Teen Wolf Jackson

Teen Wolf Jackson

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Human Form
Partial Kanima
Full Kanima
Part Werewolf
Part Kanima
Baby Miller
The Kanima
Homicidal Lizard Creature
American Werewolf in London (By Lydia)
Captain of Cyclones Lacrosse and Swim Teams (formerly)
Human (Originally)
Kanima (Formerly)
Werewolf-Kanima Hybrid
Blue (Human Form)
Reptilian Yellow (Kanima Form)
Glowing Blue (Hybrid Form)
David Whittemore (Adoptive Father)
Mrs. Whittemore (Adoptive Mother)
Gordon and Margaret Miller † (Biological Parents)
Whittemore Family
Matt Daehler (Kanima Master; formerly)
Gerard Argent (Kanima Master; formerly)
Mr. Lahey (Involuntarily)
Bennett (Involuntarily)
Tucker Cornish (Involuntarily)
Sean Long (Involuntarily)
Kara Simmons (Involuntarily)
4+ Deputies (Involuntarily)
Himself (Involuntarily) (1st time)
Himself (Involuntarily) and Gerard Argent (Indirectly; under his control) (1st time)
Derek (With consent) (2nd time)
Peter Hale (With consent) (2nd time)
Look, I've got my own agenda, which doesn't involve running around the woods at night, howling at the moon with you and McCall, okay? So, why don't you just back the...Jackson to Derek Hale in Omega
Jackson Whittemore was a main character on Teen Wolf in Season 1 and Season 2. He is the biological son of the late Gordon and Margaret Miller, and the adopted son of David Whittemore and his unnamed wife. Jackson was first introduced as a cocky, self-absorbed jock who was best known for being Beacon Hills High School's star lacrosse player and the boyfriend of the most popular girl in school, Lydia Martin.
However, after fellow student and lacrosse teammate Scott McCall started to overshadow him as the most talented player, Jackson became desperate to know what had enhanced Scott's athletic skills so that he could partake as well. Once he learned that Scott had been turned into a Werewolf, he began to blackmail him by threatening to out Scott to his then-girlfriend Allison Argent if he didn't help him get the bite and turn into a Werewolf as well. When this plan failed to yield the desired results, Jackson turned to born-Werewolf Derek Hale for help instead. Though Derek initially rejected him, he ultimately relented, and after he became an Alpha, he gave Jackson the bite, making him Derek's first Beta, though Derek secretly hoped it would kill him due to the trouble he had caused.
Unfortunately for both of them, Jackson's transformation didn't go as planned. Jackson immediately rejected Derek as his Alpha, claiming that he had his own agenda before he started leaking black fluid from his ears, nose, and mouth. In time, it was revealed that Jackson actually had been turned by the bite, but not into a Werewolfβ€”instead, he had become a Kanima due to his unresolved issues regarding his identity as an orphan and adopted child. With this transformation, Jackson gained the ability to shapeshift into a reptilian, snake-like creature with claws, double-rows of sharp fang teeth, and a tail, and his claws and tail produced a clear venom that paralyzes any living creature upon contact.
To make matters worse, Kanimas are supernatural agents of vengeance who seek a master, which made him vulnerable to two different revenge-driven people who controlled him into killing for them-- Matt Daehler and Gerard Argent. While under Gerard's control, Jackson decided to kill himself rather than hurt one of his friends, but his death wasn't permanent, and he eventually was reborn after creating a cocoon of his own venom to heal. When Gerard's ingestion of mountain ash prior to being bitten by Derek caused him to become violently ill, his control over Jackson was broken, allowing Derek and Peter Hale to stab him with their claws and kill him.
Once again, Jackson momentarily died, but after Lydia returned his key, a sort of talisman for their relationship, and said his name with her Banshee voice, Jackson was reborn as a Kanima/Beta Werewolf hybrid. However, due to the doctors at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital being extremely confused about Jackson's resurrection, he and his parents decided to move to London, England to start over, though Derek trained him to control himself on full moons before he left.
