Teenage Caveman 2002

Teenage Caveman 2002


Teenage Caveman 2002

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3.8 out of 5 stars

76 ratings

Aspect Ratio


1.33:1, 1.78:1 Is Discontinued By Manufacturer


No MPAA rating


R (Restricted) Product Dimensions


7.5 x 5.5 x 0.5 inches; 4 Ounces Media Format


Anamorphic, Closed-captioned, Color, Dolby, DVD, Full Screen, Subtitled, Widescreen, NTSC Run time


1 hour and 30 minutes Release date


July 2, 2002 Actors


Elliot, Shan, Grant, Crystal Celeste, Hill (II), Rob, Hillman, Richard, Hipp, Paul Subtitles:


English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Thai, Georgian Language


English (Dolby Digital 5.1), Unqualified Studio


Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ASIN


B000066S26 Number of discs



3.8 out of 5 stars

76 ratings

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I'm a big fan of Larry Clark's other work, but I stayed away from this one for a while because I'm not into B-movie creature flicks. Eventually I decided to pick it up and check it out, and I'm so glad I did. I thought this film was going to be horribly cheesy and stupid and over the top and have bad acting and special effects. BOY was I wrong. The actors all do a great job, but the guy who plays Neil, Richard Hillman, absolutely steals the show here with truly phenomenal acting in a madman role. The film takes its time setting the tone and building up the characters and story before things really start taking off and getting crazy. The concept is totally brilliant, as a bunch of teens who've never been allowed any kind of sexual contact or any kind of delinquent fun are suddenly introduced to a world where they can have all the sex and drugs they want, and they react to the situation like any actual teen would in that kind of situation. For a sci-fi story, it's amazingly believable. The pacing is great, the cinematography is surprisingly compelling for a movie of this caliber, and I was fully invested from start to finish. This film grabs you and never lets go. I highly recommend this for anyone who likes arthouse films and Larry Clark films, but for people who like monster flicks, this one will likely disappoint with its lack of a monster until the last 15 minutes or so. It's paced slowly and wonderfully, but most fans of b-movie monster flicks don't want slow, methodical pacing. I personally loved it. If this review has intrigued you, give it a watch. You won't hate it unless you hate seeing the realities of teenage sexuality and consumption.

This review is for the standard DVD version of Creature Features 'Teenage Caveman' released by Sony Pictures in 2002. As zany as the movie is, I enjoyed it. If you are a fan of 1950's science fiction movies and bought this with those movies in mind, be aware that there is a lot of nudity and sex scenes in this movie. It uses the title only and there is nothing else remotely similar to the 1950's version. In this movie a group of teens leave their tribe in a post-apocalyptic world. They end up running into a couple that live in a very advanced home. They are invited in but things are not what they seem. The strange couple have 'powers' that the teens do not have. They also seem to be obsessed with sex. What follows is a very different and unusual movie. I went to IMDB to find out what happened to the actor who played 'Neil'. I thought he had an interesting acting style and I don't recall seeing him anywhere else. What I found out is that he pretty much stopped acting after 2002 and died in 2009. Take from that what you will. Recommended for all science fiction fans and fans of post-apocalyptic fiction.

If you're a collector of obscure/lost media, stay away from this item and/or seller. I have a used copy of this movie (which generally goes for $100) but saw a "new" listing for only $20. I knew it was too good to be true but rolled the dice and bought it anyway and lo-and-behold I was right. These movies were only printed one time in 2002 and are limited run and never reprinted in 2016 yet the back clearly says so. The print quality and alignment of the cover is also really poor and there's no seal. If you want to buy this just to see the movie then fine but they're targeting collectors and attempting rip them off by pretending this is a legit copy. Oh, and this is illegal.

1.0 out of 5 stars

This is a scam.

