Teen Orgy Little

Teen Orgy Little


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Went to a party, I danced all night
I drank sixteen beers and I started up a fight
But now I'm jaded, you're out of luck
— Dead Kennedys, "Too Drunk to Fuck"
A mainstay of the classic teen comedy movie, but usually seen at least once in every sitcom that has a teenaged character, this is the inevitable result of mixing one or more teenagers with a house devoid of parental figures, who are usually away for the weekend. It almost always results in wall-to-wall teens, loud music, underage drinking, and property damage. (And, in R-rated movies, a lot of sex in the bedrooms and/or bathrooms.) Sometimes this is by design, and sometimes a small party for a couple of friends spirals completely out of control.
A popular variation of this is that the host only invited over two or three friends and the party just shows up out of nowhere. Someone they did invite brought one more person, and so did another. Then someone they never met shows up at the door. Fast forward ten minutes and a college football team shows up with a keg and there's somehow full disco lighting in the living room. The host will still get in trouble for this, and the show may still play it as an Aesop. Another variation is when two teens live in the same house, and one plans a party without consulting the other, who has to study for a test or do something else where peace and quiet is necessary. The second teen usually will not find out until they come home to see the party already underway.
The Wild Teen Party usually experiences at least one, and often more, of the following complications:
The party then ends in either of two different ways:
However it runs, with whatever complications and ending, the Wild Teen Party usually ends in An Aesop about responsibility, maturity, and — if the hosts were caught — telling the truth to one's parents.
A broader example that might encompass any of the above is if the wild party is also an Chekhov's Party, and it's going to come back in a big way closer to the end of the story for drama reasons.
See also Youth Is Wasted on the Dumb (which may occur at this), Teens Are Monsters, A Party, Also Known as an Orgy, and What Did I Do Last Night?. Take note that it doesn't necessarily have to deal with teenagers, but they are the most common occurrences of the trope. The subject of a "Walk on the Wild Side" Episode will sometimes throw one of these.
Truth in Television, of course (except for the aforementioned complications of literally everyone dancing and trashing) — as any news reporter who wants to take a pop at Facebook will tell you. Moreover, "teen partying" is now listed as a reason for certain movies getting the ratings they have.
This Expedia commercial has two parents deciding to bring their teenage son along on a family vacation out of fear that this trope will be invoked if they leave him home alone.
A commercial for Sabra Hummus broadcast in late 2009 plays with this trope. A couple share some hummus on their patio while watching a sunset, and comment on how it's just like they're on a Mediterranean vacation. A moment later a bowling ball crashes through the French doors behind them, and they discover a Wild Teen Party has broken out because their son thought they were "on a Mediterranean vacation".
In a Canadian tire commercial, a teenager, cleaning up the mess after one of these, says, "It was a get-together!" The scene cuts to exterior shot of the house. Loud music, strobe lights playing on windows, couch sitting on lawn, dog barking in the background, kids yelling and laughing, sound of glass shattering, etc.
An implied instance of the trope occurred in the commercial for the first Mario Party game: Some cops stop by a house due to reports of disruptive behavior in the neighborhood. They then ask for Mario, who then reveals himself. It then cuts after showing some gameplay footage to the cops escorting Mario to their squadcar by the arms, with his legs flailing and his protesting "But it'sa me, Mario!" before the cops sarcastically dismiss his protests with, "Yeah, tell it to the judge," strongly implying that he was going to end up arrested for the disruptive party.
There's a feline equivalent in this ad for Tidy Cats cat litter.
A French commercial for the national electricity company showed parents receiving a letter from the company offering them to adapt their bill to their needs, interleaved with shots of the teenage children throwing wild parties in the house. The commercial ended with the parents asking their children if they did not stay too late at night with the lights on while they were away, with the (obviously hungover) children answering that they certainly did not.
This UK Yellow Pages commercial has teenagers cleaning up after a party before the parents return, and having to get a scratched table fixed.
