Teenage Girl Peed

Teenage Girl Peed


Teenage Girl Peed

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If your daughter had an accident at school and came home wearing a diaper and boys’ pants — and you weren’t notified — how upset would you be?
An elementary school teacher told a kindergartner she couldn’t use the restroom, and the young girl wound up wetting her pants . Adding insult to injury, she was given boys’ pants to wear, plus a pull-up style diaper. What?
According to Goldie Kingett and her daughter Chloee, the kindergartener was in music class when she asked to use the restroom. Her request was denied, and Chloee accidentally peed her pants. She reports that her classmates were grossed out by the accident, which was extremely embarrassing for her.
She was then sent to the office, where she was given a spare pair of pants to change into (“boys’ pants,” Chloee says), and she was also given a diaper to put on so she could make it the rest of the day. And to make matters worse, Kingett says the school didn’t bother to notify her, and she didn’t find out what happened until the school day was over.
I understand that school teachers want children to learn routine and to take advantage of bathroom breaks when they have the opportunity to do so. They also want to minimize all the goofing off that sometimes happens when kids have free access to the restroom. It happens. I know this. In fact, the school hasn’t contradicted these allegations — it has said that the music teacher thought the kids had used the restroom prior to music class, which is why she denied Chloee’s request.
However, kids don’t always operate on schedule, and Chloee says that she was so uncomfortable, she was wiggling and fidgeting badly enough that the teacher warned she’d be disciplined if she didn’t stop. It was completely obvious that Chloee had to pee, and pee she did.
The other part that bothers me is that the school gave her a pull-up style diaper to wear. Is this the way the school treats potty accidents? If so, they might want to rethink that. Kids sometimes have accidents, especially small children like kindergarteners. If a child wets often enough that she’d have a need for a diaper, that needs to come from the parents, not school officials. It’s certainly not appropriate for an isolated accident.
I don’t blame this mom for being mad — I would be too.
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More stories to check out before you go
If your daughter had an accident at school and came home wearing a diaper and boys’ pants — and you weren’t notified — how upset would you be?
An elementary school teacher told a kindergartner she couldn’t use the restroom, and the young girl wound up wetting her pants . Adding insult to injury, she was given boys’ pants to wear, plus a pull-up style diaper. What?
According to Goldie Kingett and her daughter Chloee, the kindergartener was in music class when she asked to use the restroom. Her request was denied, and Chloee accidentally peed her pants. She reports that her classmates were grossed out by the accident, which was extremely embarrassing for her.
She was then sent to the office, where she was given a spare pair of pants to change into (“boys’ pants,” Chloee says), and she was also given a diaper to put on so she could make it the rest of the day. And to make matters worse, Kingett says the school didn’t bother to notify her, and she didn’t find out what happened until the school day was over.
I understand that school teachers want children to learn routine and to take advantage of bathroom breaks when they have the opportunity to do so. They also want to minimize all the goofing off that sometimes happens when kids have free access to the restroom. It happens. I know this. In fact, the school hasn’t contradicted these allegations — it has said that the music teacher thought the kids had used the restroom prior to music class, which is why she denied Chloee’s request.
However, kids don’t always operate on schedule, and Chloee says that she was so uncomfortable, she was wiggling and fidgeting badly enough that the teacher warned she’d be disciplined if she didn’t stop. It was completely obvious that Chloee had to pee, and pee she did.
The other part that bothers me is that the school gave her a pull-up style diaper to wear. Is this the way the school treats potty accidents? If so, they might want to rethink that. Kids sometimes have accidents, especially small children like kindergarteners. If a child wets often enough that she’d have a need for a diaper, that needs to come from the parents, not school officials. It’s certainly not appropriate for an isolated accident.
I don’t blame this mom for being mad — I would be too.
The stories you care about, delivered daily.
SheKnows is a part of Penske Media Corporation. © 2022 SheMedia, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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A moment of silence for the dignity of everyone who responded when we asked you to tell us about a time you peed your pants . You have no shame, and you should be proud of that. But my God! A lot of you have pissed yourselves at inopportune times! Here are the best of those stories.
Here’s a common situation: You’re a kid in school, and you ask the teacher if you can use the restroom, and she says no and seals your fate. Bretticus :
In second grade our class was taking a very important test (history I think), and my teacher stressed that we could not get up during said test.
Halfway through, I raised my hand to ask if I could use the restroom, and she replied with a “not until you finish your test.”
You can probably guess the rest. Near the end I couldn’t hold it so I let it all out. When I got up to turn in the test, there was a puddle on the seat and a classroom full of mortified looks.
Lots of people have stories of pants-peeing from childhood, including our own Billy Haisley :
In the middle of a little-league baseball game, sometime probably in the summer after or before second or third grade, I was overcome with the urge to pee. I think because I was too shy to interrupt the game and ask somebody where the bathroom, I tried to hold it until the game was over.
