Teenie Fun

Teenie Fun


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Home » Parenting » 70 Plus Fun Activities for Bored Teens & Tweens (Even During Lockdown)
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If you have a 13, 14, or 15 year old you are probably in search of fun activities to keep them from getting bored. These fun activities for teens can be done alone, with friends. Some of them are even great ideas for parent-teen time or as a whole family. I’ve got you covered with ideas for when you need to social distance or under normal times rainy, wintery, or summer days.
A bored teen can be a dangerous thing. Bored teens need fun activities to keep them out of trouble.
As a single mom, boredom is one of the things I worried about. With only one adult in the home, it becomes more complicated to make sure a bored teen doesn’t turn to the wrong things to keep busy.
There are so many ways a bored teenager can go wrong. They can spend endless hours in front of a T.V., computer, or phone screen vegging out.
They can watch videos or play games that reinforce values you are totally against. It’s not too hard to find things online that devalue women, encourage violence, or even glamorize suicide. 
Then there is the fact that too much screen time equals isolation and very little exercise. Studies show that too much screen time correlates with increased risk of depression in teens.
Of course, there are far worse uses of a teenager’s time than bingeing on screen time. They may be making babies. Maybe flirting with delinquent behavior is keeping them busy. They could be experimenting with alcohol and other drugs. What is a mom to do?
It is easier than you might think to limit their screen time. These activities will bust the boredom, keep teens off their screens, and give them healthier options than baby making or drug use.
Try a fun craft project. When a teen expresses his creativity not only is he not bored it also reduces anxiety and improves a depressed mood. There are lots of other indoor activities for teens to do besides craft projects for them to express their creativity, connect with other family members or friends.
Fun activities for teenagers to do when they are stuck at home.
12. Get a Craftsman Crate–a new project every month with all the tools you need to create it
When kids can’t leave the house these are some great ideas for them to have fun and stay busy instead of bored and crabby.
Need even more ideas for crafts? Check out these easy Crafts to Make, Sell or Give.
Try some of these fun indoor activities. These are interesting things to do a rainy or cold day when all you want to do is stay inside.
Try some of these activities when tweens and teens are bored and need to stay in the house.
16. Read stories of people who will inspire you

If you are looking for productive activities for your teens 15 Productive Activities for Teens (Plus 1 Bonus Activity for High School Seniors is the answer for you.
Summer is a great time to have fun and be productive. Favorite summer activities for most teens are pursuing outdoor hobbies. Most outdoor activities are a fun way to get some exercise in the summer. Exercise improves your mood and reduces anxiety. No wonder most people like to play outside.
If your kids have taken the time to make a bucket list it will be much easier for them to come up with some ideas on how to spend their days off from school whether it is summer vacation or an unexpected day week or month of no school.
Time at home is a fantastic opportunity to develop creativity, build relationships, exercise or practice a skill. If your kids don’t have a bucket list challenge them to make one. Once they have a bucket list they can choose something on the list and take a step towards reaching that goal or dream.
You probably don’t want to show your tweens or teenager this list of ideas. When a mom gives a teen an idea, its value is often reduced significantly, so don’t hand them over a list of ideas.
Instead, challenge them to come up with a list themselves. A fun activity is to come up with a bucket list of 100 things to do in your life. You might even do that yourself and then compare parts of your list or have a family goal-setting session.
The benefit of a 100 item bucket list is to get beyond the mundane and expected. It is a challenge to think about all the things you might like to do in your life.
Once it is written down, it becomes closer to a goal and you are more likely to focus on ways to make it happen or take advantage of opportunities that become available.
Once the bucket list is written down, challenge your teen to take a step toward reaching that goal. Here are some ideas for a bucket list item and the first step:
It is good for everyone to dream about what is possible. If your teenagers are dreaming of writing a book, getting a PhD, hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, or learning to make an exotic dish, it is much less likely they will be using their time getting into some sort of trouble.
If you need inspiration on how life-changing doing a bucket list can be for your teenager, check out John Goddard’s story here. He made what seemed to be an impossible list at the age of fifteen and accomplished most of it.
Thinking about what your teen likes to do, what will get them moving outdoors, and what will keep them occupied and out of trouble when they have to be indoors is a great start for making a plan to stave off teen boredom.
Having a plan is imperative because you don’t want kids to default to staring at screens, so sit down and discuss with your kids how they will use their free time.
Talk about goals, experiences, and, perhaps most importantly, fun! As good as the teenage mind is at finding undesirable pastimes to fill dull moments, I think you’ll find that it’s also good at accomplishing remarkable things.
Hi, I’m Tamara the creator of Empowered Single Moms, a single mom, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) and the author of Thriving a Single Mom’s Guide to a Happy, Positive Life and Thriving a Single Mom Journal. I have a solo private psychotherapy practice where I treat anxiety, depression, and relationship issues.
