Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Feet

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Feet


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Feet

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- Foot Clan (Remake) Published: Jan 17, 2022
FIRST: Hamato Clan NEXT: Lairdman High ORIGINAL: Foot Clan LEFT TO RIGHT: Foot Ninja Tatsu Shredder Oroku Sakki Karai (I wasn't satisfied why the previous version of this picture. So while I was waiting on the results for the Mighty Mutanimal poll, I went back and updated the designs.) (EDIT: I updated the story to include Arc 7.)  The Foot Clan of ninjas was founded hundreds of years ago in Feudal Japan by two ronin, Sato and Oshi. Their motto was "ryu no ashiato o tadoru," or "to follow in the footsteps of the dragon." Therefore, they named their ninja clan the Foot and their symbol was footprint of the three-clawed dragon. Over the following centuries, they have become one of the most successful ninja clans, their skills as spies, assassins, thieves, bodyguards, saboteurs, and mercenaries being highly sought after by well paying customers. They're also feared for practicing black magic. Though headquartered in Tokyo, they operate globally with many branches based in major cities, including New York City.   The clan's most prized treasure is the Kurokabuto. One of the clan's early Grand Masters, Koga Takuza, was the deadliest warrior of his time and prided himself for having killed every samurai he faced in battle. Taking their swords as trophies, he forged them together create the helmet that would thenceforth become the Foot Clan's symbol of leadership.  One of the cooler things that the 2012 series did was to give a name and backstory to the Shredder's helmet. As with the original comics, the founders of the Foot Clan are Sato and Oshi. Carried over from the film Batman vs. TMNT, the clan's secret technique is the Sato Oshi Strike. It allows the user to focus all of their energy into a single strike. If used incorrectly, it can be just as fatal to the user as it is to the target. Only high ranking members, such as the Shredder and Splinter, know the move and can execute it properly.   For this remake, I made the Foot Ninjas more like the 2003 version, but I combined their classical ninja look with the Foot Tech ninjas. Ninjas have always upgraded their equipment with the latest technology, so I went with a more modern, high tech look for them. The purple dogi is a reference to the purple seen in the 1987 cartoon and the colorized versions of the original comics. I kept the bug-eyed look for the mask and made it green to reflect how their suits would have built in night vision goggles.   I used the 2003 symbol for the Foot Clan because I think a dragon's claw is much more dignified for a serious ninja clan than a literal footprint. It also resembles the Shredder's iconic helmet. Also like the 2003 version, their will also be Foot Elite and Foot Mystics. As Grand Master, the Shredder also knows the clan's mystic arts as seen in many of the video games but prefers the "hands on" approach. With this entry, we have examples of a normal ninja, an elite, a master, and a grand master.   Since I'm going for a sense of threat escalation throughout my series, the first threat the Turtles face from the Foot are the Purple Dragons. Like in the 1990 film, the Purple Dragons is a sort of recruitment front for the Foot. Their top enforcers are a human Bepop and Rocksteady and are led by Hun. Unlike Bebop and Rocksteady, Hun is a Foot Ninja, an Elite at that. He reports directly to Tatsu, who runs the Foot Clan in New York City. In turn, Tatsu is one of the clan's Masters and work directly underneath the Grand Master, the Shredder.  Unlike the cannon fodder seen in the other series, I want the Foot Ninjas to be a serious threat. They are ninjas after all. While one Foot Ninja is no match for one of the Turtles, a group of them will give them trouble. As for cannon fodder, that's what the Purple Dragon are for and eventually the robotic Foot Soldiers. Yes, I'm including them later. They'll be made by Baxter Stockman and Krang to be mass produced warriors. While not as skilled as the real thing, they don't take years to train. The Foot Elite like Karai and Hun are equal to one Turtle and Foot Masters like Tatsu and the Shredder can take on multiple Turtles. SHREDDER Name: Oroku Sakki Age: 45-49 Appearances: Arcs 1-2(Cameo), 3, 4(Cameo), 5, 6(Cameo), and 7 Height: 6'2" Species: Human Favored Weapon: Tekko-kagi  Sakki was the younger of the two sons of the Foot Clan's Grand Master, Oroku Keiji. At the time, the clan's three greatest operatives were Sakki, his elder brother Nagi, and Nagi's romantic rival Hamato Yoshi. After the feud over the love of the woman Tang Shen led to Nagi being killed by Yoshi, Sakki vowed to avenge his brother. Yoshi and Shen had fled to America, but were a year later found by Sakki. Sakki murdered Shen in her and Yoshi's New York apartment and then also killed Yoshi once he returned home. In the struggle, the cage of Yoshi's pet rat, Splinter, was broken. Sakki paid no attention to the rodent and escaped back into the night, believing his brother had been avenged.  Over the next fifteen years, Sakki continued to rise through the ranks, earning himself the title of "the Shredder" for his ruthlessness and his use of the tekko-kagi. Eventually, he succeeded his father as the new Grand Master and keeper of the Kurokabuto. His time is mostly spent in Japan, overseeing the clan's operations and even taking on the most difficult contracts himself. But recent events in New York City have caught his attention. Word has reached him of four freaks that have been interfering with their business. But most disturbing of all is that these "Turtles" have been trained in the clan's ways, their fighting style eerily resembling that of Hamato Yoshi's. Sakki is convinced that his nemesis has somehow survived and has started a ninja clan of his own.  