Teen Panty Stories

Teen Panty Stories


Teen Panty Stories
10 New "Why Me" embarrassing stories for May 23, 2008 By Audrey Fine PUBLISHED: May 23, 2008
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"For winter break, I went up north to learn how to snowboard, and it turned out that my instructor was a major cutie, so I was even more excited! But just when I started to do well, I fell on my butt in the middle of the snow. I started crying because it hurt so bad, but to make everything worse, the cute instructor came up right behind me and smiled at me in a 'You're pathetic' kind of way."
"I was in the drugstore with my best friend buying tampons, and we were debating on which ones we liked better. Right as my crush walked by we crouched down, thinking he didn't see us, but then he turned the corner and came up to us and said, 'Wow, I only thought girls were like this when they were shopping for shoes!' It was so embarrassing!"
"One day I was outside playing with my twin brother in our swimming pool. He was chasing me around, and so I got out and ran over to the front yard. Finally, he caught me and he reached out to grab me by my pants, but he accidentally pulled them off and I tripped into the mud with NO pants on. As my brother was walking over to say sorry, I noticed one of the cute guys from my school taking a picture of me with his phone. He ended up showing the picture to everyone at school! I was mortified!"
"It was that time of the month and I had forgotten my pads at home. My friends told me it would be better if I went to the nurse and got a pad there, so I did, and then went into the bathroom to put on the pad. However, she went into a long ramble about pads, tampons, periods, etc., and was talking superloud. I was so embarrassed when I walked out of her office and saw that my crush was right there, listening to everything."
"I'm a cheerleader and I'm at the top of the pyramid. I didn't realize I had my period, and as I stood at the top, I heard someone holler, 'Hey, Maria. Did you sit on some ketchup or something?' I was so embarrassed, but luckily only three people noticed and they were pretty close friends, so they didn't tell anyone."
"I'm the captain of the varsity cheerleading squad, and at one of our games my friend Maria told me that part of my cheer uniform skirt was stuck in my spanky pants! I quickly pulled it out and looked around to make sure nobody saw it, but the entire football team was laughing hysterically!"
"Last winter I was over at my friend's house and we were bored, so we decided to go in her hot tub. We went skinny-dipping since it was so cold outside and the hot tub was superhot. Afterward, we decided to go jump in the snow outside. Well, what we didn't know was that my crush lived on her street and was out taking a walk. So, when we ran to the front yard and jumped in the snow, he totally saw us! I was so embarrassed!"
"One night I was staying at my friend's house and I had my period. A little later, during dinner, my friend's brother came screaming down the stairs, yelling, 'Who has their period?' It turns out that the dog had gotten my tampon out of the trash and chewed it up on her brother's floor! I was so embarrassed!"
"So, I was sleeping over at my friend Emily's house, and when we were eating breakfast, I excused myself to use the bathroom. I had to go pretty badly, and I walked right into the bathroom as Emily's older sister was just getting out of the shower! She just stared at me, and then I ran out. I was so embarrassed!"
"My best friend, Britney, and I were at this clothing store trying on bras when my former best friend came in. She works for the school paper and she secretly took pictures of us trying on embarrassing stuff! The next day, the school paper had me on the front page! So embarrassing!"
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My (So) Bad for March 10, 2008 By Audrey Fine PUBLISHED: Mar 10, 2008
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"One day I was at the bus stop alone with this supercute guy who I really liked. I thought that he hated me, but boy was I so wrong! Well, we were just standing there getting bored, and before I knew it, he kissed me! I was in total shock and couldn't move or talk until the bus came! That sure was a great way to start off the day!"
"So, there was this girl Emily in my freshman class who was SO conceited. Seriously, she worshipped the ground she walked on. I didn't like her because she's the school slut, but everyone else seemed to think she was so nice. Well, I recently found out that she was addicted to drugs and sex. I felt so bad for not liking her after that."
"I went to the movies with an old friend, her boyfriend, and her boyfriend's friend. I thought her BF was really hot, and he must have thought I was too because he kept staring at me. Before the movie her BF said he wanted to buy us popcorn, so I went with him. Right before we went back into the theater, we started making out! Right at that moment, my friend walked out the door and saw us. She was so mad and didn't speak to me EVER again. Perhaps we should've picked a more private place to make out!"
"My parents and sister were out of the house one night, so I invited over this boy I had a crush on to watch a movie. There happened to be a thunderstorm that night, so right in the middle of the movie the power went out. I got up to get a flashlight in my closet, and when I got back, I tripped over one of my (many) shoes and landed on the bed right next to him! So we start kissing, you know, just the innocent stuff, but it quickly got steamier! Before we knew it, we heard my sister's car in the driveway, so I had to put on my shirt and he had to get his shoes on and make it to the back door in lightning speed! It was so devious!"
