Teen Tech

Teen Tech


TeenTech run engaging, hands-on, sharply focused events helping young people understand the real opportunities in contemporary industry.
Our Festival Days bring together students from up to 50 schools across a region and up to 150 industry specialists from a wide range of companies for a day of hands-on challenges and experiments.
Watch our video from the 2018 TeenTech Festival Day at The Emirates on YouTube.
We look forward to resuming our Festival Days when it is possible for us to do so. In the meantime, take a look at TeenTech Live, our virtual offering.
TeenTech Live brings the exciting world of science and technology to your school or home.
Hosted by well-known science and technology reporters, our interactive sessions are fun, engaging and provide real context to learning, helping young people understand more about careers and the way exciting emerging technology is shaping all aspects of our lives.
TeenTech Live meets Gatsby benchmarks and has been highly praised by teachers, parents and students.
Our virtual sessions last an hour and students then have the option to work on short challenges or projects and participate in a follow-up feedback session with industry experts. We have sessions suitable for all ages, interests and abilities.
These are our in-school events which offer young people insight into contemporary industry and the skills and personal qualities they need to succeed. We are offering these virtually at this time. Please do get in touch to learn more.

We are an award winning charity, founded in 2008 by Maggie Philbin and Chris Dodson to help students see the wide range of career possibilities within science, technology and engineering. Our programmes are structured to guide students through key academic choices with a coherent journey through age appropriate interventions and continued opportunities even beyond our initiatives to gain experience, knowledge and skills.
We have won several awards including Best Engineering Event in Science and Engineering Week and has been recognised for the quality of our work to improve diversity by WISE, who presented CEO Maggie Philbin with an award for Best Outreach and Engagement.
Our alumni shine nationally and internationally, acting as powerful TeenTech ambassadors, helping thousands more young people recognise and develop their potential.
Maggie Philbin has worked for over 30 years as a science and technology reporter, from Tomorrow’s World to Bang Goes The Theory. She has consistently worked to help improve diversity in Science, Technology and Engineering and co-founded TeenTech in 2008. She is President of the Institute of Engineering Design, Chair of the UK Digital Skills Taskforce, serves on the STEM Commission for Haringey and is an honorary member of the Women’s Engineering Society.
Britain is in the midst of another industrial revolution and only by engendering the spirit that allowed us to thrive so well in the first will we succeed in the next. For this to happen we need our young people to see technology and related applied sciences as a future not which they might just benefit from but which they can help create. If you have the right skills, if you have the right network, if you have the right attitude, this is a time of opportunity. We have to make sure we equip everyone in the UK for the digital revolution. Not just a fortunate few.
Andy started his career at Aardmann Features before joining the BBC as part of their move to develop online services. He has been at the forefront of technical and editorial development surrounding online and interactive services ever since. Currently Head of Business Development for The Digital Production Partnership, Andy joined the DPP from his role on BBC Make it Digital, where as Partnership Lead he led a collaboration between 54 partners, all helping to deliver one of the BBC’s most ambitious education initiatives in 30 years. Prior to this he was the Head of the BBC College of Technology, overseeing all training and development for technology, software engineering and enterprise systems for the BBC.
The UK needs the best talent to help us to innovate and create new technologies and products for the future. TeenTech’s unique blend of showcase events and a challenging awards competition helps to inspire children about careers in science, technology, engineering and maths. TeenTech’s diverse challenges enable children to develop their own ideas to solve problems from a range of sectors, helping them to learn what it takes to develop, invent and prototype solutions. Aided by fantastic partner organisations, TeenTech helps to shine a light on the opportunities that technical careers offer young people. I’m grateful for the opportunity to help TeenTech to continue to grow and to be able to inspire the next generation of inventors, scientists and digital creatives.
Darren is the Head of Cyber Security Strategy at CyberCube Analytics, a software company providing analytic tools to the Cyber Insurance industry. Previously, Darren served as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Vice-President of Technology at Symantec Corp. where he had overall technical responsibility for strategic propositions at Symantec. His current responsibilities touch on software engineering, security strategy and the design and modelling of cyber disaster scenarios, used within the insurance industry to model financial risk. Darren is a regular contributor to various media publications and appears regularly on podcasts, television and radio programmes.
