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Hitler's League of German Girls during 1939 Nazi reign of power
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Published: 11:41 BST, 23 February 2018 | Updated: 14:42 BST, 23 February 2018
Chilling footage of a girls’ 'summer camp' that took place during 1939 reveals how teenagers were indoctrinated into Hitler's anti-Semitic ideology.
The blonde haired, blue-eyed youngsters, aged between 14-18, were all part of Hitler's League of German Girls who have been specially selected, based on ‘genetic quality’ by the Nazi Party.
Unsettling black-and-white footage, obtained from the National Archives of Germany , was taken at the Country Service camp in Munich and shows the fresh-faced girls eagerly raising the swastika flag and obediently performing the Nazi salute.
The video, entitled 'Madel im Landjahr' is translated as 'Girls in Country Service Gamp', and features the League of German Girls or Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM), the girls wing of the Hitler Youth.
The footage shows the young women performing chores around the camp including cooking, cleaning and agricultural activities which consisted of planting of crops and the general maintenance of the farms.
The video also shows girls taking part in gymnastics. Sport was a big part of the life at BDM camps as it was intended to create healthy, strong girls who were fit for child-bearing and would go on to produce multiple children to increase the population.
The unsettling footage shows young fresh-faced girls during line-up at the BDM's summer camps. The video, entitled 'Madel im Landjahr' is translated as 'Girls in Country Service Gamp'
The BDM began in 1930 but it wasn't until Baldur Von Schirach was appointed head of the Hitler Youth in 1931 that the group began to rise in popularity with membership estimated between 10,000 to 15,000 girls at the end of 1932.
The league focused on developing girls into women who were dedicated to Nazism and whose role within society was to become 'mothers of the Third Reich'. The girls were to grow-up with an unquestioning understanding of the regime and their intended role.
Hitler hoped that the work on these camps would encourage young girls to leave the city and work on the land in the service of the Nazi's 'Blood and Soil' values - which instructed the German people to pursue an honest rural life over urban 'Jewish' professions.
The teenagers, aged 14-18, can be seen performing various chores around the camps including agricultural duties, cooking and gardening. Here, at lunchtime
At the camps, girls were trained in Nazi ideology and encouraged anti-semitism. The teens were taught to avoid ‘racial defilement’, by following a Nazi policy prohibiting sexual relations between Aryans and non-Aryans and encouraged the girls to inform the authorities if their parents or neighbours were not acting in line with the regime.
In lessons, the girls were presented with propaganda videos and stories focused on painting Jewish people as inherently unsavoury characters. 
In one of the more chilling moments, girls can be seen performing Nazi salutes. The league focused on developing girls into women who were dedicated to Nazism and whose role within society was to become 'mothers of the Third Reich'
Members of the group wore matching uniforms of white dresses and work clothes to ensure conformity across the movement. Modifications were deemed unacceptable as Nazi girls were intended to be natural beauties that did not rely on cosmetics. 
Alongside the male members of the Hitler Youth, the girl branch would have attended many Nazi Party political meetings and rallies, including the Nuremberg rallies.
The members of the group wore matching uniforms of white dresses and work clothes to ensure conformity across the movement. Modifications were deemed unacceptable. Here, the Nazi girls obediently raising the swastika flag
Hitler hoped that the work on these camps would encourage young girls to leave the city and work on the land in the service of the Nazi's 'Blood and Soil' values
Membership was extremely strict and only allowed girls who met the strict requirements of the Fascist regime. In order to join, girls had to be a German citizen of racial and ethnic German heritage. Here, performing chores at the camp
The BDM began in 1930, prior to Adolf Hitler's rise to power as Chancellor, in 1933.  
Its roots lie with the unsuccessful establishment of other girl groups set up during the early years of the National Socialist movement which focused on teaching language, folklore and history with anti-Semitic interpretations. 
Recruitment drives ran in an attempt to get more female members but the groups weren't especially successful.