There are a few parties in Ah! My Goddess, but the only one that really fits this trope is one that the Motor Club spontaneously decides to have in Keiichi's house without his permission in order to get him to loosen up — when the reason he's a little stressed at the time is that he was trying to prepare for a major test that he had to take the following morning.
In Infinite Ryvius, the crew decides to throw a party to relieve tension after a battle. It features a beauty contest and a competition to program the Humongous Mecha to dance. It ends rather poorly, though, being interrupted by a news report declaring the Ryvius to be a terrorist vessel. Also, two people get murdered while everyone's distracted.
In Super Robot Wars Original Generation Divine Wars, the crew was celebrating after the defeat of the Big Bad. What was supposed to be a standard party was made a bit more entertaining with Excellen and Lefina in Playboy Bunny outfits and Daitestsu's stash.
Robin: You’re having a party?
Kid Devil: W-what?! No! No, I just let a few, y’know, fans drop by and–
Robin: First I get a call from Batman, and now the alarms are going off. You’re almost an adult, and here I feel like I have to babysit you! I have a life of my own, you know. I mean, what were you thinking?
Kid Devil: Sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt your life.
Robin: That’s not the point. You can’t just invite complete strangers to the Tower and let them roam free!
Kid Devil: Honestly, Robin, it’s not like that at–
Robin: Whose. PANTIES. Are those? And why are they on his head?!
The Cabin Fever fanfic, Cabin Fever: Parting Shot lives off this trope. The parties might be smaller than some of the other examples on this page, but the five attendees all party hard, and don't skimp on the Alcohol-Induced Idiocy, sex, and shameless nudity.
Conversational Troping in the Young Justice fanfic "Drink, And Be Merry", in which British heroine the Squire, taken aback to learn that the drinking age in the US is 21, and that none of the Team have ever broken it asks, "I've seen the movies with those red cups, and the pool parties where someone's parents have gone out of town for the weekend. That's an actual thing, right?"
Kumar: Dude, I'm thinking you really screwed up by not coming to this party.
Harold: I screwed up?!
Preston's Mother: [Preston's parents are just heading out for the weekend] Now Preston, I left some money on the kitchen counter. Oh and the emergency numbers are by the phone.
Preston's Father: And remember son, no parties.
Keg Guy: [Two guys walk by carring a beer keg] Keg commin' through! Hey Preston.
Preston: Whats up, man?
Preston's Father: We're really trusting you here, Preston.
Roadie: [Behind them two more guys roll in a huge set of speakers] Where to you want these speakers set up, Preston?
Preston: Yeah, just move all the shit in the dining room.
[to his parents]
Preston: Well, you guys really should hit the road, huh? Because I'm about to take your antique Ferrari to the inner-city to buy some hookers.
Preston's Mother: Well, alright, sweetie. We'll call you later to check in.
Preston: Oh, mom. By that point I'll be so high I won't even know where the phone is.
Preston's Mother: Haha! That's my boy.
In the book Girlfriend In A Coma by Douglas Coupland, the main characters attend a "housewrecker" party.
The Kit Pearson novel Looking At The Moon has all the adults leaving the cottage to go to a wedding and leaving the older teenagers in charge. Bearing in mind that this is a children's novel set during WWII, no sex and no drinking are shown, though almost everybody over the age of sixteen seems to smoke. Unusually for this trope, everything goes according to plan and no one's caught, though the adults on their return do remark that the island is suspiciously clean and garbage-free.
In one of his books Robert Fulghum tells the story of the kid who had a party when his parents were out of town, only to have somebody puke into the multigenerational family Bible. He had no recourse but to bury the thing in the backyard.
In Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules, the main character Gregory's older brother Rodrick throws one of these when their parents leave. However, Gregory is locked in the basement. When he wakes up and comes out the next morning, the house is in disarray. They end up even having to replace the bathroom door because someone drunkenly drew on it in permanent marker. Rodrick is found out a couple weeks later because someone accidentally took a picture with the family's camera.
