Teenager Jacking Off

Teenager Jacking Off


Teenager Jacking Off

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Nothing. They’re boys. That’s what boys do. As long as they weren’t jacking each other off, let it be.

@TruthBTold :
I just meant in the fact that there's a weird tension between us. I'm ok with it, I mean as a single dad I do it all the time I just want them to know I'm ok with it

@Luis54 :
Make a joke about it and move on.

I have a 16yr old. My wife recently ran across some "used" towels and lotion under his bed when changing his sheets. I had to have a talk with him about being more discreet with the towels - mix'em in the laundry boy! I told him he just took some years off his mom's life... then moved on, nothing to see here!

Also had the talk with the wife about how he is old enough to take care of changing his sheets

I guess I do have to talk to them. I mean were pretty comfortable being nude around each other and I knew they masterbated. I just need to tell them to maybe put a socker on the door. Haha . I guess I just have to get used to it. We're all guys and my son's will be guys.maybe letting them know I do it too will make the awkwardness go away.

That's funny, SNDRR!
I do agree tho that you should just crack some Wise and move on. Especially now that they're as old as 17?? If I was barely 11 yrs old when I got in my 1st (of a buh-zillion) 'sticky situation', then this is certainly not their first shot at cumming of age. It definitely is not their first mutual wank-fest. They are obviously perfectly comfortable with their own bodies (and each other's) to get totally naked, bypassing the distraction of the initial akwardness
. They get charged up watching each other - watch each other jack off. And they're performing in person! Way better than video. No worries - whether it's 2 brother's, or 2 buddies, it's fine and they won't "catch gay" from mutual actions, the worst that can happen? They might end up being in very solid relationships due to the fact that they grew up more open-minded than most men. What they're doing at this age is fine. But yeah...Pop needs to give them a "heads up". NO woman needs to be changing Gooey sheets or reaching blindly into a sticky clothes hamper! Especially if they got no enjoyment in getting things gooed up'! Just sayin' .

Pretend you didn't see anything and keep on marching. Males jack off. Young males jack off very often. Learn to knock.

@LadyKat :
They saw me. I walked in on them. I mean I jack off all the time as a single dad. There's just that awkward tension of getting caught

@LadyKat :
True about the young men. That ship has sailed on up'to 54 yrs old. I still masturbate all the time - more so since I was dealt the blow of the ''Widower" Status. It's very healthy to keep a routine schedule of " preventative Maintenance" so the equipment stays in good working order and appearance too!

I taught my son to do his own laundry about 14 so I wouldn't have to deal with that part.

@fallen_angel :
Yes! Teach them soon! My husband is 23 and his mom is stilling willing to do his laundry and he lets her do it. Not good and im having a hard time "training" him to do his housechores but i have to!

Is it normal for siblings to masterbate in front of each other? THAT is what I would feel uncomfortable about.

I'm a single mom, every now and then I accidentally catch my 16 y/o son with his hand down his pants - he can't seem to do anything without touching himself. LOL. I just ignore or say, "Dude, keep it private, o.k.?" and then move on to other topics.

Leave lube, tissues, hygienic wipes and a bin in their room. It would be a good time to talk to them about sexual relationships, responsibility, protection etc. Let them know that masturbation is the safest form of sex and that you are OK with it. This may also be a time that they want to start sleeping naked, let them know that you are cool with it but establish some house rules.

Both at the same time and naked? Teach them about privacy first.

@George :
Lol! Agree.. how come no one else was concerned about this!?


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Taylor Momsen, 16-year-old anti-role model, apparently has a loud mouth and a BFF vibrator. Not that anyone really cares about celebrities, but we can occasionally learn something from them. In this case, teen sexuality. Specifically, teen girls’ sexuality because most of the world seems to feel that it doesn’t exist, or shouldn’t. Dudes everywhere are jacking off right now (creepy right?) but young ladies everywhere seem to think that masturbating is gross and pleasure can only come from their boyfriends/husbands. Lies! And as far as I know, this Momsen girl is the only young girl out there that has no shame in not only embracing her individual sexuality, but also talk about it like it’s no big deal. If you know anyone else, please let us know. The fact that she isn’t boy-crazy and can just be happy with herself is close to unheard of these days. Where did she go right?
Broadsheet ’s Mary Elizabeth Williams says it best:
 Preach it, wise lady! Her whole post on Salon is worth the read.
 If only there were a more positive influence for girls so they could learn a little self-love.
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Many parents find it superawkward when their kids start masturbating , but it's not only normal, it's healthy. Readers often ask each other how they should respond, especially when kids masturbate in public. There's one fairly common denominator among the responses: teach your child appropriate boundaries without making them feel ashamed. The question is . . . how?
According to the University of Michigan's Development and Behavior Resources program, the vast majority of kids discover their genitals and the pleasure they can bring by age 6. While discussions seem to revolve mostly around boys and girls who are in the 10 to 13 range, whatever age your child is at when she or he makes this discovery is the time to start discussing when and where this behavior is appropriate.
Carrie A.'s two kids (ages 10 and 13) have been taught that masturbation is fine in the privacy of their bedroom or bathroom, and not in other places. She has promised them she won't come in without knocking, and she always waits for them to say, "Come in." This seems like a respectful approach , and one that will likely build trust in her family.
Door-locking is not allowed in Tisha P.'s home, but her kids, too, know that they have privacy behind the closed doors of their bedrooms. For safety reasons, she has asked her kids to never use objects (only hands), and to wash their hands when they're finished. Beyond that, they are allowed to explore their bodies freely in private.
There does, perhaps not surprisingly, seem to be a discrepancy between parental perceptions of boys versus girls when it comes to masturbation. Many moms see it as normal for boys, but somewhat disturbing when girls do it. This is likely the result of deep cultural biases that many of us hold unconsciously.
Lesley comments that "we seem to find boys exploring their bodies a much more acceptable practice." But she has an 11-year-old daughter and adds that she would rather know that her child is exploring her own body rather than " letting someone else do the 'exploring '" as her daughter enters her teen years.
Eva W. suggests to moms who have discomfort around this to "do some soul searching" to try to understand why you have such difficulty accepting what doctors and psychologists say is perfectly normal behavior . In other words, trying to untangle your own hang-ups can go a long way toward helping your child grow up without shame regarding her body. Eva is walking the talk: she has begun talking about puberty and basic reproduction to her 10-year-old twins, as she believes these are related topics that parents should proactively pursue.
The common-sense takeaway here is that kids age 10-13 clearly understand that certain things are to be done at certain places and times. For example, we eat dinner in the early evening, at the table in the kitchen. We take a bath in the bathroom before we go to bed. It's not a great leap for them to understand that masturbation, like going to the toilet, is private.
How did you handle your child's discovery of masturbation?
The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, POPSUGAR.

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