Teen Titans Starfire Hentai

Teen Titans Starfire Hentai


"Go!" (prequel episode)
"Divide and Conquer" (written)
"Final Exam" (aired)
Hynden Walch (English)
Kouko Tsukimoto (Japanese)
Laëtitia Godès (French)
Luisa Palomanes (Brazilian Portuguese)
Susanne Herrmann (German)
Ilaria Latini (Italian)
Jung Mi-suk (Korean)
Borbála Csuha (Hungarian)
Beata Wyrąbkiewicz (Polish)
Feyza Nur Gülcüoğlu (Turkish)
Star (by Beast Boy, Cyborg and Robin)
Twinkle Star (by Mother Mae-Eye)
Troq (racist name, by Val-Yor)
Dr. Amazing Mumgon the Terrible (as a self-thought up villain alias in "Revved Up")
Alien Powerhouse (by Control Freak)
Sister Dear (by Blackfire in "Betrothed")
Kory Anders (civilian alias in the comics)
Myand'r (father)†
Luand'r (mother)†
Blackfire (older sister, disowned)
Wildfire (younger brother)
Galfore (adoptive father/guardian)
Glgrdsklechhh (ex-fiancé)
Cooking Tamaranean foods
Drinking mustard
Going to the mall
Lifting weights with Cyborg
Meditating with Raven
Spending time with Robin
Tamaranean traditions
Watching World of Fungus on TV
Watching Beast Boy eat tofu
Spending time with good friends in general
Mother Mae-Eye
Metallic chromium (allergy)
Friends arguing
Villains in general
The Gordanians
Cironielian Chrysalis Eater
Keeping secrets
Any girl romantically flirting with Robin
Being used and deceived by Blackfire
Ultraviolet energy projection
Starbolt waves
Starbolt shields
Starbolt eye-beams
Starbolt bursts
FTL flight
Extended longevity
Decelerated aging
Limited invulnerability
Immunity to intense cold and heat
Superhuman strength
Superhuman agility
Superhuman reflexes
Superhuman endurance
Superhuman durability
Superhuman stamina
Language simulation (via lip contact)
Prehensile tongue
Hand-to-hand combat
There will always be people who say mean words because you are different. And sometimes, their minds cannot be changed. But there are many more people that do not judge people based on how they look, or where they came from. Those are the people whose words truly matter.Starfire about racism in "Troq"
Starfire, sometimes "Star" (real name Princess Koriand'r) is one of the main characters of the Teen Titans series. She's an alien princess from the distant world of Tamaran, and one of the five founding members of the Teen Titans. She is also Robin's main love interest and finally becomes his girlfriend in the series finale movie.
Starfire was cared for as a child by Galfore, who first appeared in "Betrothed". Her only family of which we know in the series is her evil big sister Blackfire, who, despite having rescued her often when the two were little, despises her. Later, in the comic Teen Titans Go, it's revealed she also has a younger brother named Wildfire; he was sent away when the Gordanians attacked Tamaran. Starfire was traded as a slave by Blackfire to the Gordanians in order to bring peace to a war-torn Tamaran, after which their parents died from grief.
Starfire came to Earth as Koriand'r, a Tamaranean princess being transported by Gordanians, in exile as a slave to the Citadel. Through the use of her innate Tamaranean superhuman strength and incredible agility, she broke free from the brig aboard a Gordanian ship and landed in Jump City. While attempting to free herself of the handcuffs with which she had been laden, she ended up both destroying buildings and cars and running into four young teenagers, with whom she would later fight crime.
Raven suggested that fighting may not be the answer, and only then did Robin notice the handcuffs. Carefully, he talked the mysterious girl down and took off the handcuffs. She grabbed and kissed him to learn the English language, and warned him to leave her alone if they do not wish to be destroyed. (This falls in line with how Tamaraneans learn a spoken language through lip contact with another life form.)
Once fully released, she sought out food in the form of popcorn and candy at the local video store.
Having been tracked by the Titans, she reunited with them and fought off the wave of Gordanians sent to recapture her. Angered at Lord Trogaar's promise of destruction, she yelled at Robin, reminding him that she told him to leave her alone. The two got into an argument, but the situation was quickly defused after they apologized to each other, and the decision was made to work as a team to save the city from the Gordanians' particle weapon. The five teenagers founded the Teen Titans shortly after.