I’m passionate about the cause and the methods employed at TeenTech and, in particular, I’ve always been impressed by the way the TeenTech Awards not only encourage students to develop high-quality tech projects but to become powerful ambassadors for the industry. At Symantec, we have continued to work with winners from previous years giving them opportunities to further develop their technical skills and explore the range of career possibilities that are available to them in the IT sector. I’m very proud and honoured to be part of the team.
Fiona is an award-winning marketer, with over 15 years’ marketing programme management experience predominantly in the technology sector, for a diverse range of companies from IBM to start-ups. Fiona has worked in the UK and overseas, with international leadership roles covering Asia Pacific, Europe and the US. Her commercial sector experience has included a global role for the academic market, where she successfully established an industry-recognised programme for the university sector. Most recently Fiona worked at Alton Convent School, Hampshire as Development Director, where she drafted and collaboratively delivered the schools inaugural science and technology outreach programme – a community-wide effort to generate awareness, interest and demand for opportunities in the sector.
TeenTech was instrumental to the cultural transformation which took place at Alton Convent School. The programme provided a powerful framework to build mutually beneficial relationships with other schools and businesses – locally and internationally, – opening the eyes of all to a plethora of exciting possibilities. Through TeenTech, core skills of tenacity, communication and teamwork were further developed, recognised and celebrated. The students gained a ‘hands on’ understanding of the end to end process of technology development from initial concept, research and development, to marketing and finance. An insightful precursor to traditional work experience, creating an informed talent pipeline. The reach and impact extended significantly beyond the direct participants to the wider community of pupils, parents and teachers. I am delighted to support TeenTech’s mission to inspire the next generation of innovators – I have seen first hand the difference it can make.
Beverley is a CFO and Vice President at Burberry. Previously she was Group Finance Director at the BBC where she enjoyed a 20 year career. She has a non-executive role as a Crown Representative in the Cabinet Office helping central government manage their strategic relationships in the IT sector. She is also an experienced charity trustee and was Trustee and Audit Committee Chair for BBC Children in Need for 10 years and is now an independent member of the Audit Committee of BAFTA and of Plan UK, part of the international children’s charity. She qualified as an accountant with Ernst & Young and is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAEW) and a fellow and Trustee of the Chartered Institute of Procurement (CIPS).
Sandra has extensive experience of building relationships between schools, businesses and the local community. Whilst Director of Humber Education Business Partnership she collaborated with us from 2011, helping to take TeenTech from a local initiative to one running nationally. She has great understanding of the best ways to build a community around an initiative, helping to ensure its sustainability and greatly magnifying its long term impact.
TeenTech is inspiring in so many ways. Although intended to motivate young people, we know that teaching staff and employers learn so much from being involved. This has helped to rejuvenate the school curriculum and given a real boost to Science and Technology subjects. TeenTech helps students clearly see different pathways and provides opportunities for quality interactions with apprentices and graduates to understand the advantages of respective routes.
Della Burnside is a Solicitor and Managing Partner of the law firm, The Burnside Partnership. Over the years, Della has worked in both private practice and in-house at international businesses. She started her legal career specialising in intellectual property.
Della has held a number of directorships, including within the NHS and as Chair of McDonald’s UK Pensions Scheme. She has advised many charities and is an experienced trustee. Della is involved in a wide variety of start-up businesses and is a director of Inavya Ventures Limited, a med tech company focussed on using technology to manage lifestyle-related medical conditions. In addition, she supports initiatives encouraging social mobility, including through apprenticeship programmes of which she has considerable experience.
I have followed TeenTech’s activities for a number of years and have been incredibly impressed with its ability to engage and inspire young people with innovative and fun initiatives to promote science, technology and engineering. It has been wonderful to see first-hand the enthusiasm TeenTech’s programmes generate in young people, their parents and teachers. I am delighted to support TeenTech’s continuing work to help students develop key skills, such as communication, teamwork and persuasion, and help foster a life-long interest in innovation.
In my role as Founder of Tech London Advocates, Teen Tech is one of the most well-run and popular digital learning initiatives for young people that I have come across. Maggie’s leadership of the organisation is outstanding, and both the young people and the teachers involved with the Teen Tech events benefit enormously from the programme. It is a great asset for schools…and frankly for the nation.