Mansfield Park: The young-adult Bertram siblings throw the Regency England equivalency of this by putting on a scandalous play with their friends (which involves extensive construction to the house, including their father's bedroom) while their father's away on a business trip. Edmund warning Tom that the changes to the house and expenses are going to get them in trouble, everyone's panic when Sir Thomas returns home completely unexpectedly, and the subsequent terror as he walks into the billiard room still unaware of the chaos he's about to see uncannily parallel the reactions of modern teenagers caught throwing a Wild Teen Party.
Before I Fall: Samantha and Juliet's deaths are both accidentally caused by Kent's Wild Teen Party.
The Basic Eight: The narrator of Daniel Handler's first novel for grown-ups commits Murder By Croquet Mallet at a booze-fueled party on Halloween.
Before the events of Speak, Melinda Sordino called the cops at one of these, which caused half the school to hate her. She was raped.
The Ruby Red Trilogy: Usually, Cynthia Dale's parties are pretty boring. Then everybody decides to spike the punch. Her parents are actually there, but they're as drunk as everyone else.
Garrison Keillor describes one of these in a Lake Wobegon story in Leaving Home, given by Roger Hedlund's daughters. Roger, however, refuses to spoil the kids' fun by being a stereotypical angry father.
An archetypal example in Paul Zindel's The Pigman ends in tragedy.
The Scream opens with one. It ends with A massacre. Fifteen people die and a young woman is taken hostage.
The third The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy novel takes this to a whole new level. The teenagers aren't the only wild partiers — their parents are also partying, as are their parents, and their parents. And not just as a multi-generational wild party, either: the party has been going on non-stop for four generations.
Agnes heads to one hosted by Bo and Colt Dickinson in Run, which leads to her trying her first beer and dancing with Colt.
I Am J starts with one full of liquor, drug use, and sex, however J hates the party.
Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World: Author Vicki Myron mentions the time her daughter Jodi threw one of these. Among incidents, a vanity door in the bathroom got ripped off, and the cops got called twice but did nothing because some of the guests included the local football team. At least they tried to clean up afterward.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: A sign that the Mandrakes (which are human-like plants) are maturing is when they throw a wild party in the greenhouse.
Parents are conditioned to expect a few minor mishaps when they go on vacation: a chipped dish, some spilled milk on the rug — (long pause) There was a kangaroo in my living room.
Steven: Oh can you? Can you explain the valet parking in the driveway?... The flashing "vacancy" sign in front of the house? The billboard on Route 41?
Rory: Jess and Dean got into the fight.
Lorelai: Over you?
Rory: I was a contributing factor.
Lorelai: Was anyone hurt?
Rory: No.
Lorelai: And that's why the cops came and broke up the party?
Rory: Yes.
Lorelai: So not only did you go to a cop raided party, but you started the raid?
Rory: Yes.
Lorelai: This fence is broken because of you? This crap is on the ground because of you?
Rory: What's your point?
Lorelai: (singing) Did you ever know, that you're my hero?
Rory: (exasperated) Oh my God.
Devil don't need fire and brimstone
His place is full of kids with mobile phones
You still hear weeping and gnashing teeth
But that's just bad E and too much lemon Ruski
Nerd #1: We can invite all of our friends and have soda and pie!
Driving on the lawn, sleeping on the roof
All the kids from school will be naked in the pool
When our parents are out on Fire Island
Pierce throws one of these in one story arc in Zits. After things get out of hand, Walt clears 700 drunken teenagers out of the house by standing on a chair and announcing "I'm an orthodontist and I'm not afraid to prove it!". It's also implied in the ending that, although they cleaned up most of the house, they still had more than enough of a mess exposed for his parents to find when they get home (namely, the gutters are completely unhinged). Also, apparently he only had to tell Brittney about the party: the Telecom Tree did the rest.
