contrast to the haggard despondency of Haight-Ashbury’s hippies. And for the editorial team at Life, emphasizing how Americanized the Soviets were becoming would have fit perfectly into the upbeat narrative that, when faced with the evil austerity of Communism, a younger, more educated generation will always rise to reset the balance.
Photographer + writer. Former Timeline picture editor.
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