Teen Yuging Masturbation Orgasm

Teen Yuging Masturbation Orgasm


The filmmaker told IndieWire that the scene, which a conservative news site reported to the FBI, was filmed "under the careful surveillance of the girls' mothers."


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Netflix is facing backlash from users online over the Argentinian film “ Desire ,” which opens with a scene involving a young girl accidentally having her first orgasm. The scene is being accused on social media of featuring child pornography, but director Diego Kaplan told IndieWire that’s not the case. The filmmaker said the child actor was never exploited on set and the scene was filmed “under the surveillance” of her mother.
The scene starts with two young girls watching a television program featuring a cowboy riding a horse. One of the girls imitates the cowboy by sitting on her pillow and bouncing up and down. Kaplan uses slow motion, dramatic music, the sound of heavy breathing, and close-ups of the child’s face to show the character unknowingly masturbating. The girl falls off her pillow and her mother runs in to take her to the hospital.
Netflix was criticized in a post by Megan Fox for the conservative news site PJ Media . Fox said that she reported the scene to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. “Netflix is in violation of distributing child pornography because the child in question is very clearly engaging in the sexual act of masturbation,” Fox wrote, “and this exceeds the minimum requirement of merely being suggestive.”
Kaplan responded to the backlash with the following statement to IndieWire:
“Despair” is a film. When we see a shark eating a woman on film, no one thinks the woman really died or that the shark was real. We work in a world of fiction; and, for me, before being a director comes being a father.
Of course this scene was filmed using a trick, which was that the girls were copying a cowboy scene from a film by John Ford. The girls never understood what they were doing, they were just copying what they were seeing on the screen. No adult interacted with the girls, other than the child acting coach. Everything was done under the careful surveillance of the girls’ mothers. Because I knew this scene might cause some controversy at some point, there is “Making Of” footage of the filming of the entire scene.
Everything works inside the spectators’ heads, and how you think this scene was filmed will depend on your level of depravity.
“Despair” was released last year in Argentina under its original title, “Desearas: Al Hombre De Tu Hermana.” Netflix first made the film available in December 2017.
Beyond PJ Media, Netflix and the film have received backlash on social media (see embedded tweets below). Netflix has not responded to IndieWire’s requests for comment.
@netflix You need to remove the film Desire from your service IMMEDIATELY. You are MAKING AVAILABLE CHILD PORN by leaving this film up. I am DISGUSTED and will be canceling my service if this is not fixed ASAP. What is wrong with you?!
— Nicole (@NMChampagne) June 27, 2018
@netflix If you don’t remove the child pornography film #Desire from your site, I will be dropping my subscription. This is illegal and you should be ashamed. cc: @DLoesch @ChrisLoesch @jason_howerton @BillyHallowell @mkhammer @RealJamesWoods @LawrenceBJones3
— Dena Berry (@D_R_Berry) June 28, 2018
@netflix I’m curious to know if you guys watch the films you put on your site before you approve them. Because if you guys watched the first 2 min of #desire you wouldn’t of put it on your site. Please remove now it’s disgusting.
— Michael Fritsch (@fritsch34) June 28, 2018
@netflix why does your platform continually promote pedophilia? The Desire movie & months ago with that disgusting cartoon. Canceling sub, and will be getting family too as well Netflix supports pedophiles & pedophila. #teamHulu
— (@dontcalllmejess) June 28, 2018
Watch the first few minutes of the movie Desire from Netflix
promotion of pedophilia absolutely disgusting!! Parents should be arrested for this scene alone!!
— TamiAnn (@TamiAnn02) June 27, 2018
@netflix @FBI @TheJusticeDept Netflix WHY ARE YOU OFFERING KIDDIE PORN??? #Desire @FBI @TheJusticeDept PLEASE investigate
— Vicious St. Bernard (@chrisbo62) June 28, 2018
This Article is related to: Film and tagged Desire , Netflix
Another relgio-conservative who believes everyone has to conform to their personal set of standards. Instead of turning it off and watching something else, they watch it and then complain. F*ck off.
The mother of the child was present during the scene. How is that illegal? The mother gave her full permission. If the mother didn’t consent to it. Then that would make it illegal and wrong.
This has got to be the dumbest reason to lash out at netflix or a filmmaker.
The opening scene sets the premise of the movie.
And yes. Children discover their sexuality on their own and do not know that masturbation is a private event and not socially acceptable otherwise. But that it is a natural part of the human experience.
It is the parents job to teach the child.
Get off your high horses people and relax and enjoy the movie.
Bunch of tight assed people complaining about nothing.