I did pretty well for a while, until the dam felt close to bursting at one point while I was out in the field at shortstop. I was doing the little I Gotta Pee Really Bad Fidget/Dance, trying to calm my mind and stay my bladder. Mid-inning, my coach got up from the bench and called out to me, “Hey Billy, do you need to go to the bathroom?” Again, as the painfully shy kid I was, I just shook my head and said, “No, I’m okay” while still doing a little jig on the base path, praying a batter would hit the ball near me so I could run some of the urge to pee out.
Finally fed up, I remembered some advice a cousin of mine once gave me. He told me once that when you really have to pee, sometimes if you let a little of it out, then cut yourself off, you’ll feel relieved enough to hold back the rest for a little while longer. Out of options, I decided this was my best solution. I let out a little squirt then stopped.
It kind of worked. Immediately after letting out those few droplets, I felt better. Pretending I was fiddling around with my glove or something, I snuck a look down at my grey sweatpants. There was only a little wet splotch visible between my legs, which I thought wouldn’t be all that noticeable. I’d managed to pee enough that I didn’t feel the need to squirm around anymore, but not so much that anyone (in my mind) would notice. An all-around success.
Only the urge soon came back. No matter, I thought. I’ll just let out a little more like last time. To protect against this happening again, I tried to let out more this time. After feeling good about letting loose the short burst I’d intended, I tried to cut myself off. I couldn’t. Turns out, I could only cut the stream without the use of my hands or anything if I opened the faucet only the slightest bit. Anything more and the spigot would rage on until it was empty.
Needless to say I was mortified. I was frozen there for a bit as it hit me that I was peeing myself in front of my teammates on the field, their families in the crowd, my babysitter who’d taken me to the game, my younger brother, and my two neighbor friends who came along with.
I had to admit, though, I did feel better. Still out in the field, and thus separated enough from everyone else that I didn’t think anyone had spotted me yet, I tried thinking of a strategy to minimize my embarrassment. I looked down again to assess the damage.
I noticed that, from my inner thighs all the way down to my socks, my sweatpants were a darker shade of grey than the surrounding dry areas. I imagined that, since the evidence ran straight down the middle of my sweatpants, it probably wasn’t completely obvious that I’d just peed my pants when I stood straight up with my legs close together.
With that in mind, my plan was simple: play everything off like nothing had happened and stay in the game, but make sure never to move any faster than a brisk walk, so that I could keep my legs as close together as possible. My team eventually got the third out, and I stiffly shuffled back to the dugout, avoiding all eye contact.
In retrospect, everyone had to have noticed. My coach probably didn’t want to embarrass me further by calling me out in front of the team, so he let me stay in the game without addressing the pee stains. Neither did any of my fellow players. I don’t remember ever batting after peeing, so it had to have been close to the end of the game when I peed myself. Doing everything at half-speed, at least when I was close enough to people to be worried about them seeing, I finished the game and got in the car.
On the drive home, nobody mentioned anything. As we got out of the car and went to go inside when we got home, by babysitter looked at my pants and said something like, “Man, it must’ve been really hot out there from all that sweating you were doing.” At that point, one of the neighbor friends who went with us said “Sweat?! That’s pee!” I started laughing.
“What? No it isn’t, it’s sweat” the babysitter responded. “Isn’t it, Billy?”
Still laughing, I said “Nope, I peed myself in the middle of the game.” Everyone thought it was more funny than anything else. Since I’d gotten out of the game without any firsthand embarrassment, I also saw the whole ordeal in comic terms. I didn’t think I went to school with any of my teammates who could’ve held the incident against me, and even if I did, I figured the story would’ve died down by the time school started back up.
Luckily I was at that age where peeing your pants was looked down upon, but not so much as to be a reputation- and/or life-ruining faux pas. And it was the first and last time anything like that had ever happened to me. A good life lesson.
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There are plenty of stories from our reader’s younger years, like Corbetto ’s tale of how laughing at someone else’s piss plight ended in a beating.
This is about how an upper-classman peed himself and I got beat up, as a freshman, for laughing.
It was 1989, and a nice spring day. Between classes, I decided to stop in the boys room to relieve myself. There were several older boys in there, at the urinals already. I stopped and as I considered the stall, a loud explosion could be heard in the near distance... and then the building shook, hard like an earthquake.
As stunned as everyone was, they were equally stunned at their friend, who stumbled from the jolt, fell backwards and proceeded - penis still out—to piss all over himself. ALL OVER.
The look on his face was more than I could take. I snickered. And before my chubby legs could get my freshman ass out of that restroom—you know, to find out if I could help in the rescue effort—the friends descended on me, and slugged me into submitting I’d never speak of their piss-covered buddy’s “accident.” I took several bruises home that day, but it didn’t stop me from sharing the story of the unknown junior who covered himself head to toe while lying flat on his back in the boys room.
[The explosion? A gas leak in an old lady’s row home just off the high school campus.]
JustTheTippingPoint has a story about peeing his pants at snowboarding camp:
Snowboarding Camp, summer after 8th grade, at Mt. Hood in O
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