"Once when my parents went away for the weekend, my older sister had to baby-sit. Well, in the middle of night I found her in the pool with her boyfriend making out. It was going pretty far when my parents walked through the door! They asked me where my sister was, and I pointed outside. My mom caught them in the pool, so they never let her baby-sit again!"
"One day I was at my friend's house riding on her sister's skateboard when I crashed into her sister's puzzle. We tried putting it back together but couldn't, so she decided to lie and tell her mom the cat did it. I was totally against it and wanted to tell the truth, but I knew it risked our friendship. So her mom and sister still think the darn cat did it!"
"One day at school my friends and I were playing around with a bottle of Victoria's Secret perfume spray during recess. A few of my friends had the bright idea that I go up and spray the perfume on my crush. Well, I did, but it went right into his eyes. Oh no!!! I could not believe it. He doesn't hate me, but he hasn't been paying much attention to me either — just in case I have another bottle of spray!"
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Emily Tianshi Is Tackling the Global Water Crisis
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Edha Gupta: Voices of the Year 2021
Naomi Osaka: Voices of the Year 2021
Alysa Monteagudo: Voices of the Year 2021
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©Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

10 New My (SO) Bad Confessions for May 12, 2008 By Audrey Fine PUBLISHED: May 12, 2008
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"There's this cute guy in my P.E. class that I have a major crush on, but, unfortunately, so does this other girl at my school who's supermean. One day, he and I were talking during class and he started to hold my hand, but right as we were about to lock hands, the other girl came by and said, 'Don't hold her hand, hold mine!' I rolled my eyes and decided to finally stand up to her, saying, 'Leave us alone!' but then she pushed her way in between us. Shocked and confused as to what I should do, I tried to get around her and go tell a teacher. As I ran, she tripped over my leg, flinging her arms in the air, and smacking herself right in the eye! Worst of all, she tried to blame it on me, but everybody else in class was cheering for me because I finally stood up to her."
"My best friend and I were having a sleepover at her house when her hot brother, who I've had a crush on forever, came home from hanging out with his friends. After crushing on him but never saying a word for years, I decided that tonight I was gonna tell him how I felt. So, I pretended to go to sleep at midnight and waited for my friend to go to bed. After, I tiptoed to her brother's room to see if he was still awake, and he was, so we started talking. Later on, he kissed me! Ever since, I've had a ton of sleepovers at my best friend's house, but the best part is, she doesn't know I've been hooking up with her brother!"
"Last year in school, we were holding a fashion show and I was in it. I liked this guy named Saverio, so we were flirting backstage. Well, there was no changing area, so all the boys had to change into their stage clothes on the backstage staircase. Saverio was joking around, saying, "So, I have to change in front of the girls!" When he came out from changing he looked so cute, and I flirted with him for a little longer. All of a sudden I heard someone call my name in a shocked voice, so I turned around, and it was my male gym teacher. He immediately pulled me from backstage, and to make things worse, he wrote, 'Jasleen, stay away from the boys!' in my yearbook!"
"A few months ago I broke up with my BF because he cheated on me. My best friend thought the perfect revenge would be to mess up his MySpace page, so we did. I put all this stuff about how stupid he was, then I was messaging all the girls he was talking to and told them how ugly they were. Unfortunately, one of the girls turned out to be his little sister. She saw me at school and she cursed me out from blabbing lies about her brother. I just laughed my heart out in her face and she started to cry. After that, my ex came over to my house and he started talking about how much he missed me. In response, I just simply took the milk out of my refrigerator and poured it all over him. He went home smelling of sour milk. I hope that'll teach him not to cheat on me anymore."
"One day my boyfriend came over and we were really bored, so we decided to wrestle. We also made a bet that whoever lost had to pay the winner $20. While we were wrestling, I was about to pin him down when we knocked over my mom's favorite vase. Before my mom came home we had to think of a story so we wouldn't get in trouble. So, when my mom got home, we told her it was our cat. She believed it and she still doesn't know to this day."
"My best friend was supermad at me for making out with her boyfriend, but I tried to tell her it wasn't my fault, because he started it. She refused to believe me and told everyone that I stuffed my bra! All the boys made fun of me, saying things like, 'Those are so fake!' and laughing. So, for revenge, while we were at the pep rally and we both got called up for volleyball, I pulled down her pants, revealing her black thong in front of everyone."
"I was at my friend's house and we were watching TV, when she got up to go to the bathroom. Her adorable older brother walked into the room, and after about two minutes of small talk, he was all over me in total make-out mode! When my friend walked in, we played it cool. Later, when she fell asleep, I went into his room and we made out some more!"
"My two friends are these two guys in my class and everybody is always telling me that they like me, but I never believed it until last month. I asked my friends how they really felt and both of them told me that they did like me! Little did we know, this girl in my class saw and heard everything, and since my two friends have girlfriends, we just said she was lying when their girlfriends asked them about it! To this day only us three know about it!"
