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Amanda Spence

On 6/9/22 at 12:04 PM EDT
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A man has come forward to reveal his mother discovered a "mysterious" reoccurring charge on his account for a pornographic website when he was a 19-year-old college student.
The viral Reddit post, titled, "TIFU by having my mom research a mysterious reoccurring charge on my debit card," has been upvoted 14,000 times since it was shared in the subreddit "Today I F**ked Up." Redditor @Secret_Mastodon_2499 shared the post on June 8, and it has garnered over 400 comments.
Webroot reported that 40 million Americans visit pornographic websites on a regular basis. In addition, about 200,000 people in the country are considered "porn addicts." Around 35 percent of all downloads online are pornographic in nature as well.
Psychology Today reported that according to PornHub statistics, the porn site's viewership consisted of 75 percent men and women made up 25 percent. In addition, the median age of website visitors was 36.
The original poster (OP) revealed the situation occurred a couple of years ago when he was a sophomore in college. He was living with seven friends in a house off-campus, and it was "raging with testosterone, drugs, and beer."
He added, "The air was thick with college-age male debauchery."
One day the man had the idea to sign up for the pornographic website Brazzers for a two-day free trial and "enjoy 4K porn for 48 hours, because why not?"
A few months passed, and the man kept getting charged $30 a month from a "random" business, and he couldn't determine where the bill was from. As he was a "broke college student," it was a lot of cash to lose.
The OP continued: "And because I was a useless, 19-year-old functioning on Coors Light and Adderall, I decided to call my mom to help me figure out where the charge was coming from. My mom, being wonderfully skilled at solving fraudulent charges, calls me back in about 30 minutes and starts laughing hysterically asking if the company Brazzers rings a bell."
The man admittedly turned red and began to laugh, and he explained he had forgotten to cancel his free trial. He revealed his mother is an "amazing person" that has always "preached openness," so she just called him an "idiot for paying for porn" when it's free online.
The then-19-year-old had the account for an additional month since he had already paid, so he posted the username and password on the refrigerator for his seven roommates "to enjoy."
He concluded: "Delete your free trials or risk your mom finding out you paid for porn."
Numerous comments weighed in on the situation, and many people were praising the OP's mother for her help and reaction.
One Redditor saw the humor in the situation. "It's even funnier when OP's mom knows what Brazzers is," they expressed. "The seed [doesn't] fall far from the tree type s**t right there lmao."
Some people praised the man's mother for her reaction. "Your mom sounds awesome," a user said. "You are lucky to have her." Another user agreed, adding, "Haha, sounds like you have an amazing mom."
Apparently, the OP isn't the only person to experience something like this. "I had something similar happen, and I was literally dialing the number for Visa when I figured it out," they said. "I'm so glad I didn't have to have that conversation with the customer service rep."
While a Redditor backed the OP for sharing the password. "That's a real bro, sharing paid passwords!" a Redditor said.
Other comments included things like, "These are the wholesome kind of TIFUs I'm on Reddit for" and "Probably the cringiest thing I've read on this app."
Some Redditors shared their own stories in the comments. "At my high school someone paid for Brazzers and shared around the password," a user said. "It worked for quite a while, and so many mfs used it."
However, not everyone would pay for porn, and another Redditor admitted they "might be dumb, stupid even, but I'm not pay-for-porn dumb. There's more free porn than paid porn."
Newsweek reached out to Redditor @Secret_Mastadon_2499 for comment.

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