In "Sisters", Starfire was curious about Earth things.
In "Forces of Nature", after being nailed by a prank from Beast Boy that was meant for Cyborg. Starfire became angry with Beast Boy constantly ignoring him. While looking for the brother pair named Lightning and Thunder, she paired with Beast Boy continues to ignore him even rejecting his "cute kitty eye" look. But after their second fight with Thunder and Lightning, Starfire finally forgives Beast Boy for the prank.
In "Mad Mod", Starfire and the other Titans end up being caught in a never-ending school maze by Mad Mod. So they could be taught a "lesson", then end up separated; waking up, Starfire finds herself in the villain's library. She was forced to look into the hypnotizing screen. If not, she would be crushed. Until being rescued by Robin, but the duo found it harder to get out and find Beast Boy completely hypnotized. She tries her best to wake him up to no avail but is reunited with Cyborg and Raven.
In "Date with Destiny", while trying to catch the spider thief Fang, Starfire noticed that Robin got struck with him vemon saving her friend from a fall.
In "X", Starfire and others answer a call to break in and soon discover that the theft was someone that had stolen Robin's Red X suit. While fighting the new Red X, she was called cute by him but rejected his offer for a date. But the new Red X gets away back at the tower Star discusses with the gang on who he could be.
In "Betrothed", Starfire was called back to Tamaran, unaware that she is being tricked into marrying Glgrdsklechhh by her sister and the then Grand Ruler Blackfire.
In "Crash", she was talking with Robin until Beast Boy zoomed past the pair, then noticed that Cyborg was acting strange even being asked to make her stewed gruntmag but recalled the last time she did it made Cyborg very sick.
In "Haunted", Starfire was subjected to threats and yelling from Robin after claiming that she could not see Slade (who was real to Robin). Fearing for his safety, Starfire knocks Robin unconscious before taking him to the infirmary to be examined.
In "Bunny Raven... or ...How to Make A Titananimal Disappear", while dealing with the Amazing Mumbo after Raven gets sucked into the magician's hat Starfire and the others follow. Afterwards, she and the others find out that Mumbo's hat is way bigger on the inside, upon finding Raven as the villain's assistant Star was shocked Raven was turned into a rabbit calling her cute.
In "Titans East - Part 2", Starfire, along with the rest of the Teen Titans responded to Cyborg's call for help in the Titans East tower and fought Bumblebee. At the end of the episode, Más y Menos were attracted to Starfire, fighting each other over her as they bring her gifts.
In "Snowblind", while on a mission in Russia Starfire gets lost and nearly freezes to death in a snowstorm, luckily she is found and rescued by a mysterious figure, later revealed to be Red Star.
In "Hide and Seek", Starfire was mentioned by Beast Boy about being out on another mission.
In "Bunny Raven... or ...How to Make A Titananimal Disappear," she was transformed into a tigress by the villainous Mumbo. As a tiger, she loses her hair and boots. Her eyes are now feline-like and have a white underbelly and a tail. She still wears the same outfit.
Starfire is very cheerful and sweet, yet somewhat naive and considerably insecure, but her naivete is not to be mistaken for stupidity. An alien and an outsider, she is still rather new to Earth and its customs. (For example, she did not understand what a boy meant when he asked if she was "diggin' the scene" when she was at a party, and stated, confused, "I did not know we were supposed to bring shovels.") This leads to much confusion for her and others, such as the awkwardness in casually drinking mustard as a beverage, and thinking cotton candy and cotton balls are the same things. Presumably, because English is not her first language, Starfire speaks without contractions and misuses idioms (e.g. "Kick the butt!" as opposed to "Kick butt!" or "The mall of shopping" instead of "shopping mall" as well as "lobstery" instead of "crabby"). Additionally, she uses several Tamaranean nouns, such as "bumgorf" (term of endearment towards one's own child), "K'norfka" (parent or guardian), "clorbag varblernelk" (insulting term), "G'lufnog" (bless you; said after one sneezes), and "shlorvak" (dream). She also insists on sharing her own customs with other members of the team (such as providing a crown of raw meat to be worn on one's birthday), but Starfire doesn't generally take offense when they don't understand or refuse her. In one instance ("Can I Keep Him?"), she lies about a holiday celebrated by destroying drapery and blows up a window to explain an accidentally torn curtain; an act that barely registers as odd behavior by the others.
