Teenage Confession

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Examination of Conscience for teens

St. Patrick Catholic Church, of Brighton
To begin, set aside some quiet time for reflection. Start by praying to the Holy Spirit, asking for help in making a good examination to prepare for Confession. Read through the items on the following pages to help reflect honestly on ways you may be sinning in your life. If necessary, take this list or some brief notes (keep them private!) with you to Confession to help you remember what you need to confess. This examination is based on the 10 Commandments and the 5 Precepts of the Church. It is meant to be merely a starting point for your reflection and to help identify patterns of sin in order to repent of them.
Is He number one in my life or do I put myself before God?
Has money and pleasure become more important to me than the God who created me for Himself?
Do I pray often? Have I neglected my friendship with God by neglecting prayer?
Have I been involved with occult or superstitious practices (fortune telling, palm readers, etc.)?
Have I ever received Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin?
Have I violated the Communion Fast by having food or beverage within one hour before receiving Communion (other than medical need)?
Have I told a lie in confession or deliberately withheld confessing a mortal sin?
Have I ever used God's name out of anger or disrespectfully?
Do I speak about the Faith, the Church, the saints, or sacred things with irreverence, hatred or defiance?
Do I watch television or movies, or listen to music that treats God, the Church, the saints, or sacred things irreverently?
Have I used vulgar, suggestive, or obscene speech?
Do I behave disrespectfully in Church?
Have I deliberately missed Mass on a Sunday or on a Holy Day of Obligation?
Do I strive to make Sunday a day of prayer and rest?
Do I talk poorly of them to others?
Do I complain about chores or make my parents remind me to do them?
Am I disrespectful to teachers, coaches or others in authority?
Do I abuse alcohol or drugs, such as marijuana?
Have I ever encouraged someone to have an abortion?
Do I stand up for the right to life of the vulnerable or have I merely accepted society's culture of death?
Have I used abortifacient contraceptives or encouraged anyone to do so?
Have I sterilized myself in any way or encouraged others to do so?
Did I participate in or approve of euthanasia or "mercy-killing"?
Have I intentionally cut or hurt myself?
Have I seriously contemplated suicide?
Have I ever touched someone in a sexual way?
Have I ever freely and deliberately entertained impure thoughts?
Have I used condoms or any form of contraception?
Do I steal from my parents or from friends?
Have I stolen any property from a store?
Do I illegally download content from the internet?
Do I seek to share what I have with the poor and needy?
Have I cheated at school or in games?
Have I copied someone else’s homework?
Have I been dishonest (especially with my parents)?
Am I guilty of detraction (deliberately making known the faults of others)?
Am I guilty of slander (spreading hurtful lies about someone)?
Do I deliberately spread rumors or keep rumors alive by passing them on?
Do I reveal information that should be confidential?
Have I been jealous of the friends that someone else has?
Do I wish that others be deprived of the goods or talents that are theirs?
Do I harbor unforgiveness and grudges against others?
Do I nag my parents into buying things because my friends have them?
Do I help others when they need help?
711 Rickett Road, Brighton, Michigan 48116 Phone: 810.229.9863 | Fax: 810.220.0730
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Teenage Confessions
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I'm in a church choir with some other teenagers who are about the same age as me. You have to know that I'm a very religious person and I don't want to have sex with a man until I'm married. I'm 16 years old and in the last time, I have this really strange feeling. One girl in the choir has such a heart-warming smile and I get along very well with her. We are really good friends by now. The problem is, she lives about 70 miles away, I can only see her in church.
Oh God help me please, what should I do? I miss her so much and I know it's wrong. The feelings I have; the feelings for her are more than just feelings for a good friend.
When I'm standing right behind her, I can smell her nice perfume and I really want to touch her hair. It's very shiny and of a natural hazel colour.
I don't want to live in sin and I really need some advice!