No one is saying that masturbating and self exploration isn’t normal. It’s called “self-exploration” not “filmed-exploration”. Whether the girls knew what was happening or not does not matter. It will be used as a mode of exploitation within the pedophile community and the budding pedophiles who will get off on this scene. You don’t do upclose scenes of a girl panting and moaning without expecting perverts to get off on it. I have seen it and what is even more disgusting this movie are you people who don’t see what this really is. And I didn’t vote for Trump. Sheesh.
So wrong and so gross. I don’t care how artsy fartsy or what the director says to defend it. To have two girls who are minors be part of a sexually suggestive scene is wrong no matter how’ve one looks at it. It’s a question of right and wrong and clearly the director is a pervert who is using excuses to exploit young and impressionable girls. Basically a pervert passing himself off as a movie director (which apparently Hollywood is full off…)
it seems here (and there, considering the answer of the director) that many people is missing the point. Nobody can deny that child masturbation and orgasm exists (some kids are more sexually precocious) but that doesn’t mean that the representation of it in this film is cool (or art hahaha, allowed me to laugh, or anything like provocative, because the 70s are gone, so please do not come back naming films from those days, done in the middle of the sexual revolution, because hello, it´s 2018, 50 years forward May´68). The main point here is that there could be many ways to portrait this situation, but such a close up on a little girl overlapped with sexual panting is incredibly exploitive, happens to be sexualizing a child, and at least is a terrible cinematographic choice. Bad taste in capital letters. On the film it self, i could´t go further the minute 7… it´s just a very bad movie. It is a petty that the claim came from such a conservative media, because makes it seem as a war on Netflix and not a precise observation on such a delicate matter.
Read a psychology book on the topic of child sexuality and masturbation. It exists. It happens. It’s part of life. Get over it. You say that scene is disgusting, immortal, and wrong. At the end all of that doesn’t mean sh*t. It’s just YOUR opinion. The fact is that the scene in that movie and other similar movies where children are nude and in sexual scenes like the movie Pretty Baby and Lolita and other movies… All of it is LEGAL. You are mad at Netflix for making a legal movie on their site available to watch? It’s legal so get over it.
There is nothing normal or acceptable about the sexualization of children. I don’t care if it’s legal; it’s disgusting, immoral, and wrong. If you are arguing for it in any way, then you are a pedophile yourself. It’s not art, it’s not “edgy” or “provocative”; it’s obscene. Shame on you for trying to justify it, and shame on Netflix for trying to profit off it.
This is the Megan Fox who thinks evolution is a lie, hairy caveman are a fantasy, dragons (and possibly Hogwarts) is real and Neanderthal are just Europeans with big foreheads. https://youtu.be/sdQsZ_46ios
I won’t yield any moral high ground to a parent who introduces the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter to her children as accurate representations of reality.
The only shameful thing here is people giving an opinion from prejudice and moral superiority. Ignorant people and enemies of the dialogue are always looking for a reason to point fingers and condemn as they walk home everyday down the same road certain to be better persons than the rest of us.
Self exploration is a fundamental experience for a healthy sexuality and it starts when we’re two years old or even before.
I suspect opinionated people on this thread have done little or none self exploration. You can like the scene or not but calling it child pornography made by pedophiles is an exaggeration and it’s way over the top. Too much confusion here… This is how Trump got elected.
im pretty sure a camera isnt part of it and sins US law also outlaws simulated(acting) this is illegal
(full version without deleted irrelevant parts in link)
18 U.S. Code § 2256 – Definitions for chapter
US Code
prev | next
For the purposes of this chapter, the term—
(1) “minor” means any person under the age of eighteen years;
(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), “sexually explicit conduct” means actual or simulated—
(iii) masturbation;
minor: yes
sexually explicit conduct by simulation(acting): yes
masturbation: yes
Netflix and Diego Kaplan are guilty
Sick people who put children up front in a sexual situation and those that back it are just as sick.
Read a psychology book on the topic of child sexuality since you sound ignorant and don’t know anything.
Obviously most of you posting calling it like child porn didn’t see the actual scene. You shouldn’t comment on what you haven’t seen .
And to the people who say they will cancel their subscription. Stop talking about it and DO IT. It’s been a year since the movie came out and Netflix hasn’t removed it. The alphabet boys have already been contacted by many people and they chose to do NOTHING about it. Why? Because it’s LEGAL. Don’t talk about cancelling your Netflix subscription. Do it now.