She takes friendship very seriously and is easily distressed when others, especially her friends, argue or fight. She is arguably the most social of the Titans, regularly meditating with Raven, or lifting weights with Cyborg. She can also be particularly indignant to the point of snubbing her teammates when she believes they do not care for her friendship or company. Above all, Starfire wishes to be friends with everyone she meets, and for everyone to get along. This is in part probably, as before coming to Earth, Starfire didn't have real friends apart of her adoptive father, as she mentioned in "Go!" to Robin that "nice" is not a common word in her planet and that no one had been so nice with her apart of him and her own guardian.
While naive, Starfire is extremely perceptive. As shown in "Apprentice - Part 2", while knowing Robin and Slade had similar personalities, she refused to believe he had gone to be Slade's apprentice of his own accord, spending hours looking for him. Later, she states that she "cannot live in a world where they must fight," showing that she values her friends more than anything. Starfire has also shown that she has a lot of wisdom, most notably in "Snowblind", when she got Red Star to embrace his powers. She has also taught lessons to both Cyborg and Beast Boy in the episodes "Forces of Nature" and "Deception".
She cares about each of her friends, but there is one person whom she cares more than anyone on Earth: Robin. Since the day they met, both her and Robin have had romantic feelings for each other, which are obvious to everyone including a few villains. There have been multiple hints throughout the show showing how much they care about one another (as evidenced in "Sisters", "Date with Destiny", "Betrothed", "Stranded", "Go!", and finally in Trouble in Tokyo); but Robin and Starfire didn't admit their strong romantic feelings for each other until the series finale movie Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo. At that time, they share a few scenes with each other and have attempted to kiss twice. By the end of the movie, Robin and Starfire finally reveal their feelings for each other, and they finally share a real romantic kiss. They are seen the next day holding each other's hands, confirming that they have finally become a couple.
Robin...stop talking.Starfire to Robin
Since she is still new to Earth and its customs, Robin takes the time to help her learn to adjust to life on Earth which also strengths their bond with each other. On occasion this had led to dates (or date-like events) - for example, at the beginning of "Sisters", where Robin explains to her that fireworks are not a signal of an impending attack whilst they are riding a Ferris wheel. Starfire enjoys Robin's teachings to no end, and they get along very well.
There are many hints throughout the show that they have feelings for one another. One significant example is when Robin fights Starfire and easily defeats the other Titans when Slade commands him to (The Apprentice). However, it's shown that he actively avoids battling Starfire, and when forced to face her, he refuses to strike her down even when Slade repeatedly orders him to. Robin also defies Slade's orders to be silent, saying Starfire's name before he can stop himself.
Robin is usually the first to jump in and save Starfire when she is in trouble, often catching her when she falls, or shouting her name when she is in danger. There are many times when Robin saves her from falling or being hit by something. Equally, Starfire saves Robin just as often; usually by grabbing him and flying out of danger. Since they are allies and part of a team, these acts are rarely given second thoughts, but Starfire and Robin save one another significantly more often than they save the others - but that doesn't mean that they do not care for the rest of their team, however.
Having such strong feelings for him, Starfire often gets extremely jealous when other girls flirt with Robin, such as Blackfire and Kitten, as shown in "Sisters" and "Date with Destiny" respectively. Robin has also been shown to become equally (if not more) jealous whenever Starfire appears to be interested in someone else or when boys flirt with her - Red X is a prime example, often calling her "Cutie" and flirting with her as they battle. This tends to happen more often, as it is frequently mentioned by various villains (with varying degrees of interest in) that Starfire is very beautiful - this is even noted in the opening monologue in "Transformation".
Throughout the series, there have been crucial moments to the growing bond between Robin and Starfire, even having 5 episodes that focus primarily on their feelings for one another: "Sisters," "Date with Destiny," "Betrothed," "Stranded", and "Go!." The show's finale film Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo also had their romance as a major plot point.