As a member of the Empowered Single Moms community, I believe you can stop carrying the weight of the world alone and build a life you love. Join my mailing list and get 5 Keys to Single Mom Success.
Yes i am not single i have a beautiful husband and 6 beautiful daughters and 2 of them are in the tween/ teenage years and its very hard to keep them from being bored, they love to move around and when they do everything they find to do its either eating or sleeping. They are slightly boycrazy and can get hype about them but i had to do something. They don’t go out on dates yet or make out or anything of that sort but I need to have something for the older ones to do that are old enough for them but not too old. They are at the point where they don’t like watching specific things that are considered babyish or childish, but i like to look over stuff so that its child- appropriate for them too. I want my kids to have freedom but not so much freedom where they lose their innocence and virginity at such a young age. I love my children and its very hard to find stuff that they are interested in but this website is the best! I love Empoweredsinglemoms.com, I recommend this website for other single moms as well
Thank you so much for your kind words.
As a teen and the situation right now i was so bored and looked up what to do when you were bored so i did that and it had so many varieties of ideas that i was having so much fun just reading them now i can crochet and knit a wearable scarf, beanie and jumper myself i have made one for my whole family this separated me from my digital technology thank u sooooo much.
In this difficult time, I am so glad I could help.
Look, as a teen, these are not things we want to do (excluding summer activities). Knitting? Setting goals? Really? A teen’s definition of fun is none of this. Please don’t force your teen into doing this.
I am glad you found the summer activities fun. Goal-setting might turn out to be more fun than you think.
I am a teen and currently in quarantine with my brother, this website helped us find a fun activity to do thank you very much.
Abigail, I am so glad the ideas were helpful to you and your brother.
I am in quarantine right now and I am looking for things to do while here and I think these are great and I need something to do but I am just missing something and I really need help picking up a new hobby so thank you very much just wanted to say keep doing what you are doing I think it is great
Since the corona virus is going around I wanted to say the this site really helped my daughter find something to do at home.
I am so glad it was helpful for her.
i’m in quarantine rn and am so bored and depressed
but thx for the advice
I know it is hard but this too shall pass.
I’m a teen in quarantine and I don’t really want to do any of this as it is not something teens actually want to do.
I hope you are able to find something fun to do.
I am a teenager living in KSA… amid the coronavirus, all over the kingdom the curfew is from afternoon-to-dawn, like 15 hours and don’t know what to do instead I found this website and helped me do indoor activities .
Thank you very much!
I am glad it helped you it is hard to be stuck inside.
I am a teen and I found a lot of these ideas useful as I am stuck in quarantine. I needed something to entertain me as my brother makes weird noises when he is playing video games so I am glad that I found so many good ideas to keep me away from him. You are helping so many teens at the moment, keep doing what you’re doing. Thanks for all the ideas.
Thank you so much for your kind words. It means so much to me that you took the time to let me know the ideas helped you.
I am a teen and I was going through the list I was just excited reading it but I can’t get any of the materials I need due to the COVID pandemic but I want to say thank you for creating this list.
This list has helped me a lot. Being a teen myself, things can get boring fast. The list that you have provided is very helpful. A lot of these things sound like fun. Already making a list of what I should do over the COVID break. Thank you for creating this list.
I am so glad you found some ideas.
I am a teen and were in quarantine and this really help i’m so thankful for u we need more people like you thank soooooo much!!!
I’m a tween and a lot of the ideas helped. Thank you so much!
Thanks so much! I am turning 13 this Friday, and this really helped me get through my boredom. Now I always have something to do. Quarantine or no quarantine.
I am so glad it gave you some ideas.
I looked at your list and it helped, but I already did most of the stuff on it. The other stuff like knitting isn’t what I like to do, and I am still soooo bored. Are there any other things I can during this quarantine?
Dawn, Try learning something new or starting a new hobby. One example of something new is learning a new language there are a lot of free resources for learning a different language. My son highly recommended Duolingo. You could also try doing something to cheer up someone else. A friend said her grandma is in the nursing home, struggling with social isolation during quarantine, but was cheered by letters from kids and coloring pages that gave her something relaxing to do.
i’m a teen with access to limited resources
most of this stuff is for tweens
a lot of it we can’t do now
like the outdoor ones
but it helped my with my sister
can you recommend some things to do that you don’t need to spend time or resources on or something braindead
I’m a tween, and this stuff really helped. thanks for the ideas!
I’m a tween, thanks for the advice, I will definitely try these things. Please keep updating things to do. I get bored a lot, and I mostly read, but these ideas will definitely help! Thank you so much!
