Teen Titans Go Robin And Starfire

Teen Titans Go Robin And Starfire


Below are the known relationships of Starfire throughout the series.
Robin has a huge romantic crush on Starfire, which borderlines nearly on obsessive love. Throughout the series, he resorts to every means possible to win her over. But for most of the time she only treats him as a normal friend (although she finds it difficult sometimes due to Robin's bossiness) and does not reciprocate any romantic feelings for him.
In "Driver's Ed", while the others (including Starfire) tease and laugh at Robin's poor results of his driving test, Starfire comforts Robin with "It is okay, Robin. Everyone fails the test of driving", though it doesn't help.
In "Ghostboy", Robin's death was the only death out of all the Titans that made Starfire tear up, showing that Starfire really cares for him.
In "Starfire the Terrible", it is revealed that Starfire does have feelings for Robin, as she shows up about to give him flowers but to her jealousy, he is pretending to kiss the moon, however, when Robin was kissing the moon, he was thinking of Starfire, much to her misunderstanding. In the same episode, she really wanted to be Robin's nemesis so that he would feel better and feel like a "true" hero.
In "Breakfast Cheese", she is elated to see Robin using a means of peace, via flowers, to defeat his enemies, just like she had taught him and the other Titans. Overall, they seem to be close friends, but their romantic relationship hasn't evolved.
In "Be Mine", she accepts Robin when he asks her to be his Valentine. Then at the Valentines dance, Starfire gives Robin a little kiss on the cheek, much to his elation. Her actual feelings for Robin remain unknown after she said she loved him like "the brother."
In "Sidekick", when Starfire dresses up in a bat costume, Robin uncontrollably drools at the sight of her.
In "Uncle Jokes", she finds comfort in Robin's arms after Beast Boy and Cyborg kicked her out of their comedic trio. In Grandma Voice she becomes very alert when Robin falls through the window. In many episodes she is seen with a Robin doll on her bed but this could be because she has a lot of superhero dolls. In the episode "Puppets, Whaaaaat?", at the end after once again the Titans call him a freak for playing his puppets and making kissing sounds thus leaving, Starfire remained at the doorway watching even after the others left. It is also seen that she has a stuffed animal of Robin on her bed.
In "I See You", Robin brings Starfire on a criminal watch (aka "stakeout") which is actually just a trick to get her to kiss him. She never kisses him, but they do find Doctor Light and defeat him. Afterwards, Robin admits to Starfire that the whole thing was a trick to get her to kiss him. She then becomes very angry at him, but Robin quickly redeems himself by saying she turned out to be a great detective. After that being told that, she was calmed and tells Robin not to mess with her alternate disguise, "The Jeff".
Also in "Salty Codgers", Robin and Starfire (when old) were seen slow dancing together.
In "Slumber Party" Robin dares Starfire to date, marry, and form a family with him. But Starfire says that she was going to pick truth. Embarrassed, Robin ask her if she will do all those things but she says "no". Robin gets upset and gets in the blanket fort and starts crying while the Titans stare at him.
In "Baby Hands", Robin says that Starfire is his girlfriend and that's why she is in the team after having his team's memories erased. Robin continues to insist this but Starfire rejects, ignores, and punches Robin. She was not even fazed or shocked when Robin confessed that she is not his girlfriend. She also joins in the other Titans in making fun of his baby hands.
In "Sandwich Thief", Robin asked if she loved him on a lie detector and she says yes, but it turns out she has lied. She claims she did not want to hurt his feelings which is a true statement. She also says couldn't learn to love him or under any circumstances try to go out with him which both turned up as true. However, this may have changed entirely upon seeing his face in "The Mask", she is the most enthusiastic in seeing his "handsome" face, and even swoons when looking at him.
In "Thanksgiving", Starfire is the only person out of the Titans to see if Robin was alright after the dinner disaster. She also states that she is thankful that he is their leader which cheers him up.
In "Let's Get Serious" in their serious forms, Starfire tells Robin that she has something important to say to him, but Robin interrupts her twice, leaving her saddened.
In "The Return of Slade", it was said that Robin and Starfire kissed after defeating Slade; although it was off screen.
