Teen Titans Robin

Teen Titans Robin

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Boy Wonder, Teenage Thunderbolt, Nightwing, Birdie Boy, Red X
Teen Titans
Justice League
Formerly: Slade (mentor)
John and Mary Grayson (father and mother, deceased)
Batman (adoptive father and mentor)
Master Detective, Above-Average Physical Condition, Master Hand-To-Hand Combatant, Master Acrobat, Master Martial Artist, Peak Human Strength, Peak Human Endurance, Skilled Leader
Birdarangs, Collapsible Bo Staff, Smoke Bombs, Grappling Cables, Electric Discs, Explosives Discs, Sword (combo of two birdarangs)
Action movies
Being a winner
Eating pizza
Listening to music
Martial arts
Spending time with his friends/team mates
Working out
Slade (arch-enemy),
Being taken for a fool,
Failing missions,
Losing battles,
Scott Menville (English)
Takashi Onozuka (Japanese)
Mathias Kozlowski (French)
Julien HaggΓ©ge (German)
Alessio De Filippis (Italian)
GangSu-Jin (Korean)
Grzegorz Drojewski (Polish)

Robin is the leader and one of the five founding members of the Teen Titans. He is the main protagonist of the series, as well as Batman's sidekick. He is also Starfire's main love interest and later boyfriend in the series finale.
During the movie "Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo", he briefly changes into a costume with his hair down with black shades and a skinny black suit with a long jacket in order to hide from Tokyo Troopers when he was wanted for the "murder" of Saico-Tek. He took a man into an alley and switched clothes with him.
Robin is a natural born leader. In the comics and other incarnations, Robin is even toned and playful despite some outbursts of rage, such as when he learns of his parents' killer and when he eventually stops working as Batman's sidekick (a situation that is mentioned in a roundabout way in the episode Go!). However, in Teen Titans, Robin is closer to Batman; serious, stern, strict and obsessed with hunting down criminals, which is most prominently displayed in the first season. Out of all the villains the team has faced, the one that is most hated is Slade. Robin will stop at nothing to defeat Slade. Robin insists that the two are nothing alike, despite Slade's claims to the contrary. Several encounters with him have lead dangerously close to causing rifts between Robin and his friends. As the Starfire and the others pointed out, Robin must put aside his fixation on Slade and put more trust in his teammates if he wishes to resolve the threat. Another flaw Robin has is he is competitive and still a bit immature but, despite his struggles, Robin has time and again proven to be a great leader. He cares for all of his friends deeply, and will fight to the finish to defend them.
Robin was born as Richard John "Dick" Grayson to John and Mary Grayson. As a child his parents and him were a family of circus acrobats known as The Flying Graysons. While he was once preparing for a performance he overheard two gangsters who worked for a powerful crime boss named Tony Zucco attempt to extort protection money from the circus owner. The circus owner refused and the two gangsters sabotaged the trapeze wires with acid. At the next performance on the trapeze his parents were swinging from ropes. The ropes snapped and sent them to their deaths.
Robin met up with Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven when Starfire came to Earth and started destroying the city. After a brief yet fierce confrontation where even the Boy Wonder appeared to meet his match, Robin helped Starfire get free from her chains. She then kissed him to learn English. Robin and the others teamed up to find her and later fought the aliens who came to find and imprison Starfire. Shortly after defeating them, Robin gave the others communicators and later created the Teen Titans and became the leader.[1]
In Season Two, the Titans met Terra who had powers to move Earth. Robin was concerned about Terra joining the team, due to her unstable control over her powers. He tells Terra about it, but she runs away after mistakenly thinking Beast Boy revealed it to the others when Robin had actually realized the truth by himself. Upon her return, he gives her a chance to prove herself to the team, because she had somehow learned to fully control her powers. Titans Tower is soon attacked by Slade's mechanical worms, and thanks to Raven and Terra working together, they manage to stop Slade's plans.As a result, Robin fully trusts Terra and accepts her as an official Teen Titan.
