Teen Wolf Stiles

Teen Wolf Stiles


Late 1995/Early 1996 (19/20 years old by 2015)
September 2011 (16/17 years old at time of death)
January 2013 (18 years old at time of death)
Mieczysław Stilinski (Birth Name)
Stiles Stilinski (Informal Name)
Mr. Stilinski
Mischief (Formerly) (mother's nickname)
Void-Stiles (Formerly) (While possessed)
Human (Originally/Currently)
Void Kitsune (Formerly) (Via possession)
Noah Stilinski (Father)
Claudia Stilinski † (Mother)
Elias Stilinski (Paternal Grandfather)
Mrs. Stilinski † (Paternal Grandmother)
Mieczysław Gajos † (Maternal Grandfather)
Lydia Martin (Girlfriend)
Stilinski Family (Paternal Relatives)
Gajos Family (Maternal Relatives)
Himself (Indirectly; as a willing sacrifice) (1st time)
3 Unidentified Oni Demons (While possessed)
Unidentified Ambulance Driver (Indirectly) (While possessed)
Unidentified Hospital Visitor (Indirectly) (While possessed)
Katashi (While possessed)
Unknown number of Sheriff's Deputies (Indirectly) (While possessed)
Donovan Donati (Self-defense)
Unidentified member of Monroe's Army (Presumably; in defense of Scott McCall)
Lydia Martin (With consent) (1st time)
Himself (Indirectly; as a willing sacrifice) (1st time)
Unknown number of Ghost Riders (2nd time)
Drowning ritual (1st time)
Erased from existence (2nd time)
Scott: "Oh, Stiles? These aren't the keys to the Jeep..."
Stiles: "Well, that one's to your house, another to your room... Uh, this is the master key to the school, animal clinic, a key to the Sheriff's station... I just figured you should have all the copies I secretly made, so... yeah..."Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski at the end of Riders on the Storm
Mieczysław "Stiles" Stilinski is a main character of the Teen Wolf series. He is the son of Noah and Claudia Stilinski, the best friend to Scott McCall.
He was born in Late 1995/Early 1996 to Noah and Claudia Stilinski and grew up in Beacon Hills, California. As a child, he was unable to properly say his birth name, Mieczysław (a Polish male given name pronounced mee-chee-swahv); the closest he could get to a correct pronunciation was "Mischief" which became a nickname that his mother began calling him as a result of his naturally mischievous nature. ("Blitzkrieg")
As a young child, Stiles' mother Claudia was stricken with frontotemporal dementia. During the time she endured this illness, Claudia suffered such horrifying delusions that she was under the impression that Stiles was trying to kill her despite the fact that he was really just an anxious child worried about his mother. According to the repressed memory Stiles experienced in a flashback due to reading The Dread Doctors novel by Gabriel Valack, Claudia even violently attacked Stiles on at least one occasion as a result of her dementia, which caused her to develop a very strong case of paranoia and dissociation. ("Required Reading")
Claudia ultimately died while being treated in the hospital, on an afternoon when the young Stiles was visiting with her; he unfortunately had to endure the traumatic experience alone due to his father being caught up dealing with a car accident case, as Noah ultimately decided to stay late to comfort a woman who was dying as a result of the crash. ("Alpha Pact")
At Claudia's funeral, Stiles' father, Noah, saw how badly Stiles was mourning his mother's death and assured him that he still had him, and their mutual loss caused Stiles to become incredibly close to Noah to help each other get through Claudia's death together. ("The Last Chimera") Afterward, Stiles began to experience anxiety attacks and bouts of sleepwalking, though he eventually grew out of it for a time. ("Silverfinger") He also seemed to be aware of his father's affinity for whiskey, which occasionally went too far, to the point where Noah was asked by his fellow employees to cut down on his drinking. ("Wolf's Bane") This was evidenced by when Stiles defended his father against Special Agent Rafael McCall's insinuations that Sheriff had relapsed. ("Alpha Pact"). When he was old enough to start driving, his father gave him his Jeep, which had belonged to his mother, and which she had wanted him to have once he was old enough to drive it. The first time he took it out for a drive, he went into a ditch, and his father handed him his first roll of duct tape. ("Blitzkrieg")
In Season 1, Peter Hale offered Stiles the bite as a reward, but he refused, no matter how tempted he was to have supernatural powers of his own.