In "Cat's Fancy", Robin is about to explain his love for Starfire, until she sees a cat that she named as Nibbles. Robin then assumed that he'd need to become a cat for Starfire to love him. They have fun together until Robin realizes something: Starfire loves him, but only as a "cat lady". Robin scares the kittens away and throws a can over to Starfire saying that the kittens sadly left. Starfire cries because of the kittens, but Robin cheers her up by dressing up as a puppy. They have fun together again, until Robin gets hit by a car.
In the episode "A Farce" it is shown that Starfire likes Robin only like a brother.
In the episode "Batman vs. Teen Titans: Dark Injustice", Starfire played a April Fools' Day prank on Robin. She pretended she wanted to kiss him. Surprised and starstruck, Robin puckers up for the kiss but as soon as Starfire and Robin's lips were about to touch Starfire punches him in the stomach so hard that Robin falls onto the ground. Later, when Robin claimed he will go solo as Nightwing Starfire complimented his long hair and mentioned how beautiful it was. As Nightwing and Starfire were about to kiss they look at (along with the rest of the Titans) at the camera and said "April Fools!"
In the "The Art of Ninjutsu", Starfire finally tells Robin that he's truly the Ninja Master. She also said that she'd been wrong for rejecting his affections for her and is in love with him. Robin cries tears of joy and they hugged. He also said that he knew that they'd end up together and Starfire shushed him and they were about to kiss, but then, her face was taken off, revealing that it was really Beast Boy in disguise, much to Robin's shock and sadness.
In the episode "Booty Scooty" it is shown that she likes and is attracted to his butt and it shows that she thinks he has a nice butt in some episodes.
In "The Avogodo", Starfire feels sorry for Robin at the end when he is confined in a glass tube so she asked if she could get anything for him, and gives him a smile before leaving him behind.
In "Thanksgetting", however, she directly proclaims that she’s not thankful for Robin’s stinky attitude.
In "Beast Girl", Starfire is bewildered when Robin pushes her male counterpart (whom she takes quite a liking to until having a close-up look into his face and starts laughing) out of Madame Rouge’s palace, further confirming that she doesn’t understand Robin’s crush towards her.
In "Quantum Fun", Starfire is the only Titan who looked worried for Robin when he looked depressed in the beginning of the episode.
In "I Used to Be a Peoples", Starfire is offended by Robin who trespasses into her room and decides to punish him as a secret agent by activating the time bomb inside her secret diary, and is glad that she has managed to thwart his plan.
In "Little Elvis", after Starfire herself is afflicted by the sin "hatred", she appears to be infuriated towards Robin and blasts him with her bolts.
In "The Bergerac", Starfire is repeatedly revolted by Robin's abs located on his different body parts and even vomits upon seeing them.
In "Butt Atoms", Starfire sacrifices herself twice for Robin, thus turning into a toot mutant (zombie) for two times.
In "Bat Scouts", when Robin implies his crush on her with "tie the knot", Starfire allusively rejects him and even misdirect him to prank him by hanging him up with a rope around his wrist.
In "Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star: Justice League's Edition", Starfire refuses to play the drum for Robin, but he ignores her refusal, much to her frustration.
In "Where Exactly on the Globe is Carl Sanpedro? - Part 1", Starfire is the only Titan who is happy for Robin's decision to stay at Berto's house.
In "TV Knight 6", Starfire chooses Robin over L' Quaseus P and L' Quaseus N, much to his happiness, but later much to his shock and fear, he is only chosen by Starfire to be eaten by The Dreaded Plorbnorf.
In "Lucky Stars" Starfire finally agrees to go on a date with Robin after Raven tells her horoscope. Starfire also accepts a bouquet of roses that Robin gives her. But soon enough, she falls in love with a plate of beef wellington, much to Robin's jealousy and sadness.
In "Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star: Dance Crew Edition", when Starfire and Raven refuse to let Robin join in their baseball dance crew, he sadly tells Starfire that they must have some sort of connection, but she still rejects him and he once again cries.
In "BBRAEBDAY", Starfire showed concern when Uncle Grim killed Robin.
In "I Am Chair", Starfire showed significant concern when the chair took over Robin's body.
In "Dog Hand", Starfire says to Raven's father, redundantly, that she is Raven's best female friend within the Teen Titans.