During his few appearances in Season 6B, Jackson, along with Ethan Steiner, his new boyfriend, returned to Beacon Hills in order to help Scott and the rest of the McCall Pack fight against Tamora Monroe, Gerard Argent and their huge Hunter army. After the defeat of the shapeshifter Anuk-Ite, Jackson and Ethan returned to London and continued helping the McCall Pack in finding and recruiting orphaned supernatural creatures to help them in their war against the Hunters.
Jackson is a member of the Whittemore Family and has associations with the former Hale Pack and the members of the McCall Pack.
Not much is known about Jackson's early life, aside from the fact that his biological parents were killed in a car accident in June 1994, possibly due to someone attempting to purposely kill them. His mother was still pregnant with him at the time of the crash, but though she died, Jackson was delivered by emergency cesarean section and miraculously survived. ("Restraint")
He was later adopted by the Whittemore family and attended Beacon Hills city schools, where he was an overachiever in his classes and in sports in an effort to try to make the biological parents he never knew proud of him. ("The Tell") He ultimately joined the swim and lacrosse teams upon reaching high school, where he was made captain by his sophomore year due to his prodigious athletic skills. ("Wolf Moon"), ("Raving").
In Wolf Moon, Jackson pulled up to Beacon Hills High School in his Porsche during the first day of sophomore year and parked right next to Scott McCall, who was on a regular bike. When Jackson got out of the car, he hit Scott with the door and rudely told Scott to watch the paint job. After class, he met up with his girlfriend, Lydia Martin in the hall and kissed her before they turned their attention back to Allison Argent, a new student, who they then invited to a party at Lydia's house after his team's scrimmage. However, when Allison declined, citing that Friday is her family night, Jackson asked her if she was sure since the whole team goes to Lydia's parties after games. Allison assumed he meant football, which made Jackson chuckle before explaining that football is a joke in Beacon Hills and that the real sport is lacrosse. According to Jackson, the team has won the championship for the last three years, and Lydia added that it was because Jackson was the team captain. He and Lydia then decided to bring her to practice, where Jackson soon became fed up after watching Scott (who, unbeknownst to him, had just been turned into a Beta Werewolf and had gained enhanced strength, speed, agility, and reflexes) show off while playing goalie. Wanting to teach Scott a lesson, Jackson cut in line to take his shot at Scott, sprinting toward the goal and launching his ball at it with incredible force. Unfortunately for Jackson, Scott managed to catch the ball with little effort, causing Jackson to become embarrassed, enraged, and suspicious. After practice, Jackson confronted Scott at his locker, demanding to know where he's getting his drugs, as he believed that there was no way that Scott could have gotten so good so quickly without steroids or other performance enhancers. However, Scott didn't understand what he was talking about and instead started ranting about the strange symptoms he had been experiencing, including seeing, hearing, and smelling things that shouldn't be humanly possible and be sleepwalking three miles into the woods every night. Not believing Scott's claims that he wasn't on drugs, Jackson simply smirked and assured him that he would be finding out what was going on with Scott. At the scrimmage, the entire team, including Jackson and Scott, gathered around Coach Finstock during the huddle, where the Coach informed them that if they made both the cut and the play, they would make it onto the team. Despite Jackson's best efforts to sabotage Scott's performance during the game, Scott still was able to take several shots, which led to Scott making first line with Jackson. That night, at the party at the Martin House, he and Lydia were seen dancing and making out in the corner of the backyard, though while Jackson was kissing Lydia's neck, Lydia was too busy checking out Scott while he and Allison danced together nearby. In Second Chance at First Line, Jackson was given another chance to go up against Scott at practice, which he eagerly took. During the play, he slammed Scott onto the ground, leading both Jackson and Coach Finstock to taunt Scott about his momentary lack of skill. However, since Scott had just had his first full moon in the previous episode and now had his full powers, which were triggered by increases in heart rate, Scott became incredibly angry and went in for a second attempt against Jackson. This time, it was Scott who slammed Jackson onto the ground, but since Jackson only had human-level durability and healing, he dislocated his shoulder and had to be taken to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital for treatment. Lydia was waiting for him outside the