Robin begins to get competitive in a fierce card game with the Titans. Suddenly, Robin, Beast Boy, and Cyborg are transported to a tournament with other male heroes, leaving Starfire and Raven wondering where they have gone. Robin competes in a game where he has to battle the other competitors. Haven beaten everyone, Robin learns the Master of Games is just using the tournament in order to capture and steal the abilities of the heroes. Robin manages to free his friends and together, they defeat the Master of Games.
After being on the team for a while, Terra betrays the Titans and deactivates the Titans Tower's security codes to allow Slade's robot commandos to enter the tower. Robin leads the Titans into a battle against Slade's robots and becomes upset that Terra has betrayed them. Not long after, Robin's alter ego,Larry, arrives from another dimension and helps the Titans stop Johnny Rancid after Robin's arm had been fractured while on his R- cycle chasing the villain. Slade and his new apprentice, Terra, appear and attack the Titans off-guard. It is revealed that Slade offered her control over her powers, something the Titans could never offer her, in exchange for her loyalty.Beast Boy manages to convince Robin to give Terra another chance. Robin fights Terra after she had taken down the other Titans, but hesitates when he tries to strike the final blow.
Terra takes advantage of this and finishes off Robin. Luckily, Robin had survived, and regrouped with the other Titans underground, who proved to only sustain minor injuries. The Titans resurfaced and prepared to fight Terra again. Terra asks Slade for help, but he mercilessly ignores her, controlling her actions via Terra's suit, which has been fitted with a device that allows Slade to physically control her. In the end, Terra realizes her mistakes, and fought against Slade but awakened a dormant volcano. She knocked him into molten lava and sent the evil mastermind to his doom, but as a consequence of this action, Terra was turned to stone.
In the third season of the show Red X returns, and this time it's not Robin in the suit. Instead of wanting to cause chaos and destroy the city, this Red X only wants Xenothium (a chemical that powers his suit) and to be "number one". Robin takes the blame on himself and goes out to stop X personally. Eventually he is brought back to the lair of a new villain, Professor Chang, and aids Robin with defeating him and freeing the rest of the Titans, though he doesn't take himself as an ally and escapes. Robin's obsessive personality get the better of him, as a mask trapped with some special dust make him see, hear and feel Slade, his old arch-enemy(who was supposedly killed by Terra a the end of season two). Though the others keep telling him that Slade isn't real, he won't listen and fight an imaginary Slade to his nearly death. While the Titans worry that he might be going crazy, Raven enters Robin's mind (seeing the death of The Flying Graysons and Robin performing his oath before Batman), creating a bond between them, and see that, in his head, Slade is real.[2]
Luckily, Robin managed to understand that what he's seeing is just a powerful illusion just in time to get out of it alive. In the episode Revolution, Robin and the Titans celebrate the fourth of July but it gets interrupted when Mad Mod takes over the city and turns it into England. While trying to stop Mad Mod, Robin is separated from the Titans and Mad Mod uses his high tech cane to drain Robin of his youth force. Mad Mod becomes young again (as he is the episode where he first appears but that was an illusion) while Robin is turned into a frail old man not strong enough to even walk. He is then held as Mod's prisoner. Eventually Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, and Cyborg had a strategy and Beast Boy stole Mad Mod's cane giving it to Robin. Robin then uses it to reverse it's aging effects turning him back to normal and Mod back to an old man.