"About two months ago, this guy in my social studies class told me he saw my sister and me at the store and wanted me to hook them up. So, that night I asked my sister if she would consider it, and she told me that she had to meet him first before she made any promises. The next day I told him what my sister said and they agreed to meet the next day before second period. I told her and she agreed, but the next night she told me that she wasn't into him, and so I decided to have a little fun. The next day I told the guy who liked my sis that she said she liked him too. My sister found out and was supermad, but it was so much fun pranking her!"
"I was in the swimming pool with my cousin and we just had a race from one end of the pool to the other. I was the winner and put my hands on the sides to pull myself up. As I sat on the side I felt a bit cold. I suddenly noticed my left boob. My bikini top had fallen down on the left side, and all my cousin could do was laugh. I was really embarrassed, so I jumped back in the pool, pulled up my bikini, then went to get changed and I haven't been back there again!"
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Emily Tianshi Is Tackling the Global Water Crisis
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Pranjal Jain: Voices of the Year 2021
Stella Keating: Voices of the Year 2021
Edha Gupta: Voices of the Year 2021
Naomi Osaka: Voices of the Year 2021
Alysa Monteagudo: Voices of the Year 2021
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Here Are The Best Underage Stories You Submitted
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Last week, we asked for your best stories from getting cited with underage drinking , and you did not let us down. We received dozens of stories, including some from alumni, ranging from sad coincidences that landed students in trouble, to raucous nights that clearly went awry. We picked our favorites, and we are happy to be able to share them with you.
I don’t know how I got there, but I was woken up by the University Park Police as I was sitting in the second row of 100 Thomas. The best part was that I had gone back to Pennypacker to get my backpack and class materials.
The real question here is, did you get attendance points?
I was tailgating two years ago at the UMass game. I only had a few drinks because others had told me stories about how many cops are out during football games. As the morning turned to afternoon, I still hadn’t seen a cop so I decided to grab a beer. I had no problems, finished a few beers, and after, my friends and I were about to walk to the stadium. On our way over, my friend had a beer in her hand and she saw a puppy, so she gave the beer to me. Within 30 seconds I heard “can I see your ID,” and almost died inside. I tried to explain to the cop that it was my friend’s beer (who was 21) and that she was having me hold it while she was petting a puppy. My friend tried pleading to the cop as well, but long story short, I received an underage, and was told by the cop that if I want to lie to get out of something, I need to come up with a more believable story. As he walked away he stepped in a pile of crap the puppy left behind.
Was the poop there on purpose as some cool form of pet justice? Probably not. Am I going to believe that anyway? Absolutely.
It was late August 2003 and my parents had dropped me off as a freshman two days prior. We were out drinking Carlo Rossi jug wine with an older friend of mine from home who was in a frat. As we stopped at College Pizza for my first late night drunken slice as a 17-year old college student, I realized I really had to use the bathroom. Seeing how long the line was, I decided to take some back stairwell up to what I thought was the safety of the back of the building. Without a care in the world, I unleash the contents of my bladder on the side of the building (which I now realize is just an empty lot that opens up right onto Locust). I turned around when I was all finished and there were two cop cars boxing me in. I did not realize the gravity of the situation, or the seriousness with which the State College Police took underage drinking/public urination, until the cops called my parents at 3:30 a.m. since I was only 17. I still have the summons stowed away for safe keeping — and my family still makes public urination jokes to this day. God bless that town.
I guess you could say he really “pissed” off the police.
I went home for the weekend and came back Saturday night to go to this big party. I got back to State College around 10:30 and realized I needed to catch up before I went to the party so I took three shots (background info: I’m a lightweight who used to black out at four shots). When I finally got to the party, my friend made the whole party all take three shots together. That’s when the night got blurry. I know I had some more jungle juice and then the next thing I know, I wake up in the hospital. I woke up in a hospital bed, naked, with an IV in my arm. I was still completely hammered and had no idea what was going on. I thought the fact that I was in the hospital was the funniest thing ever and the thought of an underage didn’t even cross my mind. I took a cab ride home and later received a call from the campus police. I had to go down to the station and the cop told me all about my night. Apparently I was wandering around near Blue Course Drive and ended up hanging out in some field. The cop saw me and asked me where I lived and I told him West Halls (even though I lived off-campus) so he graciously took me there. When we got to West he asked me where we were and I responded “in the middle of Pugh Street” and then he called an ambulance for me. With a BAC of 0.28 it’s really great I survived with only an underage and more than $1000 in fees.
The saddest part of this, for me at least, is that all this person had to do to avoid an underage was know his/her own address. So close, yet so far.
I was walking back after a night of getting totally wasted at the frats on campus, when this a**hole cop wrote me up for no reason. At least that’s what I thought. As it turns out, I had stopped a traffic cop, stolen his vest and baton, and was directing traffic in the middle of College Ave at 2 a.m. There was an underage and a ticket that said ‘directing traffic while intoxicated.’
And they say college doesn’t adequately prepare you for your future job.
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