One series of strips featured an inversion of the trope: Similar to the bachelor party in "Mr. Monk Is the Best Man", Peter planned to have a Halloween Party to which his dad granted him permission (mostly because Roger apparently forgot Peter's actual age), so they were all set up, only for it to turn out that most if not all of the invited people were freshman (barring Denise and Steve), and Peter was having a terrible time. The closest it ever got to playing the trope straight was when some adults arrived at the party and attacked Peter, and they weren't even invited in the first place (apparently they wanted beer at their party). Paige has to step in and threaten to call the police in order to get them to leave.
Played straight in an earlier series of strips where Paige and Nichole were invited to an upperclassman's party, where Paige was harassed by the lecherous host three times. (She clocked him the third time) and the thrill pretty much died when someone told them to find him, saying "some girl threw up in his bedroom". Eventually, when it became clear to the two of them that "unless you want to get drunk or stoned there's nothing to do" at the supposedly "cool" party, they were revolted and left.
An arc in Stone Soup featured one hosted by Andy, though it mostly turns out this way because he posted invites around the neighborhood. Eventually, Evie manages to clear them out by loudly threatening to start streaking in nothing but her "granny panties".
Jinni Zeala is all about getting to the Flying Harem and joining the Wild Jinni Party there.
Between the random appearances by football players and the hot girls wearing skin-tight pants, The Party Zone certainly lives up to its reputation as this.
John Mulaney's "The One Thing You Can't Replace" routine from New In Town is about how the son of their Sadist Teacher in high school held a party while his parents were out of town. Everyone was "drinking like it was the Civil War and a doctor was coming to saw our legs off." Someone body-slammed the pool table and broke it in half, and another person took a shit on the teacher's computer. Naturally, the police came to shut it down; however, when someone tried to warn everyone else about this, a drunk John got the crowd shouting "FUCK DA POLICE!", leaving the police officer, in John's words, almost impressed.
The song "Big Fun" in Heathers has Kurt and Ram hosting a giant teen party full of sex and underage drinking.
Be More Chill: The second act has a wild Halloween party that spirals out of control and culminates in Jake setting the house on fire.
In one of Paz's diary tapes from Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Paz explains that the Militaires Sans Frontieres often held birthday parties every month for soldiers born on that month, and she also implies that it was mainly an excuse to cut loose and drink alcohol. Basically the overall nature of the party is some guys heavily smoking, heavily drinking, eating meat, telling tasteless jokes and exchanging crude insults. It rarely ever gets serious, however. Once, Miller attempted to supervise Paz in order to shield her from the nature of the parties, but he became drunk himself, and ended up stating to the MSF "Hey, you should see the real Kazuhira Miller" before mooning them, with the soldiers apparently finding it funny.
The "Generations" expansion pack of The Sims 3 allows a teen to throw one if their parents win a free vacation. For extra fun though, add in some mods for alcohol and increasing the guest invite limit and you can throw a truly epic rager.
House Party (2017) starts off pretty quaint and low-key, but as you play, you can encourage the party-goers to get wilder. Also, they're technically college-aged.
Mr. Verres: The clincher was that crazed look you got on your face when I first suggested the party.
Ellen: That crazed look could have meant any number of things!
Mr. Verres: That doesn't help your case.
Thalia: Call Pan and Dionysus to the Corycian Cave on the slopes of Mount Parnassus and host a feast.
Thalia: Yes, a feast, a festival, a party. Not just any party, a party so awesome that Dionysus will wish it was his idea. Loud, crazy music; tons of wine; a huge bonfire; and, of course, the most uninhibited dancing imaginable. Oh, and do it tonight.
Eustachys: But if I do this on Apollo’s very doorstep -
Thalia: You can’t see why this is a good idea? Man, no wonder you can’t write comedy. [1]
This example: When a British teen decided to throw a party while her parents were away and invited her friends via MySpace, far more than just sixty of her mates (which would have been a lot anyway) showed up. Between 200-300 people showed up, and left about £20,000 ($40,566) worth of damage in their wake. The teen blames her friends for hacking her account.
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