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Teen canadienne enculée


Teen canadienne enculée
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He was also fined for violating the province's curfew.
A teen was arrested early Sunday morning following a string of attempted robberies overnight in the Montérégie municipality of Les Cèdres.
The 17-year-old, does not have a criminal record, could face charges for attempted theft of or from vehicles as well as trespassing at night. He was also fined for violating Quebec’s curfew.
According to the Sûreté du Québec, someone heard a noise and surprised the suspect who was trying to get into his vehicle around 2:45 a.m.
The witness immediately called the police while following the suspect, who fled on foot, at a distance.
Once on the scene, officers took advantage of fresh snowfall to locate the suspect by following his tracks.
After carrying out checks, officers determined that the individual had visited about 15 locations.
SQ spokesperson Audrey-Anne Bilodeau said all the vehicle doors approached by the suspect were locked.
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