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Teen Wolf deals with some heavy themes in a teenage-geared, accessible format, and these are the quotes that best define the series.
By Amanda Bruce Updated Dec 26, 2020
MTV's Teen Wolf is known for its soapy take on the supernatural. In addition to teenage werewolves, the show followed young love, identity issues, and stories of sacrifice and betrayal. The series ran for six seasons before MTV brought it to its end. 
Over the course of those six seasons, Teen Wolf alternately made its audience laugh and cry. In addition to hilarious one-liners, the show brought us great quotes to inspire us and make us think. These quotes perfectly encapsulate what the show was all about.
Updated on December 26th, 2020 by Amanda Bruce: With fans still holding out hope for a Teen Wolf reunion or revival in some form, there really is no end to the appreciation for the MTV series. There are now even more iconic quotes fans associate with the supernatural teen drama. Love for Teen Wolf never ends, and neither does a fan's ability to quote the characters. That's why we've updated this list from its original publishing with even more of the best quotes from the series. When characters like Stiles and Scott have such memorable moments, it's hard to stop at just ten lines. 
Much of Teen Wolf is devoted to keeping the supernatural beings secret from the world around them, but when Gerard returns to Beacon Hills with a new apprentice, a large part of the Beacon Hills population begins to understand that there's more going on around them than they first thought - and they're terrified of it.
While Malia maintains that people listening to Gerard and starting to use weapons they don't understand is stupid, Scott, who has seen just about everything by that point, realizes how dangerous it is. As the population continues to give in too far, more and more of the teens are put in danger, creating a new hurdle for the show.
Stiles tends to be the person who puts together the clues. When things get strange, he starts lining up the puzzle pieces to see what fits. That's part of the reason he expects his friends in the supernatural community to always come to him first.
When he and Lydia first become friends, and her abilities first start to manifest, that's not the case. Lydia doesn't entirely buy into everything supernatural, so when her abilities lead her to a dead body, she calls the police, not giving Stiles the chance to analyze the situation. That slowly changes throughout the show as Lydia and Stiles become an unstoppable team.
Though Teen Wolf is a show full of unrealistic things, one of the most real aspects of the series is just how much Melissa McCall is willing to go through for her son. There is no rule she won't bend to help him and his friends once she finds out about him being a werewolf.
That's a little different than Sheriff Stilinski. After all, as the town sheriff, it's a little harder for him to bend rules on a large scale, a little more noticeable. He's resistant to helping in the same way as Melissa for a long time, stuck in a world of rigid rules and boundaries. It's where the friendship between the two parents cracks a little bit as they find themselves on opposite sides of the issue.
The characters who end up in the middle of the supernatural world frequently have no idea what's really going on - even with themselves. That's true when Scott first says this line early in the series, and it's still true by the end.
Kira doesn't understand her abilities when they first manifest, no does Lydia. Malia has to adjust to the human world while Allison has to adjust to the world of the hunters. Scott and Liam have similar experiences in figuring out how to use their abilities and anchor themselves. The show's characters all experience steep learning curves.
Allison leads a harder life than most. She spends most of her childhood moving around and not getting the chance to make friends before she learns that her family is made up of werewolf hunters. When she finally does make friends, they're ones her family wants to eliminate.
Allison takes everything she knows about the world and decides she wants to create her own path. She doesn't put her faith in fate, and that's a pretty defining trait for all of the main characters in the show. They don't just allow the chips to fall as they may but continue to play the game, no matter how close to losing they might be.
One of the running plot points in the series was other packs wanting Scott to join them. Even from the start of the series, Scott had no intention of allowing an Alpha to make him conform to their ideas of being a werewolf.
When Derek tried to assert authority over Scott, Scott didn't appreciate it. He might have allied with Derek repeatedly over the course of the show (and the two even became friends) but Scott never let Derek forget that Derek didn't outrank him.
The friendship between Lydia and Stiles became an integral part of the series as it progressed. When it began, however, Lydia might as well have not known Stiles existed.
After Lydia's traumatic sighting of a large animal (which was actually an Alpha werewolf), she was heavily medicated to avoid being terrified. Stiles, nursing a crush on her, took it upon himself to pay her a visit. Unfortunately, this was Lydia's response to her mom telling her that Stiles was there. The question became a refrain for fans and one that was echoed in the Ghost Rider arc of the series.
Scott might have been a capable leader who always wanted to find a way to help people, but he wasn't great at coming up with plans. Stiles, as the voice of the audience, reminded him of that fact.
After Scott bit Liam in order to prevent him from falling from a building, he also decided to kidnap his new Beta before Liam ended up in trouble. That was, clearly, not the best course of action, but Scott couldn't get Liam to listen to him any other way. To be fair, he couldn't get Liam to listen once he'd been kidnapped either. It was par for the course that Scott's plan would initially fall apart and Stiles would fix it.
There were probably very few people in his life who genuinely liked Peter Hale. Of all the Hales, he was the one who spent most of his time scheming for more power. Derek killed Peter at the end of the first season, but with a connection to Lydia, Peter managed to get himself resurrected in the second.
Though Derek, Scott, and pretty much everyone else didn't trust Peter, they needed his supernatural knowledge and know-how. Derek's remark after Peter told him that he still had his hearing after being resurrected was a perfect example of how everyone felt about Peter and his constant attempts at stealing power for himself.
This might as well have been Scott's mantra during the run of the series. No matter how bad things got for him and his pack, he was always willing to push forward. Scott always wanted to make a difference.