Nice of you to assume my political alignment/s. If people are protesting about depicted pedophilia in the media (especially if it’s anime) and they’re silent in the real world (MAP-minor attracted people), They don’t care. Plain and simple.
if it’s really child porn then why haven’t the alphabet boys removed it from the Netflix website? It’s almost been a year since the movie has been released and I’m sure many since the beginning have reported it and it’s still up. Why? Because it’s legal. Get over it. Also the reviews to Lolita on Amazon are recent reviews, during these past years and even this year. Amazon didn’t exist back then. So the people who are leaving the reviews are people who weren’t even around during that time and yet they watch the movie knowing what it’s about and still leave positive reviews to this day and the same goes for Pretty Baby with Brooke Shields in it. Hypocrites. Move on to the next movie. Desire, Lolita, Pretty Baby and other similar movies are still available to watch because it’s legal. Get that through your heads. It’s legal. Move on to the next movie if you don’t like this one.
Someone already said it’s been done before and it’s going to happen in the future. Hypocrites. People gave Lolita the movie a positive review. It’s still available and legal to watch. Even Pretty Baby with Brooke Shields being in nude, sexual scenes— the movie is still available to watch on sites like Amazon and is even sold on ebay. Why? Because it’s legal. I heard people contacting Netflix to remove the movie but they haven’t. Why? Because it’s legal. I even heard some people contacting the alphabet boys and reported this movie on the Netflix website. There is a reason why the alphabet boys haven’t removed it. Because it’s legal. Get over it. If you know you are going to watch a movie that has certain material you don’t want to watch then don’t watch it. Move on to the next movie. If you are going go cancel your subscription because they won’t remove a movie you don’t approve of but yet still legal then you’re an idiot. I read online that the Desire movie the girl isn’t even nude… Yet Pretty Baby she is completely nude. Look at how many years it has been and the movie still is available for everyone to watch. Why? Because it’s legal. Get over it and move on to the next movie.
Look at all these liberals defending child porn and pedophilia.
“Innocent young children are being used and sexually abused in the real world and people are worried about this? Me thinks these folks don’t actually care about child sexual abuse.”
o so be against child porn makes you pro child porn ahaha fuck off.
“Just look at the positive reviews to Lolita. Hypocrites”
these disgusting movies you describe are from the ’70s most people reporting this crap where not even born yet so it was up to the baby boomers to be outraged.
But then again there was no internet at that time so pretty difficult to post your opinion about something.
ah the typical art pedophile who uses the term art to allow it. (police should check your computer)
And then the other pedophile sympathizers who say its completely normal for kids to masturbate but are forgetting this is actually filmed (unless your own parents had a camcorder ready at all times to record your masturbation and you got used to it.
Why is it still legal to read the book called Lolita and watch the movie and what about the movie called Pretty Baby with Brooke Shields? Just look at the positive reviews to Lolita. Hypocrites. This movie scene is nothing new. Like someone already mentioned, it’s been done before and will be done again. If you know a movie will show something you don’t want to see then don’t watch the movie. The fact is even after Netflix was contacted by customers complaining the movie is still available on their site. Some idiots even contacted the alphabet boys and the movie is still up. What does this tell you? That it’s legal. The movie came out in 2017. It’s 2018. There is a reason why it’s still on Netfkix. It’s legal. Get over it. People overreacted to the scene. You can complain and contact all the alphabet boys and it would still be avilable on Netflix. Get over it and watch another movie instead. It’s not even a nude scene. Pretty Baby had nude scenes. Get over it.
“This film is a piece of art and art has no rules.” That’s just silly. It’s like saying you can murder a person while filming because it’s art. We have laws in this country to protect children from sexual predators. This movie broke those laws.
So, you allow your young girl to masterbate and orgasm in front of a bunch of creepy old men that get off on it???
Just a bunch of overprotective parent wannabees. Nothing to see here.
As we know, stage mothers, stage fathers, momagers don’t care about their children. They use them to make money. “Under the supervision of her mother”, right. Because this will make them wealthy. This is UN-ACCEPTABLE. This is not okay!
This is a different loser than THAT Megan Fox. At least THAT Megan Fox is hot, this one, alas, is not. https://pjmedia.com/columnist/megan-fox/
Since when did Megan Fox become the poster girl for morality? Must have been when her career died. Of all people she should know what a young woman faking sex in a movie is about since that’s all she’s known for. Wasn’t she the one jiggling her boobs in Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 dressed as a school girl? Hypocrite.
This is ridiculous. The current administration has screwed up our values and morals. We are not a Christian country. We never were so fuck all this puritanical bullshit. This film is a piece of art and art has no rules. This artist chose to film a FICTIONAL sexual awakening of a minor….been done before and it won’t be the last time. So please, if you think this film is immoral, well, I think you are confused and have no moral center yourself. Please unsubscribe to every streaming service and get out of my country.
Regardless of the “supervision” of the scene or whether or not the child knew what she was portraying does not negate that he filmed a scene of a young child having sexual pleasure for entertainment. The scene should be edited out.
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