I always search up what to do when bored and people always give good ideas but I find I just read them I don’t actually do them but this website, because it’s updated and not something that suggests things that may not be an option or available anymore makes this whole situation so much easier and gives me ideas that I actually do. Thank you for coming up with things to do that are creative and take me away from my phone and are beneficial. I never thought I would fine such a good website and such good ideas from anyone, so thank you for your wonderful suggestions
Hi, I’m a tween and this helped but a lot of these things, like the group activities, I sadly can’t do because of covid. I also don’t have a lot of the resources for these things and would rather not have to go out and buy a bunch of stuff. Can you recommend any simple but still time consuming activities that don’t require many resources to do in quarantine?
Reading is something you can do for free if you get books from the library, writing only takes a pencil or pen and paper. Drawing only takes a pencil and paper and there are many videos on YouTube to learn. My grandmother created beautiful quilts with scraps of fabric or by cutting up clothes that the children outgrew or partly worn clothes. You can use this same technique to create pillow covers or wall hangings.
There are also many exercise videos on YouTube or Amazon Prime for everything from yoga to Zumba.
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Hi I’m Tamara. I believe you can stop carrying the weight of the world alone. You can have the confidence and support you need to build a life you love. I am here to show you the way. More about me
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Are you bored at home or just want something fun to do? Maybe you are trying to find that perfect challenge that is going to get you a larger number of hits on YouTube or Facebook? Well, look no further, these are a list of fun challenges for teens.
If you look at most of the viral challenges that you find online, a significant number of them are geared towards teenagers. Teens are daring, innovative, and always looking to have fun. This is what makes them the ideal candidates for pulling off such stunts.
The following are fun challenges for teenagers to do either at home or in school – Have a good time and ensure your safety when taking any of these challenges.
The internet is responsible for many different phenomena including slang. Internet slang changes so often that it can be difficult to keep up with. Also, a lot of the terms don’t always make much sense! Well, this challenge puts your knowledge (and your guessing ability) to the test. All you need is the internet, a couple of friends, and a ‘buzzer’ noise of your choosing. Get one of your friends to create a list of internet slang, terms, or phrases. Then, it is up to you and another friend to answer these questions. If you know the answer, make your personalized noise to indicate that you want a turn. See how these guys manage it here:
What You Need for the Internet Slang Challenge:
If you have spent most of your teen years hunting for snacks, you are going to love this challenge. It essentially gives you the freedom to eat as much junk food as you can manage. It is up to you whether you want to try this on your own or want to get your friends involved. A good place to start is to set a budget for yourself. Around $20 should be more than enough, depending on where you are getting the food from. If you want to make it more challenging, try ordering from the value menu at fast food restaurants! The next part is simple – get as much fast food as you can for your budget. Then it just a matter of trying to finish it all. You are going to find that it is easier said than done. Can you beat this guy:
What You Need for the fast food challenge:
Are you ever without a pack of your favorite gum? Well, it’s now time to put all of that chewing practice to good use. You can challenge yourself or try to see if one of your friends can beat you at this game. You don’t have to stick to the rule of 100 pieces – you get to choose what the ultimate number is. Anyways, you get to start off with chewing on just one stick of gum. However, you need to slowly add to the wad. The goal here is to find out just how big a wad of gum you can fit inside your mouth and still manage to chew. This contestant shows that it might be a little harder than you could have anticipated:
What You Need for the 100 Pieces of Gum Challenge:
Feel like you’ve got a comeback for everything? Let’s put that talent to the test with the Say Anything Challenge. The Say Anything Challenge is a silly challenge, and the only thing that you need to complete it is a friend, a quick thought process, and tape. Either you or your friend can start the challenge by saying a word – any word. The other person has to follow it up with any word; there doesn’t have to be any relevance to the first word at all. There are only two rules to this game. The first is that you can’t wait too long after one person has said their word to respond with another. The second rule is that you cannot repeat words that either you or your friend has already said. If you break these rules, the other person gets to place a piece of tape anywhere on your face. See how it’s done here:
What You Need for the Say Anything Challenge:
You’re going to need a lot of self-control as well as excellent speaking skills for this challenge. You and a partner are going to need a bowl full of marshmallows. You are going to start off with placing just one marshmallow in your mouth and saying the words, “chubby bunny.” You then need to put more marshmallows in your mouth, one by one. Each time that you do this, you need to repeat “chubby bunny.” The game ends when a marshmallow falls out, you can’t fit another marshmallow in, or one of you can’t say the magic words. See how these girls fare with this challenge:
What You Need for the Chubby Bunny Challenge:
Every tried to sing along to the Spanish part of a Pitbull song and failed miserably? Well, it’s only going to get funnier with this challenge. Here, you and your friend have to create a list of words or phrases for each other. The catch here, however, is that it is in another language. Also, the other person has no idea what that language is. It i
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