Robin expresses deep concern for Raven, and is the one who most fully realizes that there is something she is concealing from the other Titans, saying that they have a bond from the events of Haunted, but Raven declines to tell him initially, saying there were places in her mind one should never go. The Titans are shocked when Slade resurfaces against the Titans, but is quick to engage him, though he is defeated along with the other Titans. Robin and raven fell in love in the episode "birthmark". As Robin is about to be crushed by a structure in the collapsing site, compliments of Slade, a distressed Raven taps into her inner power (or, rather, a birthday "gift" from Trigon) and stops time itself briefly. Raven then escapes with Robin, whose efforts to hold Slade back were met with little avail, instead sustaining great harm at his hand, though recovers sufficiently to save Raven from falling down into the streets, saying to her, "Let's go home," and promises her that while not all may be clear, she is safe for now and the danger is over, to which Raven comments that it has just begun."[3]
In season five, Robin and the Teen Titans are on a globe-spanning adventure, traveling far and wide to warn other heroes around the world about the Brotherhood of Evil and their evil plans. Robin, not knowing it was really Madame Rouge, gave a Titans Communicator to Hot Spot(not real), which helped the Brotherhood of Evil track down every young superhero across the globe. Ding Dong Daddy steals a briefcase from Robin, containing his most prized possession. Robin manages to recover the briefcase, with some help from Red X.[4] Robin is captured by Madame Rouge and joins some of the Honorary Titans in captivity at the Brotherhood's base. However, after reinforcements arrive with Beast Boy, Starfire, Raven and Cyborg, Robin is freed and participates in the final battle against the Brotherhood of Evil, defeating the Brotherhood of Evil with the help of the gathered Titans and Honorary Titans.[5] Robin and the other Titans return to Jump City, only to fight a white creature that can transform into its surroundings and use their respective elements as attacks against its enemies. Robin tries to convince a desperate Beast Boy that he didn't really see Terra (knowing of his obsession with seeing Slade in "Haunted"), while he himself wonders if Terra has truly returned.[6]
Nightwing is Robin's future self, who serves as the sole guardian of Jump City.[7] A break-in by Warp, a thief from 100 years in the future who returns to the past to steal a priceless clock, forces the Titans to confront this new enemy. But Starfire is accidentally thrown 20 years into the future after she snatches a part of Warp's time machine before Warp manages to reach his future. The Teen Titans have disbanded after she had left them 20 years ago. Every one of them is worse off than before, with the exception of Robin, who still enjoys fighting crime by himself. Starfire gets attacked by Warp, who needs the final piece in his time machine so he can return to his future. Robin, who has now become Nightwing, saves Starfire from Warp, but Warp escapes with the final piece needed to fix his time machine. Nightwing uses his old Titans Communicator to reunite the Titans and together they return to the museum where their troubles all started. After Warp attaches the final piece onto his time machine and opens a portal into the future, Nightwing and the rest of the reunited Titans interrupt him. The Titans, led by Nightwing, launch an all-out assault on Warp, defeating him and destroying his time machine. Before the portal can close, the future Cyborg keeps it open with his sonic cannon and begs Starfire to hurry up and return to the past to ensure that the break-up of the Teen Titans would never occur. Nightwing tells her to return the clock that Warp has stolen. Starfire begins to doubt if she could change their future but Nightwing reassures her that she need not worry. Starfire jumps through the portal, while Nightwing and the rest of the future Titans waved good bye. Nightwing has also appeared in Issue #31 of the Teen Titans Go! comics. When an evil Robin from an alternate future teams up with Warp, Nightwing somehow returns to Titans Tower and enlists help from the Teen Titans in order to fight the two villains. When Starfire and Robin fight, she whispers something indiscernible in evil Robin's ear, and he vanishes after a gasp. After Warp retreats, Nightwing goes back to his own timeline and the Teen Titans are enjoying pizza when the good Robin suddenly turns up with no memory about the battle. The evil Robin may have been the good Robin, brainwashed by Warp after returning to Robin's childhood and replacing Batman with himself as Robin's mentor.