I'm afraid to talk with my mother about it. She wouldn't understand. I don't even understand!
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By Audrey Fine Published: Feb 8, 2008
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My best friend likes this cute boy named Dan. I secretly liked him too, but didn't tell anyone because I didn't want her to find out. One day, I asked Dan to meet me at the gym, and to my surprise, he did! We ended up making out. I tried keeping our tongue workout session a secret, but I accidentally spilled to the girl with the biggest mouth at school. Everyone found out and now Dan and my best friend won't talk to me.
One day in social studies my crush sat next to me. My teacher was writing notes on the board and I didn't want to miss anything. When my crush asked me if he could borrow a pen I searched through my bag without looking. I held it up in the air waiting for him to take it, but he wouldn't take it, so I shouted, "Take the dang pen!" When he still didn't take it, I looked and saw that I was holding up a tampon, not a pen!
I was wearing my new mini skirt at my friend's sleep over party. When I went upstairs to get changed, I bumped into her brother and tripped over, revealing my new thong! He said I looked really hot and kissed me. He asked if he could see my thong again and as I showed him, all of my friends walked in and just stared in shock.
I'm the only person who doesn't have a cell phone, and one day I found a dead cell phone lying around. I wanted to look cool in front of my crush, so I pretended to call him in front of these snotty girls. The next thing I knew, he answered at the very same moment I was yelling, "I love you!" The phone was definitely not dead, but I sure wished I was.
There were some really mean popular girls in my class, and they really annoyed me because they always asked me for candy. One day, I brought Bertie Bott's jelly beans, which have flavors such as soap, grass, dirt, earthworm, and vomit. I gave one of those flavors to them, while I ate a blueberry one. They started gagging like crazy and I told them, "I don't know what you're gagging about. Mine tastes fine." That was the best day of my life.
My friend, Jill, absolutely hates hugs, which is unfortunate for her because Matthew, a very friendly geek, loves giving them. One day, he decided to give me a big hug, which grossed Jill and I out. I wanted to see how Jill would react, so I told him and 3 of his friends to hug her too. She ended up screaming and running around the school like a crazy person, it was hilarious!
I made up this fake game of cops and robbers so that I could have a make out session with my crush. It totally worked, except that his little sister caught on and yelled at me for not playing with her!
One night when my brother's hot friend slept over, I accidentally ran into him in the bathroom. It was a little awkward since I was in my towel getting ready to take a shower. We ended up making out in the bathroom and I didn't have a lonely shower that night.
One day when I was in music class, my crush was supposed to be handing out the music books, but when he came to hand one to me, he held the book tightly in his hand so I couldn't get it. We began playing a sort of tug-of-war game with the book. Finally, when he did let go of the book, it bonked me on my head. He started laughing really hard then he started yelling "Look, she hit her head!" It was so embarrassing, but he got his payback at lunch when he ran right smack into a pole. I think he got what he deserved.
I was at school one day when this hot guy, who is actually kind of a perv, came up behind me and slapped me on the butt. I immediately whirled around and slapped him in the face, which left a mark on his cheek! When the teacher asked him what happened, he said he accidentally ran into a locker. I guess he knew if he told on me I would say I only did it because he slapped me on the butt!
My best friend's boyfriend and I got really close over the summer. This year, I have a photo class with him, and one day, while we were in the darkroom developing our photos, we started making out and only stopped when my volleyball coach walked in on us.
My best friend's hot boyfriend had broken up with her, and a few days later, he was checking me out and flirting with me. He asked me out and I said yes, and then he kissed me. I suddenly turned around and saw my best friend with her jaw wide open staring at both of us. We were caught red handed and I felt like the worst friend ever.
I've been spending a lot of time with my friend, who happens to be my BFF's worst enemy. One day, she started gossiping about my BFF, and although I knew it was wrong, I started talking about her too. I realized that I actually didn't like my BFF that much, and reasoned that gossiping about her is better than stressing out directly to her.
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An examination of conscience especially pertinent to teenagers.
1. You shall have no other gods besides the Lord your God.
2. You shall not take the Lord your God's name in vain.
4. Honour your father and your mother so that you may live long and flourish.
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
9. & 10. You shall not envy your neighbour's wife and goods.
Traditional way of going to confession:
"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It's been _________ (weeks, months,  years) since my last confession. I accuse myself of...................... * If you have any difficulty, ask the priest to help you out. He will be happy to    do so.
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You, and I detest all my sins, because of Your just punishments, but most of all because they offend You, my God, Who are all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly intend, with your help, to sin no more and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. 
Deacon Douglas McManaman. "Examination of Conscience – for teenagers." CERC (April 2010).
Printed with permission of Deacon Douglas McManaman.
Doug McManaman is a Deacon and a Religion and Philosophy teacher at Father Michael McGivney Catholic Academy in Markham, Ontario, Canada. He is the past president of the Canadian Fellowship of Catholic Scholars. Deacon Douglas studied Philosophy at St. Jerome's College in Waterloo, and Theology at the University of Montreal. He is the author of Christ Lives! , The Logic of Anger , Why Be Afraid? , Basic Catholicism , Introduction to Philosophy for Young People , and A Treatise on the Four Cardinal Virtues . Deacon McManaman is on the advisory board of the Catholic Education Resource Center. Visit his website here . 

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