Russ is the Founder of Tech London Advocates, a global advocacy group of 2,500 senior leaders in the tech community, created to champion and accelerate the growth of London’s technology sector. Russ is a non-executive director and on the Advisory Boards of the L1Technology Fund, E2Exchange and Founders4Schools. He was appointed a London Tech Ambassador for the Mayor of London in 2014. He is an angel and venture capital investor with Ariadne Capital. Previously, Russ held senior management positions at Skype, Telefonica/O2 and American Express and was CEO of a later stage mobile startup called Mobileway.
European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre Operations Manager at STFC
Dr Sue O’Hare is a knowledge transfer professional working in innovation and enterprise at the interface between research and business. She currently manages the European Space Agency’s UK business incubator (the ESA BIC) at the STFC Rutherford Laboratory at Harwell, Oxfordshire She has worked in universities and companies, was a non-exec director of TeenTech for four years and is also Immediate Past Chair of the knowledge transfer professional association PraxisUnico, a Tech London Advocate and a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Educators.
TeenTech opens eyes, bridges gaps and builds new relationships. I first saw it in action in East London creating a buzz, raising aspirations of young people and teachers, and inspiring a blog by one of the business ambassadors saying how it had relit his fire. I’ve had so many opportunities through my career in technology and I’m delighted to help inspire the technologists of tomorrow.
Visiting Professor University of Surrey
Alan began as a physicist at the University of Southampton. However, he developed an interest in computing early on through signal processing for gamma ray burst detectors, and so switched to engineering after his BSc. Hence for his post graduate research, he moved to the engineering faculty to develop computer based techniques for analysing and recovering complex signals, including audio and structural vibrations.
After leaving university Alan worked for the UK government for many years, for whom he still provides advice. He has particular expertise in, and continues to conduct research into, cybersecurity, covert communications, forensic computing and image/signal processing. Alan has been involved in some of the most significant advances in computer technology which have seen him gain a number of professional accolades such as being made a Chartered Engineering, Chartered IT Practitioner, a Chartered Physicist, and Eur Ing, as well as academic awards such as being elected as a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, Royal Statistical Society and British Computer Society.
Technology and Engineering are our future. TeenTech is so rare in recognising this. There are numerous initiatives to involve young people in understanding science but TeenTech is one of a very select few that shows the next generation how it can be applied. I was delighted to be asked to be part of what I see as a vital task: engaging young people to be part of shaping our future rather than just being passengers on someone else’s journey.
I’ve spent much of my career working in Technology at the BBC and was privileged to serve on the TeenTech board for five years. TeenTech enthuses the Scientists, Engineers and Technologists of tomorrow that the UK so badly needs and to help UK industry to bridge the gulf to attract and retain them.
Through my experience of working at an Education Charity, and as a parent of teenagers, I know just how vital it is to engage students in an innovative way about the world of work. TeenTech does this in a very exciting and hands-on way and I am thrilled to be part of the team delivering these experiences to students across the country.
After working for the last 17 years to promote STEM careers across the Yorkshire and Humber regions by working within both primary and secondary schools as well as organising large-scale educational events, I am thrilled to be a member of the TeenTech team, delivering exciting, hands-on experiences to the students across the country.
As a teacher of Design and Technology, I had the pleasure of being involved with TeenTech through the Awards programme over the last eight years. My students learnt so much about themselves and their potential, and developed a wide range of transferable skills whilst exploring local and global issues which can be linked to topics across the breadth of the curriculum. I love the way TeenTech provides students with the opportunity to develop the germ of an idea into something tangible and bigger than they first imagined, boosting their pride and self- esteem. Collaborating with and presenting to industrial and educational experts from beyond the confines of their school helps to open students’ eyes to the contemporary world of work, making TeenTech such an engaging, relevant and innovative experience. I have seen first-hand the positive impact TeenTech makes on young people, their schools and teachers –many of whom have continued to build upon their achievements. I now feel truly privileged to have been welcomed onto the TeenTech team having moved on from teaching!
I am very excited to join TeenTech, as it has a great track record of inspiring school children to discover a wide variety of career options and have fun along the way. I really admire how it uses its wide network of trusted partners to deliver on an impressive scale across the country. I look forward to supporting the team, especially as it moves into its 10th year of operation.
I love being a part of TeenTech, I was lucky enough to work with the team for a few years whilst I was at the BBC and now I’m even luckier to be part of the team! What TeenTech does is so important and plays a huge role in so many young people’s lives when it comes to vital decision making about their futures. It’s an amazing team to be a part of and how much everyone cares is reflected in the success of the events and the fantastic reception from students and teachers.

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