Teen Raven Youngthroats Sex

Teen Raven Youngthroats Sex

πŸ‘‰πŸ»πŸ‘‰πŸ»πŸ‘‰πŸ» ALL INFORMATION CLICK HERE πŸ‘ˆπŸ»πŸ‘ˆπŸ»πŸ‘ˆπŸ»

A notorious criminal is hunted down by the elite Raven Special Forces team when things go wrong on a mission to capture stolen military hardware.
Martin Grant has been hiding for years to escape his past as a ruthless mercenary in the elite force Raven Team. He's recently been engaged and are trying to forget the nightmares of murder and betrayal. Martin was convinced, that he could escape... But no one escapes from the Raven Teams ruthless leader Raven. At least not alive. Raven is back with a new team to hunt down and eliminate Grant...β€”Ricki
Rated R for strong violence, and for sexuality and some language
Burt Reynolds was quoted as saying that this film was essentially a low budget copy of "Broken Arrow" from 1996 starring John Travolta & Christian Slater with Reynolds in the Travolta role.
Jerome 'Raven' Katz: There is crazy good and crazy bad. I'm crazy good. This keeps me sharp.
Sen. Berg: Christ, man, have some compassion!
Jerome 'Raven' Katz: Compassion? I took that at night class, but I failed. Now, say goodbye!
German TV- and Video-version, both rated "not under 18", were cut to reduce violence
About three minutes into this thing I started fast-forwarding, pausing only during the nudity (why is it that bad movies always include such good looking women?). In ten minutes I was done, and wishing I could get my money back from the rental store. The people who write these movies should be sanctioned by the MPAA. Come on writers - the bad guys ALWAYS get into the car with the bomb activated by the good guy's remote control! That's the way its been done since the days of the Ottoman Empire! Also, to add insult to injury, the "twist" at the end was so formulaic, that it could have come from any action movie written in the past 25 years. Burt Reynolds was fine, but he should concentrate on real movies.

This movie is just a waste of time - Run away! Run away!
The WolfCop Phenomenon: Build the Audience & the Fuzz Will Come.
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Member of the Teen Titans (formerly)
I know all about your grandfather, he was a demon, and believe me...I know my demons.Raven to Damian Wayne
Rachel ''Raven'' Roth was a half-human, half-demon daughter of the inter-dimensional demonic entity Trigon the Terrible and the human woman Arella. Her birthplace and home realm is Azarath. She was a prominent member of the Teen Titans and the love interest (later girlfriend) of Damian Wayne, the current Robin.
14 years ago, during a Satanist group ceremony, Trigon appeared to the cult as a man. A woman named Arella was selected to be his bride, and was later impregnated. But after she learned the truth about Trigon, she ran away. Eventually, a group of people from another dimension saved her and took her to their realm, Azarath.
Raven was soon born and raised there. But due to her parentage, she didn't fit in. Eventually, Raven came to believe that if she knew more about her father, she would be able to make more sense of herself. One day, she accidentally summoned Trigon, and he destroyed Azarath, presumably killing Arella and the monks in the process, and took Raven back to his realm.
As the years passed, Raven could hardly bear the horrors of what she saw there. She learned that Trigon wanted to conquer Earth, but he needed a powerful conduit to open it to his control. Raven, being Trigon and Arella's daughter, was half-human/half-demon and could function as his way in, but Trigon underestimated Raven's magic. She trapped him within a crimson-red crystal, and formed a towering structure around it. Eventually, she escaped to Earth where she was taken in by the Titans.