It was only in 1932, with the Fascist regime's increased popularity that Nazi Youth leader Baldur Von Schirach dissolved other Nazi girl's groups and transferred all memberships to the BDM. 
The movement increased momentum and by the end of 1932, membership was estimated between 10,000 to 15,000 girls.
Membership was extremely strict and only allowed girls who met the strict requirements of the Fascist regime. In order to join, girls had to be a German citizen of racial and ethnic German heritage, free of hereditary diseases and with family members in keeping with the Third Reich's belief system.
During the Second World War, the BDM carried out various roles within society including camps for girls evacuated from cities for their protection during bombing raids, training the teenagers as volunteer nurses on the front line and even serving in the signal corps of the women's section of the SS.
In the last days of the war, some of these members were among the most fanatical supporters of the Nazi Regime and not knowing life beyond the Third Reich, joined last-ditch defenses in Berlin and other cities in fighting the invading Allied armies along with male members of the Hitler Youth.
After the Second World War, Baldur Von Schirach, who had also held multiple roles within the Nazi Party, was convicted of crimes against humanity. 
Chilling footage ? more stupid hyperbole.
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Teenage daughter and friend bathing together?
Hi All, Well this is a difficult one for me so I thought maybe someone here can help with advice, previous experience etc. My daughter is 14, and she has a very close friends, also 14, who is often at ours for sleepovers and my daughter goes to theirs too. I sort of know her family, we're not close or anything but they seem like normal good people and their daughter is a nice, well mannered girl. Now last night she was here for a sleepover, and my daughter came and asked me if they were allowed to take a bath together, swimsuits on. I said no, because it took me by surprise and I had an instinctive "I need to understand this better" reaction. I was a teenager once but let's face it, that was 25 years ago and a different generation. So my question is, to those of you who have teenage girls, is this something that's common nowadays? I am quite open minded but I need more info about this one. Also, I'm pretty sure the other girl's mum would have to be ok with it too. I know I would like to know if my daughter was allowed to take baths at someone else's house. I'm a bit confused. I do want to allow my daughter to have her own experiences as she grows up, but to put it simply, I don't want her to do anything stupid that could get her into trouble. Any thoughts? Thanks!! P.S. If I'm in the wrong thread please feel free to move me where appropriate
I know my sister and her friend would bathe in front of one another, one in the bath and the other sitting chatting, all the time. I can't remember if it was as young as 14 but they didnt bat an eyelid at it. I think as long as the other girls mum ok's it? I can't remember ever feeling uncomfortable being nude around my closest female friends but i cant say i bathed with them as such xx
I used to get baths before going out, while my close friend would sit on the toilet gabbing. Never actually got in the bath together. Have you asked her why she wanted to bath with her mate? Xx
I did ask her, yes. She said "we just want to". I guess they thought it would be fun?
If cosies are on I don't see a problem...... no different than 2 girls in a hot tub together. I would just have a word with her to make sure that in this selfie social media phase we live in, that they don't take any pics or snap chat.... even if it seemed innocent to them.
I did ask her, yes. She said "we just want to". I guess they thought it would be fun?
No harm in it then from my perspective, do agree with Becka though, the selfie talk will be a good idea x
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I remember doing the exact same thing with swimsuits on with my best friend. We were a little younger probably 13 years old. We sat and gossiped and chatted. It just seemed like a good idea and was relaxing to chat in a nice hot bath.
Sorry I really don't see the problem at all, they wanted swimsuits on so its just innocent fun by the sounds of it. I'm not sure what you'd find uncomfortable about it... They're innocent kids still. In a couple of years time at like 16 then it'd be an unusual thing for them to want to do, given by then girls are suddenly so much more grown up and want to act as such but at the minute I certainly wouldn't worry about it.
Even though there's nothing wrong with it, I do find it a little odd. It's something I would never of asked as a teenager and I've never heard any family or friends ask to do this either x
If cosies are on I don't see a problem...... no different than 2 girls in a hot tub together. I would just have a word with her to make sure that in this selfie social media phase we live in, that they don't take any pics or snap chat.... even if it seemed innocent to them.
