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7:01PM Thursday, September 1st, 2022
A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on our network and other sites. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. Sometimes our articles will try to help you find the right product at the right price. We may receive revenue from affiliate and advertising partnerships for publishing this content or when you make a purchase.
Nationwide News Pty Ltd © 2022. All times AEST (GMT +10). Powered by WordPress.com VIP
More stories to check out before you go
WANT to know how to get 5.5 million views on a video? Just film yourself hitting your mate in the groin while yelling “p***y slap!”
A WEBSITE in the UK published an article last week discussing a “weird new game that originated in Australia”.
“Girl mates whack one another in the genitals when they least expect it in the bizarre ‘p***y slap’ challenge,” explains the rather incredulous journalist at The Sun .
And it’s true. The video of two very good looking girls wandering around Sydney and bashing each other in the privates has well and truly gone viral.
The girls featured in the clip are part of a group who go by the name the eighty83three squad.
They describe themselves as “a group of young, female social media influencers/entertainers.”
Their biggest clip to date is titled “Girl best friend on girl best friend prank war” . It’s clocked more than 28 million views. Pranks include throwing one girl’s phone in a pool, waking each other up with an air-horn, throwing a pack of flour on one girl while she’s naked in the shower and drawing a penis on a girl’s face while she’s asleep.
They’re making waves overseas, conducting interviews with international press:
It seems the formula of hot chicks (often scantily-clad) doing Jackass -style pranks on one another is a winner.
The “squad” is a group of early-20s Sydneysiders — there are four members: Jadeey, Amanda, Isabelle and Helen.
As far as social media goes, they are huge. They have more than 1.5 million followers.
Jade Pullen and Isabelle Dineen — the two members featured in the ‘p****y slap’ video — explain to news.com.au that they first got together in July 2015.
“We all had a mutual friend who had this amazing idea to create a group of young female social media influencers and name it ‘eighty83three’,” they write via email.
“She presented the idea to us separately and then brought us together. She is also our manager.”
While the videos present the idea that this is just a group of friends messing around on their iPhones, there’s no doubt it’s a commercial venture.
It’s currently a part-time gig for all the members, but they’re hoping that will be fulltime job soon. Two of the girls have part-time jobs and two are studying at university.
“For us it’s a group of best friends hanging out and making content that apparently millions of people enjoy watching, but in saying that it is somewhat a business as we do get paid to do what we love,” they explain.
Their videos are carefully planned.
“We are strong believers of weekly meetings as well as motivational conversations daily to inspire and motivate each other.
“Team building is essential for us and the reason why we are where are today, so our meetings and the conversations we have are vital to making us work and drive us.”
The hope is that the social media videos will elevate their brand, and will translate into other commercial opportunities.
They are developing a sizeable following in the USA and Asia and surprise surprise — most of their fans are male.
“We hope to be one of the biggest social media entertainers in the world,” they say.
“We have our clothing brand coming out soon and who knows ... maybe a reality show.”
When asked why they think they’ve been so successful on social media, Isabelle and Jadeey write “to be very honest, we do not know haha ... We ask ourselves every day.”
When a healthy mum got so tired she couldn’t get out of bed, major alarm bells rang. She had no idea something was lurking “inside” her.
Horrifying photos show how a man was left completely covered in tar after he fell into a toxic pit of the asphalt.
David Briscoe fooled the US media by claiming he was a hero teacher at a school shooting. But one local reporter exposed the truth.

7:01PM Thursday, September 1st, 2022
A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on our network and other sites. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. Sometimes our articles will try to help you find the right product at the right price. We may receive revenue from affiliate and advertising partnerships for publishing this content or when you make a purchase.
Nationwide News Pty Ltd © 2022. All times AEST (GMT +10). Powered by WordPress.com VIP
More stories to check out before you go
WANT to know how to get 5.5 million views on a video? Just film yourself hitting your mate in the groin while yelling “p***y slap!”
A WEBSITE in the UK published an article last week discussing a “weird new game that originated in Australia”.
“Girl mates whack one another in the genitals when they least expect it in the bizarre ‘p***y slap’ challenge,” explains the rather incredulous journalist at The Sun .
And it’s true. The video of two very good looking girls wandering around Sydney and bashing each other in the privates has well and truly gone viral.
The girls featured in the clip are part of a group who go by the name the eighty83three squad.
They describe themselves as “a group of young, female social media influencers/entertainers.”
Their biggest clip to date is titled “Girl best friend on girl best friend prank war” . It’s clocked more than 28 million views. Pranks include throwing one girl’s phone in a pool, waking each other up with an air-horn, throwing a pack of flour on one girl while she’s naked in the shower and drawing a penis on a girl’s face while she’s asleep.
They’re making waves overseas, conducting interviews with international press:
It seems the formula of hot chicks (often scantily-clad) doing Jackass -style pranks on one another is a winner.
The “squad” is a group of early-20s Sydneysiders — there are four members: Jadeey, Amanda, Isabelle and Helen.
As far as social media goes, they are huge. They have more than 1.5 million followers.
Jade Pullen and Isabelle Dineen — the two members featured in the ‘p****y slap’ video — explain to news.com.au that they first got together in July 2015.
“We all had a mutual friend who had this amazing idea to create a group of young female social media influencers and name it ‘eighty83three’,” they write via email.
“She presented the idea to us separately and then brought us together. She is also our manager.”
While the videos present the idea that this is just a group of friends messing around on their iPhones, there’s no doubt it’s a commercial venture.
It’s currently a part-time gig for all the members, but they’re hoping that will be fulltime job soon. Two of the girls have part-time jobs and two are studying at university.
“For us it’s a group of best friends hanging out and making content that apparently millions of people enjoy watching, but in saying that it is somewhat a business as we do get paid to do what we love,” they explain.
Their videos are carefully planned.
“We are strong believers of weekly meetings as well as motivational conversations daily to inspire and motivate each other.
“Team building is essential for us and the reason why we are where are today, so our meetings and the conversations we have are vital to making us work and drive us.”
The hope is that the social media videos will elevate their brand, and will translate into other commercial opportunities.
They are developing a sizeable following in the USA and Asia and surprise surprise — most of their fans are male.
“We hope to be one of the biggest social media entertainers in the world,” they say.
“We have our clothing brand coming out soon and who knows ... maybe a reality show.”
When asked why they think they’ve been so successful on social media, Isabelle and Jadeey write “to be very honest, we do not know haha ... We ask ourselves every day.”
When a healthy mum got so tired she couldn’t get out of bed, major alarm bells rang. She had no idea something was lurking “inside” her.
Horrifying photos show how a man was left completely covered in tar after he fell into a toxic pit of the asphalt.
David Briscoe fooled the US media by claiming he was a hero teacher at a school shooting. But one local reporter exposed the truth.


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