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Hyunjin is in need of a place to live. Luckily, he finds a room in an apartment with seven great guys. But, it turns out they’re a pack?? How will Hyunjin live with these guys without getting thrown into the chaos and love?
OR, omega Hyunjin finds a home in the Bang pack


General Audiences

Archive Warning :

No Archive Warnings Apply




Stray Kids (Band)


Hwang Hyunjin/Seo Changbin Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know


Hwang Hyunjin Seo Changbin Lee Minho | Lee Know Han Jisung | Han Kim Seungmin Bang Chan

Additional Tags:

Alternate Universe - College/University Painter Hyunjin Music Major Changbin underground dancer hyunjin Underground Rapper Seo Changbin Secret Relationship fake not dating hyunjin is being a bad boy Han Jisung | Han & Hwang Hyunjin are Best Friends hyunsung besties Bang Chan & Seo Changbin are Best Friends Hwang Hyunjin is Whipped Protective Han Jisung | Han Established Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know who knows where this is going honestly. Music Producers 3racha (Stray Kids) Skater Boy Changbin




← Previous Work Part 2 of the painting, planets, and pretty boys series


Published: 2022-04-27 Updated: 2022-06-02 Words: 14405 Chapters: 5/? Comments: 20 Kudos: 165 Bookmarks: 29 Hits: 2592

i want you to catch me (like a cold)



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1. got me got me got me
2. merry-go-round of life
3. can i make it any more obvious?
4. you wouldn't know him
5. call me maybe

names for the brief texting scene if its unclear... [mine diamonds🐿️ ] = jisung [catboy thinker] = minho [vampire apologist] = hyunjin

(See the end of the chapter for more notes .)