By Adam :( on January 9, 2022

I remember watching this movie as a teenager and finding Andrew Keegan sexy and the random nudity hot - this was before I discovered porn, but I digress. So I bought this movie a little out of nostalgia, a little out of curiousity if I would still find certain scenes/parts hot. Turns out I was just a horny teen: nothing about this movie is truly sexy but I don't mind having it in my collection

the movie is basically horrible. it is worth the price , however, for the pleasure of viewing tiffany limos' beautiful face and body. she is in another film where she reveals more.the filmis called ken park. she is so beautiful and sexy. buy these films to see this lovely asian beauty.

Futuristic movie, where the adolescents are in charge after a holocaust on earth. The girl and boy leaders also have super human powers because, well you get the picture! It was okay, and for the few dollar price tag, good.

there are many moments this movie comes off like soft porn with madash of gore thrown in. if you are looking for a movie about a caveman this is it.

3.0 out of 5 stars

Dumb but perversely fun

After p!ssing off their tribe our six teenage caveboys and cavegirls set off on a journey and find the ruins of a city. They also find a teen couple who turn out to be over a hundred years old who were genetically engineered to survive the apocalypse. Neil, who unsurprisingly turns out to be the baddie, is one of the most irritating characters I have ever come across in a movie and the actor, Richard Hillman, ought to be shot as prances, gyrates, screams, sneers, and jibbers maniacally the entire time he is on the screen. Anyway, he and his partner Judith (a stunning looking woman of Asian extraction despite her name) introduce our band (with the exception of the hero and heroine) into the joys of drink, drugs, and sex (which goes some way to explaining the 18 rating when the other films in the series only managed a 15). Teeny problem: sex with either Neil or Judith infects their partner with the same virus they have only it doesn't always take and results in exploding organs. And if the sex doesn't kill them, Neil, bonkers from the start, will. A strange little movie directed by Larry Clark (of controversial Kids fame) and written by Christos Gage (who has since, and probably wisely, gotten regular gigs writing comics for Marvel and other comic companies). Apart from me wanting to put Richard Hillman's head in a blender, the film had its moments and the attractive cast were often naked which made up for some of the annoyances and there was an adequate amount of gore. But, to be honest, it really was a pretty dumb movie.

3.0 out of 5 stars

The Caveman from UNCLE

This is the kind of film that Roger Corman could direct in his sleep. It would be silly to say Robert Vaughan is miscast in this role, I can't think of any actor of the time who would look convincing as a "Teenage Caveman". But who cares? There's no pretence at high art with this film, just sixty-five minutes of Corman fun. Ridiculous as it is, it's still a long way off being the worst film of all time, even though I've seen it listed as such. There are prehistoric monsters - of sorts, killer quicksand and a dodgy man in a radiation suit, the only thing missing is colour, but with Roger you can't have it all. As with all the Direct Video Arkoff titles there are nine trailers and a lengthy audio interview with Samuel Z at London's NFT. Some, but not all of these DVDs contained a set of postcards. Complete with colourful sleeve, which bears little relation to the actual film, this title is nevertheless worth seeking out if you are interested in Roger Corman's skill at making something out of very little. Far be it from me to tell the DVD distributors their business, but these Arkoff titles might have been better released as double or triple bills, though I suspect that is easier said than done

This film has no small amount of controversy surrounding it but if you strip that away all your left with is a pedestrian bland movie. Perhaps it is supposed to be shocking just like all uber-darling Larry Clarks movies but to be honest you could see worse in HBO shows like Oz or Six Feet Under and at least those are worth the effort. I could ramble on about the sub Mad Max 3 plot or the characters but hey lifes too short. Which was something I realised after wasting 2 hours of my life watching this. To make matters worse I actually bought it on DVD as it was the only way to catch it in the UK. Don't make the same mistake!

4.0 out of 5 stars

Attention ! : Un film peut en cacher un autre .....