Robin is heartbroken when he finds out Starfire had an arranged marriage, especially to a prince she had never met. Before the ceremony, Robin scales the castle walls in order to reach the balcony to try to find Starfire and convince her not to go through with the marriage. In the end, it was Robin who crashed Starfire's wedding, informing her it was a set-up. Starfire's last words of the episode were "...I shall choose my own husband. Who knows? Perhaps there is a groom for me on Earth,". Then she continues to walk back to their ship side-by-side with Robin, a clear foreshadowing of the future.[11]
Robin is forced to to take Killer Moth's bratty daughter, Kitten, to her junior prom or else Killer Moth will destroy the city with a swarm of hostile mutant moths. Starfire goes out of her mind with jealousy to have to see Robin with another girl, and so obtains a prom dress and shows up at the dance with Robin and Kitten, having found a loophole in Robin's orders to "investigate the girl". Robin is clearly happy to see her and spends a long time admiring her. When Kitten arrives, she tells Robin to "Take my arm and lead me in, and would it kill you to smile?" to which Robin forces a smile and replies "Maybe" through gritted teeth. Seeing Robin holding Kitten's arm, Starfire seethes with jealousy and is seen grinding her teeth and punching the hood of Kitten's limo so hard it crumples it and causes the opposite side to lift into the air. Later, while she watches Robin and Kitten dancing, she becomes so angry, her powers activate, and she melts the punch bowl. When Robin is given the ultimatum of either having the city destroyed or having to make out with Kitten, he refuses by saying, "Not even if you paid me!" delighting Starfire. As they battle for the Moths' control, Kitten's ex-boyfriend, Fang, attacks from behind, shouting, "Get your hands OFF MY GIRL." As Robin falls to the ground, Starfire shoots a starbolt at Fang, replying, "Keep your LEGS OFF MY BOY!" In the end when Kitten, Fang, and Killer Moth are being taken away, the DJ pronounces Robin and Starfire Prom King and Queen. While looking at each other in shock, Robin replies, "I guess one more dance wouldn't kill me." Then Starfire takes Robin's hand and he leads her onto the dance floor willingly, a marked difference from earlier, where Kitten had to force him to dance.[12]
In Apprentice - Part 2, it is seen many times that when Robin battles the Titans on the Wayne Enterprises building, he avoids battling Starfire. Robin instead battles the other Titans. When it looks as if he will battle Starfire, he goes to battle the Titan next to her. Then, when Slade tells Robin to use his new thermal blaster, Robin aims it at Starfire, who has a starbolt aimed at him. Before he can fire it, Starfire states "Robin, you are my best friend. I can not live in a world where we must fight. If you are truly evil go ahead, do what you must.",then lowers her starbolt, indicating she will go without a fight. Robin then lowers the blaster, and says "Starfire, no... I." This shows that Robin feels differently about her than about the other Titans, considering he would talk to her (which was disobeying Slade) and not to the others. After Robin and the others defeat Slade and go back to Titans Tower, Robin goes to Starfire, who looks upset, to ask if everything is ok. Starfire gives an apology to Robin, saying "I'm sorry." Robin interupts her apology by saying "You're sorry?"with a shocked look on his face. Starfire continues her apology by explaining why she is sorry, stating "When things were bad, there was a moment where I truly believed that you were, like Slade. I doubted you, and for that, I am sorry." Robin admits that he and Slade are alike, but the difference between him and Slade is that Slade doesn't have any friends, which makes Starfire's face light up and the two have a touching moment.
Robin, annoyed at the teasing from the others, hurts Starfire by proclaiming, she is not his girlfriend. Misunderstanding, she takes it to mean she is not his friend at all, and her emotions become so troubled, her powers stop working. Shortly afterwards, the two fall off crumbling cliffs on an isolated planet and Robin saves Starfire when she reveals that she can't fly. They end up stuck in a cave where they begin to talk about how they felt for each other, during which Robin goes so far as to admit that he thinks that "it's awesome the way [she] shoots starbolts" and that "it's cool that [she's] brave and the strongest girl ever". Starfire then asks him if he minds having a friend who is a girl. It is assumed that he is about to say that he likes it before they are interrupted by a vicious alien monster. It is only after Robin takes her hand admits that "as long as [they're] together, it'll be okay" that Starfire is once again able to use her powers again. After the monster has fallen down, Starfire flies with Robin towards the ground and the two share a heartwarming hug.[13]
|Teen Titans Go!]], #Issue 47, after the events of Trouble In Tokyo. It was a sorrowful day for Robin, as it was the anniversary of his parents' deaths, and Robin had been close to tears for the entire story. Raven later goes onto the pier and sees Robin without his mask on, crying. She comforts him, allowing him to vent. Later he says that she helps him remember there's more to life than fighting crime. At the end of the story, they kiss, much to Batman's happiness, knowing that Robin will be fine with Raven.
However, it can be obviously seen that the series heavily implies a romantic relationship between Robin and Raven, rather than with Starfire. , and they have many other scenes that have romantic overtones (
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