Raven escaped her father's realm and yearned for a home. Starfire took her in at the Titans Tower. The night of the Hall of Justice's unveiling, Raven, now 14 years old, had a nightmare. The next day, during training, Beast Boy asked about it, but Raven dismissed it as just dreams. Upon meeting Robin, Raven sensed sadness. The next day, Raven healed Robin after Blue Beetle's Scarab blasted him in the heat of battle. She said the words "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos" and saw flashes of Robin's past. The Titans escorted Raven to her room to recover. Raven was unable to shake off what she felt from Robin. That night, Raven went outside and cast a protection spell on the team, without their knowledge, from being corrupted by Trigon. Robin appeared and thanked her for healing him. He didn't appreciate the part where she was in his head. She made it clear she wanted to left alone but he asked about the one that looked like a man. Raven dismissed it was a nightmare. Robin wasn't so sure. Raven became irate and told him it was none of his business then went through a portal. During Starfire's night of mandatory fun at the carnival, Robin and Raven laughed at each other's expense when they found some fun house mirrors. Raven observed that while he was insufferable, in his heart, he was a kind and generous soul. While watching Beast Boy and Robin compete in a dance off, the Corruptors (demons who could possess people's bodies) found Raven and told her to go to the hill beyond the tents. Trigon initiated contact and stated it was their destiny to be together. He reminded her she could bring him to Earth. Raven realized he was still trapped and vowed to fight him at every turn. The Corruptors blasted her. Trigon warned her. He observed how weak and lonely she became, aligning with chattel. It was beneath his contempt and he vowed she would know his glory. The battle spilled over into the carnival. The other Titans came to her aid. Raven informed them the Corruptors were demonic emissaries sent by her father. Eventually, Raven transformed and summoned her soul self, a powerful force within her, and banished the Corruptors from their plane.
Starfire recalled Raven told her she didn't have a father. Raven teleported them to Azarath and explained her past. They returned to the Tower, but Raven decided she was not staying and felt she had to keep moving to throw Trigon off her trail. Robin disagreed and believed she stood a better chance of beating Trigon by staying with the Titans. Batman, Cyborg, Wonder Woman, and the Flash suddenly arrived and asked Raven to come with them for questioning. Robin protested and stated the Titans could protect her. Raven refused to leave with the Justice League and then realized Trigon wanted them there.
The Corruptors appeared and possessed three out of the the four Leaguers, but Batman saved himself by injecting himself with nerve toxin for Bane, forcing the Corruptor out of him, having almost predicted this after fighting a demonic Superman, manages to use a serum designed to be used on Bane in order to sedate himself, preventing one of the Corruptors from possessing and giving the Titans a chance to fight back. The Corruptor in control of Wonder Woman informed Raven that the corrupted Superman had just unearthed the Infernal Shrine, an ancient structure with magical properties built by Satanists. Another Corruptor in control of the Flash then stated that Raven was the shrine's final piece. The Titans challenged the Corruptors but were defeated. Raven agreed to go with them if they spared the Titans' lives.
In the aftermath, Raven was escorted by possessed versions of Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash. Cyborg was possessed, too, but did not follow as Blue Beetle blasted him with one of his weapons and freed him from the Corruptors' control. The remaining Leaguers arrived in the Middle East, 60 miles north of Kahndaq City. Raven went to the shrine and powered it. Raven begged Trigon to spare Earth but he refused.
Approximately 24 hours later, the Titans and Cyborg boomed to the shrine. They freed Superman first by stabbing him with a shard of kryptonite. While he dealt with Wonder Woman and the Flash, the Titans went for Raven but they were too late. Trigon crossed over. While the League tried to hold off Trigon in vain, Raven had a plan. She needed the crystal to trap Trigon again, so the Titans and Cyborg went to Trigon's realm while Superman, Wonder Woman and Flash held off Trigon.
Since the structure around the crystal was shielded, they had to head to it on foot instead of using teleportation. They battled wave after wave of demon spawn and then the Corruptors, who formed into a hell beast. Raven went ahead and unlocked the structure, but another Corruptor shattered the crystal with a sword. It took on the form of Ra's al Ghul, Robin's deceased grandfather.
While Robin dueled against the now-demonic Ra's, Trigon vowed to Raven that he would make her pathetic friends suffer and soon the souls of Earth would be his. He implored Raven to give up because she was weak like her mother.