Agree with this. Would also just check the friends parents were ok with it to
If cosies are on I don't see a problem...... no different than 2 girls in a hot tub together. I would just have a word with her to make sure that in this selfie social media phase we live in, that they don't take any pics or snap chat.... even if it seemed innocent to them.
Completely agree with this. I remember a friend of mine doing this with another mate, because one of them had this fancy new colourful bubble bath and a glitter bathbomb....and they wanted to sparkle I'd just be careful, as Becka said, about selfies etc. What is perfectly innocent to two girls, may not seem innocent to other people.
My daughter and her friend have been really close since about 5 and have often had baths together up until the last year I think. They are 14 now and will sit in the bathroom gabbing while each other are in the bath
Thanks all I think I'll check with other girl's mum and if she is ok with it, I will let them have their hot tub fun
You're all generalizing that both girls are straight and into boys, you would not allow a boy to bathe with her. What if she is (or both are) bi or lesbian? Would you allow it then?
You're all generalizing that both girls are straight and into boys, you would not allow a boy to bathe with her. What if she is (or both are) bi or lesbian? Would you allow it then?
two girls though its biologically impossible to get up the spout. and also like others have said theyre clothed. I let mine share the pool with boys in shorts when theyre in bikinis so not really different. ive never had a bath with a pal but used to have showers with pals if we were going out and both needed to shower and out quick. also at school the showers after swimming were communial so not really much different. my pals still come in and chat or come in for a pee when I'm in the bath and I'm staring 30 down the barrel
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A look back at summer at the beach during the 1970s, presented by Getty Images.
A couple shows off their chopper bike near the water's edge on Daytona Beach, Florida, circa 1970.
Arnold Schwarzenegger admires the muscles of another bodybuilder at Muscle Beach in Los Angeles, 1977.
A woman (left) roller-skates, and a group of girls (right) get ready for a skate, at Venice Beach, California, 1979.
Rock band the Runaways pose for a portrait on the Los Angeles beach in 1976. From left: Cherie Currie, Joan Jett, Sandy West, Jackie Fox, and Lita Ford.
An aerial view of Santa Monica Beach, California, circa 1970.
A group of friends take a break from roller-skating at Venice Beach, 1979.
Edmund Sylvers (left) of the R&B group the Sylvers, poses for a portrait on the Los Angeles beach in 1978, and a woman (right) roller-skates on Venice Beach in 1979.
A group of roller skaters on the shores of Venice Beach, 1979.
A surfer catches a California wave in 1978.
A gay couple (left) kiss naked on a California beach, circa 1970. British actress and television presenter Floella Benjamin (right) poses on the beach in 1977.
Nudist sunbathers at the Devil's Slide Beach in San Mateo County, California, circa 1974.
A group of kids arrive at the Los Angeles beach in a Volkswagen Beetle with a body made of ornate steel, circa 1970.
Crowds of beachgoers enjoy the sun at Deerfield Beach, Florida, 1976.
A pair of surfers (left) pack their surfboards into their car near Byron Bay, Australia, in 1974. Two people (right) embrace on the beach at Jacob Riis Park in Brooklyn, 1974.
People arrive at Old Orchard Beach, Maine, to show off their motorcycles in 1978.
A pair of kids from Ohio rest on their motorcycles after arriving at Daytona Beach in 1975.
A beach patrol officer sits in a patrol car at Nauset Beach in Orleans, Massachusetts, in 1972.
A man takes in the view of the beach in Los Angeles, 1979.
A pair of young women sunbathe at Coney Island in 1977.
Children play on the shore at Jacob Riis Park in 1974.
A beachgoer soaks up the sun in Malibu, 1970.
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Barbara Poncelet, CRNP, is a certified pediatric nurse practitioner specializing in teen health.
Lindsey Waldman, MD, RD, is a board-certified pediatrician and pediatric endocrinologist.

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