Teen Titans

Teen Titans


Created by: Bob Haney, Bruno Premiani
First appearance: The Brave and the …
Leader(s): Robin (leader of the Teen …
Publisher: DC Comics
The Teen Titans are a fictional superhero team appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, frequently in eponymous monthly series. As the group's name indicates, the members are teenage superheroes, many of whom have acted as sidekicks to DC's premier superheroes in the Justice League. The original team later becomes known as the Titans when the members age out of th…
The Teen Titans are a fictional superhero team appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, frequently in eponymous monthly series. As the group's name indicates, the members are teenage superheroes, many of whom have acted as sidekicks to DC's premier superheroes in the Justice League. The original team later becomes known as the Titans when the members age out of their teenage years, while the Teen Titans name is continued by subsequent generations of young heroes. First appearing in 1964 in The Brave and the Bold #54, the team was formed by Kid Flash (Wally West), Robin (Dick Grayson), and Aqualad (Garth) before adopting the name Teen Titans in issue 60 with the addition of Wonder Girl (Donna Troy) to their ranks.

Over the decades, DC has cancelled and relaunched Teen Titans many times, and a variety of characters have been featured heroes in its pages. Significant early additions to the initial quartet of Titans were Speedy (Roy Harper), Aquagirl (Tula), the Bumblebee (Karen Beecher), the Hawk (Hank Hall), the Dove (Don Hall), the Harlequin (Duela Dent), and three non-costumed heroes: boxer Mal Duncan, psychic Lilith, and caveman Gnarrk. The series would not become a genuine hit until its 1980s revival as The New Teen Titans under writer Marv Wolfman and artist George Pérez. This run depicted the original Titans now as young adults and introduced new characters Cyborg (Victor Stone), Starfire (Koriand'r), and Raven (Rachel Roth), as well as the former Doom Patrol member Beast Boy (Garfield Logan) under his new alias of the Changeling, who would all become enduring fan favorites. A high point for the series both critically and commercially was its "The Judas Contract" storyline, where the Teen Titans are betrayed by their teammate Terra (Tara Markov).

The 1990s featured a Teen Titans team composed entirely of new members before the previous members returned in the series Titans, which ran from the late 1990s to the early 2000s. Subsequent stories in the 2000s introduced a radically different Teen Titans team made up of newer DC Comics sidekicks such as Robin III (Tim Drake), Wonder Girl II (Cassie Sandsmark), and Impulse / Kid Flash II (Bart Allen), as well as Superboy (Kon-El), some of whom had previously featured in the similar title Young Justice. Later prominent additions from this era included Miss Martian (M'gann M'orzz), the Ravager (Rose Wilson), Supergirl (Kara Zor-El), and the Blue Beetle III (Jaime Reyes). Concurrently, DC also published Titans, which featured some of the original and 1980s members now as adults, led by Dick Grayson in his adult persona of Nightwing. DC's The New 52 reboot in 2011 later brought new characters to the founding roster, including Solstice (Kiran Singh), Bunker (Miguel Jose Barragan), and Skitter (Celine Patterson), although this volume proved commercially and critically disappointing for DC. In 2016, DC used the Titans Hunt and DC Rebirth storylines to re-establish the group's original founding members and history, reuniting these classic heroes as the Titans, while introducing a new generation of Teen Titans led by Robin V (Damian Wayne) with Aqualad II (Jackson Hyde) and Kid Flash III (Wallace West) as the team's latest members alongside team mainstays Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy.