exam room when he was done, and he informed Lydia that the doctor gave him a cortisone shot, though the doctor also said not to make a habit of it. However, Lydia suggested he get a second shot before the lacrosse game, and when Jackson looked reluctant, she reminded him that all the professional athletes do it when they're injured before asking him if he wanted to go pro someday. That night at the game, Coach Finstock approached Jackson and asked him about his arm, but Jackson played tough and assured him that it didn't hurt. When Coach asked if it would hurt if he punched him in the arm, Jackson got a disturbed look on his face and said yes, though he insisted that if he started feeling any pain during the game, he would just fight through it. It soon became apparent that Jackson ordered the other players not to pass the ball to Scott, and during a play, Jackson shoulder-checked Scott and knocked him to the ground before stealing the ball and Scott's point. During the following play, when it looked as though Jackson's best friend Danny Mahealani was ignoring his orders, he called Danny out on it. Danny argued that it was more important that they win, but Jackson used his position as team captain to force Danny to do what he said. Despite Jackson's instructions, Scott managed to score several points, and Coach overrode Jackson's orders by demanding that they pass the ball to Scott to ensure that they win the game. After an impressive shot by Scott, one of the members of the rival team approached Jackson and asked him what was up with Scott, leading the still-suspicious Jackson to reply that he had no idea. After the Cyclones won the game, Scott rushed off the field due to his adrenaline rush causing him to start to transform, though Jackson was unaware of this. Jackson eventually found Scott's lacrosse glove, which had puncture holes at the end of each fingertip, on the field, and when he looked around, he noticed Derek Hale lurking in the shadows and watching him. In Pack Mentality Jackson arrived at school to find that his locker door had been broken, though he had no idea that it had been Scott, who was afraid that Allison had been killed during one of his bouts of [[Werewolf]|lycanthropy]]-induced sleepwalking, had punched it so hard that the door was too misshapen to fully close. While in class, Jackson menacingly stared at Scott after the young werewolf was forced to sit in front of him. At lunch, Jackson, Lydia, Allison, Danny and several other friends joined Scott and Stiles at their table, where they were discussing the recent attack in one of the school buses the previous night. When Jackson mentioned that he heard the attack was caused by a mountain lion and speculated that the victim was probably a "homeless tweaker," Stiles, who had pulled up a news report on his phone, corrected him by saying that it was Garrison Myers, a bus driver. Wanting to change the subject to something more optimistic, Lydia brought up Allison and Scott's upcoming date and invited herself and Jackson along to make it a double date. It was clear that neither Allison, Scott, nor Jackson were thrilled by this plan, particularly when Jackson stated that it would be just as "fun" to stab himself in the face with the fork he was holding. However, Lydia ignored him and proposed that they go bowling since Jackson loves it. Jackson reminded her that he liked to bowl with actual competition, and was skeptical when Scott assured him that he was good at bowling, though they all ultimately agreed to Lydia's date plans. That night at the bowling alley, Jackson helped Lydia make her shot, but she only managed to hit a few pins. Jackson's turn followed Lydia's, and he got a strike on the first short, making him smirk smugly before taking his seat to see how well Scott fared. It was soon revealed that Scott had exaggerated about his skills when he instantly gets a gutterball, causing Jackson to burst out laughing. Allison, unamused by Jackson's rudeness, snapped at him to stop, but Jackson couldn't help but continue to make fun of Scott for several more minutes. However, Jackson's taunts immediately died when, with a little pep talk from Allison and some of his Werewolf agility, Scott began getting strike after strike. Lydia, clearly impressed by his performance, flirtatiously asked Scott to show her how it was done, but when Scott, not taking the bait, kindly assured her that she had it handled. This caused Jackson, jealous at Lydia's attention regarding Scott, to offer to show her instead, which Lydia spurned before getting a strike all on her own, revealing that Lydia was only pretending to be bad at bowling to spare Jackson's ego. After Lydia spurned his help on her next turn and got a strike on her own as well, revealing that she had only pretended to be bad for Jackson's benefit, Jackson became annoyed and went to the arcade to blow off some steam. Scott eventually joined him in the arcade, watching Jackson as he played pinball and even complimenting his good shot after he won. He then attempted to break