Due to his knowledge of the law and investigations as a result of being the son of a police officer, Stiles takes great satisfaction in following the clues to lead him to supernatural threats such as the Kanima, the Alpha Pack, and the Darach.
In the second half of Season 3, he was possessed by a dark spirit known as the Nogitsune, which caused him to commit several crimes that led to dozens of people getting hurt or killed, something that still causes Stiles immense guilt to this day.
Once the Nogitsune was defeated, Stiles turned his attention back to investigations to take his mind off of it, and began to look into the supernatural hit-list known as the Deadpool, which caught his attention while he was also searching for the biological mother of his fellow packmate, Malia Tate, who is an assassin known only as the Desert Wolf.
In Season 5, the relationships between the pack began to fracture due to the stress of fighting the Dread Doctors and the manipulations of Theo Raeken, causing Stiles to become estranged from Scott, Malia, and Lydia. However, upon learning of Theo's schemes and the revival of a terrifying creature known as La Bête du Gévaudan, Stiles reconciled with Scott and resumed working with his best friend to help reunite their beloved pack once again.
Upon the reunion of the pack, Stiles played a large role in the defeat of the Beast, Theo, and the Desert Wolf, something that helped Stiles heal from the guilt of accidentally killing Donovan Donati out of self-defense earlier in the season. Afterwards, his father informed him that these acts were a great first step in his career in law enforcement, insinuating that Stiles will go to law school in Washington, D.C.
In Wolf Moon, Stiles went to the McCall House to inform his best friend Scott McCall about the body that the Beacon County Sheriff's Department had found in the woods, specifically the fact that they had only found half of it. He then insisted that Scott come with him to the Beacon Hills Preserve to try to find the body before his father, Sheriff Stilinski, and his men found it first. While the two were walking through the woods, Stiles saw flashlights ahead of them, causing them both to duck down and size up the situation. Believing that someone else had found the bodies, Stiles leaped forward to check it out, leaving Scott, who was out of breath and needed to use his inhaler, struggling to catch up with him. Just as Stiles was caught by his father and forced to go home, Scott, who had stopped to try to find his lost inhaler, managed to find the other half of the dead female body before he was then attacked and bitten by an Alpha Werewolf, though Scott did not immediately know what animal bit him. The next day, Stiles met up with Scott at school and expressed his excitement that Scott had found the other half of the body before he asked to see his bite, which Scott showed him. However, when Scott remarked that he thought he was bitten by a wolf, Stiles scoffed and said there hadn't been wolves in California for decades. Just then, Lydia Martin arrived at school and walked past them, and Stiles, who obviously had romantic feelings for her, tried to greet her, only to be ignored and rebuffed. Embarrassed, Stiles blamed this brush-off as being due to Scott "dragging him down to his nerd-depths." At afternoon lacrosse practice, Stiles resumed his usual position of benchwarmer while try-outs went underway, and was both shocked and gleeful when he saw Scott's uncharacteristically athletic display of kill on the field. After practice, Scott and Stiles went back to the preserve to once again try to find Scott's lost inhaler while Stiles questioned him on what caused his stellar lacrosse performance earlier. Scott admitted that his physical abilities and his senses seemed to be overwhelmingly heightened (to the point where he could even smell a single piece of mint-mojito-flavored gum in Stiles' jacket pocket) before worrying aloud that his animal bite could be infected and causing his body to flood with adrenaline. Stiles jokingly pointed out that he thought he had heard of Scott's condition before and informed him it was "lycanthropy." When Scott didn't know what this meant, Stiles fake-howled like a wolf, before joking he'd need to melt down all of his silver into bullets in preparation for the full moon on Friday. They made it to the edge of the woods near the ruins of the Hale House, where they were confronted by a scowling young man who gruffly informed them that they were on private property. The boys nervously informed him that they were just looking for something, leading the man to throw Scott his inhaler before turning and walking away. Once Derek was out of earshot, Stiles reminded Scott that the man was Derek Hale, whose entire family had died in a fire several years earlier. The next