Teenage Threesomes

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Teenage Threesomes

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Published: 06:02 BST, 3 November 2016 | Updated: 06:09 BST, 3 November 2016
A young couple allegedly had a threesome with a 14-year-old girl after she was lured to their home from a shopping centre.
The 23-year-old woman allegedly met the teenage girl at a Hornsby shopping centre on Sydney's north shore on Monday.
The pair later went to a Denison Street property in Hornsby where the girl was allegedly plied with alcohol.
She was then allegedly sexually assaulted by the woman and her 31-year-old male partner during a suspected threesome.
A couple allegedly had a threesome with a 14-year-old girl after she was lured to their home from a Sydney shopping centre on Monday (stock image)
The girl left the home around 9.30pm that night and reported the matter to police.
Police were told the teen was with another 14-year-old girl when she met the woman at the shopping centre. The girl also attended the home but left before the alleged sexual assault took place.
Following extensive investigations by the State Crime Command's Child Abuse Squad, police executed a crime scene warrant at the property on Wednesday.
While carrying out the warrant, the man and woman returned to the home where they were arrested, before taken to Hornsby Police Station.
Following extensive investigations, police executed a crime scene warrant at the property
The woman has been charged with commit act of indecency with person under 16 years, aggravated indecent assault in company, and five counts of aggravated sexual intercourse with person under 16 years.
The man was charged with aggravated indecent assault in company and five counts of aggravated sexual intercourse with person under 16 years.
They were both refused bail and are due to face Hornsby Local Court on Thursday.
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Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd
Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group

The First Time My Boyfriend And I Tried… A Threesome!
Rohit and I had been dating for as long as either of us could remember. We were in a long distance relationship, but that didn’t come between our love for each other. He was sure of me and so was I of him. We had no qualms about our sex life as well. Sure, we had let our imagination run wild at times and had also experimented tons of times in bed, but none of them involved another person. Until this one time…
For a while, we had been planning a trip together to Thailand. So when that day finally came, we could not control our excitement! Being on holiday with the one you love and having the time of your life sounded so dreamy. I really couldn’t believe this was happening for real!
We stayed at a cute little hotel in Phuket. While the days were meant for relaxing near the pool and beach, the nights were meant for hardcore partying. The nightlife was so vibrant and colourful that neither of us ever wanted the nights to end.
We decided to bar hop one night. After every bar, we got a bit more tipsy. I remember this one bar Rohit and I were at. The music was groovy and the vibe was just perfect. While we were on the dance floor, suddenly, Rohit pulled me closer to the corner. He started kissing me and I could feel his hands all over my body. None of us seemed to mind because the club was pitch dark and we were too caught up in the moment to care.
While we were at it, I couldn’t help but notice a girl who was just staring at us. She didn’t say a word, though. All she did was just smile at the both of us. My boyfriend and me got a little awkward, but she gently asked us to carry on what we were doing because she enjoyed seeing us together at it!
We found it extremely weird at first, but we both thought that it was kind of hot. After a wild makeout session we turned around and the girl was gone! We headed back to our hotel room and laughed it off. Not to mention that the sex that followed after was just amazing. We woke up the next day thinking all of it was just a dream.
We then dressed up and headed to a place near our hotel to grab lunch. The tiny hut-shaped restaurant was known for its yummy seafood. After we placed our order, our eyes fell on this one table. There was a group of friends having a good time and the girl who had met us at the bar the night before was there too!
We both freaked out and decided to not make any further eye contact with that table. To our surprise, that girl came over to our table and asked us if she could sit with us. We got to know that her name was Tamara and, just like us, she was on vacation too. She also confessed that she had broken up with her girlfriend and had come to Phuket to find peace. She was a fun person to be around. It felt as if we had known each other since forever, when in reality it had only been a day.
After getting to know her better, we invited her over for a couple of beers and snacks in the evening. She came over that night with a dish she’d prepared and it was a really fun evening. We spoke over food, played Jenga and listened to soft music while sipping on some chilled beer.
After a few beers and couple of jokes down, she casually told me that she found me attractive. I mean, I was flattered and all – but I didn’t know how to react. She then gently leaned over and passionately kissed me on my lips. Rohit was in the washroom all along, and the moment he came out, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing!
I pushed her away, but deep within, I quite enjoyed every bit of it. There was an awkward silence and no one knew what to do or say after. It all came as one big shock. But we swore this: whatever happens in this rooms, stays in this room.
Tamara then suggested that we try something different as a couple. Like a threesome… While Rohit was speechless, I didn’t mind giving the idea a shot. I assured him that this would never change our relationship and that we should do it just for the thrill of it. I finally got him to agree!
Rohit and me got into bed while we were waiting for Tamara to get done with her shower. As soon as we heard the door slide, shivers ran down both our spines. She was wearing nothing but a smile. She looked stunning.
She hopped onto the bed, and slipped in between us. After a few giggles, she put the awkwardness to rest by making the first move. She pulled my face close to hers and started kissing and nibbling on my lips. She then moved to caressing my breast. After which, we both made eye contact with my boyfriend, and took turns at satisfying each other. It was such an intense union, but equally blissful and passionate at the same time.
All three of us went to bed after. Only to wake up and notice that Tamara had already left our hotel. The strange part was that neither Rohit nor me felt guilty about what we had done. It all felt just…great.
We then headed to a place for breakfast. While we were relishing our food, I felt a pat on my back. It was Tamara! She had seen us from afar and had come by to apologise for leaving so abruptly. We offered her a seat and three of us got to joking and talking as if nothing ever happened between us.
We were all coincidentally heading back that day itself. She hugged me and Rohit and said goodbye. We knew that we would probably never see her again, but what we did know was that Rohit and I had never felt closer as a couple.
I doubt we would be open to trying another threesome in the future, but it’s an experience neither of us will ever forget!
* Names changed to protect privacy.
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Published December 18, 2006 12:00PM (EST)