Raven admitted her only weakness was loving him and hoping to be loved in return. She had friends she would give her life for and who gave her love and strength to do the right thing. She chanted and a shard of the crystal rose. Raven projected her soul self to Earth. It appeared beneath Trigon then engulfed him and dragged him into the shard.
But Raven knew Trigon would spend every minute trying to escape again. She would return everyone to Earth but she decided to stay and guard the shard. However, Robin didn't think it was her home and quoted Robert Frost, saying that home is the place where when you have to go there, they have to take you in. Raven looked at the shard then decided to go back to the Tower.
She wore the shard on her forehead like a chakra. In an ironic way, they could be together as Trigon once said. 10 days later, the Justice League confirmed no more signs of the Corruptors and congratulated them for saving the world and them from Trigon. Trigon ordered Raven to release him and vowed to kill everyone she loved. The Titans partied into the night with Cyborg. She bonds with Damian Wayne as they recognize each other as kindred souls and possibly developing romantic feelings for him.
One year after the Trigon incident Raven still remains close to Damian. She has also developed a sense of humor and makes a joke after Starfire beats Nightwing during a sparring session. She tries to help the newest recruit Terra with apparent nightmares. After she was kidnapped by Slade Wilson, her powers were transferred to Brother Blood, however following his defeat her powers were transferred back to her. After Tara's death she mourned her death and is seen growing close to Damian. She also brings him a puppy named Titus.
Raven makes an appearance during the Justice League's meeting to wage war on Darkseid, as the Teen Titans listen in on the meeting via telecommunication at Titans Tower. Raven is afflicted by Trigon's attempt to free himself after he was freed of his torture slightly as Damian checks on her. A few days later, after the defeat of the Justice League, Darkseid's army of Paradooms, the genetic hybrids of Parademons and Doomsday, raid Earth sent by the New God and Mad Titan itself, and the Teen Titans are violently killed. Raven is among one of the few survivors of the attack. Some time after the attack, Raven was alone after the death of the Titans and Damian Wayne's escape. Wanting to end the pain, she tried to kill herself, but was stopped by Superman, recently de-powered by Darkseid, and the two console each other.
Two years later, Raven and Clark Kent, Superman's human identity, locate John Constantine and convince him to join their mission, asking him to use a locator spell to find Damian. Tracking his location to a League of Assassins outpost, Raven uses her powers to teleport herself, Clark, Constantine and Etrigan, who accompanied the group, but she is left severely weakened as Trigon continues to afflict her from the inside. Raven reunites with her former teammate, who reveals that he used the Lazarus Pit to revive Nightwing after his death in the Paradooms' attack, but left him in a mentally handicapped and insane state, much to Raven's disappointment in Damian. With Damian convinced to join the mission to try and break Darkseid's programming over Batman, Raven uses her powers again to transport the group to Metropolis where they meet with Lois Lane, who has recruited the members of Suicide Squad for their operation. As Raven and Damian share a moment alone, they reconcile their feelings for each other. Raven later attends the briefing of the destruction of Apokolips.
Raven is present when the remaining heroes assault LexCorp to make their way to the boom tube; their only means of traveling to Apokolips. When Damian is knocked down by Lex Luthor in his battle suit, Raven temporarily loses control and almost kills Luthor, but Clark's words help her regain control. Later, Raven asks Constantine if he has a means in taking care of Trigon should he ever emerge, and Constantine reveals that he does, but he will not have to as long as Raven continues to remain in control. After Luthor supplies the group with Kryptonite-infused weaponry, Raven departs for Apokolips with Clark, Damian, Constantine and Etrigan while the rest stay behind to operate the portals and defend the area. Upon arriving at Apokolips, the group is confronted by Darkseid's Furies; members of the Justice League who were beaten but remained alive, converted into partly-cybernetic soldiers and brainwashed. Starfire, being one of the Furies, fights Raven, who tries to reason with her. After Wonder Woman was saved, she fights off the Furies while the group make their way to the power generator.