The Teen Titans have been adapted to other media numerous times, and have enjoyed a higher profile since Cartoon Network's animated series in the early-mid 2000s and its DC Nation spin-off Teen Titans Go!, both of which featured Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy as the primary members of the team. A live action series premiered on DC Universe in 2018. Its characters and stories were also adapted into the 2010s animated series Young Justice. Within DC Comics, the Teen Titans have been an influential group of characters taking prominent roles in all of the publisher's major company-wide crossover stories. Many villains who face the Titans have since taken on a larger role within the publisher's fictional universe, such as the assassin Deathstroke, the demon Trigon, and the evil organization the H.I.V.E.
Перевести · 19.07.2003 · Created by David Slack, Bob Haney, Bruno Premiani. With Hynden Walch, Greg Cipes, Scott …
Raven Opens Her Birthday Gifts - Teen Titans Go! "BBRAEBDAY"
BBRAEBDAY - Beast Boy & Raven Celebrate In Azarath
Teen Titans vs Worm Robot - Teen Titans "Titans Rising"
Beast Boy Saves Raven's Birthday Party - Teen Titans Go! "BBRAEBDAY"
Growing up Teen Titans Go! ❤ 2021 NEW! Characters in a wedding dress.
The Teen Titans Disappearing One by One - Teen Titans "Fear Itself"
Teen Titans (2003–2006) A team of five teenaged superheroes save the world from many villains around their city while experiencing things normal teens face today.
Who are the members of the Teen Titans?
Who are the members of the Teen Titans?
The Teen Titans are a fictional superhero team appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, frequently in eponymous monthly series. As the group's name indicates, the members are teenage superheroes, many of whom have acted as sidekicks to DC's premier superheroes in the Justice League.
The original team later becomes known as the Titans when the members age out of their teenage years, while the Teen Titans name is continued by subsequent generations of young heroes.
Teen Titans Go! games feature hilarious, all-new adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. Sure, they're still superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're done fighting crime? They love to have fun and goof off, but they also have to deal with the issues of being five teen roommates, whether that's chores and ...
Авторство: Боб Хэйни, Бруно …
Вселенная: DC Comics
Первое появление: The Brave and the …
Тип: Команда юных супергероев
Юные Титаны (англ. Teen Titans), также известные как Новые Юные Титаны (New Teen Titans), Новые Титаны (New Titans) или просто Титаны (Titans) — вымышленная команда супергероев из комиксов издательства DC Comics, а также многочисленные одноимённые серии комиксов об этой команде. Как следует из названия, большинство участников этого отряда — подростк…
Юные Титаны (англ. Teen Titans), также известные как Новые Юные Титаны (New Teen Titans), Новые Титаны (New Titans) или просто Титаны (Titans) — вымышленная команда супергероев из комиксов издательства DC Comics, а также многочисленные одноимённые серии комиксов об этой команде. Как следует из названия, большинство участников этого отряда — подростки-супергерои.

Первый вариант команды дебютировал в «The Brave and the Bold» #54 (1964) как подростковый вариант Лиги Справедливости в составе Робина (Дик Грейсон), Кид Флэша (Уолли Уэст) и Аквалэда, юных помощников участников Лиги Бэтмена, Флэша и Аквамена. Под своим оригинальным названием группа впервые появилась в «The Brave and the Bold» #60, где к ней присоединилась Чудо-девочка (Донна Трой), младшая сестра Чудо-женщины . Помощник Зелёной стрелы, Спиди (Рой Харпер), позднее занял в команде место Аквалэда.
Wikipedia · Текст по лицензии CC-BY-SA
Other versions
The Teen Titans are a group of teenage heroes who keep the world safe from the clutches of evil. The main group of the Titans comprises of the founding members, although there are two …
Юные титаны — американский мультсериал, созданный Гленом Мураками на основе …
Композитор: Кристофер Картер · Лолита Ритманис · Майкл Маккистион
Трансляция: 19 июля 2003 года — 15 сентября 2006 года
Данные предоставлены: Wikipedia · Freebase
Текст из Википедии, лицензия CC-BY-SA
Перевести · 12.08.2020 · Teen Titans Go! videos feature hilarious, all-new adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. Watch free Teen Titans …
Перевести · 16.03.2019 · Superheroes often have to create a secret identity, but the Teen Titans …
Перевести · 13.04.2019 · Is not easy to be part of the Titans! It requires hard …
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Юные Титаны (англ. Teen Titans), также известные как Новые Юные Титаны (New Teen Titans), Новые Титаны (New Titans) или просто Титаны (Titans) — вымышленная команда супергероев из комиксов издательства DC Comics, а также многочисленные одноимённые серии комиксов об этой команде. Как следует из названия, большинство участников этого отряда — подростки-супергерои.

Рекламная обложка Teen Titans vol. 3, #50, От Alé Garza.
Изображены: Синий жук, Опустошитель, Чудо-девушка, Красный Робин, Кид Дэвил, Мисс Марсианка, Супергёрл
Башня Титанов:
Нью-Йорк (1980—1991, 1999—2002)
Сан-Франциско (2003— н. в.)
Солнечная башня, Метрополис (1997—1998), USS Argus, земная орбита (1994—1995), База на Острове Свободы, Нью-Джерси (1991—1994), Рог Габриэль, Фармингдэйл, Лонг-Айленд (1976), Убежище Титанов, Готэм-сити (1966—1976)
Первый вариант команды дебютировал в «The Brave and the Bold» #54 (1964) как подростковый вариант Лиги Справедливости в составе Робина (Дик Грейсон), Кид Флэша (Уолли Уэст) и Аквалэда, юных помощников участников Лиги Бэтмена, Флэша и Аквамена. Под своим оригинальным названием группа впервые появилась в «The Brave and the Bold» #60, где к ней присоединилась Чудо-девочка (Донна Трой), младшая сестра Чудо-женщины[1]. Помощник Зелёной стрелы, Спиди (Рой Харпер), позднее занял в команде место Аквалэда.
↑ Чудо-девочка обращается к матери Чудо-женщины, королеве Ипполите[en] как к «матери» во время своих первых появлений в «The Brave and the Bold» #60 и «Showcase» #59.
Содержание доступно по лицензии CC BY-SA 3.0 (если не указано иное).

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