Teen Sex Tubes

Teen Sex Tubes


Teen Sex Tubes

Daniel Villarreal

On 10/26/21 at 11:35 PM EDT

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A social media video clip reportedly showing two students having sex in a Maryland high school classroom is under investigation by school officials and legal authorities.
The incident occurred in a classroom within Woodlawn High School, a school in the Baltimore County town of Gwynn Oak. Upon learning of the video, Principal Jamel Jernigan alerted parents in an October 8 letter. The letter has only recently been reported by local media.
"I was recently made aware of a social media post of a video involving Woodlawn High School students engaged in highly inappropriate behavior while in class," the letter said, according to WJZ-TV.
"An investigation is underway with school administration, our [Baltimore County Public Schools] safety manager and the Baltimore County Police Department," the letter continued.
Jernigan's letter didn't specify how many students were involved, their ages or the date of the incident. A student is believed to have recorded the incident, the aforementioned news outlet noted. It's also unclear if the alleged sex act or the reposting of the video constituted crimes.
The principal's letter did state, however, that students could be subject to possible disciplinary action if their behavior was found to be "inappropriate for the school environment."
The school has reportedly declined to comment on the case beyond acknowledging the existence of the principal's letter.
Newsweek contacted the Baltimore County Police Department for comment.
The recording and transfer of sexual content between teens have become more common as more teens own smartphones, the journal Pediatrics reported in May 2019.
At least 1 in 4 teens has received sexually explicit texts or emails, according to an April 2018 study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics . Approximately 1 in 12 teens has forwarded sexual content to others without the consent of the sexual partners involved, the study added.
Sometimes sexual content is sent out to others as a form of cyberbullying known as "revenge porn." Revenge porn, which can originate from a former sexual partner or someone else who recorded other people's sex acts without their knowledge, is often meant to shame sexual partners.
U.S. state laws on teen sexting vary widely from state to state. The laws and their application depend on several factors. Those factors include the age of the people involved, the explicitly graphic nature of the content itself and how widely the content is shared.
Some states have decriminalized the production and sharing of teenage sexual content between teens, as long as the creation and sharing are consensual. Other states punish teen sexting as a misdemeanor charge or with felony child pornography charges.
Maryland has laws forbidding revenge porn, according to Cyberbulling.org. Maryland teens who engage in sexting can receive up to 20 years in prison and a lifetime sexual offender status for producing or possessing teen sexual content, the Pediatrics article noted.
"Interestingly, in these states, a teen sexter can be charged as both an offender and a victim," the article said.
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