However, in "Girl's Night Out", despite her initial reluctance to join, Raven joins Starfire and Jinx in a girl's night out and they all have a really good time.
In "Artful Dodgers", they sing a duet "Team Titans" (spoofed off the original "Teen Titans" theme song, yet shorter and with different animations.)
At the end of "Colors of Raven", Starfire gave a little speech about Raven, how it is possible under that "dark" appearance could exist a mix of happy, scared, loving, angry and lazy emotions inside. As well in that episode Raven happy side spend time with Starfire (and Cyborg) the most.
In "Caged Tiger", Raven and Starfire have enough with the boys’ stupidity and decide to wait for them on the roof so as to fight Doctor Light, but they end up spending time with him and almost change him for good until the boys interrupted and beat him up, which ultimately ruin their friendship with him.
In "Love Monsters", Raven warns Starfire that not everything can be solved with affection and told her not to open the chest containing Twin Destroyers of Azarath. Nevertheless, Starfire quickly neglects Raven’s warning and unintentionally causes the monsters to become stronger. After Starfire gives out insults which weakens the monsters, Raven is proud of how Starfire is mean to the cuteness she can’t handle, but Starfire still gets snapped by her and the boys before giving out a kiss to the monsters again.
In "Cool School", when Rose Wilson is holding the Titans at sword-point, Starfire tells Raven that they may not be cool but they are her friends. This displays how Starfire cares for Raven.
In "Nean", when Starfire asks Raven to attend the chili wedding despite knowing the latter has doubts to her engagement with the chili, Raven rejects by snapping at Starfire at first but then her “nice form” makes her supportive to Starfire’s chili wedding. Nevertheless, Raven still accomplishes in interrupting the wedding and remarking its dumbness, and after Starfire announces that she doesn’t love the chili and thanks Raven, the girls share a hug.
In "Knowledge", after Starfire misunderstands yet another Earth saying, Raven offers to teach Starfire about earth customs. She sings Mean What'cha Say to her, to educate her about earth sayings and how they are not to be treated literally. Starfire is very grateful for Raven's lesson, but the following day she still has not gotten the hang of it. To speed things up, Raven gives Starfire a magical necklace which would give Starfire knowledge. However the necklace fills Starfire's head with too much knowledge and turns her into a genius, where she begins to recite facts to ruin all of the other Titans' fun, including several of Raven's past times. Eventually they discover Starfire's head has swelled up with knowledge and is on the verge of exploding, to which Raven admits it is all her fault. She joins the other Titans to shrink down into the T-Sub and journey into Starfire's mind to destroy the knowledge and save her. After destroying Starfire's Knowledge, Raven apologizes to Starfire and she forgives her.
In "Boys vs Girls", they both teamed up with each other (due to being the only females in Titans Tower) to compete against the male Titans to prove which gender is more superior than the other. Together, they worked as a team and won every challenge effortlessly, sealing the bet. They both can be quite annoyed with the boys whenever they act disgusting or arrogant.
In "Dignity of Teeth", she, along with the other Titans, decide to ignore Raven's advice about teeth having the source of dignity and lose all their teeth forever until they have nothing but gums. The Titans need to spend more money, so they attempted to "borrow" Raven's. Starfire attempted to suck Raven's teeth out with a mini-vacuum. They eventually get their teeth back and apologize for letting their greed get the best of their smiles. She, along with the other Titans, look in disgust as Raven eats salted teeth.
In "Operation Dude Rescue", when Ravager insults Starfire by calling her "Princess", Raven defends her getting into an argument with Rose.
In "The True Meaning of Christmas", when the Titans split up to search for the Naughty List, Raven and Starfire are immediately tempted to eat everything in the house of Gingerbread Man owing to their common love of gingerbread, and later the two have an enjoyable experience... devouring the whole house as well as the poor Gingerbread Man...
In "Teen Titans Save Christmas", Raven willingly teams up with Starfire as Christmas elves when Robin assigns them to be the ones to make toys and later they comply with Robin's order on battling with Santa Claus.
In "BBSFBDAY", Raven gives the movie tickets that were supposed for Beast Boy to Starfire and offers Starfire to watch a movie about the guys whose moms have the same name, which unknowingly makes Beast Boy jealous.