After learning that The Flash was the source of the planet's power, and freeing him, they head off to continue the mission, with Raven slowly losing her control over Trigon. The group comes into contact with Cyborg, who is fused with Apokolips itself and subservient to Darkseid. After Cyborg is freed of his programming by Constantine, they are confronted by Batman and Darkseid. Batman fights and defeats his son, but before he lands the killing blow, he is freed of his programming by remembering his past, attacking Darkseid. Disappointed in Batman, Darkseid fires his omega beams, which Damian steps in front of to save his father, fatally wounding him. Watching this, Raven yells for Damian while losing control of Trigon, warning Constantine that he's coming. Constantine goes forth with his contingency plan as Trigon emerges, not fully free, but when Constantine offers his own body as a host for Trigon, Trigon has other plans; choosing Clark as his host and killing Constantine.
Mourning over the loss of Damian, Raven uses her powers to revive him. While Superman battles Darkseid, Cyborg plans to send the heroes to Earth while he sends Apokolips into a void of nothingness. Not wanting to leave Superman behind, Raven and Constantine come up with the plan to combine their magic to give Trigon a physical form, and he takes over the battle against Darkseid. While the heroes are transported to Earth, Raven says goodbye to her father, who thanks her for the gift of fighting Darkseid and tells her to be well.
Back on Earth, the Justice League lament over their failures and losses, despite being victorious. Batman announces to the group that despite the Reapers being destroyed, the damage was done, and the Earth lost 31% of its molten core, compromising the planet as well as over a billion of the population. Raven watches as the Flash runs to reset the timeline, creating a second Flashpoint, sharing her first and last kiss with Damian.
Rachel is a beautiful pale Caucasian girl with purple eyes and black hair.
As Raven, she wears an indigo cloak that shadows her face, a midnight blue leotard, black opera gloves without fingers, grey leggings, and black shoes.
In her White Raven form, her cloak the same, at the exception of its color, now white, and her skin less pale.
Her citizen form consists of a royal blue blouse with a black jacket and a navy-blue mini skirt with pleats. She also wore a cropped jacket of charcoal suede with a black blouse. She also wears fingerless black gloves.
During her early life in Azarath, Raven described herself as something of outcast being somewhat rebellious and unable to fit in with others, something she compared to her mother Arella. This inability to fit in with the Monks of Azarath caused Raven to be curious about her origins and thus sought to learn more about her demonic father. This curiosity also made her somewhat, accidentally summoning her evil father to Azarath which lead to the destruction of her home and the death of her mother. Despite having difficulties with the monks of Azarath, Raven was horrified and devastated by what she had done, showing that despite her rebellious personality, she loved her people deeply.
Raven also had a massively complicated relationship with her parents, especially with her demon father Trigon. By the time she joined the Titans, Raven seemed to have mixed feelings about her mother, as she was very critical and condescending of her for her terrible judgment and character which ended up causing all the suffering Trigon would unleash. However, despite her harsh criticism of Arella, Raven still loved her mother very much and was constantly haunted by the moment she watch her death and was wrecked with guilt over inadvertently causing it. As for her father, she feared, hated, and disowned him for destroying Azarath, killing her mother, and torturing her in his horrific universe. The two would maintain a bitter animosity for each other, after Raven rebelled against him and imprisoned him in her crystal, and was determined to never let him out. However, she still showed affection for him and solemnly bid him goodbye on Apokolips before his final imprisonment while fighting Darkseid.
↑ Since there are no reboots/sequels planned, all characters (excluding Barry Allen) is considered deceased.
Damian and Raven share their only kiss
Raven helps and embraces a resurrected and dazed Robin
Damian admits that he had feelings for Raven
A young Raven, when she lived in Azarath.
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