Attention ! : Un film peut en cacher un autre ..... J'ai débarqué dans cette aventure en pensant entamer une énième virée post-apocalyptique ... L'univers post-apocalyptique est assez bluffant ... tempêtes dangereuses ... vie quasi préhistorique ( subtilement post-industrielle ) ... menaces chimiques et biologiques ... Cet aspect des choses est assez soigné et je trouve même carrément réussi ... Donc un univers post-apocalyptique tout à fait au point ... Sinon le scénario : Un ado est condamné à mort après avoir tué son père ( prêtre et un peu homme médecine ) qui commençait ( comme à son habitude ) à " entreprendre " sérieusement sa petite copine ... Il est donc exposé aux dangers de la nuit et aux rayons dangereux du soleil ( on dirait d'ailleurs Saint Sébastien (hum ! ) ) ... Libéré par ses amis .. Ils partent gaiement à l'aventure ... On est inondé d'images entre l'érotisme et le naturel ( plus du naturel que de l'érotisme d'ailleurs ... ).. Il n'y a rien de pornographique et rien qui justifierais une censure mais le temps passant on en vient vraiment à se demander si le but du film n'était principalement de collectionner un genre de poses vaguement suggestives ... A un moment donné le scénario bascule dans l'horreur et dans une certaine monstruosité ( légèrement kitch et assez réussie d'ailleurs ) en surfant sur une thématique mutants ... Ce ne serait pourtant pas honnête de dire que ce film n'a pas de contenu ! .. Y sont traités les thèmes : d'amours et de désirs adolescents .. celui de l'apocalypse .. du complexe d'œdipe ... des abus sexuels ... de la science dangereuse ... du narcissisme .. du savant fou .. de la mégalomanie comme vecteur de la perte de sens et de soi-même et il y a un cotée film d'horreur volontairement kitch qui est assez réussi avec un peu ( très peu ) de passages gores .. Cependant pour un film réalisé en 2002 ! : Je suis assez dérouté par le ton outré et exagéré dans le traitement de toutes ces thématiques ( alcools .. paradis artificiels ... paradis terrestres ( sourires ) ... ) .. Il y a quand même dans ce film l'idée que tant que le spectateur ( ou la spectatrice ) rêvera .. attendra et espérera entrevoir un bout de lune .. des poitrines ( de préférence plantureuses ) ou des tablettes bien dessinées ... Il y aura moins de risques sur un éventuel succès ainsi que sur une exploitation financière plus réussie .. De ce point de vue le film est bien outillé pour une exploitation de longue durée .. .................................................................................................................... Un film pas désagréable du fait d'une outrance outrée ... Une ambiance soignée .. Assez réussi si on le prend pour ce qu'il n'est pas ( même si le scénario avance plus avec ses gros sabots qu'en mobilisant des nuances et de la subtilité ) .. Ne crachons pas dans la soupe et espérons que les conséquences de la répression sexuelle cesseront de continuer de causer leurs ravages" artistiques " posthumes ! ( sourires .. ) .... .................................................................................................................... PS : 4 étoiles car si on prend ce film comme une espèce de délire outré et parodique ... : Il faut bien reconnaître qu'il est assez soigné .. au-dessus du panier ... qu'il y a du recul et que ce n'est pas complètement " perdu " .. Même si c'est indéniablement une fable outrée ( pseudo contestataire et opportuniste ) qui enfonce des portes ouvertes .. Pour rassurer tout fait les chaumières je dirais que l'espoir de voir quelques curiosités anatomiques ne sera pas déçu ( rien cependant qui fouettera un chat ( sourire ) ) ... Certains trouverons tout cela franchement casse pieds et atterrant ... Il se peut qu'ils n'aient pas complètement tort ( question de sensibilité ) !! ?? ......................................................................................................

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When mankind is reduced to a handful of scared cave dwellers, a rebellious group of teenagers are cast out of their tribe and search the land for a new paradise reminiscent of their lost civilization. During their travels, the teens encounter two immortal super-humans, Judith and Neil, who appear at first to be the answer to their prayers. However the couple's true motives soon become clear when they cleverly seduce each teenager in an attempt to pass on a super-human virus. When one of the youths resists, a series of ugly deaths are set into motion, culminating in a vicious battle to the death.

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Anamorphic, Closed-captioned, Color, Dolby, DVD, Full Screen, Subtitled, W
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