Teen Orgasm Tortured

Teen Orgasm Tortured


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12-Year-Old Tortured and Burned Alive by Four Teenage Girls
12-year-old Shanda Renee Sharer was a bubbly cheerleader at Hazelwood Middle School in New Albany, Indiana. Shanda’s parents divorced when she was just a small child, but remained close and cordial. During the week, she lived with her mother Jacque and on the weekends, Shanda stayed with her father Stephen and her step-mother Sharon, who she adored.
Shanda was described as a peppy, vibrant young girl who had the amazing ability to cheer up everyone around her and make them smile.
Nearly 30 years ago, Shanda’s life was callously stolen by four teenage girls in a manner so violent and so brutal, that it shook the city of Madison to its very core and changed their community forever.
In October of 1991, Shanda got into a fight with 14-year-old Amanda Heavrin, for which both were sent to detention. While in detention, the two got to know each other and became friends.
Amanda acted out, frequently got into trouble and didn’t do very well academically speaking, the polar opposite of Shanda.
Amanda became obsessed with Shanda. She began to stalk her and eventually manipulated her into a sexual relationship. The more time Shanda spent with Amanda, the more her grades slipped and she began to get into trouble at school. Amanda liked the attention and used Shanda to make her ex-girlfriend, 16-year-old Melinda Loveless, jealous.
That same month, Shanda went to a school dance with Amanda as her date. They were dancing, laughing and having a great time until they ran into Melinda who became overcome with jealousy and rage seeing Amanda with another girl. She confronted the pair and threatened to kill Shanda.
Shanda’s mother did not like her daughter’s relationship with Amanda, she felt Amanda was a bad influence on Shanda. Her suspicions were confirmed when she found sexually explicit letters from Amanda, who she later referred to as a child molester, written to her 12-year-old daughter.
Shanda’s parents phoned Amanda’s parents and demanded she stop contacting Shanda, but Amanda continued to call and write to their daughter.
Hoping to keep Amanda away, Shanda’s parents transferred her to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, a Catholic school, in November.
Over the next two months, Melinda threatened to kill Shanda several times in letters she wrote to Amanda, stating she had to die for stealing her girlfriend.
On January 11, 1992, Melinda made her threats a reality.
On January 10, 1992, 17-year-old Laurie Tackett, a high school dropout, drove from Madison to New Albany where she picked up her friends, 15-year-old Hope Ann Rippey, 15-year-old Toni Lawrence and Melinda. It was the first time Toni had met Melinda.
Laurie and Melinda told the girls they were going to a punk rock concert, but it was only a ruse to hide their real plans: to kill Shanda.
During the drive, Melinda pulled out a knife and told the girls how much she hated Shanda for stealing her girlfriend and trying to be just like her, calling her a “copycat.” They drove to Jeffersonville where Shanda was spending the weekend at her father and stepmother’s home, arriving at 8 pm.
Melinda hid in the backseat underneath a blanket. Hope, who Shanda had never met before, knocked on the door and told her she was a friend of Amanda’s and that Amanda was waiting for her at Mistletoe Falls, an isolated forested area overlooking the Ohio River, more commonly referred to as Witch’s Castle.
Shanda told the girls to come back after midnight since her parents were still awake. The girls returned at 12:30 am, picked up Shanda and headed over to Witch’s Castle.
At some point during the drive, Melinda, who was still hiding in the backseat, lunged at Shanda from behind. She grabbed her hair and put a knife to her throat. Shanda began to scream and begged Melinda not to hurt her.
Once at Witch’s Castle, the girls dragged Shanda out of the car, forced her to strip naked and bound her wrists and ankles with rope. They took off all of her rings and her Mickey Mouse watch. Laughing, Hope said, “I bet you’re going to leave Amanda alone now.”
The girls told Shanda Witch’s Castle was filled with dead bodies and threatened she would soon be joining them. While a terrified and sobbing Shanda begged for the girls to take her back home, Laurie lit a t-shirt on fire and said she would be the one to burn next.
When a car drove by, the girls got scared and put Shanda back in the car and covered her with a blanket. Hope drove to a wooded area near Laurie’s home in Madison. Hope and Toni waited in the car while Melinda and Laurie beat Shanda and kneed her in the face several times.
Laurie and Melinda took turns stabbing Shanda in the chest and abdomen and sodomized her with a tire iron. Afterwards, Hope got out of the car to hold Shanda down while Laurie and Melinda strangled her with a cord until she went unconscious.
Once the girls thought Shanda was dead, they put her in the trunk and drove to Laurie’s house to clean up. While at Laurie’s, the girls heard Shanda’s screams and were surprised to find she was still alive. Laurie opened the trunk and stabbed Shanda several more times.
After cleaning themselves up, Laurie and Melinda went for a drive with Shanda in the trunk while Hope and Toni stayed at the home. While driving around nearby backroads, they heard gurgling sounds coming from the trunk. Laurie beat Shanda with a tire iron until she stopped making noise.