In "BBCYFSHIPBDAY", Raven and Starfire teamed up with Robin so as to help Beast Boy and Cyborg to become best bros again, but their efforts died in vain. Luckily, after Beast Boy and Cyborg reconciled with each other and defeated Cinderblock with their reborn Friendship Friend, the girls and Robin finally realized that friendship can’t be forced and to celebrate the rebirth of the Friendship Friend of Beast Boy and Cyborg, they had a party with the male Titans.
In "Bro-Pocalypse", both girls equally find the boys' "bro-out" repulsive and nonsensical. When all the male Titans carelessly injure themselves, Starfire and Raven accompany each other and head to Mount Bro-suvius in order to prevent the Bro-Pocalypse from occurring. At the outset, they act like bros quite unnaturally, yet as their adventure progress, they behave more and more similar to bros, and they even manage to stop the apocalypse regardless bickering earlier, until the boys who come out of nowhere reach the mountain top and ruin their experience of being bros.
In "The Scoop!", she grieves after Raven sends her waffle maker into the trash can, feels uneasy when Raven and the boys disapprove her bonding with the scoop and even she goes as far as kidnapping Raven and the boys to coerce them to tell where has the scoop gone before Raven and the boys approve her relationship with the object. The brighter note is that she still forgives Raven and the boys in the end.
In "The Groover", Starfire gets dissuaded from rescuing by Raven who claims that Robin deserves comeuppance and never questions Raven's illogical thought.
In "Slapping Butts and Celebrating for No Reason", Starfire bonds with Raven by slapping each other's butts.
In "Nostalgia is Not a Substitute for an Actual Story", Starfire thanks Raven who compliments her hairstyle. She also heeds Raven's advice on thanking the two 80s girls who like her hair, although she ends up misinterpreting it.
In "Lil' Dimples", Raven is being comforted by Starfire who tells her that her father is the problem. Starfire later also advises Raven on not to force herself too hard when the latter practices the dance routine.
In "Strength of a Grown Man", it is shown that Starfire and Raven enjoy having tea parties together.
In "Girls Night In", Raven can't agree with Starfire's excitement regarding on Blackfire's visit and warns her that Blackfire merely schemes to conquer Earth during their night out with the other girls. However, she does feel pitiful for Starfire who has been denounced by Blackfire, and along with the other girls, ultimately assists Starfire on defeating Blackfire.
In "Beast Boy on a Shelf", Starfire and Raven bond over drawing a derogatory doodle of Santa Claus with their markers on the wall.
In "Bat Scouts", Starfire gives Raven, Cyborg and Beast Boy each a friendship bracelet she has made, which Raven finds it cool in return.
In "Pie Bros", Starfire volunteers to organize Cyborg's birthday. It was shown in "Terra-ized" that she and Cyborg enjoy watching morning talk shows together. Starfire is usually willing to play along in Cyborg's silly games and dances (She sang along in the "So Wrong" song, and participated in the Meatball Parties he threw). In "Uncle Jokes", she also sang along in the Uncle Jokes rap. When forced to kick her out of the comedic trio, Cyborg was seen crying.
In "Hose Water", both of them are entranced by the baby bird hatching out of the egg, which inspires the two of them to explore their inner-child. The two engage in exceedingly childish activities throughout the episode, including setting up a fort from pillows, face painting, and drinking hose water. Their excessive childishness eventually leads them to regress to a younger age and get transformed into eggs.
In "Secret Garden," Starfire helps Cyborg to get his stress out by showing him secret garden of peace and quiet. After Starfire goes into a rage he makes another garden for her and apologizes to her to make her feel better. She forgives him for that. This shows that Cyborg and Starfire have a healthy relationship and they both care for each other’s feelings.
In "How 'Bout Some Effort" she cares about Cyborg's and Jinx relationship.
In "Shrimps and Prime Rib", Cyborg and Starfire happily make some paper dolls to cover a camera inside The Brain's Headquarters.
In "Booby Trap House", Cyborg and Starfire not only enjoy making bird sounds, but they are also insane enough to plant the whole tower with dangerous booby traps when Robin goes on a trip with Beast Boy and Raven. They believe that they are behaving like adults, even after their
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