He proved that when Stiles voiced his concern in season three that Scott, Allison, and Stiles were falling apart as a result of their sacrifice to the Nemeton. Stiles felt that with their hallucinations, they couldn't be trusted to help anyone. Scott disagreed.
Stiles had a lot of great one-liners on the show. He was a fan favorite, and his sarcasm made fans laugh, but it also acted as a way for the audience to hear their own voice in the series. This particular line wasn’t one of Stiles’ most sarcastic, but it definitely landed well.
The line came after all of the magical happenings of season three. The first two seasons of Teen Wolf dealt primarily with werewolves and the dynamics of their relationships with others. Season three brought in a lot of new supernatural elements for the show, changing the way it continued.
Scott McCall and his friends ended up with a lot of enemies. More often than not, those enemies didn’t stay that way, something Theo Raeken pointed out easily during his interactions with the pack.
What typically happened throughout Teen Wolf was that Scott and his allies discovered a more powerful enemy than the one previously faced. The group would nearly always have to ally with someone they didn’t trust. It happened with Derek, with Peter, with Ethan and Aiden, and eventually, with Theo. It didn’t matter if the friends didn’t like someone. Common goals united them.
Lydia Martin made this comment to Meredith in season four. Meredith, a banshee who found herself able to read Peter Hale’s mind while he was comatose, enacted the plan he envisioned when he couldn’t do it himself: the deadpool. Meredith was going to allow all the supernatural in Beacon Hills to be wiped out, thinking it would eliminate the dark aspects of the town, herself included. 
Teen Wolf began with the idea that werewolves were monsters. It quickly showed that just because someone was turned into a “monster,” like Scott when he got the bite, they didn’t have to be a monster. Scott, and those in his pack, became heroes rather than villains. Lydia didn't believe any of the "monsters" could be judged at face value.
Werewolves and other supernatural creatures had a lot of obvious advantages over humans. They had strength, stamina, and the ability to heal quickly. Stiles didn’t have those advantages.
This line from Stiles came following his accidentally killing one of the teens experimented on by the Dread Doctors. While Stiles felt guilty about what he did, Scott just made things worse for him, reminding him that they weren’t supposed to kill the people they were keeping an eye on. Stiles was purely defending himself, and it cost the other kid his life. This line reminded the audience that as much as Stiles was the funny guy in the group, he was also only human.
In season five, Scott’s bond with his pack was tested over and over again. The threat of the Dread Doctors loomed as Theo began building his own pack and trying to steal members of Scott’s.
Melissa said, “give them hope,” to Scott after a particularly brutal fight. Scott faced his beta Liam on the day of the supermoon. Liam wanted Scott to give his girlfriend the bite, but Hayden was too weak to survive it. Liam didn’t see it that way. Scott believed his pack was already torn apart after the fight, but Melissa believed Scott and his pack were still bonded, that Scott could still turn things around. Scott pulled himself and his friends out of impossible situations repeatedly in the show, but it was always great to see his pep talk come from his mom instead of a fellow supernatural being.
The focus on bonds on the show was usually placed squarely on pack members. This particular quote reminded the audience that not all parents are bad - or should be out of the loop. Stiles told his father the truth about the strange things happening in Beacon Hills in season three. In season five, Scott tasked his pack with keeping an eye on the chimeras who were in danger. When Stiles and Donovan came into conflict, Stiles killed the other boy in self-defense. He hid the truth from his father, terrified of getting his dad in trouble.
While the show often focused on the teens having to solve everyone’s problems, Sheriff Stilinski’s lines here reminded us all that some of the adults on the show didn’t need the teens cleaning up their messes, that they were there for their kids, no matter what.
Once upon a time, the Argent family hunted the supernatural, eliminating violent threats to humanity. Their family motto was, “we hunt those who hunt us.”
As Allison and her father Chris realized that not all of the “monsters” they hunted were the bad guys, they began to have a problem with the way the family handled things. By the time Allison had completed her family training, she believed they needed a new family motto, and Chris agreed to change it. The motto showed that a character didn’t need superpowers to help people, and proved that even people with a dark past could change.
Many friendships came and went over the course of the show. One pair of friends who were always there for one another, even at their worst, was Scott and Stiles.
The season two episode “Motel California” took Scott to a particularly dark place. After being affected by wolfsbane he had terrible experiences at a motel during an overnight trip for the cross country team. When Lydia, Allison, and Stiles got to Scott, he was ready to blow himself up. It was Stiles who talked him down, reminding him of their connection to one another.
This line from Scott is a great thing for fans of Teen Wolf to hear. Why? Because the show sent the characters to extremes. A lot of the series involved the highs of being a teenager, like experiencing love for the first time. The series also, however, had the characters experience very different lows than a normal teenager. These teens were fighting for their lives on a regular basis and found themselves in extremely dire situations. 
The fans, likewise, all knew storylines they didn't love. Not everything in the show was perfect, but it was an entertaining ride for everyone who watched.
One of the most oft-quoted lines from Teen Wolf is this from Melissa McCall. It touched on an important theme from the series. It was important for supernatural beings to have a way to anchor themselves to their humanity. In the early days of the series, Scott’s anchor was Allison. Derek and Isaac anchored themselves with the pain of their pasts. When the series introduced Malia, Stiles anchored her.
Scott discovered a missing anchor could make life difficult in season three. Melissa reminded him that just because he and Allison broke up, didn’t mean he wouldn’t find love again. He needed to be his own anchor. It’s solid advice for a werewolf, but also solid advice for anyone.
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Amanda is a freelance writer in Florida. She holds a Psychology degree and loves superheroes and serial storytelling. Her favorite heroines include Black Widow, Blake Belladonna, and Sailor Jupiter.

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