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Since You Asked

When I started dating my current boyfriend, it was as if everything fell into place. It finally felt like what I thought a relationship should feel like. I was incredibly happy, but also afraid that my boyfriend would find out something about my past that would change how he felt about me. He seemed uncomfortable with the number of people I had slept with, but it wasn't a huge issue.
One night, after talking about a friend of ours who met his girlfriend in a threesome, he asked me if I had ever been in one. It didn't occur to me to lie, particularly about something I consider so minor, so I answered honestly and told him yes.
After that, everything changed. The night I told him I'd had a threesome, he cried and said he felt sick. He became so angry with me that he began to pick at me, and it seems like everything I do is wrong. Overnight, I went from being in a relationship that made me even more confident and happy with myself to being in a relationship that brings me down and constantly reminds me of my shortcomings.
It's been six months since he found out. I asked him to get therapy, and he saw two people. He said none of their suggestions helped (one suggested that he laugh it off and make it into a joke), and they seemed to run out of ideas. Now it's like he's given up. We hardly ever have sex anymore, because when we have sex, he thinks about my past. He says that he sees sex as sacred, and even though he's not religious, he has all of these rules on what is right and what is wrong. I'm not asking for his approval of my past actions, just understanding and forgiveness. I've tried explaining my past and why I did the things that I did, and I've tried to make him understand how much he means to me and how much I value sex with him, but nothing seems to make any difference. I'd made a couples therapy appointment for us, but he "has something to do then" and says he wouldn't feel comfortable talking about this stuff to a therapist in front of me.
I can't keep feeling so ashamed of a past I had come to terms with, but I also can't bring myself to give up on someone that I love so much. Before the threesome fiasco, we'd been talking about marriage and our future, and now I wonder how he could have meant any of that. If he loved me so much, how could his love and respect for me be so conditional? Is there anything he can do to get over this, or am I going to have to forget about how good things used to be and move on? It's Christmastime, and here I am trying to figure out where to live and who gets the cats and how on earth I can handle all of this hurt.
This guy is nuts. What's wrong with having a threesome?
No, don't marry him. Get away from him. He sounds crazy. Not to be too judgmental, but really.
OK, so let's say it triggered something in him, some deep-seated fear or whatever. Fine. So the loving thing to do would be to admit to you that he's acting crazy and irrational and commit to work on it and forgive you for what you did as if you even needed forgiving but most of all since he's the one who needs forgiving he should ask for your forgiveness for being such a jerk about something that happened before you were together, and if you suggest to him that you're going to go to couples therapy to work with it then FOR GOD'S SAKE HE SHOULD AGREE TO GO. Not say he has something to do that day. That's lame. He's being a jerk about this.
And what's with the therapists? Don't they have any sense at all? If he went to one just once, what is with that? You don't go to a therapist just once. They can't make any money like that. You have to go again and again and again, unearthing more and more problems. Otherwise how is a therapist going to make a living? And how are you going to make any progress? You can't make any progress in one session. You have to go long enough to get something done, and to get the therapist a boat. Because how is the therapist going to help you if he doesn't have a boat? Sheesh.
No, OK, that was uncalled for. What I mean is that therapy is not something that you do just once. It's an ongoing process. You get into it and you do it until something gets better.
I don't know how you deal with the hurt of this ending, but obviously you cannot be with someone the rest of your life who can't deal with something from your past like that.
OK, so maybe it was dumb to tell him. But you found out something. You found out he's nuts.
So would he be so kind as to move out and let you keep the place? And leave you one cat? That would be nice of him.
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