Teen Xxx Hidden

Teen Xxx Hidden


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A family takes refuge in a bomb shelter to avoid a dangerous outbreak.
In the film, Ray (Skarsgård), Claire (Riseborough) and their seven-year-old daughter, Zoe, are an average American family in Kingsville, North Carolina - except they have existed in a bomb shelter since escaping a day of devastation that changed everything. For 301 days, they have transformed their cement prison into a home, holding on to memories of the past and hope for a normal life someday. And for 301 days, the family has eluded what looms above the surface - the heavy breathing and booming footsteps that punctuate the night, threatening their fragile existence. All the while, the family has managed to stay hidden. Until now. Now their safe haven has been breached... and something is coming for them.—John McLaughlan
Second movie staring Alexander Skarsgård and Andrea Riseborough, the first being Disconnect (2012), although they did not share any screen time in Disconnect.
When Ray was trying to escape the fallout shelter he broke his left shoulder so he could fit through the opening in the ceiling. Then in the next scene when Claire and Zoe became trapped under the net Ray showed up swinging and hitting the breathers with both arms. He shouldn't have been able to attack the breathers with his left arm because he had a broken left shoulder..
Zoe: Two, never lose control. Three, never open the door. Four, never talk about the breathers.
Refreshing and good movie with actual suspense - want more!
Quite reminiscent of The Road, Hidden is quite slow in the first half of the movie. This however is carried very well by the central characters, all very believable in their roles and they draw you into their world surprisingly easily. There's quite a bit of mystery and suspense builds slowly. Usually I'm a know it all about story lines however Hidden kept me intrigued and even surprised me. Its quite a dark movie and a slow burner and quite apocalyptic in it's nature so you'd need to be in the mood. I watched Pixels before hand which probably cost about 20 times as much and had a cast of 20 times the size and I definitely enjoyed Hidden more. Completely different movies mind, and Hidden is an adult movie of course. By the end however I did want more, although I doubt there'll be a sequel, however certainly in a crowded market a well made film.
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