Sunday through Thursday felt like the longest five days of his life. 
Time and space slowed around him agonizingly as he counted down the hours until he could see Changbin again, and Hyunjin felt like the clocks on the walls were mocking him. He had only spent a total of 3 hours with the rapper, and yet, he felt like he was going insane without him. It was a little silly, he could admit that, but he didn’t see a need to judge himself for feeling so damn happy. 
Hyunjin felt himself grin a stupid, gay smile every time he thought about Changbin teaching him the basics of rap and felt his heart start racing when he imagined showcasing his dance skills to him. He was aching to impress. 
Playing Changbin’s rap over and over in his head, Hyunjin practically flew out of the doors of his Anatomy class and burst into the hallway. It was Friday afternoon, and he had been looking forward to tonight for what felt like a month. If he could tell Jisung all about it, he would say something like “Aish Hyunnie, so dramatic! What a hopeless romantic you are!” and scrunch his nose in a fake display of disgust. If he told Minho, he would say “Forgotten about us already, Hyunjin-ah?” and pinch his cheek.
But he couldn’t tell either of them, and it was beginning to eat away at his conscience. He couldn’t remember the last time he had hidden something from Minho for this long, or if he ever had, and he was sure that he hadn’t had a secret like this since Jisung had come into their lives last year. He walked briskly, shoving his hands into his pockets, cursing under his breath, biting his lip—and walking straight into someone. Falling onto his ass rather unceremoniously, Hyunjin yelped with more shock than pain. 
“Fuck I’m so sor-...” he looked up to give an earnest apology to whoever he had just walked into like a brick wall, but he rolled his eyes when he was greeted with Jisung’s stupid face. 
The chubby-cheeked menace just stared down at him, an eyebrow raised and a smug smile across his face. He stood purposefully and grounded, arms crossed, like he had been trying to knock Hyunjin to the floor. 
Hyunjin scowled, pushing himself to sit on his knees with sore palms that had broken his fall, “What the hell.”
“In a rush to go somewhere, Jinnie?” Jisung asked him like it was a game, wiggling his eyebrows and reaching out a hand to help him to his feet, “I was just coming to walk home with Minho-hyung after his Color Theory class, and I couldn’t help but notice you fuckin’ fly out of Anatomy like the room was on fire or something.”
“Give me a couple of business days to think about whether or not that’s any of your business,” Hyunjin took his outstretched hand despite the annoyance clear on his features. Once on his feet, he brushed the dust off of his knees and butt with a very pointed glare at Jisung. The younger just crossed his arms again. 
“Oooh but it is my business silly,” Jisung sounded like he was having far too much fun for someone who had just gotten smacked with a whole lot of Hyunjin, but then again, he always had a blast bothering anyone that would listen, “I seem to recall you putting a halt to your usual Friday night activity, no? What’s the hurry?”
Hyunjin glared daggers at him, trying to explode him with his mind. His right eye twitched as the two stared each other down, Jisung with a boastful grin and Hyunjin with his eyebrows drawn together in extreme focus. 
“Nowhere,” he decided to answer, tentatively. But his thoughts betrayed him, mind flashing with the green lighting of VENOM and the way it lit Changbin’s face. Hyunjin tried his best to think of anything other than fluffy brown hair and black skinny jeans, but it was no use—his face felt warm. Jisung’s grin grew, and Hyunjin thought if he got any smugger he would pull a muscle in his face. 
“What’s that saying again?” Jisung tapped his chin while pretending to think, and it was absolutely rich that everyone considered Hyunjin to be the dramatic one, “Ah! The truth will set you free, right?” 
It was his fault, really, for not coming up with a lie ahead of time. When he so foolishly committed to keeping VENOM and Changbin a secret, he had also sentenced himself to weeks upon weeks of inventing excuses. It was only week two, and he had already fumbled his alibi.
He couldn’t say he was going to the studio because he was actively leaving the Arts Building, so maybe the library? No, everyone knew that he would rather shave his head than go to the library alone and unprompted. Hanging out with Chan and Felix was off the table because Jisung would just ask them and find out that he had lied, and Hyunjin didn’t want to imagine the hell that he would have to pay. He had forgotten to even ask what Minho and Jisung were doing tonight, so he couldn’t even say that he was coming over to their apartment for some quality Bestie Bonding Time. 
Shit, what did normal college students even do ? Did he have any option, other than the truth? Hyunjin had dodged the question long enough, and he could feel Jisung growing impatient. 
“I’m going out with someone,” he finally said, choosing to simply ignore the blush that sat high on his cheeks. It wasn’t totally a lie, right? Hyunjin was going out with someone tonight, he just…left out the other 99% of the details. 
A half-truth is still a whole lie. 
Jisung’s jaw dropped and his arms fell to his sides, eyes widening comically. With his interrogator standing there dumbly, Hyunjin seized the opportunity to bolt away. 
“Bye Jisungie,” he called over his shoulder, flying away from the scene of his own murder. He could hear the stunned boy yelling curses at him from down the hallway, but Hyunjin power walked like he had never power walked before. 
When he reached his dorm room, he threw his phone onto his bed a little too hard, and the device bounced back at him and landed on the floor with a noise so loud that he winced. Hyunjin mumbled an apology to his poor, abused phone and bent down to pick it up, taking his sweet time, because his ass was still sore from wiping out in the hallway. Fuckin’ Jisung. 
As his fingers touched the sides, it sprung to life with a BZZZT! that scared the soul out of the dancer. He crumpled to the ground after jumping so high that he could join the basketball team, and he saw Jisung’s contact name and photo light up on his phone screen. Snorting at the humiliating picture of the younger and the chipmunk emoji by his nickname, Hyunjin declined the call. 
He snatched his now quiet phone and crawled on the floor to the edge of his bed, hoisting himself up into it lazily. Hyunjin startled slightly when his phone began buzzing again, but the intervals were much longer and it seemed like it was just a rapid series of texts. He lifted his phone to his face and watched with amusement as Jisung slowly went insane in their groupchat. 