the tension between him and Jackson by pointing out that while he was well aware that neither of them wanted to be there, they didn't have to hate each other. Jackson, even more, annoyed by this point, stated that he didn't hate Scott-- he just simply didn't believe Scott's act when it came to his recently increased athleticism. Jackson then accused Scott of cheating, both at lacrosse and at bowling, and though he admitted he didn't know how Scott was doing it, he warned Scott that he hadn't given up on finding out. He ended this conversation by adding that he had no idea whether it was drugs or something weirder, but either way, he knew that it was something he didn't want Allison to know. After confirming that Scott was genuinely concerned by Jackson's threats, Jackson returned to the bowling alley to join Allison and Lydia. In Magic Bullet Jackson encountered Derek Hale in the hallway at Beacon Hills High School. He noticed that Derek was pale, sweating, and generally looked very ill because he had been shot by a wolfsbane-laced rifle shell by Kate Argent the previous night. When Derek demanded to know where Scott was, Jackson asked him why he should tell Derek anything. Derek went on to remind him that he asked nicely, which he claimed he only does once, and Jackson, seeing an opportunity to find out more about what has been going on with Scott, offered Derek a deal-- he would tell Derek where he could find Scott if Derek revealed what he's been supposedly selling Scott. Derek was confused about Jackson's line of questioning, and when Jackson began listing various performance-enhancing drugs, Derek finally realized that he thought he was selling Scott steroids. Jackson acted like Derek was stupid before retorting that he should stop "sampling the merchandise," as Derek's pale, sweaty appearance led Jackson to assume that he was strung out on drugs. Derek, annoyed by this conversation and realizing his attempt to find Scott was going nowhere, attempted to walk away, but Jackson, desperate to get the upper hand against Scott, grabbed him to stop him. Unfortunately for Jackson, Derek reversed Jackson's hold and slammed him face-first into the row of lockers, unintentionally extending his claws, which pierced through the back of Jackson's neck. Unbeknownst to either of them, Derek's claws were coated in Derek's wolfsbanel-laced blood, so not only did he introduce wolfsbane into Jackson's bloodstream, but he also inadvertently performed the memory-manipulation ritual typically only performed by Alphas that somehow shared Derek's memories of witnessing the Hale House Fire from outside. After school, Jackson was in his Porsche in the parking lot when Derek stumbled in front of Stiles' Jeep, causing a traffic jam that backed up the line of cars attempting to leave the school. Jackson, clearly annoyed by the hold-up, honked his horn several times before getting out of his car to see what was causing the traffic jam, where he saw Scott and Stiles talking to Derek and eventually helping the injured Beta into Stiles' Jeep. In The Tell, Jackson and Lydia pulled up to a video rental store and discussed their options in the car for a moment. Jackson wanted to rent Hoosiers, which is what he believed to be one of the best sports movies of all time. Lydia couldn't care less, and Jackson, who had apparently been through this argument before, immediately refused to watch The Notebook again, correctly assuming that this was the movie Lydia wanted to watch. Jackson continued to try to make his pitch for Hoosiers until he finally caved to the stare-down Lydia gave him. Jackson then entered the store, where he asked the cashier where he could find The Notebook; when he didn't get a response, Jackson decided to investigate further and realized that the man was lying dead on the floor, his throat clawed open. Jackson, completely horrified by what he was seeing, then began to hear noise coming from inside the store. He stopped and looked around for a moment, which is where he caught a glimpse of the Alpha's glowing red eyes in the shadows. He quickly ran to hide behind a row of shelves, only for the Alpha to eventually knock it down to pin Jackson face-down onto the floor. The Alpha took advantage of having trapped Jackson to get close to him, seemingly to harm him, but stopped when he saw the claw punctures from when Derek Hale accidentally stabbed him in the back of the neck. The wounds began glowing purple for reasons unknown, which seemed toward the Alpha off, causing it to run through the wall of windows, shattering the glass as it fled the store on two feet. The first responders eventually arrived at the crime scene, where Jackson and Lydia w
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Jackson Whittemore | Teen Wolf Wiki | Fandom
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Jackson Whittemore | Teen Wolf Wiki | Fandom
Jackson Whittemore | Teen Wolf Wiki | Fandom
Jackson and Scott | Teen Wolf Wikia | Fandom
Teen Wolf Jackson

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