At first, Starfire very happy to see Blackfire; however, she soon starts to become upset as Blackfire quickly makes herself popular on the team, due to her rebellious lifestyle and a better understanding of Earth. As she tries to spend time with her friends but is blown off as they prefer to hang out with Blackfire. However, she only becomes truly upset when Blackfire is shown to be constantly flirting with Robin.
Just before leaving, however, she is stopped by Robin. She flies down to him and is about to explain to him why she has decided to leave but is suddenly attacked and kidnapped by two aliens. As the aliens are about to leave, they are attacked by Robin, who grabbed on to the underside of the ship (saying "no one's taking [her] away"). After fighting the aliens, they then learn the truth: the aliens are police, and are after a Tamaranean who has committed many crimes on their home planet: Centauri. Starfire reveals she has never been to the Centauri Moons, but Robin remembers that Blackfire has. The two realize that it's really Blackfire the aliens are after, and she came to Earth so that Starfire could take her place in jail. She then soon confronts her sister, fights her and wins. Blackfire is taken away, but not before she swears revenge.
Throughout the entire episode, Starfire is shown to be out of her mind with jealousy seeing Robin and Kitten together - she even melts a punch bowl and scares a couple when she sees Robin and Kitten dancing. When Robin finds out that the Titans are taking down Killer Moth, he immediately dumps Kitten (which makes Starfire very happy). However, to their utter surprise, Kitten reveals herself to be Killer Moth's daughter, as well as the fact that she has the controller that will release the moths.
"Betrothed" is the third episode that focuses on their relationship. Robin is extremely disturbed and distraught when Starfire announces that she is to marry someone - especially to someone that she's even never met. Upon arriving on Tamaran, Starfire is discovered to be a princess - second in line for the throne - and introduces her friends to her guardian, Galfore, and discovers her sister, Blackfire, is now ruler, as well as the person responsible for her upcoming marriage. Later, when Starfire mistakes a handsome Tamaranean for her groom, Robin's reaction of intense disapproval and comical jealousy contrasts to Galfore's approval. When Robin and the other Titans find out more about what's happening, Robin climbs to Starfire's balcony and tries to talk her out of the wedding. She tells him she has to get married for the good of her people. Starfire then tells Robin that it's better if he should not attend the wedding, knowing full well that Robin doesn't approve of the arrangement. However, before Robin can say anything, he is kidnapped. She sees that Robin is gone and sadly walks back to her room to prepare for the ceremony.
However, even though Robin can't fully see it, Starfire is not happy with the situation either, as she is forced into marrying someone she doesn't love. She is willing to go through it, though, because it will save her people. Later, after Blackfire's plot is discovered and Starfire has won the crown, she tells her people that she fought her sister because Blackfire was not best for Tamaran, but neither is she herself. She gives the crown to Galfore, knowing he will care for her planet as he cared for her. Before leaving, Starfire tells him that when she is ready to be married, "I shall choose my own husband. Who is to know? Perhaps there is a groom for me on Earth," as she bids Galfore goodbye, and Starfire walks side by side with Robin back to the ship, a clear foreshadowing of the future.
"Stranded" is the fourth episode. It is also considered to be one of the most important, as Robin and Starfire came very close to finally admitting how they truly feel about each other. At the start, the Titans are attacked by a shrieking alien monster. They are overwhelmed until only Robin and Starfire and remain able to fight. They defeat the monster, and whilst they congratulate each other, Cyborg teases Robin about his and Starfire's relationship by calling his girlfriend.
After landing, Robin starts to look for the others, and he comes across Starfire's pod first. Inside it, however, he finds a slug creature. Believing the monster to have done something to Starfire, Robin attacks it, but its slimy body makes it difficult for him to fight and it almost eats him. Luckily, Robin is saved by Starfire. He runs towards her, relieved that she's alright. But to his surprise, she doesn't act like her usual self; stand-offish and indifferent. She then says they should start looking for the others, and for the m
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Starfire (Teen Titans) - Wikipedia
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DC: The 10 Best Starfire Costumes, Ranked | CBR
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