day, before lacrosse practice, Stiles excitedly ran up to Scott to inform him of the newest developments on the murder case, namely that the Sheriff's department thought that the woman had been killed by a wolf. However, Scott was too amped up from his recent confrontation with Jackson Whittemore and his desire to make first line on the team to pay much attention to him. Stiles once again watched from the bench as Scott performed extraordinary gymnastic feats on the field and realized that something serious was truly happening to Scott. After practice, Stiles went home and immediately began doing research, both online and with various books, where he eventually learned more about lycanthropy and materials that could be used against Werewolves. Stiles then called Scott to his house to explain what he had learned—namely, that Scott really had been turned into a Werewolf through the bite he received in the woods, and that both the full moon and strong emotions could trigger his bloodlust and violent tendencies. He then told Scott he needed to cancel his date with Allison Argent on Friday, which happened to be the night of the full moon, due to the risk caused by his impending first transformation. When Scott, who thought Stiles was messing with him, was resistant to this advice, Stiles even tried to grab Scott's phone in order to text Allison to cancel for him, which, just as Stiles predicted, caused Scott so overwhelmed by anger that he inadvertently pinned Stiles against the wall and nearly punched him. Realizing what he was about to do, Scott became horrified and let go of Stiles, apologizing briefly before running out of the room, visibly embarrassed and unsettled by this out-of-control behavior. Once he was gone, Stiles noticed several long claw gashes down the back of his desk chair and became even more concerned about his best friend. Scott ultimately went to the party with Allison anyway, as did Stiles. As the full moon rose, Scott began to feel so sick that he was forced to leave the party, just as Stiles feared, though he luckily did so before he could harm anyone. When Scott rushed back to his house, he immediately took off his shirt and got into the bathtub, where he turned on the hot water in an attempt to make him feel better. However, when he looked in the mirror, he realized that he was starting to grow claws and fangs, and his eyes were turning gold. Stiles arrived moments later and pounded on his bedroom door with his fist, insisting that he could help, but Scott instead told Stiles to go check on Allison, as he believed Derek, who had taken Allison home after Scott bailed on her, was the Werewolf who bit him and was putting her in danger. Stiles then rushed over to the Argent House, where Victoria Argent answered the door and listened to Stiles ramble awkwardly for a moment before revealing that Allison was perfectly fine and had returned home safely. The next morning at sunrise, Stiles found Scott, who was still recovering from the events of the previous night and the effects of his first full moon, walking on the side of the road along the Beacon Hills Preserve and picked him up in his Jeep. When Scott lamented the fact that he likely screwed up his chances with Allison, Stiles, while agreeing that he would need an awesome excuse, still promised to help Scott through his new life as a Werewolf. In Second Chance at First Line, Stiles found Scott panicking in the locker room before lacrosse practice and asked him what was going on, leading Scott to inform him that he had just learned that Allison's father, Chris Argent, was the Hunter who shot him with an arrow on the full moon in the previous episode. Stiles was visibly unnerved by this information but assured him that Allison's dad likely didn't recognize him due to it being dark and Scott being transformed at the time, and suggested that they just focus on lacrosse practice for now. However, after both Jackson Whittemore and Coach Finstock gave Scott a lot of grief on the field, his resulting anger caused Scott to start to shift on the field, forcing Stiles to rush him into the locker room while, unbeknownst to them, Derek Hale was lurking in the shadows of the nearby woods and watched them. In the locker room, Scott fully transformed and tried to attack Stiles, who, at a loss for options, grabbed the nearby fire extinguisher and sprayed Scott with it to turn him back into human form. Scott once again was horrified by his behavior, and after Stiles informed him that he nearly tried to kill him again, he reminded his best friend that anger and an increased heart rate causes Scott to shift. He then insisted that Scott not play lacrosse until he learned control over his transformations, much to Scott's disappointment. That night, Stiles video-chatted with Scott on the computers in their respective bedrooms, where