At the start, the Shredder is too busy to be bothered with dealing with the Turtles, but the repeated failure from his New York Foot ninjas have led him to traveling there from Japan to take care it himself. In their first encounter, he brutalizes Leonardo, leading up to the attack on April's apartment. While his ninjas take on the Turtles, he faces against Splinter and defeats the elderly rat and takes him prisoner. After the Turtles rescue Splinter, they face off against the Shredder again. At first, none of them stand a chance. They'll try many strategies, from taking him on one at a time to taking him all at once. They wear down the Shredder by taking him on alternating between two at a time and three at a time, giving them a chance to rest while the others rest. When they are able to land a severely wounding blow on him, Leo declares that he his beaten and that he should commit seppuku to retain some honor. Oroku Sakki refuses and the fight continues with him fighting harder than ever. When they wear him down again, Leo is about to finish him so that he can never harm their family again. But that's when Karai arrives, and Splinter recognizes the devastated look in her eyes. He realizes that if the Shredder is to die, then the same cycle of vengeance will only continue through her. Instead, Leonardo demands that Oroku Sakki ends the blood feud and return to Japan, never to return to New York.  I want Shredder to be like Thanos. We'll see him in brief appearances and the origin flashback in Arcs 1 and 2, but he'll won't get directly involved until Arc 3. But since I want a Shredder to appear in every arc, I'll have his descendant appear in the future segment of the "Turtles in Time" Arc 4. That descendant will become Super Shredder. I both love and hate Super Shredder. I think Shredder doesn't need to mutate to beat the Turtles, but I still have fond memories of fighting him in the video games. Also, Future Shredder will be the "Purple" Shredder.    Oroku Sakki will reappear in Arc 5 in the Battle Nexus Tournament plot. As in the IDW comics, he becomes an ally of the Turtles. Splinter is poisoned by Ue, the Ultimate Ninja, to goad the Turtles into entering the tournament. Both Hamato Yoshi and Oroku Sakki are previous champions with Sakki being the current champion. But since the Turtles defeated the Shredder, Ue wants to defeat them. But since he has no honor, he wants to humiliate them first before killing them. They have to travel to Japan to trained in the secrets of the Foot Clan by Oroku Sakki. Since Splinter is too weak from the poison, Sakki is the only one who can teach them the Sato Oshi Strike in order to defeat Ue. Sakki doubts they're ready but owes them life debt for sparing his life and for also helping Karai become the new master of the New York Foot. All of the Turtles struggle to learn the technique, but Leonardo is able to pull it off and beat Ue in the finals.  Along with Super Shredder, I there will also be Cyber Shredder. As with my version of Super Shredder, he'll be a separate entity from Oroku Sakki. In Arc 6, Krang will return. Through the series, Stockman and Krang will continue to upgrade the Foot Soldiers until they make Chrome Dome, which eventually become Cyber Shredder when Krang copies Oroku Sakki's memories into it in order to make it a more effective killing machine. By Arc 5, Oroku Sakki has become the Turtles' ally, but by having Cyber Shredder, I'm able to have "the Shredder" still be their enemy. In Arc 7, Oroku Sakki is possessed by the Dragon and the Turtles have to face him as the Shredder once more. While the Turtles hold off the Dragon-Shredder, the Hamato Clan and Foot Clan Mystics perform a ritual to banish the Dragon back to the Netherworld. The Dragon-Shredder is a reference to the Tengu Shredder from 2003.  I've kept the Shredder's design mostly faithful to the original comics and the 1990 film. I loved how his helmet looked in that film and I don't think that look has been matched yet. I made a small change to his name. "Saki" is traditionally a female Japanese name, but changing it to "Sakki" makes it mean "bloodthirsty." For his "Oroku Sakki" look, I based his gi on the 2003 version but changed the colors. I debated on how to do Sakki's face because their have been many versions over the years. I ultimately went back to the original comics and gave him short hair and clean shaven face. For the remake, I was inspired by his costume from the game SMITE and his look in the film version of Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He wears his classic red dogi over the modern jumpsuit. And since I gave Oroku Hitoro and Cyber Shredder capes, I had to give Oroku Sakki one as well.  