Hours later, they drove back to Laurie’s home and told Hope and Toni that Shanda was dead. When Hope saw Shanda’s bloodied body she sprayed her wounds with Windex and said, “you’re not looking so hot now are you?”
All four girls drove to a gas station where Laurie purchased a 2L of Coke. Melinda dumped out the soda and filled the bottle with gasoline. The girls then drove to Lemon Road, a gravel country road surrounded by fields.
Laurie, Melinda and Hope carried Shanda into the field. Toni refused to get out of the car. Hope poured the gasoline on Shanda and Melinda lit her on fire. The girls got back in the car and drove off.
A short time later, Melinda became worried the fire had gone out and Shanda was still alive. The girls drove back to Lemon Road, poured more gasoline on Shanda and set her on fire again.
Once they were sure Shanda was dead, the girls went to McDonald’s and ate breakfast. Laurie and Melinda dropped Hope and Toni off at their homes.
At 3 pm, Laurie and Melinda picked up Amanda. They told her they had just killed Shanda but Amanda didn’t believe them until she saw blood, hair and a sock in the trunk of Laurie’s car.
Stephen Sharer woke up the next morning and became hysterical when he could not find Shanda. He called her mother, neighbours and all of Shanda’s friends but no one knew where she was. At 1:45 pm, Stephen and Jacque met at the New Albany Police Department and reported Shanda missing.
Meanwhile, at 10:55 am, two brothers were out hunting when they stumbled upon a charred body lying in the middle of a field near Lemon Road and called Madison police. The body had been posed in a sexual position and was unrecognizable.
At 8:20 pm, a hysterical Toni went to the police with her parents. She told officers she was supposed to go to a punk rock concert with three other friends, but instead, they picked up a girl named Shanda, beat her and burned her alive.
Once Madison officers checked records of missing people in neighbouring cities, they put two and two together and realized the body found earlier that morning could be Shanda’s. Their suspicions were confirmed when they identified Shanda using her dental records.
Melinda, Laurie and Hope were arrested the next day. All four girls came from troubled homes and frequently self-harmed.
Melinda’s father Larry was especially abusive; he beat and raped his wife and molested all three of his daughters as well as his niece. In 1993, he was convicted of sexual battery and moved away after his release. Melinda’s mother attempted to commit suicide several times. Melinda later stated it was the hurt and anger developed throughout her childhood which led her to do something she would have otherwise never done.
Laurie was molested as a child and suffered from borderline personality disorder and hallucinations. When asked why people kill she stated, “I know a couple of people who kill simply for the fear that they see in their victim’s eyes, and for the sight of blood on their bodies. My opinion is they do it to feel superior or high on the victim’s fear and they’re thirsty for the spill of blood.”
Hope began self-harming at age 15. Despite admitting she was the one who poured the gasoline on Shanda, she stated she did not believe they were actually going to kill her and that she did not know what to do or how to stop the murder.
Toni was abused by a relative as a child and raped at age fourteen after which she attempted suicide. She had the least amount of involvement in the murder, but also did not stop the murder or call for help because she was afraid the girls would kill her too. She later stated she wished she had done more to put an end to the events of that night.
All four girls were charged as adults and all four accepted plea deals to avoid the death penalty. Laurie, Melinda and Hope were each sentenced to sixty years in prison. Hope’s sentence was later reduced to 35 years. Toni pleaded guilty to criminal confinement and was sentenced to a maximum of twenty years.
Amanda Heavrin claimed she gave the letters in which Melinda threatened to kill Shanda to a youth prosecutor and that she told her father about Shanda’s murder 2 to 3 hours after she found out, but there was no evidence of any of this. She claimed to be a victim herself, stating she was kicked off the basketball team and lost a basketball scholarship as a result of Shanda’s death.
Amanda rebuked Jacque’s claim that she was a child molester and insisted Shanda made the first move, not the other way around stating, “I didn’t do nothin’ to her, that she didn’t want me to do.”
Stephen Sharer, understandably, did not handle the news of his daughter’s death well. He began drinking frequently and died in 2005 at the age of 53. Jacque later stated he died of a broken heart.
While in prison, Melinda learned how to train dogs for ICAN, the Indiana Canine Assistance Dogs program which provides service pets to those with disabilities. In 2012, Jacque Sharer graciously donated a puppy named Angel to Melinda to train for ICAN in honour of Shanda.
Jacque felt Melinda finally had something in her life which could give her unconditional love, without the fear of betrayal:
“If you don’t let good things come from bad things, nothing ever gets better. And I know that’s what my child would want. My child would want this.” — Jacque Sharer
All four women have since been released from prison, Toni in 2000, Hope in 2006, Laurie on January 11, 2008 (the 16th anniversary of Shanda’s death) and Melinda in 2019.
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