he became alarmed upon seeing Derek lurking in the dark corner of Scott's bedroom. Though the slow internet connection caused Scott's computer to freeze up, Stiles managed to briefly warn Scott of his presence before the older Werewolf lunged forward and confronted Scott about almost exposing himself (and, by extension, Derek) as a Werewolf in front of everyone. In the hallway at school the next day, Stiles called Scott over and asked him to use his Werewolf hearing to eavesdrop on a conversation Sheriff Stilinski was having with their principal. When Scott informed him that Sheriff was instituting a curfew as a result of the body they found in the woods, Stiles scoffed at the fact that his father was too busy looking for a rabid animal to realize that it was actually Derek who was likely the killer, since both Scott and Stiles were still believed two things—that Derek had bitten and turned Scott into a Werewolf, and that Derek was the person who killed the still-unknown woman found cut in half in the woods. After school, Scott called Stiles over to his house to inform him that when he went to seek Derek's advice at the Hale House, he smelled blood, which caused him to think they may be able to find evidence that Derek was the killer at the ruins of his family's home. The two went to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, where Stiles stood guard while Scott sneaked into the morgue to get a scent off the body the deputies found in the preserve. While he was waiting, he saw Lydia Martin waiting for Jackson in the waiting room and struck up a conversation with her, admitting that he always felt like they had a connection and that it might be nice if they got to know each other. Much to Stiles' embarrassment, Lydia was in the middle of a phone call on her Bluetooth headset and had missed everything that he had said to her. When she asked him if it was worth repeating, Stiles lost his nerve and said it wasn't. Moments later, Scott returned and told him that the scent on the body was the same as what he smelled at the Hale House, leading Stiles to wonder aloud if Derek had buried the other half of the body on his property. Stiles decided they needed to find evidence of this that they could use against Derek, but asked Scott if his motivation was out of a desire to stop a killer, or if he was just mad that Derek forbade him from playing lacrosse and wanted to get back at him. However, when Scott replied that there were bite marks all over the girl's legs, Stiles determined that stopping Derek should be their priority before stating that they needed to find a shovel. After nightfall, Stiles and Scott hid out near the Hale House and waited until Derek left in his Camaro before going over to the side of the house toward a recently-dug-up patch of earth. They immediately started digging, and after a few minutes, they found a burlap-covered bundle buried in the dirt that was tied up with twine. When Stiles finally untied the knots, they found, to their surprise, that there was actually the front half of a large wolf inside the bundle and not the top half of the female human body Scott found in the woods several nights earlier. Stiles then realized that there was a purple flower planted nearby that he identified as a strain of wolfsbane and scoffed in exasperation when Scott neither knew what it was nor how it could negatively affect Werewolves. The plant was discovered to be tied to another length of twine wrapped in a spiral around the body, and when Stiles unraveled it, the front half of the dead wolf turned into the top half of the dead girl that Scott found in the woods, revealing that the dead young woman was a Werewolf as well, specifically one capable of fully-shifting into an actual wolf. The next morning, Scott and Stiles watched Sheriff Stilinski and his deputies as they arrested Derek for the murder of the woman in the woods. When the deputies weren't looking, Stiles sneaked into the front seat to talk to Derek; he first stated that he wasn't afraid of Derek, but all it took was one scowl from Derek for Stiles to take back this statement. Stiles then pointed out that the girl he allegedly killed was a Werewolf like Derek and Scott, but, at the same time, she was also different since she could turn into a real wolf, which he knew Scott couldn't do. Instead of answering Stiles' question, Derek retorted that Stiles was wasting his time worrying about him when he should be worrying about Scott, since if Scott transformed on the lacrosse field, it would end badly for all of them. Derek then went on to say that while its obvious that Scott won't listen to him, he would listen to Stiles, and he insisted that Stiles talk him out of playing in the upcoming game. Just then, Stilinski realized what Stiles
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