In terms of fighting ability, the Shredder is going to be the greatest threat to the Turtles in my take of the story. He can easily defeat all four Turtles at once and is equal to Splinter/Hamato Yoshi in skill. The advantage he has over his rival is that Yoshi's body as Splinter is aged, having already been a three year old rat when he was mutated, making him elderly despite being middle aged. As mentioned before, Oroku Sakki also knows all of the secrets of the Foot Clan, including the Sato Oshi Strike and the magics of the Foot Mystics. KARAI Name: Oroku Karai Age: 16-20 Appearances: Arcs 1(cameo), 2-3, 5-7 Height: 5'4" Species: Human Favored Weapon: Katana  Just like her father, Karai is a martial art prodigy. She has been raised her entire life in the Foot and is a high ranking member. Though still just a teenager, the Shredder entrusts her with the most difficult missions that ordinary Foot Ninjas can't handle. In this story, the Shredder sends her to New York after the multiple failures from the local branch of the Foot Clan to eliminate the Turtles. Posing as a foreign exchange student Hana Ren, she enrolls in the same high school as April O'Neil and Casey Jones, both of whom the Foot Clan have noticed their connection to the Turtles.  Over the course of Arc 2 of my story, she builds a relationship with April and Casey, earning their trust as Hana. Meanwhile, she hunts down and fights the Turtles at night as Karai. She's masked while she faces them, so they don't recognize her when April and Casey introduces "Hana" to them. Eventually, she wins them over too to the point they invite her to the lair. Armed with this knowledge, this leads to the Arc 3 intro where Splinter and the Turtles return to find their lair ransacked with a message from the Foot pinned to their wall. Their home compromised, they stay with April and her father, right where the Foot want them.   At this point, Karai will have an attack of conscience. She really was becoming friends with April and the others and was enjoying her rivalry with Leonardo. It pains her to see her father beat Leo nearly to death and destroy April's home. Over the course of Arc 3, she has to comes to terms with her own guilt. She ends up being the catalyst to ending the cycle of vengeance between the Hamato family and the Oroku family. After the Turtles defeat the Shredder, Leonardo is about to execute him when Karai arrives at the scene. Splinter sees the horrified look on her face and realizes the cycle will only continue through her if Shredder is to die. Instead, the Turtles make Oroku Sakki swear to leave New York and never come back. Karai will later return as an ally in Arc 5 during the City at War, helping the Turtles to restore order in a lawless New York in the wake of Krang's attack on the city. She eventually challenges Tatsu for control of the New York Foot. It's a difficult fight for Karai for while she's an elite kunoichi, Tatsu is a master. Since it's a duel of honor, the Turtles aren't allowed to interfere. It's a hard battle for Karai, but she eventually bests Tatsu and claims the New York Foot for herself.  As with the modern versions of Karai, she is the Shredder's daughter. But this time, she's actually his biological daughter. Like the 2012 Karai, she's also a teenager. As a Foot Elite, she's equal to anyone of the Turtles and is rivals with Leonardo. Understandably, she's somewhat smug about her abilities and rank within the clan at such a young ages. But she does have the skills to back it up. Like the Turtles, she has been trained in ninjutsu her entire life. In that way, she's comparable to Azula from Avatar: the Last Airbender . Her undercover name Hana Ren comes from the Japanese names meaning "Blossom" and "Lotus," a reference to the character Lotus Blossom from the 1987 series, who was essentially that series' version of Karai. For her redesign, I updated her jumpsuit and gave her dogi to cover it. And since she is a Foot Elite, I gave her their signature red scarf. TATSU Name: Hattori Tatsu Age: 42-44 Appearances: Arcs 1-3, 5 Height: 6' Species: Human Favored Weapon: Katana  Hattori Tatsu is the master of the New York City branch of the Foot Clan. He is a life long friend of Oroku Sakki and alongside Karai is his most loyal follower. There is a bit of a rivalry between him and his master's teenaged daughter. He believes she's too arrogant in her abilities and her position as a Foot Elite. He's also resentful that the Grand Master sent her to hunt down the Turtles where his Foot have failed to do so. Despite their rivalry, the Shredder orders them to work together lest he has to come over from Japan and do the job himself.  As part the theme of escalation I'm trying to go for, Tatsu will be one of the first "bigger bads" of the series. After easily embarrassing the Purple Dragons, Hun and Baxter Stockman call in support from Tatsu and the New York Foot. They stand between the Turtles and Baxter during Arc 1, the Turtles having to take on Tatsu before they can get to Stockman. Tatsu is obviously a better fighter than Stockman, but Stockman has a giant robot and technology on his side. Tatsu will continue to appear throughout Arc 2 and Arc 3, but the focus will be more on Krang and Shredder. He will appear again in Arc 5 during City at War making his bid for power by using the New York Foot to try to control of the City. Karai returns and helps the Turtles to bring back order, Karai defeating her rival to claim leadership of the New York Foot for herself.  Tatsu is based on the character of the same name from the 1990s films. Aside from one video game appearance and from the last season of the 2012 series, he hasn't appeared much and I think he makes for a good second in command. As a Master of the Foot Clan, he understandably is a serious threat to the Turtles. While Karai is equal to one of the Turtles, it would take a few of them to take on Tatsu. For this redesign, I made him look more like his film version. That way, he looks more like a Ninja Master.
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Nah. An actual foot is mote dignified for a serious ninja clan than some 2003 dragon claw

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