if you do not appear in this groupchat in ONE (1) MINUTE
Hyunjin cackled. He very much could, and he planned on it. 
i will have your liver on a platter for dinner tonight
but babe i made spaghetti-os for u :[
ah fuck sorry guys i gotta blast :/ hav to feed my horse
its not funny bc u dont have a horse its funny bc i cant imagine an animal tolerating u
always happy to join u in the community hyung
care to share what ur doing tonight with the class???
i am just a horse i say neigh neigh neigh and i gallop around all day
i eat carrots and sleep in a stable
im going to rip all of your hair off of your fucking head
i hope your date is a serial killer
Hyunjin smiled a cheek-aching smile and threw his phone down onto the bed next to him. He knew that hanging out with Changbin tonight was most certainly not a date, but he also didn’t mind his friends thinking that. And he didn’t mind imagining what a date with the short boy would be like. 
Even with his big boots and piercings, Hyunjin could tell that Changbin was a big softie with a taste for romance. He spat fire when he rapped and made sarcastic comments like it was his job, but every time he blushed Hyunjin got a peek into his more lovey-dovey side. 
Hyunjin could not wait to see it again. 
Though the evening was already underway by the time he arrived, Hyunjin waited outside until Changbin showed up. They had agreed last Friday to meet each other by the entrance and go in together, something about ‘protecting Hyunjin from the trickass bitch that dared lay a hand on him.’ The February air was cold and his fingers were tingling, but Hyunjin’s cheeks glowed with warmth. He could hear loud music thrumming through the entrance to the club that vibrated the handle, and the green lights of the familiar scene spilled through the cracks around the door. The dancer rocked back and forth in his trusty white combat boots, tugging at his own fingers to keep them warm and picking at some dried paint in his cuticles. Although he wanted to dance comfortably, Hyunjin had dressed to impress—a flowy, silk white shirt tucked into a pair of skinny jeans that he had worn so much that they no longer felt tight, and the white boots that he felt made him lighter on his feet. He wore some extra jewelry because he loved the way that it shone under the lights and how it jingled as he moved, and he had tied half of his hair back into a ponytail. He had always taken pride in his clothes and his general fashion taste, but something about putting together an outfit with a specific boy in mind made him feel a little shy. 
“Hey, you,” a voice called from down the alley, practically scaring Hyunjin out of his skin. He stumbled a little with an embarrassing yelp, hands flying up to his face to cover his eyes. When he heard Changbin’s laugh approaching, his arms dropped to his sides and his cheeks felt warm again. 
“What, were you daydreaming?” Changbin teased him, reaching up to pinch Hyunjin’s unbruised cheek, “I hope I was in it.”
“Don’t make me regret waiting for you, hyung,” Hyunjin glared down at him, but he knew that his face was still flushed scarlet from his dramatic reaction. His eyes flitted down against his will to take in the older’s outfit, but as soon as he realized his actions he quickly turned his face away and folded his arms.
“That’s a funny way of saying you were excited to see me,” Changbin raised an eyebrow, with a grin that would be annoying if he wasn’t so charming, “I missed you too.”
The rapper turned on his heel and pushed into the club not a moment later, leaving Hyunjin blinking in the alleyway. Changbin had missed him? He was not going to survive tonight. 
Hyunjin did not just survive. In fact, he was absolutely thriving. 
After dancing like he had something to prove, he was declared the victor for the evening, and his veins filled with pride. A couple of people walked up to him to pat him on the back, to tell him how impressively he had performed. Hyunjin glowed with all of the praise, and he turned to scan the audience in search of Changbin. When he finally found the older’s face, he was surprised to see that he was already looking. 
His muscles were a little sore from the exertion but he padded over to Changbin, smiling sheepishly. 
“What’d you think?” Hyunjin asked as he wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. He didn’t miss the way Changbin’s eyes followed the movement. 
“I think you’re insanely talented, Hyunnie.”
His heart stopped in his chest at the compliment, and then was resuscitated by the nickname. He tried to bite back his grin but it managed to escape, and the two just smiled at each other dumbly for a moment. They both broke out into a fit of giggles, only interrupted by someone bumping into Hyunjin and knocking him into Changbin’s side. The older snapped a ‘hey, watch it!’ to the culprit, wrapping his arm around Hyunjin’s waist protectively. Changbin scowled at the person who just raised their hands as a silent apology, and he sighed a little. 
“Do you want to get out of here?” Changbin asked quietly, looking up at the exhausted dancer through his brown bangs. 
“Wh-what?!” Hyunjin spluttered, face immediately burning and his neck flushing red. He wasn’t a social butterfly and VENOM was the only bar he frequented, but he knew what that question usually meant. Not that he was opposed, but—
“Not like that, silly,” Changbin burst out laughing, pinching Hyunjin’s cheek again. Hyunjin would have found it cute if he wasn’t busy coughing on air, blushing furiously. 
“I just meant we could keep hanging out tonight, if you wanted,” Changbin sounded a little shyer this time, and he fidgeted with the collar of his shirt, “I usually go somewhere after this, if you wanted to come…?”
They walked on the dark street together, hands bumping every few steps and small talk coming easily. Changbin led the way to the place he said was where he went when he liked to be alone, and Hyunjin silently wondered why he was being permitted into the older’s comfort space. 
“Here,” Changbin mumbled, nudging the dancer with his elbow and gesturing to their right. The pair took a turn into a park, and a halfpipe came into Hyunjin’s view. 
He surveyed the area and quickly realized that they were in the skatepark that wasn’t too far from campus. He’d never been, but he had seen pictures on Instagram and vaguely remembered Chan mentioning it once. 
Changbin left his side and trotted over to the set of stairs that looked like they had seen far more wheels than feet, and he took a seat next to the railing. He patted the spot next to him, and Hyunjin started moving before he could even think about it. Not that he had to. 
He took his seat next to Changbin and leaned back onto the stairs, sighing loudly as a dull a
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